1,131 research outputs found

    Multipole photon radiation in the Vincia parton shower

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    We present algorithms that interleave photon radiation from the final state and the initial state with the QCD evolution in the antenna-based Vincia parton shower. One of the algorithms incorporates the complete soft and collinear structure associated with photon emission, but may be computationally expensive, while the other approximates the soft structure at a lower cost. Radiation from fermions and W bosons is included, and a strategy for photon radiation off leptons below the hadronization scale is set up. We show results of the application of the shower algorithms to Drell-Yan and W +W − production at the LHC, showing the impact of the inclusion of the full soft structure and treatment of radiation off W bosons

    Levensduur in een jaargangmodel

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    Carrier lifetime assessment in integrated Ge waveguide devices

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    Carrier lifetimes in Ge waveguides on Si are deduced from time-resolved pump-probe spectroscopy. For a 1 pm wide Ge waveguide, a lifetime of 1.6 ns is estimated for a carrier density of around 2 x10(19) cm(-3)

    Extraction of carrier lifetime in Ge waveguides using pump probe spectroscopy

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    Carrier lifetimes in Ge-on-Si waveguides are deduced using time-resolved infrared transmission pump-probe spectroscopy. Dynamics of pump-induced excess carriers generated in waveguides with varying Ge thickness and width is probed using a CW laser. The lifetimes of these excess carriers strongly depend on the thickness and width of the waveguide due to defect assisted surface recombination. Interface recombination velocities of 0.975 x 10(4) cm/s and 1.45 x 10(4) cm/s were extracted for the Ge/Si and the Ge/SiO2 interfaces, respectively. Published by AIP Publishing

    Compact thermally tunable silicon racetrack modulators based on an asymmetric waveguide

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    A compact wavelength-tunable 10-Gb/s silicon racetrack modulator with integrated thermo-optic heater is demonstrated by using a waveguide with an asymmetric cross section, combining the compact footprint of microdisk modulators with the design simplicity of regular racetrack or ring modulators. The outer perimeter of the asymmetric racetrack modulator is fully etched to maximize optical confinement, and the inner waveguide edge is shallowly etched to maintain an electrically conductive path to the embedded p-n diode and to control the propagation of the asymmetric optical mode and its coupling to the bus waveguide. The resistive heating elements based on highly doped Si strips are implemented at the outer edge of the modulator for thermo-optic control. The asymmetric modulators can be fabricated along with Si wire waveguides and shallowly etched fiber-grating couplers using a simple process flow involving just two Si-patterning steps. Devices with a bending radius of 10 mu m and a novel "T"-shaped p-n diode layout have been fabricated, and exhibit electro-optic modulation and heater efficiencies of 28 pm/V and 42 pm/mW, respectively. At 10 Gb/s, a stable extinction ratio of 10 dB is demonstrated from a 2V(pp) drive swing, which can be maintained over a wavelength range of 4.6 nm by thermally tuning the modulator. This is equivalent with a temperature variation of about 62 degrees C

    Prunus serotina unleashed: invader dominance after 70 years of forest development

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    Propagule pressure and disturbance have both been found to facilitate invasion. Therefore, knowledge on the history of introduction and disturbance is vital for understanding an invasion process, and research should focus on areas in which the invasive species has not been deliberately introduced or managed to study unconfounded colonization patterns. Comparing the outcome of such spontaneous colonization processes for different ecosystems might provide a useful framework for setting management priorities for invasive species that enter new, uninvaded areas. We focused on the 70-year spontaneous spread of the invasive tree species Prunus serotina in a pine forest in the Netherlands. To reconstruct the invasion pattern, we combined historical maps, tree ring analysis, spatially explicit tree inventory data, seed density data, and regeneration data for both native and non-native species. Prunus serotina was the only species that showed successful regeneration: the species was present throughout the forest in the tree, shrub, and herb layer. Native species were not able to outgrow the seedling stage. Our data demonstrate that P. serotina is a gap-dependent species with high seed production that builds up a seedling bank. We also compared the results of this study with a similar study on P. serotina colonization in a deciduous forest in Belgium, where P. serotina invasion was not successful. The sharp contrast between the outcomes of the two invasion processes shows the importance of studying an invasive species and the recipient ecosystem jointly and made us raise the hypothesis that herbivore pressure may facilitate P. serotina invasio