1,507 research outputs found

    Yukawa Deflected Gauge Mediation in Four Dimensions

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    We construct a four dimensional realization of a higher dimensional model, Yukawa deflected gauge mediation, in which supersymmetry breaking is communicated to the visible sector through both gauge and Yukawa interactions. The reduction to four dimensions is achieved by `deconstructing' or `latticizing' the extra dimension. Three sites (gauge groups) are sufficient to reproduce the spectrum of the higher dimensional model. The characteristic features of Yukawa deflected gauge mediation, in particular, alignment of squarks and quarks, and a natural solution to the mu problem, carry over to the deconstructed version of the model. We comment on the implications of our results for a solution of the mu problem in the context of deconstructed gaugino mediation.Comment: 11 pages, 1figur

    Two-body Zâ€ČZ' decays in the minimal 331 model

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    The two-body decays of the extra neutral boson Z_2 predicted by the minimal 331 model are analyzed. At the three-level it can decay into standard model particles as well as exotic quarks and the new gauge bosons predicted by the model. The decays into a lepton pair are strongly suppressed, with Br(Z2−−>l+l−) 10−2Br(Z_2 --> l^+l^-) ~ 10^{-2} and Br(Z2−−>ΜˉlÎœ) 10−3Br(Z_2 --> \bar{\nu}_l \nu) ~ 10^{-3}. In the bosonic sector, Z_2 would decay mainly into a pair of bilepton gauge bosons, with a branching ratio below the 0.1 level. The Z_2 boson has thus a leptophobic and bileptophobic nature and it would decay dominantly into quark pairs. The anomaly-induced decays Z2−−>Z1ÎłZ_2 --> Z_1\gamma and Z2−−>Z1Z1Z_2 --> Z_1Z_1, which occurs at the one-loop level are studied. It is found that Br(Z2−−>Z1Îł) 10−9Br(Z_2 --> Z_1\gamma) ~ 10^{-9} and Br(Z2−−>Z1Z1) 10−6Br(Z_2 --> Z_1Z_1) ~ 10^{-6} at most. As for the Z2−−>W+W−Z_2 --> W^+W^- and Z2−−>Z1HZ_2 --> Z_1H decays, with H a relatively light Higgs boson, they are induced via Z'-Z mixing. It is obtained that Br(Z2−−>W+W−) 10−2Br(Z_2 --> W^+W^-) ~ 10^{-2} and Br(Z2−−>Z1H) 10−5Br (Z_2 --> Z_1H) ~ 10^{-5}. We also examine the flavor changing neutral current decays Z2−−>tcZ_2 --> tc and Z2−−>tuZ_2 --> tu, which may have branching fractions as large as 10−310^{-3} and 10−510^{-5}, respectively, and thus may be of phenomenological interest.Comment: 14 pages, 3 figures, submitted to Physical Review

    Two-Dimensional Helioseismic Power, Phase, and Coherence Spectra of {\it Solar Dynamics Observatory} Photospheric and Chromospheric Observables

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    While the {\it Helioseismic and Magnetic Imager} (HMI) onboard the {\it Solar Dynamics Observatory} (SDO) provides Doppler velocity [VV], continuum intensity [ICI_C], and line-depth [LdLd] observations, each of which is sensitive to the five-minute acoustic spectrum, the {\it Atmospheric Imaging Array} (AIA) also observes at wavelengths -- specifically the 1600 and 1700 Angstrom bands -- that are partly formed in the upper photosphere and have good sensitivity to acoustic modes. In this article we consider the characteristics of the spatio--temporal Fourier spectra in AIA and HMI observables for a 15-degree region around NOAA Active Region 11072. We map the spatio--temporal-power distribution for the different observables and the HMI Line Core [ILI_L], or Continuum minus Line Depth, and the phase and coherence functions for selected observable pairs, as a function of position and frequency. Five-minute oscillation power in all observables is suppressed in the sunspot and also in plage areas. Above the acoustic cut-off frequency, the behaviour is more complicated: power in HMI ICI_C is still suppressed in the presence of surface magnetic fields, while power in HMI ILI_L and the AIA bands is suppressed in areas of surface field but enhanced in an extended area around the active region, and power in HMI VV is enhanced in a narrow zone around strong-field concentrations and suppressed in a wider surrounding area. The relative phase of the observables, and their cross-coherence functions, are also altered around the active region. These effects may help us to understand the interaction of waves and magnetic fields in the different layers of the photosphere, and will need to be taken into account in multi-wavelength local helioseismic analysis of active regions.Comment: 18 pages, 15 figures, to be published in Solar Physic

    Beautiful Mirrors and Precision Electroweak Data

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    The Standard Model (SM) with a light Higgs boson provides a very good description of the precision electroweak observable data coming from the LEP, SLD and Tevatron experiments. Most of the observables, with the notable exception of the forward-backward asymmetry of the bottom quark, point towards a Higgs mass far below its current experimental bound. The disagreement, within the SM, between the values for the weak mixing angle as obtained from the measurement of the leptonic and hadronic asymmetries at lepton colliders, may be taken to indicate new physics contributions to the precision electroweak observables. In this article we investigate the possibility that the inclusion of additional bottom-like quarks could help resolve this discrepancy. Two inequivalent assignments for these new quarks are analysed. The resultant fits to the electroweak data show a significant improvement when compared to that obtained in the SM. While in one of the examples analyzed, the exotic quarks are predicted to be light, with masses below 300 GeV, and the Higgs tends to be heavy, in the second one the Higgs is predicted to be light, with a mass below 250 GeV, while the quarks tend to be heavy, with masses of about 800 GeV. The collider signatures associated with the new exotic quarks, as well as the question of unification of couplings within these models and a possible cosmological implication of the new physical degrees of freedom at the weak scale are also discussed.Comment: 21 pages, 4 embedded postscript figures, LaTeX. Two minor corrections performe

    Observations of quasi-periodic solar X-ray emission as a result of MHD oscillations in a system of multiple flare loops

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    We investigate the solar flare of 20 October 2002. The flare was accompanied by quasi-periodic pulsations (QPP) of both thermal and nonthermal hard X-ray emissions (HXR) observed by RHESSI in the 3-50 keV energy range. Analysis of the HXR time profiles in different energy channels made with the Lomb periodogram indicates two statistically significant time periods of about 16 and 36 seconds. The 36-second QPP were observed only in the nonthermal HXR emission in the impulsive phase of the flare. The 16-second QPP were more pronounced in the thermal HXR emission and were observed both in the impulsive and in the decay phases of the flare. Imaging analysis of the flare region, the determined time periods of the QPP and the estimated physical parameters of magnetic loops in the flare region allow us to interpret the observations as follows. 1) In the impulsive phase energy was released and electrons were accelerated by successive acts with the average time period of about 36 seconds in different parts of two spatially separated, but interacting loop systems of the flare region. 2) The 36-second periodicity of energy release could be caused by the action of fast MHD oscillations in the loops connecting these flaring sites. 3) During the first explosive acts of energy release the MHD oscillations (most probably the sausage mode) with time period of 16 seconds were excited in one system of the flare loops. 4) These oscillations were maintained by the subsequent explosive acts of energy release in the impulsive phase and were completely damped in the decay phase of the flare.Comment: 14 pages, 4 figure

    The use of viral 2A sequence for the simultaneous over-expression of both the vgf gene and enhanced green fluorescent protein eGFP

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    Introduction: The viral 2A sequence has become an attractive alternative to the traditional internal ribosomal entry site (IRES) for simultaneous over-expression of two genes and in combination with recombinant adeno-associated viruses (rAAV) has been used to manipulate gene expression in vitro.New Method: To develop a rAAV construct in combination with the viral 2A sequence to allow long-term over-expression of the vgf gene and fluorescent marker gene for tracking of the transfected neurones in vivo.Results: Transient transfection of the AAV plasmid containing the vgf gene, viral 2A sequence and eGFP into SH-SY5Y cells resulted in eGFP fluorescence comparable to a commercially available reporter construct. This increase in fluorescent cells was accompanied by an increase in VGF mRNA expression. Infusion of the rAAV vector containing VGF, viral 2A sequence and eGFP resulted in eGFP fluorescence in the hypothalamus of both mice and Siberian hamsters, 32 weeks post infusion. In-situ hybridisation confirmed that the location of VGF mRNA expression in the hypothalamus corresponded to the eGFP pattern of fluorescence.Comparison with old method: The viral 2A sequence is much smaller than the traditional IRES and therefore allowed over-expression of vgf with fluorescent tracking without compromising viral capacity. Conclusion: The use of the viral 2A sequence in the AAV plasmid allowed the simultaneous expression of both genes in vitro. When used in combination with rAAV it resulted in long-term over-expression of both genes at equivalent locations in the hypothalamus of both Siberian hamsters and mice, without any adverse effects

    Discrete symmetries, invisible axion and lepton number symmetry in an economic 3-3-1 model

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    We show that Peccei-Quinn and lepton number symmetries can be a natural outcome in a 3-3-1 model with right-handed neutrinos after imposing a Z_11 x Z_2 symmetry. This symmetry is suitably accommodated in this model when we augmented its spectrum by including merely one singlet scalar field. We work out the breaking of the Peccei-Quinn symmetry, yielding the axion, and study the phenomenological consequences. The main result of this work is that the solution to the strong CP problem can be implemented in a natural way, implying an invisible axion phenomenologically unconstrained, free of domain wall formation and constituting a good candidate for the cold dark matter.Comment: 17 pages, Revtex

    Meridional Circulation and Global Solar Oscillations

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    We investigate the influence of large-scale meridional circulation on solar p-modes by quasi-degenerate perturbation theory, as proposed by \cite{lavely92}. As an input flow we use various models of stationary meridional circulation obeying the continuity equation. This flow perturbs the eigenmodes of an equilibrium model of the Sun. We derive the signatures of the meridional circulation in the frequency multiplets of solar p-modes. In most cases the meridional circulation leads to negative average frequency shifts of the multiplets. Further possible observable effects are briefly discussed.Comment: 14 pages, 5 figures, submittted to Solar Physics Topical Issue "HELAS

    Detecting Physics At The Post-GUT And String Scales By Linear Colliders

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    The ability of linear colliders to test physics at the post-GUT scale is investigated. Using current estimates of measurements available at such accelerators, it is seen that soft breaking masses can be measured with errors of about (1-20)%. Three classes of models in the post-GUT region are examined: models with universal soft breaking masses at the string scale, models with horizontal symmetry, and string models with Calabi-Yau compactifications. In each case, linear colliders would be able to test directly theoretical assumptions made at energies beyond the GUT scale to a good accuracy, distinguish between different models, and measure parameters that are expected to be predictions of string models.Comment: Latex, 21 pages, no figure
