14 research outputs found

    Physicochemical quality of bottled butter/ Qualidade físico-química da manteiga de garrafa

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    Bottled butter also called butter of the backwoods and earth butter, has peculiar sensory characteristics and is a product widely consumed in northeastern Brazil. The artisanal processing takes place by small farmers who sell their products at free fairs. Butters are usually filled in inappropriate containers, reused plastic or glass bottles and devoid of labeling. The objective of this study was to evaluate the physicochemical quality of bottle butter marketed at a free fair of Vitória da Conquista – Bahia, Brazil. We analyzed 12 samples of bottled butter from four different sites, with 3 replicates in the period of one month at different weeks. The characteristics evaluated were humidity content, acidity, amount of fat and solids-not-fat (SNF), recommended by Normative Instruction nº 68 of December 12, 2006. All samples presented humidity content outside the standard provided for by legislation, with values ranging from 0.4 to 1.3g. On the other hand, the acidity index, amount of fat and solids-not-fat presented values within the normal range. In the evaluation of physicochemical parameters, it was evident the lack of standardization in the processing of bottle butter and the necessity of adapting it to the service recommended by normative instruction

    Microbiological quality of raw fish based food products / Qualidade microbiológica de produto alimentícío à base de peixe cru

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    Sashimi is a food product widely produced in traditional Japanese restaurants. It has a high risk of microbial contamination because it comes from raw fish and due the lack of training in Good Handling Practices in most establishments that produce this kind of food. The objective of this work was to evaluate the microbiological quality of salmon-based sashimi produced and marketed in traditional Japanese restaurants in Vitória da Conquista – Bahia, Brazil. This is a quantitative, laboratory and explanatory study. PetrifimTM (3M) dishes were used to evaluate twelve samples of sashimi obtained from four restaurants. The microorganisms analyzed were: total coliforms, thermotolerant (Escherichia coli), Salmonella sp. and Staphylococcus aureus. The results indicated the presence of visible colonies of total coliforms in 10 of the analyzed samples. It was detectable the growth of bacterial colonies of Staphylococcus aureus only in samples A1 and D3. For Escherichia coli and Salmonella sp. there was no visible growth of colonies in the samples evaluated. In view of the results found, detection of bacterial contamination at considerable levels was observed. It is noteworthy that, even if it is within the values recommended by Brazilian legislation, the presence of such microorganisms may be related to the lack of hygiene in the place and/or the manipulator, poor conservation of fish and the lack of good handling practices

    Whole grain bread preserved with lemon juice: a comparative study / Pão integral conservado com suco de limão: um estudo comparativo

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    The use of natural substances for the replacement of chemicals in food conservation is a global trend. Thus, the aim of this study was to evaluate the effect of lemon juice on wholemeal bread conservation and determine shelf time. This is a quantitative, laboratory and explanatory study in which three formulas of the dough with the same composition of ingredients were tested. One formula had the addition of lemon juice at the concentration of 1.75%; other with industrial antifungal at 1.0%; and the last formula without any addition. Analysis of fibers, humidity, pH and titratable acidity were performed. Shelf life for all formulations was evaluated by the visual method until the formation of mold colonies for 5 days. The samples showed similarity in the variation in humidity level (32.4 to 37.9) in relation to time, having a reduction at the first moment and then in the increase of F1 and F2, and F3 remained constant. The  fiber content of the formulations showed a discrepancy between the contents of the evaluated times. The pH of the three formulas was within the desirable range of 4.0 to 7.0 ensuring good quality for the product according to the technical pattern of baking. The acidity variation between formulas followed a common pattern. Shelf life was similar for formulas containing lemon juice and antifungal solution, however the formula without any addition had the shortest shelf time, confirming the efficiency of lemon in the conservation of wholemeal bread.

    Microbiological quality of powdered shrimp / Qualidade microbiológica de camarão em pó

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    In order to analyze the microbiological quality of shrimp powder marketed in municipalities in southwestern Bahia, 15 samples from three distinct brands were collected and microbiological analyses were performed for Salmonella spp., coliforms and coagulase-positive Staphylococcus. All samples analyzed were contaminated with total coliforms and thermotolerant, with counts above 102 CFU.g-1. Only sample C1 was contaminated with coagulase-positive Staphylococcus, presenting values of 4.60 x 105 UFC.g-1, above the maximum value (5 x102 CFU.g-1), tolerated by Brazilian food safety standards. In qualitative tests for Salmonella spp., all samples were positive for this pathogenic bacterium. Given the results found, it was observed that powdered shrimps marketed in the municipalities of southwestern Bahia have low quality and unsatisfactory hygienic-sanitary conditions, and consumer health can be considered at risk.In order to analyze the microbiological quality of shrimp powder marketed in municipalities in southwestern Bahia, 15 samples from three distinct brands were collected and microbiological analyses were performed for Salmonella spp., coliforms and coagulase-positive Staphylococcus. All samples analyzed were contaminated with total coliforms and thermotolerant, with counts above 102 CFU.g-1. Only sample C1 was contaminated with coagulase-positive Staphylococcus, presenting values of 4.60 x 105 UFC.g-1, above the maximum value (5 x102 CFU.g-1), tolerated by Brazilian food safety standards. In qualitative tests for Salmonella spp., all samples were positive for this pathogenic bacterium. Given the results found, it was observed that powdered shrimps marketed in the municipalities of southwestern Bahia have low quality and unsatisfactory hygienic-sanitary conditions, and consumer health can be considered at risk

    Racismo, desigualdade social e Covid-19: repercussões sobre os povos indígenas e quilombolas no Brasil / Racism, social inequality and Covid-19: repercussions on indigenous peoples and quilombolas in Brazil

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    A pandemia provocada pela Covid-19 tem se mostrado um grande desafio a nível mundial, pela insuficiência de conhecimentos sobre esse vírus e sua capacidade de se disseminar rapidamente e causar mortes, principalmente em populações mais vulneráveis no mundo, como os idosos, e grupos étnico-raciais específicos. Por isso, o objetivo deste estudo foi refletir acerca das repercussões da pandemia de Covid-19 para as populações indígenas e quilombolas, considerando as desigualdades sociais, a discriminação étnico-racial e as práticas de necropolítica vigentes. A método científico empregado foi o ensaio, texto crítico, interpretativo, que se baseia em leitura de bibliografia representativa para subsidiar o desenvolvimento reflexivo da temática. Inicialmente apresenta informações relevantes sobre a crise sanitária de Covid-19, em seguida, explica como a colonialidade do poder e o capitalismo contribuíram para a estruturação do racismo e desigualdade social no Brasil, e, por fim, foram discutidas as repercussões que a pandemia tem causado na saúde de populações étnico-raciais, como as indígenas e quilombolas, considerando um percurso histórico de descaso político contra essas. Como considerações finais, este estudo aponta a necessidade de enfrentamento do racismo e de outras desigualdades que têm consequências na saúde dos grupos étnicos. Portanto, verifica-se a necessidade de mais estudos que visem servir de subsídio para a criação de políticas protetivas eficazes e específicas para esses povos

    Interaction of Salmonella sp. and essential oils: bactericidal activity and adaptation capacity

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    Bacteria of the genus Salmonella, responsible for many foodborne disease outbreaks, are capable of forming biofilms on various surfaces in the food industry. The constant exposure of these bacteria to sublethal concentrations of sanitizers has made them tolerant to several of them. Seeking alternatives to control of bacterial biofilms and adaptation under sublethal exposure, this study tested the antimicrobial activity of Thymus vulgaris (thyme) and Origanum vulgare (oregano) essential oils (EOs) and their major compounds, thymol and carvacrol, against of Salmonella enterica serovars Enteritidis and Typhimurium. Carvacrol 0.25% (v/v) was the most efficient antimicrobial agent against planktonic cells of S. Enteritidis and biofilm were more susceptible to oregano EO at 2.0% (v/v). Differently, S. Typhimurium planktonic was inhibited at 0.25% (v/v) of thyme EO and biofilm was more susceptible to carvacrol (2.5% v/v). Adaptation of S. Enteritidis and Typhimurium was observed on all tests (p < 0.05). This study confirms the potential of EOs and its major compounds as alternative sanitizers in the food industry against pathogenic bacteria such as Salmonella spp. and of possible adaptation due to sublethal exposure.La bacteria Salmonella, responsable de numerosos brotes de intoxicación alimentaria, puede formar biopelículas en varias superficies utilizadas en la industria alimentaria. La exposición constante de estas bacterias a concentraciones subletales de agentes desinfectantes los hace tolerantes a muchos de estos agentes. Buscando alternativas para el control de biofilms adaptadas a condiciones subletales, este estudio evaluó la actividad antimicrobiana de los aceites esenciales Thymus vulgaris (tomillo) y Origanum vulgare (orégano) y sus componentes principales timol y carvacrol contra Salmonella enterica serovares Enteritidis y Typhimurium. Carvacrol 0.25% (v/v) fue más eficiente contra las células planctónicas de S. Enteritidis y su biopelícula fue más sensible al 2.0% (v/v) de orégano EO. S. Typhimurium en forma planctónica fue inhibida por el tomillo EO a una concentración de 0.25% (v/v) y su biopelícula fue más susceptible al carvacrol (2.5% v/v). S. Enteritidis y S. Typhimurium se adaptaron a todas las concentraciones subletales de los antimicrobianos probados. Este estudio confirma el uso potencial de EO y sus componentes principales como desinfectantes en la industria alimentaria para controlar bacterias patógenas como Salmonella spp. y su capacidad para adaptarse a concentraciones subletales

    Nanoencapsulation of natural products and their role in the preservation and control of contaminations in the food industry

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    Microbial resistance is a problem of high notoriety and importance, being investigated in several scientific areas. Directly correlated to the abuse of macrolides in the pandemic context, the difficulty in eliminating resistant microorganisms and the control of bacterial contamination in an industrial food environment have been increasingly worrying nowadays. The present study demonstrates hypotheses of microbial control using the encapsulation of essential oils and products of natural origin through the technology used in nanocomposites. The aid in the prevention and control of microorganisms with high antimicrobial resistance factors in food industry environments can be seen. Furthermore, new approaches and themes applied in the denaturation of pathogenic biofilms and nanoencapsulation and the use of common metals and transition metals are highlighted.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Use of multivariate statistics to predict the physicochemical quality of milk

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    Multivariate analysis involves the application of statistical and computational methods to predict responses. Among the various methods of statistical analysis multivariate, the analysis by main components is highlighted to predict the composition and quality of food in general. The objective of this work was to characterize the milk producers of the municipality of Itapetinga-BA, using principal component analysis. Twenty samples of raw milk were used, collected at the reception of the dairy located in Itapetinga-BA. The variables analyzed were: fat, density, defatted dry extract, protein and lactose. The first two main components explained 87.24% of the total variation. It was verified the formation of different groups distributed in the four quadrants of the system. First quadrant stood out from the others by forming a group composed of ten producers in the analyzed region, characterized by presenting samples with higher lactose content and lower fat content in milk. The lactose and fat variables are of greater importance in the characterization of milk

    Effect of sanitization on minimally processed cabbage (Brassica oleracea L.)

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    The aim of this study was to evaluate the effect of sanitization on minimally processed cabbage (Brassica oleracea L.). This is a quantitative, descriptive and laboratorial study where the samples were submitted to three different processes: washing only in running water; washing in running water followed by the use of sodium hypochlorite-based sanitizer and, finally, washing in running water followed by sanitization using chlorinated compounds based on sodium dichloroisocyanurate. Subsequently, microbiological analyses of total coliforms Escherichia coli and Salmonella ssp. were performed. The results showed that the sodium hypochlorite-based solution did not present a reduction in microbial population, while those based on sodium dichloroisocyanurate allowed the reduction to safe levels for human consumption. A greater control in sodium hypochlorite-based products is suggested, since possibly this result was due to the low concentration of free active chlorine.O objetivo desse estudo foi avaliar o efeito da sanitização em couve (Brassica oleracea L.) minimamente processada. Trata-se de um estudo do tipo: quantitativo, descritivo e laboratorial. As amostras foram submetidas a três processos diferentes, sendo: lavagem somente em água corrente; lavagem em água corrente seguida do uso de sanitizante à base de hipoclorito de sódio e, por fim, lavagem em água corrente seguida de sanitização utilizando compostos clorados à base de dicloroisocianurato de sódio. Posteriormente, foram realizadas as análises microbiológicas de coliformes totais e Escherichia coli e Salmonella ssp. Os resultados evidenciaram que a solução à base de hipoclorito de sódio não apresentou redução na carga microbiana, enquanto aqueles à base de dicloroisocianurato de sódio permitiram a redução a níveis seguros para consumo humano. Sugere-se um controle maior nos produtos à base de hipoclorito de sódio uma vez que possivelmente esse resultado foi devido à baixa concentração de cloro ativo livre.El objetivo de este estudio fue evaluar el efecto de la desinfección en el repollo procesado mínimamente (Brassica oleracea L.). Este es un estudio del tipo: cuantitativo, descriptivo y de laboratorio. Las muestras se sometieron a tres procesos diferentes, que son: lavar solo con agua corriente; lavado en agua corriente seguido del uso de desinfectante a base de hipoclorito de sodio y, finalmente, lavado en agua corriente seguido de desinfección con compuestos clorados a base de dicloroisocianurato de sodio. Posteriormente, los análisis microbiológicos de coliformes totales y Escherichia coli y Salmonella ssp. Los resultados mostraron que la solución basada en hipoclorito de sodio no mostró reducción en la carga microbiana, mientras que aquellos basados en dicloroisocianurato de sodio permitieron la reducción a niveles seguros para el consumo humano. Se sugiere un mayor control en productos basados en hipoclorito de sodio ya que este resultado posiblemente se debió a la baja concentración de cloro activo libre