4 research outputs found

    Production of charcoal briquettes from cotton stalk in malawi: methodology for feasibility studies using experiences in Sudan

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    The feasibility of charcoal production from cotton stalks in Malawi was studied based on experience from Sudan. The country relies considerably on biomass fuels. Of the total energy consumption in Malawi of 2.376 MTOE in 1989, 92% was met by biomass (fuelwood: 83.6% and charcoal: 8.3% Petroleum fuels and ethanol contributed 5.4%; electricity, 1.6%; and coal, 1.0%. Most of the energy (84.8%) was consumed in the household sector. The “Malawi Charcoal Project”, which is the main charcoal project carried out in the country, attempted to produce alternative softwood charcoal from the large resource of pine plantations but was not successful because of unacceptability of the product for household use, long transport distances and costs, and the equipment required for industrial uses. Briquetting of uncarbonized sawdust was also carried out by the Wood Industries Corporation (WICO), but failed due to unacceptability of the products and technical problems. The estimated total national demand for cotton stalk charcoal (CSC) briquettes is 15,000 t yr−1 made up of 7000 and 8000 t yr−1 for household and industrial sectors, respectively. The household demand is most substantial in Blantyre (3500 t yr−1) and Lilongwe (2700). t yr−1 Ngabu town was found to be the most appropriate location for a plant to supply the Blantyre market. Of the many plant options that were found financially and economically viable, four, using drum kilns for carbonization, were the most attractive. These were the 800 t yr−1 agglomeration process with seasonal sun drying operation, 2- and 3-shifts, and the 3000 t yr−1 roll process, year round operation, 2- and 3-shifts with financial internal rates of return of 28.1%, 38.3%, 26.6% and 40.0% respectively and a pay-back period of three years. The agglomeration process was overall the most attractive, though not significantly so financially


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    RESUMO Este trabalho teve por objetivo avaliar briquetes produzidos a partir de finos de carvĂŁo vegetal compactados com resĂ­duo celulĂłsico gerado na decantação dos efluentes da indĂșstria de papel e celulose. Foram realizados os seguintes tratamentos: briquetes produzidos com fino de carvĂŁo vegetal e resĂ­duo celulĂłsico nas proporçÔes de 25% (T1), 30% (T2), 35% (T3), 40% (T4) e 45% (T5) e briquetes produzidos com finos de carvĂŁo vegetal com 10% de amido e resĂ­duo celulĂłsico nas proporçÔes de 0% (T6), 5% (T7), 10% (T8), 15% (T9), 20% (T10) e 25% (T11). A caracterização dos briquetes foi realizada por meio de ensaios de anĂĄlise quĂ­mica imediata, determinação do poder calorĂ­fico superior, densidade aparente e avaliação da resistĂȘncia mecĂąnica apĂłs a secagem dos briquetes em estufa ou ao ar livre. Observou-se que os briquetes com resĂ­duo celulĂłsico e amido em sua composição apresentaram maior densidade e resistĂȘncia mecĂąnica Ă  compressĂŁo, concluindo-se, assim, que a presença do amido favoreceu a compactação e estabilidade dos briquetes. Observou-se, tambĂ©m, que o processo de secagem em estufa prejudicou a qualidade dos briquetes, de modo que a secagem ao ar livre forneceu briquetes mais resistentes e estĂĄveis