396 research outputs found

    Studies on the preservation of fish by pickling

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    Pickling with salt, vinegar, sugars and spices forms a traditional method of food preservation and is also widely employed for fish curing. A great variety of fishery products prepared with vinegar and spices enjoy wide popularity in Germany and other north European countries. Pickling is also practised in the East in countries like China, Japan and the Philippines (Jarvis, 1950). Although pickled products are of a semi-perishable nature since the concentrations of salt and vinegar employed are limited by considerations of palatability, they possess a greater appeal to consumers than salted and dried fish. Moreover these methods are better suited for curing fatty fish which are susceptible to rancidity in other salting methods. Apart from a few spiced and pickled products like PADDA and MOLLEI prepared on a domestic scale from Seer fish, Colombo Cure of the West Coast forms the chief commercial method in India which employs principles of pickling. Mackerels, Seer and non-fatty sardines are treated by this process and Malpe in South Kanara exports considerable quantities of Colombo cured fish to Ceylon (Nicholson, 1930). Malabar tamarind or ' Goruka Puli', the dried fleshy pod of Garcinia cambogea is used as an adjunct to salt in order to obtain the desired acidity. Though Goruka Puli is specially brought from Ceylon for this purpose, inferior varieties like ' Koda Puli' are also used on a smaller scale. The objectives of the present investigation were to study the chemical aspects of the pickling methods with a view to improve the existing practices and to explore the possibilities for a wider application of pickling methods to smaller varieties of fish like sardines which are mainly sundried at present. Studies on the preparation of high quality spiced and pickled products on the lines of foreign recipes like ' Marinated Herring ' and ' Russian Sardine' were also undertaken in an effort to develop new products for our fishing industry

    Preliminary investigations on the pit curing of fish in India

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    Among the methods adopted for the curing of fish in India the practice of pit curing common in certain parts of the Madras State and the neighbouring region of Travancore is of considerable interest for several reasons. Broadly speaking the method consists in burying the fish after salting in mat lined pits for varying periods ranging from a few days to a fortnight or more before marketing in a partially dried condition without any further washing or drying. The products possess a distinct flavour and taste much appreciated by some sections of the public in the eastern parts of Madras State. However the process is mainly adopted by private curers outside the Government curing yards and the quality of the commercial samples leaves much to be desired due to their unwholesome appearance and commonly observed infestation with maggots (Krishna Pillai et ah, 1956). Since pit curing forms one of the main methods of curing around Mandapam, it was considered desirable to undertake a comprehensive investigation of the local practices relating to this cure and the keeping quality of the products. A knowledge of the biochemical changes occurring during maturation under semi-anaerobic conditions which constitute the basis of this cure is necessary for obtaining a better product by this method

    Finite-element heat-transfer computations for parallel surfaces with uniform or non-uniform emitting.

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    Radiation heat transfer has very many applications in building physics. In such studies, one has to deal with radiant energy exchanges between surfaces of different orientation and aspects. Two principal cases that may be cited here are exchanges between (i) surfaces that share a common edge and are at an angle to each other, and (ii) surfaces that are parallel to each other. Examples that may be cited here are walls of buildings and also ceiling and floor areas. In a previous work, the authors presented a generalised, numerical-oriented solution for analysing radiant exchange that belongs to case (i) cited above. In the present article, a generalised treatment for case (ii) is presented. A software tool is also provided for analysing the radiant exchange for surfaces that are parallel to each other and have uniform or non-uniform reflectivity, incident irradiation and/or emission. As a demonstration of the applicability of the present work, calculation of incident reflected irradiation on the walls of urban street canyons with varied orientation and non-uniform reflectivity is presented. Finally, the application of the presently developed tools for enhancing building design has been highlighted

    A reduced subduction graph and higher multiplicity in S_n transformation coefficients

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    Transformation coefficients between {\it standard} bases for irreducible representations of the symmetric group SnS_n and {\it split} bases adapted to the Sn1×Sn2SnS_{n_1} \times S_{n_2} \subset S_n subgroup (n1+n2=nn_1 +n_2 = n) are considered. We first provide a \emph{selection rule} and an \emph{identity rule} for the subduction coefficients which allow to decrease the number of unknowns and equations arising from the linear method by Pan and Chen. Then, using the {\it reduced subduction graph} approach, we may look at higher multiplicity instances. As a significant example, an orthonormalized solution for the first multiplicity-three case, which occurs in the decomposition of the irreducible representation [4,3,2,1][4,3,2,1] of S10S_{10} into [3,2,1][3,1][3,2,1] \otimes [3,1] of S6×S4S_6 \times S_4, is presented and discussed.Comment: 12 pages, 1 figure, iopart class, Revisited version (several typographical errors have been corrected). Accepted for publication in J. Phys. A: Math. Ge

    Extremal single-charge small black holes: Entropy function analysis

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    We study stretched horizons of the type AdS_2 x S^8 for certain spherically symmetric extremal small black holes in type IIA carrying only D0-brane charge making use of Sen's entropy function formalism for higher derivative gravity. A scaling argument is given to show that the entropy of this class of black holes for large charge behaves as \sqrt{|q|} where q is the electric charge. The leading order result arises from IIA string loop corrections. We find that for solutions to exist the force on a probe D0-brane has to vanish and we prove that this feature persists to all higher derivative orders. We comment on the nature of the extremum of these solutions and on the sub-leading corrections to the entropy. The entropy of other small black holes related by dualities to our case is also discussed.Comment: 19 pages, v2:typos corrected and references adde

    Ramsauer approach to Mie scattering of light on spherical particles

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    The scattering of an electromagnetic plane wave by a spherical particle was solved analytically by Gustav Mie in 1908. The Mie solution is expressed as a series with very many terms thus obscuring the physical interpretations of the results. The purpose of the paper is to try to illustrate this phenomenon within the Ramsauer framework used in atomic and nuclear physics. We show that although the approximations are numerous, the Ramsauer analytical formulae describe fairly well the differential and the total cross sections. This allows us to propose an explanation for the origin of the different structures in the total cross section

    Synchronisation in networks of delay-coupled type-I excitable systems

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    We use a generic model for type-I excitability (known as the SNIPER or SNIC model) to describe the local dynamics of nodes within a network in the presence of non-zero coupling delays. Utilising the method of the Master Stability Function, we investigate the stability of the zero-lag synchronised dynamics of the network nodes and its dependence on the two coupling parameters, namely the coupling strength and delay time. Unlike in the FitzHugh-Nagumo model (a model for type-II excitability), there are parameter ranges where the stability of synchronisation depends on the coupling strength and delay time. One important implication of these results is that there exist complex networks for which the adding of inhibitory links in a small-world fashion may not only lead to a loss of stable synchronisation, but may also restabilise synchronisation or introduce multiple transitions between synchronisation and desynchronisation. To underline the scope of our results, we show using the Stuart-Landau model that such multiple transitions do not only occur in excitable systems, but also in oscillatory ones.Comment: 10 pages, 9 figure

    Black holes in Goedel-type universes with a cosmological constant

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    We discuss supersymmetric black holes embedded in a Goedel-type universe with cosmological constant in five dimensions. The spacetime is a fibration over a four-dimensional Kaehler base manifold, and generically has closed timelike curves. Asymptotically the space approaches a deformation of AdS_5, which suggests that the appearance of closed timelike curves should have an interpretation in some deformation of D=4, N=4 super-Yang-Mills theory. Finally, a Goedel-de Sitter universe is also presented and its causal structure is discussed.Comment: 25 pages, Latex, no figures, references updated, physical discussion of the solutions considerably expanded, holographic stress tensor and conserved charges of Goedel-AdS(5) solution compute

    The Library of Babel: On the origin of gravitational thermodynamics

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    We show that heavy pure states of gravity can appear to be mixed states to almost all probes. For AdS_5 Schwarzschild black holes, our arguments are made using the field theory dual to string theory in such spacetimes. Our results follow from applying information theoretic notions to field theory operators capable of describing very heavy states in gravity. For half-BPS states of the theory which are incipient black holes, our account is exact: typical microstates are described in gravity by a spacetime ``foam'', the precise details of which are almost invisible to almost all probes. We show that universal low-energy effective description of a foam of given global charges is via certain singular spacetime geometries. When one of the specified charges is the number of D-branes, the effective singular geometry is the half-BPS ``superstar''. We propose this as the general mechanism by which the effective thermodynamic character of gravity emerges.Comment: LaTeX, 6 eps figures, uses young.sty and wick.sty; Version 2: typos corrected, minor rewordings and clarifications, references adde

    Association of Gene with Cytoplasmic Male Sterility in Pigeonpea

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    Cytoplasmic male sterility (CMS) has been exploited in the commercial pigeonpea [Cajanus cajan (L.) Millsp.] hybrid breeding system; however, the molecular mechanism behind this system is unknown. To understand the underlying molecular mechanism involved in A4 CMS system derived from C. cajanifolius (Haines) Maesen, 34 mitochondrial genes were analyzed for expression profiling and structural variation analysis between CMS line (ICRISAT Pigeonpea A line, ICPA 2039) and its cognate maintainer (ICPB 2039). Expression profiling of 34 mitochondrial genes revealed nine genes with significant fold differential gene expression at P ≤ 0.01, including one gene, nad4L, with 1366-fold higher expression in CMS line as compared with the maintainer. Structural variation analysis of these mitochondrial genes identified length variation between ICPA 2039 and ICPB 2039 for nad7a (subunit of nad7 gene). Sanger sequencing of nad4L and nad7a genes in the CMS and the maintainer lines identified two single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) in upstream region of nad4L and a deletion of 10 bp in nad7a in the CMS line. Protein structure evaluation showed conformational changes in predicted protein structures for nad7a between ICPA 2039 and ICPB 2039 lines. All above analyses indicate association of nad7a gene with the CMS for A4 cytoplasm in pigeonpea. Additionally, one polymerase chain reaction (PCR) based Indel marker (nad7a_del) has been developed and validated for testing genetic purity of A4 derived CMS lines to strengthen the commercial hybrid breeding program in pigeonpea