324 research outputs found

    Single parameter scaling in 1-D localized absorbing systems

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    Numerical study of the scaling of transmission fluctuations in the 1-D localization problem in the presence of absorption is carried out. Violations of single parameter scaling for lossy systems are found and explained on the basis of a new criterion for different types of scaling behavior derived by Deych et al [Phys. Rev. Lett., {\bf 84}, 2678 (2000)].Comment: 7 pages, 6 figures, RevTex, submitted to Phys. Rev.

    Quantum Pumping in the Magnetic Field: Role of Discrete Symmetries

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    We consider an effect of the discrete spatial symmetries and magnetic field on the adiabatic charge pumping in mesoscopic systems. In general case, there is no symmetry of the pumped charge with respect to the inversion of magnetic field Q(B) \neq Q(-B). We find that the reflection symmetries give rise to relations Q(B)=Q(-B) or Q(B)=-Q(-B) depending on the orientation of the reflection axis. In presence of the center of inversion, Q(B) = 0. Additional symmetries may arise in the case of bilinear pumping.Comment: 4 page

    Statistical properties of phases and delay times of the one-dimensional Anderson model with one open channel

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    We study the distribution of phases and of Wigner delay times for a one-dimensional Anderson model with one open channel. Our approach, based on classical Hamiltonian maps, allows us an analytical treatment. We find that the distribution of phases depends drastically on the parameter σA=σ/sink\sigma_A = \sigma/sin k where σ2\sigma^2 is the variance of the disorder distribution and kk the wavevector. It undergoes a transition from uniformity to singular behaviour as σA\sigma_A increases. The distribution of delay times shows universal power law tails  1/τ2~ 1/\tau^2, while the short time behaviour is σA\sigma_A- dependent.Comment: 4 pages, 2 figures, Submitted to PR

    Ab initio investigation of VOSeO3, a spin gap system with coupled spin dimers

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    Motivated by an early experimental study of VOSeO3, which suggested that it is a quasi-2D system of weakly coupled spin dimers with a small spin gap, we have investigated the electronic structure of this material via density-functional calculations. These ab initio results indicate that the system is better thought of as an alternating spin-1/2 chain with moderate interchain interactions, an analog of (VO)2P2O7. The potential interest of this system for studies in high magnetic field given the presumably small value of the spin gap is emphasized.Comment: 4 pages, 5 figure

    Influence of typical environments on quantum processes

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    We present the results of studying the influence of different environmental states on the coherence of quantum processes. We choose to discuss a simple model which describe two electronic reservoirs connected through tunneling via a resonant state. The model could, e.g., serve as an idealization of inelastic resonant tunneling through a double barrier structure. We develop Schwinger's closed time path formulation of non-equilibrium quantum statistical mechanics, and show that the influence of the environment on a coherent quantum process can be described by the value of a generating functional at a specific force value, thereby allowing for a unified discussion of destruction of phase coherence by various environmental states: thermal state, classical noise, time dependent classical field, and a coherent state. The model allows an extensive discussion of the influence of dissipation on the coherent quantum process, and expressions for the transmission coefficient are obtained in the possible limits.Comment: 46 pages, 11 post script figures. Accepted for publication in Physical Review

    Universal Correlations of Coulomb Blockade Conductance Peaks and the Rotation Scaling in Quantum Dots

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    We show that the parametric correlations of the conductance peak amplitudes of a chaotic or weakly disordered quantum dot in the Coulomb blockade regime become universal upon an appropriate scaling of the parameter. We compute the universal forms of this correlator for both cases of conserved and broken time reversal symmetry. For a symmetric dot the correlator is independent of the details in each lead such as the number of channels and their correlation. We derive a new scaling, which we call the rotation scaling, that can be computed directly from the dot's eigenfunction rotation rate or alternatively from the conductance peak heights, and therefore does not require knowledge of the spectrum of the dot. The relation of the rotation scaling to the level velocity scaling is discussed. The exact analytic form of the conductance peak correlator is derived at short distances. We also calculate the universal distributions of the average level width velocity for various values of the scaled parameter. The universality is illustrated in an Anderson model of a disordered dot.Comment: 35 pages, RevTex, 6 Postscript figure

    Resonance approximation and charge loading/unloading in adiabatic quantum pumping

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    Quantum pumping through mesoscopic quantum dots is known to be enhanced by resonant transmission. The pumped charge is close to an integer number of electrons when the pumping contour surrounds a resonance, but the transmission remains small on the contour. For non-interacting electrons, we give a quantitative account of the detailed exchange of electrons between the dot and the leads (to the electron reservoirs) during a pumping cycle. Near isolated distinct resonances, we use approximate Breit-Wigner expressions for the dot's Green function to discuss the loading/unloading picture of the pumping: the fractional charge exchanged between the dot and each lead through a single resonance point is related to the relative couplings of the dot and the leads at this resonance. If each resonance point along the pumping contour is dominated by the coupling to a single lead (which also implies a very small transmission), then the crossing of each such resonance results in a single electron exchange between the dot and that lead, ending up with a net quantized charge. When the resonance approximation is valid, the fractional charges can also be extracted from the peaks of the transmissions between the various leads.Comment: 10 pages, 4 figure

    Comparison of temperature-dependent calibration methods of an instrument to measure OH and HO₂ radicals using laser-induced fluorescence spectroscopy

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    Laser-induced fluorescence (LIF) spectroscopy has been widely applied to fieldwork measurements of OH radicals and HO2, following conversion to OH, over a wide variety of conditions, on different platforms and in simulation chambers. Conventional calibration of HOx (OH + HO2) instruments has mainly relied on a single method, generating known concentrations of HOx from H2O vapour photolysis in a flow of zero air impinging just outside the sample inlet (SHOx = CHOx . [HOx ], where SHOx is the observed signal and CHOx is the calibration factor). The fluorescence assay by gaseous expansion (FAGE) apparatus designed for HOx measurements in the Highly Instrumented Reactor for Atmospheric Chemistry (HIRAC) at the University of Leeds has been used to examine the sensitivity of FAGE to external gas temperatures (266–348 K). The conventional calibration methods give the temperature dependence of COH (relative to the value at 293 K) of (0.0059±0.0015) K−1 and CHO2 of (0.014±0.013) K−1. Errors are 2σ . COH was also determined by observing the decay of hydrocarbons (typically cyclohexane) caused by OH reactions giving COH (again, relative to the value at 293 K) of (0.0038 ± 0.0007) K−1. Additionally, CHO2 was determined based on the second-order kinetics of HO2 recombination with the temperature dependence of CHO2 , relative to 293 K being (0.0064 ± 0.0034) K−1. The temperature dependence of CHOx depends on the HOx number density, quenching, the relative population of the probed OH rotational level and HOx transmission from the inlet to the detection axis. The first three terms can be calculated and, in combination with the measured values of CHOx, show that HOx transmission increases with temperature. Comparisons with other instruments and the implications of this work are discussed

    Temperature-Dependent, Site-Specific Rate Coefficients for the Reaction of OH (OD) with Methyl Formate Isotopologues via Experimental and Theoretical Studies

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    Methyl esters are an important component of combustion and atmospheric systems. Reaction with the OH radical plays an important role in the removal of the simplest methyl ester, methyl formate (MF, CH₃OCHO). In this paper, the overall rate coefficients for the reactions of OH and OD with MF isotopologues, studied under pseudo-first-order conditions, are reported using two different laser flash photolysis systems with the decay of OH monitored by laser-induced fluorescence. The room-temperature rate coefficient for OH + MF, (1.95 ± 0.34) × 10⁻¹³ cm³ molecule⁻¹ s⁻¹, is in good agreement with the literature. The rate coefficient exhibits curved Arrhenius behavior, and our results bridge the gap between previous low-temperature and shock tube studies. In combination with the literature, the rate coefficient for the reaction of OH with MF between 230 and 1400 K can be parametrized as kOH+MF = (3.2 × 10⁻¹³) × (T/300 K)².³ × exp(−141.4 K/T) cm³ molecule⁻¹ s⁻¹ with an overall estimated uncertainty of ∼30%. The reactions of OD with MF isotopologues show a small enhancement (inverse secondary isotope effect) compared to the respective OH reactions. The reaction of OH/OD with MF shows a normal primary isotope effect, a decrease in the rate coefficient when MF is partially or fully deuterated. Experimental studies have been supported by ab initio calculations at the CCSD(T)-F12/aug-cc-pVTZ//M06-2X/6-31+G** level of theory. The calculated, zero-point-corrected, barrier heights for abstraction at the methyl and formate sites are 1.3 and 6.0 kJ mol⁻¹, respectively, and the ab initio predictions of kinetic isotope effects are in agreement with experiment. Fitting the experimental isotopologue data refines these barriers to 0.9 ± 0.6 and 4.1 ± 0.9 kJ mol⁻¹. The branching ratio is approximately 50:50 at 300 K. Between 300 and 500 K, abstraction via the higher-energy, higher-entropy formate transition state becomes more favored (60:40). However, experiment and calculations suggest that as the temperature increases further, with higher energy, less constrained conformers of the methyl transition state become more significant. The implications of the experimental and theoretical results for the mechanisms of MF atmospheric oxidation and low-temperature combustion are discussed

    Weak Localization Effect in Superconductors by Radiation Damage

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    Large reductions of the superconducting transition temperature TcT_{c} and the accompanying loss of the thermal electrical resistivity (electron-phonon interaction) due to radiation damage have been observed for several A15 compounds, Chevrel phase and Ternary superconductors, and NbSe2\rm{NbSe_{2}} in the high fluence regime. We examine these behaviors based on the recent theory of weak localization effect in superconductors. We find a good fitting to the experimental data. In particular, weak localization correction to the phonon-mediated interaction is derived from the density correlation function. It is shown that weak localization has a strong influence on both the phonon-mediated interaction and the electron-phonon interaction, which leads to the universal correlation of TcT_{c} and resistance ratio.Comment: 16 pages plus 3 figures, revtex, 76 references, For more information, Plesse see http://www.fen.bilkent.edu.tr/~yjki