2,005 research outputs found

    Surviving gas expulsion with substructure

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    We investigate the reaction of clumpy stellar distributions to gas expulsion. We show that regions containing highly unbound substructures/subclusters after gas expulsion can produce a significant final bound cluster. The key quantity in determining if a region is able to form a bound cluster is the global virial ratio, and so regions must be looked at as a whole rather than by individual substructure/subclusters when determining if they might survive as a bound cluster

    Sales and Promotions: A More General Model

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    We embed the Varian (1980) model in a broader setting that considers how switcher/loyal customer segments are determined. Generally, customer acquisition is deterministic while pricing is randomized. The equilibrium outcome depends on the timing of customer acquisition relative to pricing. If sellers acquire customers before setting prices, the unique equilibrium is asymmetric. If sellers acquire customers and set prices simultaneously, the unique equilibrium is symmetric. Our results provide a fundamental justification for previous analyses that variously assumed the outcome to be asymmetric or symmetric. The comparative statics for the asymmetric and symmetric equilibria are identical.competition, pricing, customer acquisition

    Large Low Temperature Magnetoresistance and Magnetic Anomalies in Tb2_2PdSi3_3 and Dy2_2PdSi3_3

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    The results of heat-capacity, magnetic susceptibility, electrical resistivity and magnetoresistance (Δρ/ρ)(\Delta \rho/\rho) measurements on the compounds Tb2_2PdSi3_3 and Dy2_2PdSi3_3, are reported. The results establish that these compounds undergo long-range magnetic ordering (presumably with a complex magnetic structure) below (Tc=) 23 and 8 K respectively. The Δρ/ρ\Delta \rho/\rho is negative in the vicinity of Tc and the magnitude grows as Tc is approached from higher temperature as in the case of well-known giant magnetoresistance systems (La manganite based perovskites); this is attributed to the formation of some kind of magnetic polarons. The magnitude of magnetoresistance at low temperatures is quite large, for instance, about 30% in the presence of 60 kOe field at 5 K in the Dy sample.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figures, RevTe

    Discrete Symmetries from Broken SU(N)SU(N) and the MSSM

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    In order that discrete symmetries should not be violated by gravitational effects, it is necessary to gauge them. In this paper we discuss the gauging of ZN\Z_N from the breaking of a high energy SU(N)SU(N) gauge symmetry, and derive consistency conditions for the resulting discrete symmetry fr om the requirement of anomaly cancellation in the parent symmetry. These results are then applied to a detailed analysis of the possible discrete symmetries forbidding proton decay in the minimal supersymmetric standard model.Comment: 14 pages, plain TEX, computer problems fixed since first versio

    Should we treat soft tissue injuries with Actovegin

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    Actovegin is a biological drug produced from deproteinised hemodialysate of calf serum with over 50 years of history for its clinical use. There have been many in vitro studies to speculate its potential role and mechanism of action in cells; due to the nature of this drug and serum based culture techniques for most in vitro experiments, presumptuous conclusions and claims from these studies on performance enhancement should be cautiously interpreted. There have been well-designed human in vivo studies suggesting it does not enhance human performance, and has potentially good clinical applications to treat injuries, strokes and diabetes. Recently, evidence has emerged suggesting Actovegin has anti-inflammatory and anti apoptotic effects on injured tissues; further clinical research is needed to define these effects. This article also provides a narrative review of Actovegin summarizing outcomes from recent publications

    On the Role of Higher Twist in Polarized Deep Inelastic Scattering

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    The higher twist corrections hN(x)/Q2h^N(x)/Q^2 to the spin dependent proton and neutron structure functions g1N(x,Q2)g_1^N(x, Q^2) are extracted in a model independent way from experimental data on g1Ng_1^N and found to be non-negligible. It is shown that the NLO QCD polarized parton densities determined from the data on g1, including higher twist effects, are in good agreement with those found earlier from our analysis of the data on g1/F1 and A1 where higher twist effects are negligible. On the contrary, the LO QCD polarized parton densities obtained from the data on g1, including higher twist, differ significantly from our previous results.Comment: 18 pages, latex, 6 figures, final version which will be published in Phys. Rev. D, fig. 5 is changed, misprints in Table 2 are remove

    Influence of the Environment Fluctuations on Incoherent Neutron Scattering Functions

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    In extending the conventional dynamic models, we consider a simple model to account for the environment fluctuations of particle atoms in a protein system and derive the elastic incoherent structure factor (EISF) and the incoherent scattering correlation function C(Q,t) for both the jump dynamics between sites with fluctuating site interspacing and for the diffusion inside a fluctuating sphere. We find that the EISF of the system (or the normalized elastic intensity) is equal to that in the absence of fluctuations averaged over the distribution of site interspacing or sphere radius a. The scattering correlation function is C(Q,t)=nψ(t)C(Q,t)=\sum_{n} \psi(t), where the average is taken over the Q-dependent effective distribution of relaxation rates \lambda_n(a) and \psi(t) is the correlation function of the length a. When \psi(t)=1, the relaxation of C(Q,t) is exponential for the jump dynamics between sites (since \lambda_n(a) is independent of a) while it is nonexponential for diffusion inside a sphere.Comment: 7 pages, 7 eps figure

    Nonresonant Three-body Decays of D and B Mesons

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    Nonresonant three-body decays of D and B mesons are studied. It is pointed out that if heavy meson chiral perturbation theory (HMChPT) is applied to the heavy-light strong and weak vertices and assumed to be valid over the whole kinematic region, then the predicted decay rates for nonresonant charmless 3-body B decays will be too large and especially B^- --> pi^- K^+ K^- greatly exceeds the current experimental limit. This can be understood as chiral symmetry has been applied there twice beyond its region of validity. If HMChPT is applied only to the strong vertex and the weak transition is accounted for by the form factors, the dominant B^* pole contribution to the tree-dominated direct three-body B decays will become small and the branching ratio will be of order 10^{-6}. The decay modes B^- --> (K^- h^+ h^-)_{NR} and bar{B}^0 --> (bar{K}^0 h^+h^-)_{NR} for h = pi, K are penguin dominated. We apply HMChPT in two different cases to study the direct 3-body D decays and compare the results with experiment. Theoretical uncertainties are discussed.Comment: 24 pages, 2 figures. New experimental results of direct 3-body D decays as Reported at ICHEP2002 are included. To appear in Phys. Re

    Kang-Redner Anomaly in Cluster-Cluster Aggregation

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    The large time, small mass, asymptotic behavior of the average mass distribution \pb is studied in a dd-dimensional system of diffusing aggregating particles for 1d21\leq d \leq 2. By means of both a renormalization group computation as well as a direct re-summation of leading terms in the small reaction-rate expansion of the average mass distribution, it is shown that \pb \sim \frac{1}{t^d} (\frac{m^{1/d}}{\sqrt{t}})^{e_{KR}} for mtd/2m \ll t^{d/2}, where eKR=ϵ+O(ϵ2)e_{KR}=\epsilon +O(\epsilon ^2) and ϵ=2d\epsilon =2-d. In two dimensions, it is shown that \pb \sim \frac{\ln(m) \ln(t)}{t^2} for mt/ln(t) m \ll t/ \ln(t). Numerical simulations in two dimensions supporting the analytical results are also presented.Comment: 11 pages, 6 figures, Revtex

    Diffusion-controlled annihilation A+B0A + B \to 0 with initially separated reactants: The death of an AA particle island in the BB particle sea

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    We consider the diffusion-controlled annihilation dynamics A+B0A+B\to 0 with equal species diffusivities in the system where an island of particles AA is surrounded by the uniform sea of particles BB. We show that once the initial number of particles in the island is large enough, then at any system's dimensionality dd the death of the majority of particles occurs in the {\it universal scaling regime} within which 4/5\approx 4/5 of the particles die at the island expansion stage and the remaining 1/5\approx 1/5 at the stage of its subsequent contraction. In the quasistatic approximation the scaling of the reaction zone has been obtained for the cases of mean-field (ddcd \geq d_{c}) and fluctuation (d<dcd < d_{c}) dynamics of the front.Comment: 4 RevTex pages, 1 PNG figure and 1 EPS figur