1,355 research outputs found

    An evaluation of dryland watershed development projects in India:

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    This study addresses three main research questions: 1) What projects are most successful in promoting the objectives of raising agricultural productivity, improving natural resource management and reducing poverty? 2) What approaches enable them to succeed? 3) What nonproject factors also contribute to achieving these objectives? The major hypotheses are that participatory approaches that devote more attention to social organization yield superior project impact, and that favorable economic conditions and good infrastructure also support better natural resource management and higher productivity.Natural resources India Management., Poverty India., Agricultural productivity Economic aspects India.,

    Synthesis of a pentacyclic precursor to the Strychnos alkaloids

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    An advanced intermediate for the synthesis of the Strychnos alkaloids was constructed by a sequence involving an intramolecular Diels-Alder reaction, alkylation of an enol silyl ether, and conversion of the alkylation product into a pentacyclic lactam

    Wildlife Harvesting and Sustainable Regional Native Economy in the Hudson and James Bay Lowland, Ontario

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    To assist the Omushkego Cree in planning a community and regional economic development strategy that takes into account the traditional economy, we developed appropriate methodologies to investigate the quantitative importance and economic value of hunting and fishing for the Mushkegowuk region, Hudson and James Bay Lowland. Harvests of wildlife by the 6500 aboriginal residents of eight communities - Moose Factory, Moosonee, New Post, Fort Albany, Kashechewan, Attawapiskat, Peawanuck and Fort Severn - were estimated by means of a questionnaire study. A total of 925 persons were interviewed for 56% coverage in a stratified sampling design. Four species (moose, Canada goose, caribou, lesser snow goose) accounted for about two-thirds of the 1990 bush food harvest of 687 000 kg, the equivalent of 402 g meat or 97 g protein per adult per day. The replacement value of the bush food harvested in the region was about 7.8millionin1990.Includingotherproductsoftheland(fur,fuelwood,berries),thetotalvalueofthetraditionaleconomy,7.8 million in 1990. Including other products of the land (fur, fuelwood, berries), the total value of the traditional economy, 9.4 million for the region or $8400 per household per year, was about one-third as large as the total cash economy. The results show that the traditional economy is a cornerstone of the regional mixed economy, and that such a mixed economy may persist as a culturally and environmentally sustainable base for the region.Key words: Hudson Bay and James Bay Lowland, Canadian subarctic, Cree, sustainable development, subsistence, wildlife, fisheriesDans le but d'aider les Cris Omushkego à planifier une stratégie de développement économique communautaire et régional qui tienne compte de l'économie traditionnelle, on a mis au point des méthodologies appropriées permettant d'enquêter sur l'importance quantitative et sur la valeur économique de la chasse et de la pêche pour la région de Mushkegowuk, dans les basses-terres de la baie d'Hudson et de la baie James. Une étude faite à l'aide d'un sondage a permis d'évaluer le nombre de prises d'animaux par les 6500 autochtones habitant les huit communautés de Moose Factory, Moosonee, New Post, Fort Albany, Kashechewan, Attawapiskat, Peawanuck et Fort Severn. Un total de 925 personnes ont été interviewées formant 56 p. cent d'un plan d'échantillonnage stratifié. Quatre espèces (l'orignal, la bernache du Canada, le caribou et la petite oie blanche) comptaient pour environ les deux tiers des prises provenant de la nature au cours de l'année 90. Le poids de ces prises était de 687 000 kg, soit l'équivalent quotidien de 402 g de viande ou de 97 g de protéine par adulte. La valeur de remplacement de la nourriture tirée de la nature dans la région était d'environ 7,8 millions de dollars en 1990. Si l'on inclut les autres produits de la nature (fourrure, bois de feu, baies), la valeur totale de l'économie traditionnelle - 9,4 millions de dollars pour la région ou 8400 dollars annuels par foyer - équivalait à environ un tiers de l'économie monétaire totale. Les résultats montrent que l'économie traditionnelle est un pilier de l'économie mixte régionale et que cette dernière peut persister en tant qu'assise durable sur le plan culturel et environnemental pour la région.Mots clés: basses-terres de la baie d’Hudson et de la baie James, subarctique canadien, Cris, développement durable, subsistance, faune, pêcherie

    The Persistence of Aboriginal Land Use: Fish and Wildlife Harvest Areas in the Hudson and James Bay Lowland, Ontario

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    The question of the extent and importance of contemporary aboriginal land use in the Canadian North remains controversial, despite more than 20 studies undertaken since the mid-1970s to document Native land claims and to assess impacts of development projects. In planning a community and regional development strategy that takes into account traditional land use and economy, methodologies were developed for a computer-based, integrated land use and wildlife harvest study that could be applied over large geographic areas. Wildlife harvesting areas used in 1990 by the aboriginal people of the Mushkegowuk region, Hudson and James Bay Lowland, were documented by interviewing 925 hunters from eight communities (Moose Factory, Moosonee, New Post, Fort Albany, Kashechewan, Attawapiskat, Peawanuck and Fort Severn). Results show that geographically extensive land use for hunting and fishing persists in the Mushkegowuk region, some 250 000 sq km. However, the activity pattern of Omushkego (West Main) Cree harvesters has changed much over the decades; contemporary harvesting involves numerous short trips of a few days' duration instead of the traditional long trips. Although the First Nations control only 900 sq km (0.36% of the region) as Indian reserve land, they continue to use large parts of their traditional territory.Key words: land use, aboriginal territories, Hudson Bay and James Bay Lowland, Canadian subarctic, Cree, subsistence, wildlife, fisheriesLa question du niveau et de l'importance de l'utilisation actuelle des terres aborigènes dans le Nord canadien demeure controversée, malgré plus de 20 études entreprises depuis le milieu des années 70 afin de documenter les revendications territoriales des autochtones et d'évaluer l'impact des projets de développement. Dans le but de planifier une stratégie de développement communautaire et régional qui tienne compte de l'utilisation des terres et de l'économie traditionnelles, on a mis au point des méthodologies pour une étude intégrée de l'utilisation des terres et prélèvement faunique, en se servant d'ordinateurs, méthodologies qui pourraient être appliquées à de vastes régions géographiques. On a documenté les zones de prélèvement faunique utilisées en 1990 par les peuples autochtones de la région de Mushkegowuk, basse-terre de la baie d'Hudson et de la baie James, en interviewant 925 chasseurs de huit communautés (Moose Factory, Moosonee, New Post, Fort Albany, Kashechewan, Attawapiskat, Peawanuck et Fort Severn). Les résultats montrent qu'une utilisation intensive, du point de vue géographique, pour la chasse et la pêche persiste dans la région de Mushkegowuk, soit quelque 250 000 km². Cependant, le type d'activité de prélèvement des Cree Omushkego (West Main) a beaucoup changé au cours des ans; les prélèvements contemporains sont réalisés lors de nombreuses expéditions de quelques jours seulement, plutôt que lors de longues expéditions traditionnelles. Bien que les Premières Nations ne contrôlent que 900 km² (0,36 p. cent de la région) en tant que terres de réserve indienne, elles continuent d'utiliser une grande superficies du territoire traditionnel.Mots clés: utilisation des terres, territoires autochtones, basse-terre de la baie d’Hudson et de la baie James, subarctique canadien, Cree, subsistance, faune, pêcherie

    Elite male Flat jockeys display lower bone density and lower resting metabolic rate than their female counterparts: implications for athlete welfare

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    To test the hypothesis that daily weight-making is more problematic to health in male compared with female jockeys, we compared the bone-density and resting metabolic rate (RMR) in weight-matched male and female Flat-jockeys. RMR (kcal.kg-1 lean mass) was lower in males compared with females as well as lower bone-density Z-scores at the hip and lumbar spine. Data suggest the lifestyle of male jockeys’ compromise health more severely than females, possibly due to making-weight more frequently


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    Understanding the global context of urbanisation and health in South AfricaUrbanisation and environmental healthThe future of medical schemes in South Africa - towards national insurance or the American nightmare

    Double-Logarithmic Two-Loop Self-Energy Corrections to the Lamb Shift

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    Self-energy corrections involving logarithms of the parameter Zalpha can often be derived within a simplified approach, avoiding calculational difficulties typical of the problematic non-logarithmic corrections (as customary in bound-state quantum electrodynamics, we denote by Z the nuclear charge number, and by alpha the fine-structure constant). For some logarithmic corrections, it is sufficient to consider internal properties of the electron characterized by form factors. We provide a detailed derivation of related self-energy ``potentials'' that give rise to the logarithmic corrections; these potentials are local in coordinate space. We focus on the double-logarithmic two-loop coefficient B_62 for P states and states with higher angular momenta in hydrogenlike systems. We complement the discussion by a systematic derivation of B_62 based on nonrelativistic quantum electrodynamics (NRQED). In particular, we find that an additional double logarithm generated by the loop-after-loop diagram cancels when the entire gauge-invariant set of two-loop self-energy diagrams is considered. This double logarithm is not contained in the effective-potential approach.Comment: 14 pages, 1 figure; references added and typographical errors corrected; to appear in Phys. Rev.