13,144 research outputs found

    Insulin response and changes in composition of non-esterified fatty acids in blood plasma of middle-aged men following isoenergetic fatty and carbohydrate breakfasts

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    It was previously shown that a high plasma concentration of non-esterified fatty acids (NEFA) persisted after a fatty breakfast, but not after an isoenergetic carbohydrate breakfast, adversely affecting glucose tolerance. The higher concentration after the fatty breakfast may in part have been a result of different mobilization rates of fatty acids. This factor can be investigated as NEFA mobilized from tissues are monounsaturated to a greater extent than those deposited from a typical meal. Twenty-four middle-aged healthy Caucasian men were given oral glucose tolerance tests (OGTT), and for 28 d isoenergetic breakfasts of similar fat composition but of low (L) or moderate (M) fat content. The composition of NEFA in fasting and postprandial plasma was determined on days 1 and 29. No significant treatment differences in fasting NEFA composition occurred on day 29. During the OGTT and 0-1 h following breakfast there was an increase in plasma long-chain saturated NEFA but a decrease in monounsaturated NEFA (mug/100 mug total NEFA; Pg/100 mug total NEFA; P<0.05), expressed as an increase in 18:1 and decreases in 16:0 and 17:0 in treatment M relative to treatment L (P<0.05). Serum insulin attained 35 and 65 mU/l in treatments M and L respectively during this period. Negative correlations were found between 16:0 in fasting plasma and both waist:hip circumference (P=0.0009) and insulin response curve area during OGTT (within treatment M, P=0.0001). It is concluded that a normal postprandial insulin response is associated with a rapid change in plasma saturated:monounsaturated NEFA. It is proposed that this change is the result of a variable suppression of fat mobilization, which may partly account for a large difference in postprandial total plasma NEFA between fatty and carbohydrate meals

    sFlt-1 and NTproBNP independently predict mortality in a cohort of heart failure patients.

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    Objective: Soluble fms-like tyrosine kinase-1 (sFlt-1) is a circulating receptor for VEGF-A. Recent reports of elevated plasma levels of sFlt-1 in coronary heart disease and heart failure (HF) motivated our study aimed at investigating the utility of sFlt-1 as a prognostic biomarker in heart failure patients. Methods: ELISA assays for sFlt-1 and NTproBNP were performed in n=858 patients from a prospective multicentre, observational study (the PEOPLE study) of outcome among patients after appropriate treatment for an episode of acute decompensated HF in New Zealand. Plasma was sampled at a baseline visit and stored at -80°C. Statistical tests were adjusted for patient age at baseline visit, skewed data were log-adjusted and the endpoint for clinical outcome analysis was all-cause death. Patients were followed for a median of 3.63 (range 0.74-5.50) years. Results: Mean baseline plasma sFlt-1 was 125 +/- 2.01 pg/ml. sFlt-1 was higher in patients with HF with reduced ejection fraction (HFrEF) (130 +/- 2.62 pg/ml, n=553) compared to those with HF with preserved EF (HFpEF) (117 +/-3.59 pg/ml, n=305; p=0.005). sFlt-1 correlated with heart rate (r=0.148, p<0.001), systolic blood pressure (r=-0.139, p<0.001) and LVEF (r=-0.088, p=0.019). A Cox proportional hazards model showed sFlt-1 was a predictor of all-cause death (HR=6.30, p<0.001) in the PEOPLE cohort independent of age, NTproBNP, ischaemic aetiology, and NYHA class (n=842, 274 deaths), established predictors of mortality in the PEOPLE cohort. Conclusion: sFlt-1 levels at baseline should be investigated further as a predictor of death; complementary to established prognostic biomarkers in heart failure

    Drought events and their effects on vegetation productivity in China

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    Many parts of the world have experienced frequent and severe droughts during the last few decades. Most previous studies examined the effects of specific drought events on vegetation productivity. In this study, we characterized the drought events in China from 1982 to 2012 and assessed their effects on vegetation productivity inferred from satellite data. We first assessed the occurrence, spatial extent, frequency, and severity of drought using the Palmer Drought Severity Index (PDSI). We then examined the impacts of droughts on China\u27s terrestrial ecosystems using the Normalized Difference Vegetation Index (NDVI). During the period 1982–2012, China\u27s land area (%) experiencing drought showed an insignificant trend. However, the drought conditions had been more severe over most regions in northern parts of China since the end of the 1990s, indicating that droughts hit these regions more frequently due to the drier climate. The severe droughts substantially reduced annual and seasonal NDVI. The magnitude and direction of the detrended NDVI under drought stress varied with season and vegetation type. The inconsistency between the regional means of PDSI and detrended NDVI could be attributed to different responses of vegetation to drought and the timing, duration, severity, and lag effects of droughts. The negative effects of droughts on vegetation productivity were partly offset by the enhancement of plant growth resulting from factors such as lower cloudiness, warming climate, and human activities (e.g., afforestation, improved agricultural management practices)

    Generalized polar transforms of spacelike isothermic surfaces

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    In this paper, we generalize the polar transforms of spacelike isothermic surfaces in Q14Q^4_1 to n-dimensional pseudo-Riemannian space forms QrnQ^n_r. We show that there exist cc-polar spacelike isothermic surfaces derived from a spacelike isothermic surface in QrnQ^n_r, which are into Srn+1(c)S^{n+1}_r(c), Hr1n+1(c)H^{n+1}_{r-1}(c) or QrnQ^n_r depending on c>0,<0,c>0,<0, or =0=0. The cc-polar isothermic surfaces can be characterized as generalized HH-surfaces with null minimal sections. We also prove that if both the original surface and its cc-polar surface are closed immersion, then they have the same Willmore functional. As examples, we discuss some product surfaces and compute the cc-polar transforms of them. In the end, we derive the permutability theorems for cc-polar transforms and Darboux transform and spectral transform of isothermic surfaces.Comment: 12 pages, to appear in J. Geom. Ph

    Settlement Of Oyster (Crassostrea-Virginica) Larvae - Effects Of Water-Flow And A Water-Soluble Chemical Cue

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    Although previous evidence indicates that larvae of benthic marine invertebrates can respond to waterborne cues in still water, the importance of waterborne cues in mediating natural settlement out of flowing water has been questioned. Here, we summarize the results of flume experiments demonstrating enhanced settlement of oyster larvae in small target wells (circles of 7-cm diam) with the release of a waterborne settlement cue compared to identical substrates without the cue. In concurrent still-water experiments, more oyster larvae settled in solutions of waterborne cue than in seawater controls. Velocity and electrochemical measurements of a conservative tracer verified that at low flow velocities (2 and 6 cm s(-1)) with U* value

    Greater sleep disturbance and longer sleep onset latency facilitate SCR-specific fear reinstatement in PTSD

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    Fear reinstatement is one of several paradigms designed to measure fear return following extinction, as a laboratory model for the relapse of Posttraumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) symptoms. Sleep is a key factor in emotional memory consolidation, and here we examined the relationship between sleep quality and fear reinstatement in PTSD, relative to trauma-exposed and non-exposed controls. The Pittsburgh Sleep Quality Index (PSQI) was used as a subjective measure of sleep quality, and skin conductance responses (SCR) and unconditioned stimulus (US)-expectancy ratings were used to index threat responses during a differential fear conditioning, extinction, and reinstatement paradigm. There were no significant between-group differences in the reinstatement of conditioned responding. Sleep disturbance and sleep onset latency were significant moderators between reinstatement of fear and PTSD symptom severity, such that there was a positive relationship between PTSD symptoms and fear reinstatement for higher levels - but not lower levels - of sleep disturbance and sleep onset latency. To our knowledge, this is the first study to investigate PTSD-specific reinstatement patterns and sleep as a boundary condition of reinstatement. Future research using polysomnographic measures of sleep-wave architecture may further clarify the relationship between fear reinstatement and sleep quality in clinical samples with PTSD relative to controls

    Frecuencia de rasgos de depresión en médicos internos de pregrado del Instituto Mexicano del Seguro Social en Mexicali, Baja California

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    ResumenIntroducciónLos médicos internos de pregrado (MIPS), son propensos a sufrir trastornos de depresión. Traduciéndose en apatía, distraimiento, aislamiento, agresividad o cinismo y a una deficiente atención de los pacientes.ObjetivoConocer la frecuencia de rasgos de depresión en médicos internos de pregrado del Instituto Mexicano del Seguro Social (IMSS) en Mexicali, Baja California.MétodoEstudio descriptivo y transversal, realizado en el Hospital General de Zona n.° 30 del IMSS, Mexicali, Baja California, universo de trabajo MIPS de la institución. Criterios de inclusión: MIPS adscritos al Hospital General de Zona n.° 30, que aceptaran participar en el estudio. Criterios de exclusión: que estuvieran en tratamiento psiquiátrico, de vacaciones, incapacitados o ausentes el día que se les aplicó la escala de evaluación. Se consideraron los aspectos éticos, por medio de una carta de consentimiento informado. Instrumento de medición: escala de autoevaluación para la depresión de Zung. Análisis estadístico: medidas descriptivas de tendencia central, dispersión. Programa estadístico SPSS 20.ResultadosSe estudiaron a 70 MIPS, correspondiendo 38 (54.3%) al sexo femenino, el promedio de edad fue de 24.3±1.9, con una mínima 22, máxima 36 años (IC 95% 23.83 a 24.77). El sexo femenino fue el más frecuente con rasgos de depresión 14(20%) y durante la rotación por gineco-obstetricia 7(10%). Los MIPS de las universidades participantes fueron: Autónoma de Baja California 58(82.9%), Xochicalco (CEUX) 11(15.71%) y Sinaloa (UAS) 1(1.42%). La depresión mínima se presentó en 13(18.6%), depresión moderada en 7(10%) y 0% en depresión severa. La frecuencia de rasgos de depresión fue de 20 (28.6%).ConclusionesLa frecuencia de rasgos de depresión en los MIPS fue de 20 (28.6%), predominando la depresión mínima.AbstractIntroductionUndergraduate medical students (MIPS) are prone to suffering depression disorders. These can translate into apathy, distraction, isolation, aggression and cynicism, as well as poor patient care.ObjectiveTo determine the frequency of depression traits in undergraduate medical students at the Mexican Social Security Institute (IMSS) in Mexicali, Baja California.MethodA descriptive, cross-sectional study was carried out at the Hospital General Zone 30 at the IMSS, Mexicali, Baja California, the work environment of the MIPS of the institution. Inclusion criteria: MIPS affiliated with the Hospital General Zone 30, who agreed to participate in the study. Exclusion criteria: undergoing psychiatric treatment, on holiday, incapacitated or absent on the day the assessment scale was applied. We considered the ethical aspects, by means of an informed consent form. Instrument of measurement: Zung self-rating depression scale. Statistical analysis: descriptive measures of central tendency and dispersion. Statistical program: SPSS 20.Results70 MIPS were studied, 38 of which were female (54.3%); the average age was 24.3±1.9, with a minimum of 22 and a maximum of 36 years (95% CI, 23.83 to 24.77). Depression traits occurred most commonly in females (14 [20%]) and during the Gynaecology-Obstetrics rotation (7 [10%]). The MIPS universities participating were: Autónoma de Baja California 58 (82.9%), Xochicalco (CEUX) 11 (15.71%) and Autónoma de Sinaloa (UAS) 1 (1.42%). Minimal depression occurred in 13 (18.6%), moderate depression in 7 (10%) and severe depression in 0. The frequency of depression traits was 20 (28.6%).ConclusionsThe frequency of depression traits in the MIPS was 20 (28.6%), predominantly minimal depression

    Exploring small extra dimensions at the Large Hadron Collider

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    Many models that include small extra space dimensions predict graviton states which are well separated in mass, and which can be detected as resonances in collider experiments. It has been shown that the ATLAS detector at the Large Hadron Collider can identify such narrow states up to a mass of 2080 GeV in the decay mode G->ee, using a conservative model. This work extends the study of the ee channel over the full accessible parameter space, and shows that the reach could extend as high as 3.5 TeV. It then discusses ways in which the expected universal coupling of the resonance can be confirmed using other decay modes. In particular, the mode G-> di-photons is shown to be measurable with good precision, which would provide powerful confirmation of the graviton hypothesis. The decays G-> mu mu, WW, ZZ and jet--jet are measurable over a more limited range of couplings and masses. Using information from mass and cross-section measurements, the underlying parameters can be extracted. In one test model, the size of the extra dimension can be determined to a precision in length of 7x10^-33 m