155 research outputs found

    New continua for absorption spectroscopy from 40 to 2000 Å

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    The spectra of plasmas produced by focusing the output of a Q-switched ruby laser (output 1 J) on the rare-earth metals have been studied. From samarium (Z = 70), strong quasi-uniform continua are emitted in the wavelength range 40–2000 Å. Line emission from the target elements is absent over most of this wavelength region, particularly below about 600 Å. The use of these continua as simple, reliable background sources for absorption spectroscopy in the vacuum-ultraviolet and soft x-ray region down to 40 Å is demonstrated

    Table-top EUV continuum light source

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    Work in recent years on the development of a convenient "table-top" source of continuum radiation in the XUV and VUV from 4 to 200 nm is summarized. It was found that laser-produced plasmas on targets of high atomic number (62 leq Z leq 74) emitted apparently line-free continua over very substantial spectral regions in the XUV and VUV. The continua are very intense, reproducible, and relatively insensitive to ambient pressure. The effective absence of line emission can be explained on the basis of the electron configurations of the ionized species responsible for the emission. A high repetition rate modular version of the source is described. Applications and advantages of the light source are presented

    BPS Domain Wall Junctions in Infinitely Large Extra Dimensions

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    We consider models of scalar fields coupled to gravity which are higher-dimensional generalizations of four dimensional supergravity. We use these models to describe domain wall junctions in an anti-de Sitter background. We derive Bogomolnyi equations for the scalar fields from which the walls are constructed and for the metric. From these equations a BPS-like formula for the junction energy can be derived. We demonstrate that such junctions localize gravity in the presence of more than one uncompactified extra dimension.Comment: 17 pages, uses RevTeX, new references adde

    D-brane Solitons in Supersymmetric Sigma-Models

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    Massive D=4 N=2 supersymmetric sigma models typically admit domain wall (Q-kink) solutions and string (Q-lump) solutions, both preserving 1/2 supersymmetry. We exhibit a new static 1/4 supersymmetric `kink-lump' solution in which a string ends on a wall, and show that it has an effective realization as a BIon of the D=4 super DBI-action. It is also shown to have a time-dependent Q-kink-lump generalization which reduces to the Q-lump in a limit corresponding to infinite BI magnetic field. All these 1/4 supersymmetric sigma-model solitons are shown to be realized in M-theory as calibrated, or `Q-calibrated', M5-branes in an M-monopole background.Comment: 16 pages, 3 figures, Late

    The effect of scale-free topology on the robustness and evolvability of genetic regulatory networks

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    We investigate how scale-free (SF) and Erdos-Renyi (ER) topologies affect the interplay between evolvability and robustness of model gene regulatory networks with Boolean threshold dynamics. In agreement with Oikonomou and Cluzel (2006) we find that networks with SFin topologies, that is SF topology for incoming nodes and ER topology for outgoing nodes, are significantly more evolvable towards specific oscillatory targets than networks with ER topology for both incoming and outgoing nodes. Similar results are found for networks with SFboth and SFout topologies. The functionality of the SFout topology, which most closely resembles the structure of biological gene networks (Babu et al., 2004), is compared to the ER topology in further detail through an extension to multiple target outputs, with either an oscillatory or a non-oscillatory nature. For multiple oscillatory targets of the same length, the differences between SFout and ER networks are enhanced, but for non-oscillatory targets both types of networks show fairly similar evolvability. We find that SF networks generate oscillations much more easily than ER networks do, and this may explain why SF networks are more evolvable than ER networks are for oscillatory phenotypes. In spite of their greater evolvability, we find that networks with SFout topologies are also more robust to mutations than ER networks. Furthermore, the SFout topologies are more robust to changes in initial conditions (environmental robustness). For both topologies, we find that once a population of networks has reached the target state, further neutral evolution can lead to an increase in both the mutational robustness and the environmental robustness to changes in initial conditions.Comment: 16 pages, 15 figure

    Correlated biodiversity change between plant and insect assemblages resurveyed after 80 years across a dynamic habitat mosaic

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    Historical data on co-occurring taxa are extremely rare. As such, the extent to which distinct co-occurring taxa experience similar long-term patterns in species richness and compositional change (e.g., when exposed to a changing environment) is not clear. Using data from a diverse ecological community surveyed in the 1930s and resurveyed in the 2010s, we investigated whether local plant and insect assemblages displayed cross-taxon congruence—that is, spatiotemporal correlation in species richness and compositional change—across six co-occurring taxa: vascular plants, non-vascular plants, grasshoppers and crickets (Orthoptera), ants (Hymenoptera: Formicinae), hoverflies (Diptera: Syrphidae), and dragonflies and damselflies (Odonata). All taxa exhibited high levels of turnover across the ca. 80-year time period. Despite minimal observed changes at the level of the whole study system, species richness displayed widespread cross-taxon congruence (i.e., correlated temporal change) across local assemblages within the study system. Hierarchical logistic regression models suggest a role for shared responses to environmental change underlying cross-taxon correlations and highlight stronger correlations between vascular plants and their direct consumers, suggesting a possible role for biotic interactions between these groups. These results provide an illustration of cross-taxon congruence in biodiversity change using data unique in its combination of temporal and taxonomic scope, and highlight the potential for cascading and comparable effects of environmental change (abiotic and biotic) on co-occurring plant and insect communities. However, analyses of historical resurveys based on currently available data come with inherent uncertainties. As such, this study highlights a need for well-designed experiments, and monitoring programs incorporating co-occurring taxa, to determine the underlying mechanisms and prevalence of congruent biodiversity change as anthropogenic environmental change accelerates apace

    Dual embedding of the Lorentz-violating electrodinamics and Batalin-Vilkovisky quantization

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    Modifications of the electromagnetic Maxwell Lagrangian in four dimensions have been considered by some authors. One may include an explicit massive term (Proca) and a topological but not Lorentz-invariant term within certain observational limits. We find the dual-corresponding gauge invariant version of this theory by using the recently suggested gauge embedding method. We enforce this dualisation procedure by showing that, in many cases, this is actually a constructive method to find a sort of parent action, which manifestly establishes duality. We also use the gauge invariant version of this theory to formulate a Batalin-Vilkovisky quantization and present a detailed discussion on the excitation spectrum.Comment: 8 page

    Glassy Phase Transition and Stability in Black Holes

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    Black hole thermodynamics, confined to the semi-classical regime, cannot address the thermodynamic stability of a black hole in flat space. Here we show that inclusion of correction beyond the semi-classical approximation makes a black hole thermodynamically stable. This stability is reached through a phase transition. By using Ehrenfest's scheme we further prove that this is a glassy phase transition with a Prigogine-Defay ratio close to 3. This value is well placed within the desired bound (2 to 5) for a glassy phase transition. Thus our analysis indicates a very close connection between the phase transition phenomena of a black hole and glass forming systems. Finally, we discuss the robustness of our results by considering different normalisations for the correction term.Comment: v3, minor changes over v2, references added, LaTeX-2e, 18 pages, 3 ps figures, to appear in Eour. Phys. Jour.

    De Sitter Holography and the Cosmic Microwave Background

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    We interpret cosmological evolution holographically as a renormalisation group flow in a dual Euclidean field theory, as suggested by the conjectured dS/CFT correspondence. Inflation is described by perturbing around the infra-red fixed point of the dual field theory. The spectrum of the cosmic microwave background radiation is determined in terms of scaling violations in the field theory. The dark energy allows similar, albeit less predictive, considerations. We discuss the cosmological fine-tuning problems from the holographic perspective.Comment: 17 pages, 2 figures, uses JHEP style files; corrected and added reference

    Oxidised cosmic acceleration

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    We give detailed proofs of several new no-go theorems for constructing flat four-dimensional accelerating universes from warped dimensional reduction. These new theorems improve upon previous ones by weakening the energy conditions, by including time-dependent compactifications, and by treating accelerated expansion that is not precisely de Sitter. We show that de Sitter expansion violates the higher-dimensional null energy condition (NEC) if the compactification manifold M is one-dimensional, if its intrinsic Ricci scalar R vanishes everywhere, or if R and the warp function satisfy a simple limit condition. If expansion is not de Sitter, we establish threshold equation-of-state parameters w below which accelerated expansion must be transient. Below the threshold w there are bounds on the number of e-foldings of expansion. If M is one-dimensional or R everywhere vanishing, exceeding the bound implies the NEC is violated. If R does not vanish everywhere on M, exceeding the bound implies the strong energy condition (SEC) is violated. Observationally, the w thresholds indicate that experiments with finite resolution in w can cleanly discriminate between different models which satisfy or violate the relevant energy conditions.Comment: v2: corrections, references adde
