1,900 research outputs found

    Protein adsorption and interfacial rheology interfering in dilatational experiment

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    The static and dilatational response of β-lactoglobulin fibrils and native β-lactoglobulin (monomers) at water-air and water-oil interfaces (pH 2) was measured using the pendant drop method. The resulting adsorption behavior and viscoelasticity is dependent of concentration and adsorption time. The interfacial pressure of the β-lactoglobulin fibrils obtained in static measurements was 16-18 mN/m (against air) and 7 mN/m (against oil) for all concentrations. With higher concentrations, faster adsorption kinetics and slightly higher interfacial and surface pressure is achieved but did not lead to higher viscoelastic moduli. The transient saturation of the interface is similar for both the fibril solution and the monomers, however the fibril solution forms a strong viscoelastic network. To evaluate the superimposed adsorption behavior and rheological properties, the formed interfacial layer was subjected to dilatational experiments, which were performed by oscillating the surface area of the drop in sinusoidal and sawtooth (diagonal) deformation manner. The sinusoidal oscillations (time depended area deformation rate) result in a complex interfacial tension behavior against air and oil interfaces and show remarkable differences during compression and expansion as emphasized by Lissajous figures. For diagonal (constant area deformation rate) experiments, a slight bending of the interfacial tension response was observed at low frequencies emphasizing the influence of protein adsorption during rheological measurement

    L^2-Betti numbers of one-relator groups

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    We determine the L^2-Betti numbers of all one-relator groups and all surface-plus-one-relation groups (surface-plus-one-relation groups were introduced by Hempel who called them one-relator surface groups). In particular we show that for all such groups G, the L^2-Betti numbers b_n^{(2)}(G) are 0 for all n>1. We also obtain some information about the L^2-cohomology of left-orderable groups, and deduce the non-L^2 result that, in any left-orderable group of homological dimension one, all two-generator subgroups are free.Comment: 18 pages, version 3, minor changes. To appear in Math. An

    Resummation of Nonalternating Divergent Perturbative Expansions

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    A method for the resummation of nonalternating divergent perturbation series is described. The procedure constitutes a generalization of the Borel-Pad\'{e} method. Of crucial importance is a special integration contour in the complex plane. Nonperturbative imaginary contributions can be inferred from the purely real perturbative coefficients. A connection is drawn from the quantum field theoretic problem of resummation to divergent perturbative expansions in other areas of physics.Comment: 5 pages, LaTeX, 2 tables, 1 figure; discussion of the Carleman criterion added; version to appear in Phys. Rev.

    αs\alpha_s from τ\tau decays: contour-improved versus fixed-order summation in a new QCD perturbation expansion

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    We consider the determination of αs\alpha_s from τ\tau hadronic decays, by investigating the contour-improved (CI) and the fixed-order (FO) renormalization group summations in the frame of a new perturbation expansion of QCD, which incorporates in a systematic way the available information about the divergent character of the series. The new expansion functions, which replace the powers of the coupling, are defined by the analytic continuation in the Borel complex plane, achieved through an optimal conformal mapping. Using a physical model recently discussed by Beneke and Jamin, we show that the new CIPT approaches the true results with great precision when the perturbative order is increased, while the new FOPT gives a less accurate description in the regions where the imaginary logarithms present in the expansion of the running coupling are large. With the new expansions, the discrepancy of 0.024 in αs(mτ2)\alpha_s(m_\tau^2) between the standard CI and FO summations is reduced to only 0.009. From the new CIPT we predict αs(mτ2)=0.3200.009+0.011\alpha_s(m_\tau^2)= 0.320 ^{+0.011}_{-0.009}, which practically coincides with the result of the standard FOPT, but has a more solid theoretical basis

    Monte Carlo simulation of subsurface ordering kinetics in an fcc-alloy model

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    Within the atom-vacancy exchange mechanism in a nearest-neighbor interaction model we investigate the kinetics of surface-induced ordering processes close to the (001) surface of an fcc A_3B-alloy. After a sudden quench into the ordered phase with a final temperature above the ordering spinodal, T_f > T_sp, the early time kinetics is dominated by a segregation front which propagates into the bulk with nearly constant velocity. Below the spinodal, T_f < T_sp, motion of the segregation wave reflects a coarsening process which appears to be slower than predicted by the Lifschitz-Allen-Cahn law. In addition, in the front-penetrated region lateral growth differs distinctly from perpendicular growth, as a result of the special structure of antiphase boundaries near the surface. Our results are compared with recent experiments on the subsurface ordering kinetics at Cu_3Au (001).Comment: 10 pages, 9 figures, submitted to Phys. Rev. B, in prin

    A Measurement of the Flux of Cosmic Ray Iron at 5 x 10^13 eV

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    We present results from the initial flight of our Balloon Air CHerenkov (BACH) payload. BACH detects air Cherenkov radiation from cosmic ray nuclei as coincident flashes in two optical modules. The flight (dubbed PDQ BACH) took place on April 22, 1998 from Ft. Sumner, New Mexico. During an exposure of 2.75 hours, with a typical threshold energy for iron nuclei of 2.2×1013\times10^{13} eV, we observed several events cleanly identifiable as iron group nuclei. Analysis of the data yields a new flux measurement that is fully consistent with that reported by other investigations.Comment: 16 pages, 7 Figures, accepted for publication in Astroparticle Physic

    Restoration of supersymmetric Slavnov-Taylor and Ward identities in presence of soft and spontaneous symmetry breaking

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    Supersymmetric Slavnov-Taylor and Ward identities are investigated in presence of soft and spontaneous symmetry breaking. We consider an abelian model where soft supersymmetry breaking yields a mass splitting between electron and selectron and triggers spontaneous symmetry breaking, and we derive corresponding identities that relate the electron and selectron masses with the Yukawa coupling. We demonstrate that the identities are valid in dimensional reduction and invalid in dimensional regularization and compute the necessary symmetry-restoring counterterms.Comment: 35 pages, LaTeX, 9 postscript figure

    Solitary magnetic perturbations at the ELM onset

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    Edge localised modes (ELMs) allow maintaining sufficient purity of tokamak H-mode plasmas and thus enable stationary H-mode. On the other hand in a future device ELMs may cause divertor power flux densities far in excess of tolerable material limits. The size of the energy loss per ELM is determined by saturation effects in the non-linear phase of the ELM, which at present is hardly understood. Solitary magnetic perturbations (SMPs) are identified as dominant features in the radial magnetic fluctuations below 100kHz. They are typically observed close (+-0.1ms) to the onset of pedestal erosion. SMPs are field aligned structures rotating in the electron diamagnetic drift direction with perpendicular velocities of about 10km/s. A comparison of perpendicular velocities suggests that the perturbation evoking SMPs is located at or inside the separatrix. Analysis of very pronounced examples showed that the number of peaks per toroidal turn is 1 or 2, which is clearly lower than corresponding numbers in linear stability calculations. In combination with strong peaking of the magnetic signals this results in a solitary appearance resembling modes like palm tree modes, edge snakes or outer modes. This behavior has been quantified as solitariness and correlated to main plasma parameters. SMPs may be considered as a signature of the non-linear ELM-phase originating at the separatrix or further inside. Thus they provide a handle to investigate the transition from linear to non-linear ELM phase. By comparison with data from gas puff imaging processes in the non-linear phase at or inside the separatrix and in the scrape-off-layer (SOL) can be correlated. A connection between the passing of an SMP and the onset of radial filament propagation has been found. Eventually the findings related to SMPs may contribute to a future quantitative understanding of the non-linear ELM evolution.Comment: submitted to Nuclear Fusio

    Dzyaloshinskii-Moriya interaction in NaV2_2O5_5: a microscopic study

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    We present a unified account of magnetic exchange and Raman scattering in the quasi-one-dimensional transition-metal oxide NaV2_2O5_5. Based on a cluster-model approach explicit expressions for the exchange integral and the Raman-operator are given. It is demonstrated that a combination of the electronic-structure and the Dzyaloshinskii-Moriya interaction, allowed by symmetry in this material, are responsible for the finite Raman cross-section giving rise to both, one- and two-magnon scattering amplitudes.Comment: 7 pages, 1 figur