379 research outputs found

    Can Network Analysis Techniques help to Predict Design Dependencies? An Initial Study

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    The degree of dependencies among the modules of a software system is a key attribute to characterize its design structure and its ability to evolve over time. Several design problems are often correlated with undesired dependencies among modules. Being able to anticipate those problems is important for developers, so they can plan early for maintenance and refactoring efforts. However, existing tools are limited to detecting undesired dependencies once they appeared in the system. In this work, we investigate whether module dependencies can be predicted (before they actually appear). Since the module structure can be regarded as a network, i.e, a dependency graph, we leverage on network features to analyze the dynamics of such a structure. In particular, we apply link prediction techniques for this task. We conducted an evaluation on two Java projects across several versions, using link prediction and machine learning techniques, and assessed their performance for identifying new dependencies from a project version to the next one. The results, although preliminary, show that the link prediction approach is feasible for package dependencies. Also, this work opens opportunities for further development of software-specific strategies for dependency prediction.Comment: Accepted at ICSA 201

    Diabete ed osso: studio osservazionale in una popolazione di pazienti affetti da diapete tipo 2

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    Nonostante il DM2 e l'osteoporosi siano tradizionalmente considerati come entità separate, in letteratura si stanno accumulando evidenze che indicano uno stretto legame tra le due patologie. Innanzitutto, dato che le due condizioni hanno un’elevata incidenza tra le persone anziane, che comprendono una proporzione crescente della popolazione generale, diventerà sempre più comune trattare pazienti anziani nei quali diabete ed osteoporosi coesistono. L’osteoporosi, infatti, è una malattia sistemica dello scheletro caratterizzata dalla coesistenza di riduzione e di alterazioni qualitative della massa ossea che si accompagnano ad aumento del rischio di fratture. Numerosi studi hanno dimostrato un'alta incidenza di osteopenia, osteoporosi e fratture nei pazienti con diabete mellito di tipo 2 (DMT2). E' stata evidenziato, inoltre, un aumento della densità minerale ossea (BMD) nei soggetti con DMT2, da ricondurre probabilmente agli elevati livelli di Body Mass Index (BMI), di frequente riscontro in tale patologia. Tuttavia, nonostante i valori elevati di BMD, nel Nurses’ Health Study è stato dimostrato un rischio di fratture 1.7 volte maggiore nelle donne diabetiche rispetto alla popolazione di controllo (85). Il Rotterdam Study ha confermato un aumento del rischio di frattura nei soggetti, sia di sesso maschile che femminile, con diabete di tipo 2, nonostante gli elevati valori di BMD (86). Diversi meccanismi sono stati proposti per spiegare le possibili influenze della malattia diabetica sul tessuto osseo e quindi sul rischio di frattura, tra cui l’ipercalciuria associata a glicosuria, la ridotta funzione renale, la ridotta performance muscolare, la neuropatia, il deficit visivo, l’aumentata concentrazione dei prodotti della glicosilazione nelle fibre di collagene e la microangiopatia a livello osseo (80). Tuttavia, non esistono, ad oggi, dati sull’entità delle fratture ossee nella popolazione diabetica italiana. D'altra parte, la frequenza di diabete e osteoporosi nel mondo occidentale, che va progressivamente invecchiando, pone come problema clinico rilevante, quello di avere strumenti atti a predire con la migliore accuratezza possibile il rischio di frattura nei pazienti con diabete. A tal proposito abbiamo messo a punto uno studio italiano osservazionale prospettico multicentrico volto a stimare la prevalenza di fratture ossee cliniche in una popolazione di pazienti affetti da DM2 ed in una popolazione di controllo, costituita da soggetti non diabetici raccolti contemporaneamente. Obiettivi secondari sono stati la valutazione del rischio di frattura calcolato utilizzando l’algoritmo FRAX come pure lo studio dell’influenza che fattori collegati alla malattia possano avere nel determinare il rischio di frattura

    Synthesis and characterization of wollastonite-2M by using a diatomite precursor

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    Solid phase reaction synthesis of wollastonite-2M by a natural rock precursor as the source of amorphous silica and CaCO3 is reported. Chemical treatments were carried out on a diatomitic rock from Crotone (Calabria, Italy) in order to measure its reactive silica and CaCO3 contents. Four series of synthesis were performed at 1000°C at ambient pressure by mixing, at different stoichiometry, the diatomitic rock with a natural limestone as a source of additive CaCO3, and sodium carbonate (Na2CO3) as triggering agent. Wollastonite-2M was characterized by chemo-physical, crystallographical and morphological-microtextural analyses. All these characterizations, together with infrared and nuclear magnetic resonance (29Si) responses provide values comparable to literature data. Estimation of the amorphous phase in the synthesis powders was performed through quantitative phase analysis using the combined Rietveld and reference intensity ratio methods, resulting in a final product of 96.3% wollastonite-2M

    On the sperm whale (Physeter macrocephalus) ecology, sociality and behavior off Ischia Island (Italy): patterns of sound production and acoustically measured growth

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    The main goal of this research is to contribute to the overall knowledge of the sperm whales’ (Physeter macrocephalus) ecology, sociality, and behavior in the Mediterranean Sea. The combined use of visual and acoustic methods allows me to: 1) give a detailed outline of the encounters around Ischia Island (Tyrrhenian Sea, Italy) over 2002-2015 period; 2) provide insights into the acoustic repertoire in encounters with social units (females with immatures), clusters of presumed/confirmed males and solitary individuals; this information was then used to model habitat suitability and use via analysis of different vocalization types, analyze a type of social sound (i.e. coda), and investigate an unusual tonal sound (i.e. trumpet); 3) present acoustically derived estimates of individual whale growth. This involved the application of acoustic methods to groups or individual sperm whales located in the area. Using passive acoustics to study animal behaviour is a developing field. As such, many of the recent publications describe methods, models and algorithms that can be used to investigate cetaceans in the wild. In this thesis I attempt to apply these tools to a larger sample size than previous studies in the Mediterranean Sea, taking advantage of the long-term data set of audio recordings made around Ischia Island between 2004 and 2015. The thesis is organized in 6 chapters. - Chapters 1 and 2 describe sperm whale general biology and acoustics; - Goal 1 is addressed in Chapter 3; it provides fundamental background information on the study area, the distribution of sperm whale encounters around Ischia Island, the individual photoidentification and group composition, as well as new insights on the habitat suitability, and diving/resting at surface cycle; - Goal 2 is addressed in Chapter 4; - Goal 3 is addressed in Chapter 5; - The final Chapter (#6) provides conclusions and outlines directions for future research

    Hacia una e-Participación efectiva: Un análisis de la interacción y compromiso de los ciudadanos digitales en Argentina

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    La democracia y los procesos políticos formales dependen fundamentalmente de una comunicación eficaz con los ciudadanos y de la toma de decisiones informada sobre temas públicos. La e-Participación puede ser entendida como el proceso de involucrar en los procesos de la administración pública a los ciudadanos a través de las tecnologías de la información y la comunicación. De esta forma, fomentar la eParticipación requiere conocer cómo tanto los entes gubernamentales como los ciudadanos se expresan e interactúan en los diferentes medios de comunicación. Luego, este conocimiento hará posible la definición de estrategias de comunicación más efectivas, dando lugar a un proceso de toma de decisiones sobre temas públicos participativo, inclusivo, y colaborativo. En este contexto, este trabajo estudia y caracteriza por un lado cómo los entes gubernamentales se manifiestan en los medios sociales y sus distintas formas de transmitir información; y por otro cómo los ciudadanos interactúan y manifiestan su compromiso con los entes. Particularmente, el estudio se enfoca en los entes municipales de la Provincia de Buenos Aires en Argentina, por ser la que concentra la mayor cantidad de ciudadanos del país.Democracy and formal political processes fundamentally depend on the effective communication with citizens, and on informed decision making on public issues. E-participation can be understood as the process of involving citizens in political aspects of the public administration through information and communication technologies. In this way, promoting e-Participation requires knowing how both governmental entities and citizens express themselves and interact in the different media. Then, this knowledge will allow the definition of more effective communication strategies, giving rise to a participatory, inclusive, and collaborative decision-making process of public issues. In this context, this work studies and characterizes how government entities manifest themselves in social media and their different ways of transmitting information; and how citizens interact and express their commitment to the government entities. Particularly, the study focuses on the local government entities of the province of Buenos Aires in Argentina, as it concentrates the largest number of citizens in the country.Fil: Tommasel, Antonela. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - Tandil. Instituto Superior de Ingeniería del Software. Universidad Nacional del Centro de la Provincia de Buenos Aires. Instituto Superior de Ingeniería del Software; ArgentinaFil: Godoy, Daniela Lis. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - Tandil. Instituto Superior de Ingeniería del Software. Universidad Nacional del Centro de la Provincia de Buenos Aires. Instituto Superior de Ingeniería del Software; ArgentinaFil: Diaz Pace, Jorge Andres. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - Tandil. Instituto Superior de Ingeniería del Software. Universidad Nacional del Centro de la Provincia de Buenos Aires. Instituto Superior de Ingeniería del Software; Argentin

    On the complexity of the boundary layer structure and aerosol vertical distribution in the coastal Mediterranean regions: A case study

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    The planetary boundary layer structure in the coastal areas, and particularly in complex orography regions such as the Mediterranean, is extremely intricate. In this study, we show the evolution of the planetary boundary layer based on in situ airborne measurements and ground-based remote sensing observations carried out during the MORE (Marine Ozone and Radiation Experiment) campaign in June 2010. The campaign was held in a rural coastal Mediterranean region in Southern Italy. The study focuses on the observations made on 17 June. Vertical profiles of meteorological parameters and aerosol size distribution were measured during two flights: in the morning and in the afternoon. Airborne observations were combined with ground-based LIDAR, SODAR, microwave and visible radiometer measurements, allowing a detailed description of the atmospheric vertical structure. The analysis was complemented with data from a regional atmospheric model run with horizontal resolutions of 12, 4 and 1 km, respectively; back-trajectories were calculated at these spatial resolutions. The observations show the simultaneous occurrence of dust transport, descent of mid-tropospheric air and sea breeze circulation on 17 June. Local pollution effects on the aerosol distribution, and a possible event of new particles formation were also observed. A large variability in the thermodynamical structure and aerosol distribution in the flight region, extending by approximately 30km along the coast, was found. Within this complex, environment-relevant differences in the back-trajectories calculated at different spatial resolutions are found, suggesting that the description of several dynamical processes, and in particular the sea breeze circulation, requires high-resolution meteorological analyses. The study also shows that the integration of different observational techniques is needed to describe these complex conditions; in particular, the availability of flights and their timing with respect to the occurring phenomena are crucial

    First record of a hagfish anchored to a living bottlenose dolphin in the Mediterranean Sea

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    An unusual observation of a hagfish ( Myxine glutinosa ) anchored to a living bottlenose dolphin ( Tursiops truncatus ) was documented in an encounter with a group of about 80 dolphins during an ongoing long-term research program on cetaceans in the central Mediterranean Sea, Italy. The body of the hagfish was observed extruding from the blowhole of the bottlenose dolphin showing a stereotypical surfacing–breathing pattern. The observation lasted 2h; photo-identification, acoustic, and behavioral data were collected. Succorant behaviors (i.e., "standing by") from conspecifics and overlapping vocalizations during social phases were recorded. The dolphin was encountered again after 1 month in the same area without the hagfish, apparently in healthy conditions
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