97 research outputs found

    The true price of meat

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    Copyright © 2010, Instituut voor Milieuvraagstukken Nothing in this publication may be reproduced and/or published by means of print, photocopy, microfilm or any other way without prior written permission of the copyright holder. The true price of mea

    The economic and ecological effects of water management choices in the upper Niger river: Development of decision support methods

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    One million people in the Inner Niger Delta make a living from arable farming, fisheries and livestock. Upstream dams (one built for electricity generation and one for irrigation) affect this downstream multifunctional use of water. Additionally, the Inner Niger Delta, which is one of the largest Ramsar sites in the world, is a hotspot of biodiversity and accommodates two of the largest known breeding colonies of large wading birds in Africa and in addition, is a vital part of the eco-regional network, supporting up to 3 to 4 million staging waterbirds, residents and migrants from all over Europe and western Asia. The hydrological and related ecological conditions in the Inner Delta largely determine the population size of these waterbird species. The major aim of the three-year study was to develop a decision-support system for river management in the Upper Niger, in which ecological and socio-economical impacts and benefits of dams and irrigation systems can be analysed in relation to different water management scenarios. The study involves various components: hydrology, arable farming, livestock, fisheries, ecology and socio-economics. An economic analysis has been conducted to determine the role of dams in the economy of the Inner Niger Delta and the Upper Niger region. By innovatively combining the above information on hydrology, ecology, fisheries, and agriculture, the study shows that building new dams is not an efficient way to increase economic growth and reduce poverty in the region. In fact, such efforts are counter-effective. Instead, development efforts should be aimed at improving the efficiency of the existing infrastructure, as well as of current economic activities in the Inner Niger Delta itself. This approach will also provide greater certainty for the essential eco-regional network functioning of the Inner Delta. © 2006 Taylor & Francis

    Expectations of mental illness disclosure outcomes in the work context:A cross-sectional study among Dutch workers

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    Purpose The decision whether to disclose mental illness at work can have important positive and negative consequences for sustainable employment and well-being. The aim of the study is (1) to examine workers’ expectations of outcomes of mental illness disclosure in the workplace and to evaluate their expectations regarding which factors are of influence on these outcomes, (2) to identify distinct subgroups of workers, and (3) to characterize these subgroups in terms of personal, sociodemographic, and work-related characteristics. Methods In this cross-sectional survey study, a sample of 1224 Dutch workers was used. Latent Class Analysis (LCA) was used to identify classes of workers based on expected workplace mental illness outcomes. A three-step approach LCA was chosen to investigate whether the classes differed in characteristics. Results The majority of workers expected predominantly positive outcomes of workplace mental illness disclosure (e.g., being able to be one’s authentic self; 82.4%), even though they simultaneously expected disclosure to lead to advancement-related discrimination (e.g., lower chances of contract renewal; or getting a promotion; 68.4% and 57%, respectively). Six distinct subgroups of workers were identified based on expected workplace mental illness disclosure outcomes: two positive classes (50.1%), two negative classes (33.3%), and two classes who indicated not to know what the outcomes would be (16.7%). Significant differences between the classes were found on personal experience, work-related association with mental illness, gender, educational level, and workplace atmosphere. Conclusion The disclosure process is complex, as most workers were optimistic (i.e., expected generally positive outcomes) whilst simultaneously expecting workplace discrimination. Subgroup differences in expectations regarding workplace mental illness disclosure outcomes were found

    Psychometric properties of the Internalized Stigma of Mental Illness (ISMI-10) scale in a Dutch sample of employees with mental illness

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    BACKGROUND: Internalized stigma can have numerous negative effects on the well-being and employment of people with mental illness. Brief, valid, and reliable measures are needed to get a better understanding of self-stigmatization. The aim of this study is to translate the brief version of the Internalized Stigma of Mental Illness (ISMI-10) scale into a Dutch version and to assess the reliability and validity of this Dutch version in a sample of employees with mental illness. METHODS: The ISMI-10 was translated into Dutch using the forward-backward translation procedure. The sample consisted of 161 employees with mental illness. Internal consistency was evaluated and the retest reliability was tested with 68 respondents. The construct validity was evaluated by testing convergent and divergent validity. RESULTS: The Dutch ISMI-10 showed good internal consistency (α = 0.83) and good test-retest reliability (r = 0.73). The Dutch ISMI-10 demonstrated excellent convergent validity; high correlations were found between the Dutch ISMI-10 and hope (r = -0.54), anxiety and depression (r = 0.59), self-esteem (r = -0.56), and empowerment (r = − 0.59). Acceptable divergent validity was indicated; small correlations were found between the Dutch ISMI-10 and the physical functioning subscale (r = -0.27) and the role limitation due to physical problems subscale (r = -0.21), and medium correlations were found between the Dutch ISMI-10 and the general health subscale (r = -0.36). CONCLUSION: The Dutch ISMI-10 demonstrated adequate psychometric properties for assessing internalized stigma and can be used by researchers in Dutch speaking countries to get a better understanding of self-stigmatization among people with mental illness. SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: The online version contains supplementary material available at 10.1186/s12888-022-04284-5

    Optimization of the charcoal chain in Tanzania

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    The high reliance on charcoal makes Tanzanian producers, traders and consumers vulnerable for environmental problems such as deforestation. Increasing the sustainability of the charcoal chain in Tanzania calls for a comprehensive approach that accounts for a multitude of aspects (e.g technological, economic, social and environmental issue

    Buildings behaving badly:A behavioral experiment on how different motivational frames influence residential energy label adoption in the Netherlands

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    Heating buildings contributes to approximately 36% of Europe’s energy demand and several EU member states have adopted mandatory energy labels to improve energy efficiency by promoting home weatherization investments. This paper focuses on the perception of the energy label for residential buildings in the Netherlands and the role of different frames (egoistic, biospheric and social norms and neutral frames) in motivating adoption of energy labels for housing. We used a behavioral email experiment and an online survey to investigate these motivational factors. We find that biospheric frames are weaker than the other three motivational frames in terms of engaging interest in the energy label, but that the biospheric frame results in higher willingness to pay (WTP) for the energy label. We also find that age (rather than income) correlates with higher willingness to pay for home energy labels

    "A convenient truth": air travel passengers' willingness to pay to offset their CO2 emissions

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    Several economic reviews demonstrate the substantial costs related to climate change and consequently call for early action. These reviews, however, have been limited to measuring ‘objective’ risks and expected material damage related to climate change. The ‘subjective’ perceived risk of climate change and society’s willingness to pay (WTP) to avoid these risks are expected to provide an important additional motivation for direct action. We investigate whether and why air travel passengers—an increasingly important source of greenhouse gas emissions—are supportive of measures that increase the cost of their travel based on the polluter pays principle and compensate the damage caused by their flight. Compared to the results of the few previous studies that have elicited WTP estimates for climate policy more generally, our results appear to be at the lower end of the scale, while a comparison to estimates of the social cost of carbon shows that the average WTP estimate in this study is close to the estimated marginal damage cost. Although significant differences are found between travellers from Europe, North America, Asia and the rest of the world, we show that there exists a substantial demand for climate change mitigation action. The positive risk premium over and above the expected property damage cost assessments should be accounted for more explicitly in economic reviews as it will add to the burden of proof of direct action. Measurements of passenger WTP will help policy makers to design effective financial instruments aimed at discouraging climate-unfriendly travel activities as well as to generate funds for the measures directed at climate change mitigation and adaptation. Based on stated WTP by travellers to offset their greenhouse gas emissions, funds in the order of magnitude of €23 billion could be generated annually to finance climate change mitigation activities
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