4 research outputs found

    Evaluaci贸n de la eficacia de un suplemento oral en polvo enriquecido con 谩cido eicosapentaenoico en un grupo de pacientes con c谩ncer Efficacy evaluation of an oral powder supplement enriched with eicosapentaenoic acid in cancer patients

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    Introducci贸n: El efecto beneficioso del 谩cido eicosapentaenoico en pacientes con c谩ncer est谩 ampliamente descrito sobre todo en lo que respecta a su rol en la caquexia tumoral. Objetivo: Evaluar la eficacia de la administraci贸n de un nuevo suplemento oral en polvo con adici贸n de este componente frente a un suplemento l铆quido est谩ndar en un grupo de pacientes oncol贸gicos. Pacientes y m茅todos: 61 adultos mayores de 18 a帽os de ambos sexos con c谩ncer, fueron aleatorizados en dos grupos para recibir durante un mes 600 kcal extras a帽adidas a su alimentaci贸n; uno a trav茅s de un suplemento oral en polvo con 1,5 g de 谩cido eicosapentaenoico/d铆a (RSI) y el otro con un producto l铆quido est谩ndar (RE). Tanto al inicio como al final del estudio se realizaron las siguientes medidas: valoraci贸n global subjetiva generada por el paciente (VGS-gp), par谩metros antropom茅tricos (Pliegues, circunferencia del brazo y bioimpedancia), diet茅ticos (registro alimentario de 72 horas), bioqu铆micos e inflamatorios (bioqu铆mica b谩sica, citoquinas, prealb煤mina y PCR). La calidad de vida fue valorada mediante el cuestionario SF-36. As铆 mismo se emplearon escalas de percepci贸n sensorial, tolerancia de los productos y motivaci贸n y saciedad al comer durante el estudio. Resultados: Finalizaron el estudio 40 pacientes. Tras la intervenci贸n ambos grupos mantuvieron sus par谩metros antropom茅tricos y aumentaron significativamente la prealb煤mina (RSI 16,11 卤 5,66 mg/dl vs 19.81 卤 6.75 mg/dl p Background and objectives: The beneficial effect of eicosapentaenoic acid in cancer patients is widely described especially in relation to its role in tumour cachexia. The aim of the study was to evaluate the efficacy of administration of a new oral powder supplement enriched with eicosapentaenoic acid compared to a standard liquid supplement in cancer patients. Patients and methods: A total of 61 cancer patients, aged more than 18 years, were randomized to receive during a month a bonus of 600 kcal/ day to their regular diet with an oral powder supplement enriched with eicosapentaenoic acid (1.5 g) (RSI) or with a standard liquid supplement (RE). The following data were collected at baseline and after one month: the Patient-Generated Subjective Global Assessment (pg-SGA), anthropometric measurements (skin folds, circumferences and bioimpedance), dietary parameters (3-day food record), biochemical and inflammatory parameters (basic biochemistry, cytokines, prealbumin and Reactive C Protein). Quality of life was evaluated using the SF-36 questionnaire. At the end, scales were used to asses sensory perception, tolerance and satiety induced by the products and motivation to eat. Results: 40 patients completed the study. After intervention, anthropometric parameters do not change and prealbumin values increased significantly in both groups (RSI 16.11 卤 5.66 mg/dl vs. 19.81 卤 6.75 mg/dl p < 0.05 and RE 6.13 卤 16.55 mg/dl vs. 19.03 卤 5.47 mg / dl p < 0.05). RSI group significantly decreased interferon gamma (INF-&gamma;) values (0.99 卤 0.95 vs. 0.65 卤 0.92 pg/ml, p < 0.05). In contrast, RE group increased INF-&gamma; after intervention (1.62 卤 1 27 vs. 2.2 卤 3.19 pg/ml, p < 0.05). There were no significant differences in hunger, appetite, satiety and intake capacity in both groups. The SF-36 scores improved in both groups. Conclusions: Supplementation based on an oral powder formula enriched with 1.5g EPA during one month in cancer patients improved certain inflammatory parameters. This product may be a novel and valuable option to be added to the nutritional intervention strategies used for cancer patients

    Autopercepci贸n de los pacientes con c谩ncer sobre la relaci贸n existente entre su estado nutricional, su alimentaci贸n y la enfermedad que padecen Self-perception of cancer patients on the relationship existing between their nutritional status, their feedind status, and their illness

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    Introducci贸n: Conocer la opini贸n de los pacientes oncol贸gicos sobre la importancia que dan a su alimentaci贸n, a las dificultades para alimentarse, su imagen, su peso, los cambios ponderales, la relaci贸n entre su alimentaci贸n y su enfermedad, la relaci贸n entre la actividad f铆sica y el estado de 谩nimo y su salud, es b谩sico para buscar alternativas terap茅uticas nutricionales que nos lleven a mejorar su calidad de vida y en general su sensaci贸n de bienestar. Para ello, es imprescindible conocer la opini贸n de los pacientes respecto a estos temas. Material y m茅todos: Se elabor贸 una encuesta a 131 pacientes. Los pacientes fueron reclutados en el Hospital de d铆a de Oncolog铆a M茅dica, consulta de Oncolog铆a Radioter谩pica y el Servicio de Hospitalizaci贸n de Oncolog铆a M茅dica. En la encuesta se pregunt贸 de manera sencilla sobre la importancia que dan los pacientes a todos estos aspectos. Ha sido una encuesta de 20 preguntas, dividida en 6 partes: 1) Datos de filiaci贸n. 2) Percepci贸n de la enfermedad y la relaci贸n de 茅sta con la alimentaci贸n. 3) Percepci贸n de la relaci贸n de la actividad f铆sica y del estado de 谩nimo con la alimentaci贸n. 4) Tratamientos nutricionales indicados al paciente y la percepci贸n de su efecto sobre la evoluci贸n de la enfermedad. 5) Dificultades actuales de alimentaci贸n. 6) Demanda de atenci贸n nutricional. Resultados: Los pacientes presentaban una edad media de 57 &plusmn; 13 a帽os. El 45% correspond铆an a hombres y el resto mujeres. El 81% vive en el 谩rea urbana, y solo el 14% en el 谩rea rural. El nivel educativo se clasific贸 en 5 grupos: sin estudios, estudios b谩sicos, EGB, bachiller superior o estudios universitarios. El 28% pose铆a estudios b谩sicos, el 19% estudios universitarios, y un 8% no ten铆a ning煤n estudio. Con respecto a su ocupaci贸n tambi茅n se clasific贸 en cinco grupos: hogar, estudiante, sin empleo, empleado y jubilado. Un 33% eran empleados, 29% jubilados y un 34% se ocupaba del hogar. La mayor铆a de los pacientes , un 74% son conscientes de su enfermedad y la perciben como grave o muy grave. La mayor铆a de estos pacientes est谩n pendientes de su imagen, de su peso y de los cambios ponderales y los relacionan con su alimentaci贸n. El 74% de los pacientes encuentran relaci贸n entre su estado nutricional y la actividad f铆sica que desarrollan y un 73% lo relacionan con su estado de 谩nimo. Al menos la mitad de los pacientes perciben su estado de 谩nimo como deca铆do. Aunque el 47% manifiesta tener alguna dificultad para alimentarse, s贸lo el 34% ha recibido alguna informaci贸n sobre su alimentaci贸n, el 26% ha consumido suplementos nutricionales y el 81% contin煤a consumiendo una dieta sin modificaciones. Las dificultades de alimentaci贸n m谩s comunes fueron disminuci贸n del apetito 38%, saciedad precoz 32% y n谩useas 20%. La intervenci贸n nutricional m谩s solicitada por los pacientes es la educaci贸n nutricional general y espec铆fica para paliar los s铆ntomas asociados a los tratamientos oncol贸gicos. Conclusiones: La mayor铆a de los pacientes son consientes de la gravedad de su enfermedad y est谩n pendientes de su imagen, peso y cambios ponderales, que asocian con su alimentaci贸n. La mayor铆a de los pacientes encontraron una estrecha asociaci贸n entre su estado nutricional, la actividad f铆sica que desarrollan y su estado de 谩nimo. M谩s de la mitad manifest贸 tener alguna dificultad para alimentarse pero s贸lo a un tercio de la poblaci贸n se le hab铆a hablado de su alimentaci贸n en alguna ocasi贸n. Es evidente que el paciente oncol贸gico necesita de diferentes medidas de intervenci贸n nutricional efectivas que contribuyan a mejorar su sensaci贸n de bienestar.Introduction: Knowing the opinion of oncologic patients about the importance they give to their feeding, the difficulties they have with feeding, their body image, weight, and ponderal changes, the relationship between their feeding and their illness, the relationship between their physical activity and their mood and health is essential to look for nutritional therapeutic interventions leading to improvement of quality of life and, in general, the feeling of well being. Thus, it is paramount to know the patients' opinion of these issues. Material and methods: We passed a questionnaire to 131 patients. The patients were recruited from the Day-Hospital of the Medical Oncology and Radiotherapeutic Oncology Departments, and from the Hospitalization Department of Medical Oncology. In the questionnaire, we asked in a simple manner about the importance the patients give to all these issues. This is a 20-item questionnaire, divided into six parts: 1. Vital statistics; 2) perception about the disease and its relationship with feeding; 3) Perception of the relationship between physical activity and mood with feeding; 4) Nutritional therapies prescribed to the patients and their perception on its effect on the disease progression; 5) Current difficulties with feeding; 6) Demand of nutritional care. Results: The patients mean age was 57 &plusmn; 13 years. 45% were males, and the remaining females. 81% life in an urban area, and only 14% in a rural area. The educational level was categorized in 5 groups: without education, basic education, elementary school, high school, or college studies. 28% had basic education, and 19% college studies, and only 8% had no education at all. Their occupation was also categorized in five groups: home-keeping, student, unemployed, employed, and retired. 33% were employed, 29% retired, and 34% were home-keepers. Most of the patients (74%) are aware of their illness and perceive it as severe or very much severe. Most of these patients worry about their body image, weight, and ponderal changes, and they relate them with their feeding status. 74% find a relationship between their nutritional status and their physical activity, and 73% relate it with their mood. At least half of the patients perceive their mood as being low. Although 47% manifested having some difficulty for feeding, only 34% had received some information about their diet, 26% had consumed nutritional supplements, and 81% still consumed their diet without any change. The most common difficulties for feeding were decreased appetite (38%), early satiety (32%), and nausea (20%). The nutritional intervention most commonly required by the patients was general and specific nutritional education to alleviate the symptoms associated to oncologic therapies. Conclusions: Most of the patients are aware of the severity of their illness and care about their body image, weight, and ponderal changes, which they associate with their nutrition. Most of the patients find a close relationship between their nutritional status, their physical activity and their mood. More than half of the patients manifest having some difficulty feeding, but only one third of the population has received information about their diet some time. It is clearly shown that oncologic patients need different effective nutritional intervention measures contributing to improve their feeling of well being

    Evaluaci贸n del riesgo nutricional e instauraci贸n de soporte nutricional en pacientes oncol贸gicos, seg煤n el protocolo del grupo espa帽ol de Nutrici贸n y C谩ncer Nutritional risk evalution and establishment of nutritional support in oncology patients according to the protocol of the Spanish Nutrition and Cancer Group

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    Introducci贸n: El c谩ncer, los tratamientos que lo acompa帽an y los s铆ntomas consecuentes que a su vez generan, aumentan en los pacientes el riesgo de sufrir malnutrici贸n. La cual produce un gran deterioro del estado de salud, con el consecuente aumento de complicaciones, disminuci贸n de la tolerancia al tratamiento oncol贸gico y una disminuci贸n de la calidad de vida del paciente. Por este motivo, un grupo de profesionales sanitarios de diferentes puntos de Espa帽a se reunieron con el objetivo de mejorar la intervenci贸n nutricional en pacientes oncol贸gicos, con el apoyo de la Sociedad Espa帽ola de Nutrici贸n B谩sica y Aplicada (SENBA). Metodolog铆a: Este grupo multidisciplinar de profesionales elabor贸 un documento de consenso basado en la literatura y en la experiencia personal, creando un protocolo de evaluaci贸n y de intervenci贸n nutricional en forma de algoritmos. Se clasifican los pacientes en tres pasos: 1. seg煤n el tipo de tratamiento oncol贸gico que reciben, ya sea de tipo curativo o paliativo; 2. riesgo nutricional de la terapia antineopl谩sica (bajo, mediano, o alto riesgo), y 3. de acuerdo a la Valoraci贸n Global Subjetiva-Generada por el paciente (VGS-gp), que clasifica a los pacientes en: A. pacientes con adecuado estado nutricional, B. pacientes con malnutrici贸n o a riesgo de malnutrici贸n y C. pacientes con malnutrici贸n severa. Durante un a帽o el protocolo se puso en marcha en 226 pacientes mayores de 18 a帽os de ambos sexos, escogidos al azar en las consultas externas de Radioterapia Oncol贸gica y Oncolog铆a M茅dica. Resultados: M谩s de la mitad sufren malnutrici贸n (64%), y este valor se incrementa llegando hasta un 81% en pacientes con tratamiento paliativo. La mayor铆a de los pacientes tienen tratamiento de intenci贸n curativa (83%) y reciben tratamiento oncol贸gico de intensidad moderada o de alto riesgo nutricional (69%). Un 68% de los pacientes tienen alg煤n tipo de dificultad en la alimentaci贸n. La media en el porcentaje de p茅rdida de peso es del 6,64% 卤 0,87 (min 0, m谩x 33%). El 32% de la poblaci贸n presenta cifras de alb煤mina entre 3 y 3,5 g/dl, existiendo una correlaci贸n negativa entre 茅sta y las dificultades con la alimentaci贸n p = 0,001. El IMC no mostr贸 ser un par谩metro significativo para detectar malnutrici贸n (s贸lo un 10% se encontraba por debajo de 19,9 kg/m虏), pero tiene una tendencia lineal significativa con las dificultades en la alimentaci贸n, de forma tal que a medida que disminuye el IMC aumentan las dificultades p = 0,001. M谩s de la mitad de la poblaci贸n, requiri贸 recomendaciones diet茅ticas espec铆ficas para el control de los s铆ntomas que dificultaban la ingesta y una tercera parte de la poblaci贸n necesit贸 la indicaci贸n de suplementos nutricionales. Tras la intervenci贸n nutricional m谩s de la mitad (60%) mantuvo su peso y una sexta parte lo aument贸. Conclusi贸n: La aplicaci贸n de este protocolo es 煤til, sencillo y podr铆a facilitar la detecci贸n de malnutrici贸n en los pacientes oncol贸gicos. Seleccionando a los pacientes que realmente se podr铆an beneficiar de una intervenci贸n nutricional espec铆fica, pero deber铆a aplicarse al inicio coincidiendo si fuera posible con el diagn贸stico de la enfermedad. El soporte nutricional resulta eficaz en la mayor铆a de los pacientes.Introduction: Cancer and its oncological treatment cause symptoms which increase the patients risk to suffer from malnutrition. This affects the patients health status negatively by increasing the number of complications, reducing the tolerance to the oncology treatment and a decrease of the patients quality of life. Motivated by this, a group of health professionals from several spanish regions met with the backing of the Sociedad Espa帽ola de Nutrici贸n B谩sica y Aplicada (SENBA) to address strategies to improve the quality of nutritional intervention in cancer patients. Methods: This multidisciplinary group developed a protocol describing nutritional assessment and intervention in form of algorithms based on literature and personal experience. The patients are classified in a three step process: 1. type of their oncology treatment (curative or palliative); 2. nutritional risk of the antineoplastic therapy (low, medium or high risk) and 3. depending on the Subjective Global Assessment patient-generated (SGApg). The patients are classified as: A. patients with adequate nutritional state, B. patients with malnutrition or risk of malnutrition and C. patients suffering from severe malnutrition. During one year, the protocol has been used for 226 randomly chosen female and male patients older than 18 years. They were treated by the Medical and Radiotherapy Oncology outpatient clinic. Results: More than a half of the patients were suffering from malnutrition (64%) increasing up to 81% for patients undergoing palliative treatment. Most of them were treated curatively (83%) and received oncology treatment with moderate or high nutritional risk (69%). 68% of patients were affected by some feeding difficulty. The mean percentage of weight loss has been 6.64% 卤 0.87 (min 0%, max 33%). Albumin values of 32% of the patients were between 3 and 3.5 g/dl and negatively correlated with feeding difficulties (p = 0.001). The body mass index (BMI) has not found to be a significant parameter for detecting malnutrition (only in 10% of the patients, the value was below 19.9 kg/m虏). But a significant linear tendency when compared to feeding problems could be shown, such that in patients with less feeding problems a higher BMI has been found (p = 0.001). More than a half of the patients required nutritional counselling to control symptoms which made food intake difficult. One third of the patients needed oral nutritional supplementation. Following the nutritional intervention the weight of about 60% of the patients could be maintained and of one sixth it could be increased. Conclusion: The application of this protocol is useful, easy and could help detecting malnutrition in oncology patients. It provides the possibility to select those patients who can benefit from a specific nutritional intervention. If possible, the application of the protocol should be started immediatly after cancer is diagnosed. Nutritional support proves efficient for most of the patients