845 research outputs found

    Geometric Stability Analysis for Periodic Solutions of the Swift-Hohenberg Equation

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    In this paper we describe invariant geometrical ~structures in the phase space of the Swift-Hohenberg equation in a neighborhood of its periodic stationary states. We show that in spite of the fact that these states are only marginally stable (i.e., the linearized problem about these states has continuous spectrum extending all the way up to zero), there exist finite dimensional invariant manifolds in the phase space of this equation which determine the long-time behavior of solutions near these stationary solutions. In particular, using this point of view, we obtain a new demonstration of Schneider's recent proof that these states are nonlinearly stable.Comment: 44 pages, plain tex, 0 figure

    Asymptotic description of solutions of the exterior Navier Stokes problem in a half space

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    We consider the problem of a body moving within an incompressible fluid at constant speed parallel to a wall, in an otherwise unbounded domain. This situation is modeled by the incompressible Navier-Stokes equations in an exterior domain in a half space, with appropriate boundary conditions on the wall, the body, and at infinity. We focus on the case where the size of the body is small. We prove in a very general setup that the solution of this problem is unique and we compute a sharp decay rate of the solution far from the moving body and the wall

    Effect of substrate thermal resistance on space-domain microchannel

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    In recent years, Fluorescent Melting Curve Analysis (FMCA) has become an almost ubiquitous feature of commercial quantitative PCR (qPCR) thermal cyclers. Here a micro-fluidic device is presented capable of performing FMCA within a microchannel. The device consists of modular thermally conductive blocks which can sandwich a microfluidic substrate. Opposing ends of the blocks are held at differing temperatures and a linear thermal gradient is generated along the microfluidic channel. Fluorescent measurements taken from a sample as it passes along the micro-fluidic channel permits fluorescent melting curves to be generated. In this study we measure DNA melting temperature from two plasmid fragments. The effects of flow velocity and ramp-rate are investigated, and measured melting curves are compared to those acquired from a commercially available PCR thermocycler

    Influence of Nitrogen Fertilization on the Quality and Quantity of Streamflow from a Forested Watershed

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    This project was designed to determine the effects of nitrogen fertilization on the quality and quantity of streamflow eminating from an eastern hardwood forest watershed. A 40.67 ha watershed, located in mountainous eastern Kentucky, was aerially fertilized in late April 1975. The forest stand was principally oak, hickory, and yellow poplar, 50 - 55 years of age and in a relatively undisturbed condition. A helicopter applied anunonium nitrate at a rate of 504 kg/ha. Because a large part of applied nitrogen fertilizer ends up in the highly mobile nitrate nitrogen.form, this is the principal ion monitored in this study. No effort was made to avoid live streams during application and, consequently, very high levels of nitrate nitrogen were detected (640 mg/1) in streamfiow within the watershed. Levels potentially toxic to humans and animals persisted in the streamflow for several days following application. Although elevated concentrations of nitrate nitrogen persisted in streamflow leaving the watershed over a two year period no algal blooms or excessive growth of aquatic plants were noted. Rather high concentrations of nitrate nitrogen were found in the soils of the watershed, with greatest concentrations in the surface layer (0 - 5 cm), intermediate amounts at 15 - 20 cm, and the lowest concentrations at the 41 - 46 cm depth. The effects of the fertilizer application on soils persisted less than one year in the 0 - 46 cm depth sampled. Analysis of streamf1ow records indicated a reduction in water yield the first and second growing seasons after treatment. Gross budgeting of nitrate nitrogen inputs vs. outputs suggests this anion accumulates on these relatively undisturbed watersheds at an annual rate of 3 to 5 kg/ha

    Actividad de glutation peroxidasa (GSH-Px) en sangre de bovinos a pastoreo de la IX Región, Chile y su relación con la concentración de selenio en el forraje

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    Con el objeto de determinar la actividad sanguínea de glutatión peroxidasa (GSH-Px; E.C. en bovinos lecheros de la IX Región de la Araucanía (38º LS y 71º LO), Chile, y establecer su eventual asociación con el contenido de Se en el forraje, durante el otoño y la primavera de 1999 se tomaron muestras de forraje de las praderas y de sangre en grupos de vacas en inicio de lactancia y vaquillas en 12 predios lecheros. Se midió la concentración de Se en el forraje empleando la técnica de espectroscopía de plasma acoplado inductivamente con detector de masas (ICP-MS) y la actividad sanguínea de GSH-Px mediante una técnica cinética compuesta NADPH-dependiente. La concentración de Se del forraje fue 0.03±0.02 ppm, donde un 83% presentó valores deficitarios (0.05). Se encontró un 20% de los grupos analizados con valores deficitarios (0.05). Heifers showed a lower activity for GSH-Px than cows in both periods (p<0.05). Twenty percent of the animals showed a low activity of GSH-Px (below 60 U/g Hb), meaning a Se deficiency in the animals. There was a relation between the content of Se in forage and the blood activity of GSH-Px in heifers (r= 0.74; p<0.05). Accordingly, the content of Se in most of the forage produced in the dairy cattle area from the IXth Region, Chile is below the nutritional requirements for grazing dairy cattle and nutritional metabolic deficiencies of Se are present in dairy herds according to blood activity of GSH-Px. Heifers are mostly affecte

    Built Environment Determinants of Pedestrian Activities and Their Consideration in Urban Street Design

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    Pedestrian facilities have been regarded in urban street design as “leftover spaces” for years, but, currently, there is a growing interest in walking and improving the quality of street environments. Designing pedestrian facilities presents the challenge of simultaneously accommodating (1) pedestrians who want to move safely and comfortably from point A to B (movement function); as well as (2) users who wish to rest, communicate, shop, eat, and enjoy life in a pleasant environment (place function). The aims of this study are to provide an overview of how the task of designing pedestrian facilities is addressed in international guidance material for urban street design, to compare this with scientific evidence on determinants of pedestrian activities, and to finally develop recommendations for advancing provisions for pedestrians. The results show that urban street design guidance is well advanced in measuring space requirements for known volumes of moving pedestrians, but less in planning pleasant street environments that encourage pedestrian movement and place activities. A stronger linkage to scientific evidence could improve guidance materials and better support urban street designers in their ambition to provide safe, comfortable and attractive street spaces that invite people to walk and to stay

    Cross-site assessment of road design packages

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    This report develop a concept for evaluating alternative design solutions for urban streets: the Street Performance Assessment Scheme. It should be generally valid and applicable to any redesign task, to compare the performance of a road/street section: (1) with the goals formulated for each case study, (2) in situations before and after the implementation of a redesign solution, and (3) between different case studies in cross-site assessments. In this report, the Street Performance Assessment Scheme is applied to streets in five European cities. These streets have major movement and 'place' functions and have limited space availabilities, and are thus typical examples for the most challenging design tasks that urban street designers face

    Reconstructing the colonization history of Indo-Pacific bottlenose dolphins (Tursiops aduncus) in Northwestern Australia

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    Bottlenose dolphins (Tursiops spp.) are found in waters around Australia, with T. truncatus typically occupying deeper, more oceanic habitat, while T. aduncus occur in shallower, coastal waters. Little is known about the colonization history of T. aduncus along the Western Australian coastline; however, it has been hypothesized that extant populations are the result of an expansion along the coastline originating from a source in the north of Australia. To investigate the history of coastal T. aduncus populations in the area, we generated a genomic SNP dataset using a double-digest restriction-site-associated DNA (ddRAD) sequencing approach. The resulting dataset consisted of 103,201 biallelic SNPs for 112 individuals which were sampled from eleven coastal and two offshore sites between Shark Bay and Cygnet Bay, Western Australia. Our population genomic analyses showed a pattern consistent with the proposed source in the north with significant isolation by distance along the coastline, as well as a reduction in genomic diversity measures along the coastline with Shark Bay showing the most pronounced reduction. Our demographic analysis indicated that the expansion of T. aduncus along the coastline began around the last glacial maximum and progressed southwards with the Shark Bay population being founded only 13 kya. Our results are in line with coastal colonization histories inferred for Tursiops globally, highlighting the ability of delphinids to rapidly colonize novel coastal niches as habitat is released during glacial cycle-related global sea level and temperature changes

    Dermatofitosis por Trichophyton Verrucosum, Bodin 1902, en Valdivia, Chile

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    Se estudiaron 13 casos humanos de dermatofitosis con antecedentes de manejo de ganado, uno inter-humano y 81 bovinos de diferentes orígenes, aislándose Trichophyton verrucosum en todas las personas y en el 98,7% de los terneros