19,162 research outputs found

    Erosion Control in Ohio Farming

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    From bcc to fcc: interplay between oscillating long-range and repulsive short-range forces

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    This paper supplements and partly extends an earlier publication, Phys. Rev. Lett. 95, 265501 (2005). In dd-dimensional continuous space we describe the infinite volume ground state configurations (GSCs) of pair interactions \vfi and \vfi+\psi, where \vfi is the inverse Fourier transform of a nonnegative function vanishing outside the sphere of radius K0K_0, and ψ\psi is any nonnegative finite-range interaction of range r0γd/K0r_0\leq\gamma_d/K_0, where γ3=6π\gamma_3=\sqrt{6}\pi. In three dimensions the decay of \vfi can be as slow as r2\sim r^{-2}, and an interaction of asymptotic form cos(K0r+π/2)/r3\sim\cos(K_0r+\pi/2)/r^3 is among the examples. At a dimension-dependent density ρd\rho_d the ground state of \vfi is a unique Bravais lattice, and for higher densities it is continuously degenerate: any union of Bravais lattices whose reciprocal lattice vectors are not shorter than K0K_0 is a GSC. Adding ψ\psi decreases the ground state degeneracy which, nonetheless, remains continuous in the open interval (ρd,ρd)(\rho_d,\rho_d'), where ρd\rho_d' is the close-packing density of hard balls of diameter r0r_0. The ground state is unique at both ends of the interval. In three dimensions this unique GSC is the bcc lattice at ρ3\rho_3 and the fcc lattice at ρ3=2/r03\rho_3'=\sqrt{2}/r_0^3.Comment: Published versio

    On the Relation between Rigging Inner Product and Master Constraint Direct Integral Decomposition

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    Canonical quantisation of constrained systems with first class constraints via Dirac's operator constraint method proceeds by the thory of Rigged Hilbert spaces, sometimes also called Refined Algebraic Quantisation (RAQ). This method can work when the constraints form a Lie algebra. When the constraints only close with nontrivial structure functions, the Rigging map can no longer be defined. To overcome this obstacle, the Master Constraint Method has been proposed which replaces the individual constraints by a weighted sum of absolute squares of the constraints. Now the direct integral decomposition methods (DID), which are closely related to Rigged Hilbert spaces, become available and have been successfully tested in various situations. It is relatively straightforward to relate the Rigging Inner Product to the path integral that one obtains via reduced phase space methods. However, for the Master Constraint this is not at all obvious. In this paper we find sufficient conditions under which such a relation can be established. Key to our analysis is the possibility to pass to equivalent, Abelian constraints, at least locally in phase space. Then the Master Constraint DID for those Abelian constraints can be directly related to the Rigging Map and therefore has a path integral formulation.Comment: 25 page

    Coupled anharmonic oscillators: the Rayleigh-Ritz approach versus the collocation approach

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    For a system of coupled anharmonic oscillators we compare the convergence rate of the variational collocation approach presented recently by Amore and Fernandez (2010 Phys.Scr.81 045011) with the one obtained using the optimized Rayleigh-Ritz (RR) method. The monotonic convergence of the RR method allows us to obtain more accurate results at a lower computational cost.Comment: 7 pages, 1 figur

    Crystalline ground states for classical particles

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    Pair interactions whose Fourier transform is nonnegative and vanishes above a wave number K_0 are shown to give rise to periodic and aperiodic infinite volume ground state configurations (GSCs) in any dimension d. A typical three dimensional example is an interaction of asymptotic form cos(K_0 r)/r^4. The result is obtained for densities rho >= rho_d where rho_1=K_0/2pi, rho_2=(sqrt{3}/8)(K_0/pi)^2 and rho_3=(1/8sqrt{2})(K_0/pi)^3. At rho_d there is a unique periodic GSC which is the uniform chain, the triangular lattice and the bcc lattice for d=1,2,3, respectively. For rho>rho_d the GSC is nonunique and the degeneracy is continuous: Any periodic configuration of density rho with all reciprocal lattice vectors not smaller than K_0, and any union of such configurations, is a GSC. The fcc lattice is a GSC only for rho>=(1/6 sqrt{3})(K_0/pi)^3.Comment: final versio

    Suspension systems for ground testing large space structures

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    A research program is documented for the development of improved suspension techniques for ground vibration testing of large, flexible space structures. The suspension system must support the weight of the structure and simultaneously allow simulation of the unconstrained rigid-body movement as in the space environment. Exploratory analytical and experimental studies were conducted for suspension systems designed to provide minimum vertical, horizontal, and rotational degrees of freedom. The effects of active feedback control added to the passive system were also investigated. An experimental suspension apparatus was designed, fabricated, and tested. This test apparatus included a zero spring rate mechanism (ZSRM) designed to support a range of weights from 50 to 300 lbs and provide vertical suspension mode frequencies less than 0.1 Hz. The lateral suspension consisted of a pendulum suspended from a moving cart (linear bearing) which served to increase the effective length of the pendulum. The torsion suspension concept involved dual pendulum cables attached from above to a pivoting support (bicycle wheel). A simple test structure having variable weight and stiffness characteristics was used to simulate the vibration characteristics of a large space structure. The suspension hardware for the individual degrees of freedom was analyzed and tested separately and then combined to achieve a 3 degree of freedom suspension system. Results from the exploratory studies should provide useful guidelines for the development of future suspension systems for ground vibration testing of large space structures

    Magnetic transport in a straight parabolic channel

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    We study a charged two-dimensional particle confined to a straight parabolic-potential channel and exposed to a homogeneous magnetic field under influence of a potential perturbation WW. If WW is bounded and periodic along the channel, a perturbative argument yields the absolute continuity of the bottom of the spectrum. We show it can have any finite number of open gaps provided the confining potential is sufficiently strong. However, if WW depends on the periodic variable only, we prove by Thomas argument that the whole spectrum is absolutely continuous, irrespectively of the size of the perturbation. On the other hand, if WW is small and satisfies a weak localization condition in the the longitudinal direction, we prove by Mourre method that a part of the absolutely continuous spectrum persists