407 research outputs found

    Ophiolite-bearing Vermoshi Flysch (Albanian Alps, Northern Albania): elements for its correlation in the frame of Dinaric-Hellenic Belt

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    The tectonic setting of the Albanian Alps, Northern Albania, is characterized by a thick pile of tectonic units whose uppermost structural level is represented by the Vermoshi Unit, cropping out just few km north of the Shkoder-PĂ©c Line. This unit includes a single formation, the Vermoshi Flysch, characterized by turbidite deposits consisting of arenites, shales and marls. The Vermoshi Flysch has been sampled for paleontological datings and petrographical analyses of the arenite beds along five selected and well exposed sections in the Vermoshi Valley. The nannoplancton and forams associations detected in the analyzed samples point out to a Barremian age, whereas the petrographical modal analysis of arenites indicates that all the samples have a mixed/hybrid silicilastic-carbonate composition, ranging from quartz-rich sublitharenites to quartz-poor litharenites. However, the main feature ot these arenites is the occurrence of fragments derived from an ophiolite sequence. The petrographical data suggest that these deposits can be regarded as supplied by two different source areas, represented by the margins of the basin where the Vermoshi Flysch was deposited. Whereas one of the border was represented by the Adria continental margin, the opposite one was characterized by an advancing nappe, constituted by ophiolites and their sedimentary cover. In this frame, the Vermoshi Flysch can be regarded as the southernmost part of the Vranduk Flysch, cropping out in Serbia and Croatia. This type of deposits, widespread in the Dinaric-Hellenic belt, can be considered as the sedimentary marker of the Late Jurassic - Early Cretaceous tectonic phases related to the closure of the oceanic area present between the Adria and the Eurasia plate

    Nilotinib: a novel encouraging therapeutic option for chronic myeloid leukemia patients with imatinib resistance or intolerance

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    Although high rates of complete hematologic and cytogenetic remission have been observed in patients with chronic phase chronic myeloid leukemia (CML) treated with imatinib, a short duration of response with eventual emergence of imatinib resistance has also been reported in a subset of CML patients. The most frequent clinically relevant mechanisms that change imatinib sensitivity in BCR-ABL-transformed cells are mutations within the Abl kinase domain, affecting several of its properties. Crystal structure analysis of the Abl-imatinib complex has proven helpful in identifying potential critical residues that hinder interactions of imatinib with mutated Abl. This has led to the development of a second generation of targeted therapies such as nilotinib and dasatinib, already in phase II clinical trials or SKI-606 and MK-0457 in phase I trials. In this review, we discuss the activity of nilotinib, developed by Novartis using a rational drug design strategy in which imatinib served as the lead compound. Preliminary studies demonstrated that nilotinib has more efficacy than imatinib in inhibiting proliferation of BCR-ABL-dependent cells, a relatively safety profile and clinical efficacy in all phases of CML

    Reorganization of Active Surveillance of Acute Flaccid Paralysis (AFP) in Emilia-Romagna, Italy: a two-step Public Health intervention

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    BACKGROUND AND AIM OF THE WORK: The International Health Regulations Emergency Committee declared in 2014 that poliovirus circulation is a public health emergency of international concern. In 2017 and 2018 Italy was classified at intermediate risk of poliovirus reintroduction based on suboptimal poliovirus surveillance. Acute flaccid paralysis active surveillance is the gold standard in the polio eradication process. The aims of this study were to investigate the causes of reduced acute flaccid paralysis case reporting in Emilia-Romagna in the last few years (step 1) and to study a public health intervention to restore an adequate level of acute flaccid paralysis surveillance in that region (step 2). METHODS: In the first step a context analysis was performed by analysing the 2015-2017 Hospital Discharge Registers in Emilia-Romagna with the ICD-9-CM differential diagnosis codes for acute flaccid paralysis. Data from context analysis was then used to plan a new regional collaborative network of acute flaccid paralysis active surveillance. RESULTS: The active surveillance network was, at the end of the study, composed by 49 doctors from both hospital administrations and clinical wards from 4 University Hospitals and 7 Local Health Authorities throughout the Region. In 15 months, 7 acute flaccid paralysis cases have been reported; 85,7% received a full clinical and virological investigation and 83,3% completed the 60 day's follow-up. The mean response to each e-mail was 48,5% (SD 7,5%). CONCLUSIONS: In 2019, the Emilia-Romagna's active surveillance system reached the sensitivity, completeness of case investigation and follow-up required to achieve the minimum levels for certification standard surveillance

    Gait apraxia evaluation in normal pressure hydrocephalus using inertial sensors. Clinical correlates, ventriculoperitoneal shunt outcomes, and tap-test predictive capacity

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    Idiopathic normal pressure hydrocephalus (iNPH) is a neurological condition with gait apraxia signs from its early manifestation. Ventriculoperitoneal shunt (VPS) is a surgical procedure available for treatment. The Cerebrospinal fluid Tap Test (CSF-TT) is a quick test used as selection criterion for VPS treatment. Its predictive capacity for VPS outcomes is still sub judice. This study is aimed to test the hypothesis that wearable motion sensors provide valid measures to manage iNPH patients with gait apraxia

    The effects of cerebrospinal fluid tap-test on idiopathic normal pressure hydrocephalus: an inertial sensors based assessment

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    BACKGROUND: Gait disturbances are typical of persons with idiopathic normal pressure hydrocephalus (iNPH) without signs distinctive from other neurodegenerative and vascular conditions. Cerebrospinal fluid tap-test (CSF-TT) is expected to improve the motor performance of iNPH patients and is a prognostic indicator in their surgical management. This observational prospective study aims to determine which spatio-temporal gait parameter(s), measured during instrumented motor tests, and clinical scale(s) may provide a relevant contribution in the evaluation of motor performance pre vs. post CSF-TT on iNPH patients with and without important vascular encephalopathy. METHODS: Seventy-six patients (20 with an associated vascular encephalopathy) were assessed before, and 24 and 72\u2009h after the CSF-TT by a timed up and go test (TUG) and an 18\u2009m walking test (18\u2009mW) instrumented using inertial sensors. Tinetti Gait, Tinetti Balance, Gait Status Scale, and Grading Scale were fulfilled before and 72\u2009h after the CSF-TT. Stride length, cadence and total time were selected as the outcome measures. Statistical models with mixed effects were implemented to determine the relevant contribution to response variables of each quantitative gait parameter and clinical scales. RESULTS AND CONCLUSION: From baseline to 72\u2009h post CSF-TT patients improved significantly by increasing cadence in 18\u2009mW and TUG (on average of 1.7 and 2.4 strides/min respectively) and stride length in 18\u2009mW (on average of 3.1\u2009cm). A significant reduction of gait apraxia was reflected by modifications in double support duration and in coordination index. Tinetti Gait, Tinetti Balance and Gait Status Scale were able to explain part of the variability of response variables not covered by instrumental data, especially in TUG. Grading Scale revealed the highest affinity with TUG total time and cadence when considering clinical scales alone. Patients with iNPH and an associated vascular encephalopathy showed worst performances compared to pure iNPH but without statistical significance. Gait improvement following CSF-TT was comparable in the two groups. Overall these results suggest that, in order to augment CSF-TT accuracy, is key to assess the gait pattern by analyzing the main spatio-temporal parameters and set post evaluation at 72\u2009h. TRIAL REGISTRATION: Approved by ethics committee: CE 14131 23/02/2015

    Second-line administration of thrombopoietin receptor agonists in immune thrombocytopenia: Italian Delphi-based consensus recommendations

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    Introduction: In patients with primary immune thrombocytopenia (ITP), a short course of steroids is routinely given as first-line therapy. However, the response is often transient and additional therapy is usually needed. Thrombopoietin receptor agonists (TPO-RAs) are frequently used as second-line therapy, although there is little clinical guidance on the timing of their administration and on tapering/discontinuation of the drug. To provide clinical recommendations, we used the Delphi technique to obtain consensus for statements regarding administration and on tapering/discontinuation of second-line TPO-RAs among a group of Italian clinicians with expertise in management of ITP. Methods: The Delphi process was used to obtain agreement on five statements regarding initiation and on tapering/discontinuation of second-line TPO-RAs. Agreement was considered when 75% of participants approved the statement. Eleven experts participated in the voting. Results: Full consensus was reached for three of the five statements. The experts held that an early switch from corticosteroids to a TPO-RA has the dual advantage of sparing patients from corticosteroid abuse and improve long-term clinical outcomes. All felt that dose reduction of TPO-RAs can be considered in patients with a stable response and platelet count >100 × 109/L that is maintained for at least 6 months in the absence of concomitant treatments, although there was less agreement in patients with a platelet count >50 × 109/L. Near consensus was reached regarding the statement that early treatment with a TPO-RA is associated with an increase in clinically significant partial or complete response. The experts also agreed that optimization of tapering and discontinuation of TPO-RA therapy in selected patients can improve the quality of life. Conclusion: The present consensus can help to provide guidance on use of TPO-RAs in daily practice in patients with ITP. Plain language summary: Second-line administration of thrombopoietin receptor agonists in immune thrombocytopenia There is little guidance on the timing of administration and tapering/discontinuation of thrombopoietin receptor agonists (TPO-RAs) in patients with primary immune thrombocytopenia (ITP).The Delphi technique was used to obtain consensus for five statements.The present consensus among Italian clinicians aims to provide guidance on second-line use of TPO-RAs for patients with ITP in daily practice

    Circulating extracellular particles from severe COVID-19 patients show altered profiling and innate lymphoid cell-modulating ability

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    Introduction: Extracellular vesicles (EVs) and particles (EPs) represent reliable biomarkers for disease detection. Their role in the inflammatory microenvironment of severe COVID-19 patients is not well determined. Here, we characterized the immunophenotype, the lipidomic cargo and the functional activity of circulating EPs from severe COVID-19 patients (Co-19-EPs) and healthy controls (HC-EPs) correlating the data with the clinical parameters including the partial pressure of oxygen to fraction of inspired oxygen ratio (PaO2/FiO2) and the sequential organ failure assessment (SOFA) score. Methods: Peripheral blood (PB) was collected from COVID-19 patients (n=10) and HC (n=10). EPs were purified from platelet-poor plasma by size exclusion chromatography (SEC) and ultrafiltration. Plasma cytokines and EPs were characterized by multiplex bead-based assay. Quantitative lipidomic profiling of EPs was performed by liquid chromatography/mass spectrometry combined with quadrupole time-of-flight (LC/MS Q-TOF). Innate lymphoid cells (ILC) were characterized by flow cytometry after co-cultures with HC-EPs or Co-19-EPs. Results: We observed that EPs from severe COVID-19 patients: 1) display an altered surface signature as assessed by multiplex protein analysis; 2) are characterized by distinct lipidomic profiling; 3) show correlations between lipidomic profiling and disease aggressiveness scores; 4) fail to dampen type 2 innate lymphoid cells (ILC2) cytokine secretion. As a consequence, ILC2 from severe COVID-19 patients show a more activated phenotype due to the presence of Co-19-EPs. Discussion: In summary, these data highlight that abnormal circulating EPs promote ILC2-driven inflammatory signals in severe COVID-19 patients and support further exploration to unravel the role of EPs (and EVs) in COVID-19 pathogenesis

    Optical investigation of action potential and calcium handling maturation of hiPSC-cardiomyocytes on biomimetic substrates

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    Cardiomyocytes from human induced pluripotent stem cells (hiPSC-CMs) are the most promising human source with preserved genetic background of healthy individuals or patients. This study aimed to establish a systematic procedure for exploring development of hiPSC-CM functional output to predict genetic cardiomyopathy outcomes and identify molecular targets for therapy. Biomimetic substrates with microtopography and physiological stiffness can overcome the immaturity of hiPSC-CM function. We have developed a custom-made apparatus for simultaneous optical measurements of hiPSC-CM action potential and calcium transients to correlate these parameters at specific time points (day 60, 75 and 90 post differentiation) and under inotropic interventions. In later-stages, single hiPSC-CMs revealed prolonged action potential duration, increased calcium transient amplitude and shorter duration that closely resembled those of human adult cardiomyocytes from fresh ventricular tissue of patients. Thus, the major contribution of sarcoplasmic reticulum and positive inotropic response to \u3b2-adrenergic stimulation are time-dependent events underlying excitation contraction coupling (ECC) maturation of hiPSC-CM; biomimetic substrates can promote calcium-handling regulation towards adult-like kinetics. Simultaneous optical recordings of long-term cultured hiPSC-CMs on biomimetic substrates favor high-throughput electrophysiological analysis aimed at testing (mechanistic hypothesis on) disease progression and pharmacological interventions in patient-derived hiPSC-CMs

    Chronic myeloid leukemia in blast crisis treated with imatinib 600 mg: outcome of the patients alive after a 6-year follow-up

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    Background Imatinib mesylate is the first line treatment for chronic myeloid leukemia. In patients with advanced phase of the disease, the advent of imatinib significantly increased survival. However, few long-term data, based on large, prospective and controlled trials are available on the outcome of these patients. Design and Methods We conducted a phase II trial of imatinib 600 mg daily in patients with chronic myeloid leukemia in blast crisis. The return to chronic phase was defined as <15% blasts and <30% blasts plus promyelocytes in blood or bone marrow and <20% peripheral basophils. A complete hematologic response required the normalization of platelet and white cell differential counts and absence of extramedullary involvement. Cytogenetic response was assessed by the standard banding technique and rated as usual. Results Ninety-two patients were enrolled (20 with lymphoid blast crisis and 72 with myeloid blast crisis). Forty-six patients (50%) returned to chronic phase, and 24 patients (26%) achieved also a complete hematologic response. Sixteen patients (17%) had a cytogenetic response (9 complete, 1 partial, and 6 minor or minimal). The complete cytogenetic response was subsequently lost by all but two patients between 2 and 12 months after first having achieved it: the median duration of complete cytogenetic response was 7 months. All responses were sustained for a minimum of 4 weeks. The median survival of all the patients was 7 months. After a median observation time of 66 months, seven (8%) patients are alive. Three of these patients are on imatinib treatment (1 in complete hematologic remission, 1 in partial cytogenetic response and 1 in complete cytogenetic remission). Three patients are in complete remission after allogeneic stem cell transplantation. One patient is alive in blast crisis, on therapy with a second-generation tyrosine kinase inhibitor. Conclusions Imatinib was effective and safe in the short-term treatment of chronic myeloid leukemia in blast crisis, but longer-term outcome was not significantly influenced (ClinicalTrials.gov identifier: [NCT00514969][1]). [1]: /lookup/external-ref?link_type=CLINTRIALGOV&access_num=NCT00514969&atom=%2Fhaematol%2F93%2F12%2F1792.ato
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