167 research outputs found

    Quality Assessment of Ambulatory Electrocardiogram Signals by Noise Detection using Optimal Binary Classification

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    In order to improve the diagnostic capability in Ambulatory Electrocardiogram signal and to reduce the noise signal impacts, there is a need for more robust models in place. In terms of improvising to the existing solutions, this article explores a novel binary classifier that learns from the features optimized by fusion of diversity assessment measures, which performs Quality Assessment of Ambulatory Electrocardiogram Signals (QAAES) by Noise Detection. The performance of the proposed model QAAES has been scaled by comparing it with contemporary models. Concerning performance analysis, the 10-fold cross-validation has been carried on a benchmark dataset. The results obtained from experiments carried on proposed and other contemporary models for cross-validation metrics have been compared to signify the sensitivity, specificity, and noise detection accuracy

    The Oceans

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    Sensitive Bromatometric Methods for the Determination of Sumatriptan Succinate in Pharmaceutical Formulations

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    Abstract: Two simple and sensitive spectrophotometric methods are described for the determination of sumatriptan succinate (STS) in pure and tablets using bromate-bromide as the bromination reagent in acid medium and two dyes as subsidiary reagents. The two methods are based on the bromination of STS by a known excess of in situ generated bromine followed by determination of unreacted bromine by reacting with a fixed amount of methyl orange (Method A) or indigo carmine (Method B) and measuring the absorbance at 508 or 610 nm. In both methods, the amount of bromine reacted corresponds to the amount of STS. The experimental conditions for the assay have been optimized. In two methods, the absorbance was found to increase linearly with the concentration of STS at the respective wavelengths. Beer's law was obeyed over the ranges 0.2-1.6 and 2.0-12.0 µg mL -1 for method A and method B respectively and the respective molar absorptivity values were 1.898x10 5 and 2.71x10 4 L mol -1 cm -1 . The statistical analysis of the methods was validated according to the present ICH guidelines. The proposed methods were applied to the analysis of tablet form of STS and the results tallied well with the label claim

    Analysis of Metallised Propellant Ignition Process under Conductive Heating

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    Ignition of a composite aluminised propellant (AP-HTPB-Al) in stagnant hot air is analysed theoretically, based on solid phase and gas phase theories. According to solid phase theory, ignition is due to reaction of the propellant in the solid phase at elevated temperatures. One-dimensional transient solid phase energy equation is solved to obtain the surface temperature profile of the propellant. By gas phase theory, an exothermic gas phase reaction, adjacent to the propellant surface, is considered responsible for the ignition. The changes in temperature and concentrations in the gas phase and the temperature profile below the propellant surface during the pre-ignition induction period are considered. Equations of energy and concentrations of reactants have been solved to obtain the species concentration and temperature profiles in the gas phase. An experimental investigation of the ignition of AP-HTPB-Al propellant is also carried out in a shock tube under end-mount conditions. Pressure and temperature ranges were 6-16 bar and 1500-3000 K, respectively. A comparison of the experimental data with predicted results shows that the ignition in an oxidizing atmosphere is by gas phase reaction, whereas in an inert atmosphere, solid phase reaction may be predominant

    Reconstruction of Causal Networks by Set Covering

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    We present a method for the reconstruction of networks, based on the order of nodes visited by a stochastic branching process. Our algorithm reconstructs a network of minimal size that ensures consistency with the data. Crucially, we show that global consistency with the data can be achieved through purely local considerations, inferring the neighbourhood of each node in turn. The optimisation problem solved for each individual node can be reduced to a Set Covering Problem, which is known to be NP-hard but can be approximated well in practice. We then extend our approach to account for noisy data, based on the Minimum Description Length principle. We demonstrate our algorithms on synthetic data, generated by an SIR-like epidemiological model.Comment: Under consideration for the ECML PKDD 2010 conferenc


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    Sorghum (Sorghum bicolor [L]. Moench) is a crop indigenous to Africa, where it appears to have been domesticated in Ethiopia about 5000 years ago. It is now widely cultivated in dry areas of Africa, Asia, the America, Europea and Australia between latitudes of up to 50 degree Nothe in North America and Russia and 40 degree South in Argentine. Sweet sorghum is a variety closely related to grain sorghum; it differs mainly in that its stalks are taller and juicier with higher sugar content than the grain sroghum type. Sorghum is the firft most important cereal in the world after wheat, rice maize and barley. In Africa it comes second after maize in terms of production. Sorghum is well adapted to tropical climates with several traits making it a drought-tolerant crop that survices under adverse climatic conditions, and thus is often relegated to poor soils and low-input management. It is extensively grown under rainfed conditins for grain and forage production. High productin may be achieved when sufficient water and nutrients are applied especially at critical stages of crop growth


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    Cultivated soybean (Glycine max (L.) Merr.) is a major oilseed and protein rich annual legume crop grown on about 99 million ha and producing 223 million tonne of grain worldwide (FAO, 2011). The crop orginated in China and is closely related to Glycine soja, its wild progenitor, Soybean represents nearly 50 percent of the total area cropped with seeds providing approximately 56 percent of the total edible oil seeds and 30 percent of vegetable oil production worldwide. Over the last 50 years, world production has increased eight times as a result of the substantial increase in average yields and the expansion in cultivated area

    Empowerment of women for equitable participation in watershed management for improved livelihoods and sustainable development: an analytical study

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    Watershed programs are recognized as potential engines for agricultural growth and sustainable development in rain-fed areas. Success and sustainability of watershed programs are directly related to collective action for conserving natural resources to enhance crop productivity, livelihoods for sustainable income development and gender equity. Women are key players as managers and direct actors in managing natural resources in the watershed and addressing the household food security. However, often they have passive role in decision-making process because of their low educational levels, social customs, and economic dependence.........

    Prawn seed exploitation along Kakinada coast : a preliminary appraisal with a note on the brooder exploitation of Penaeus monodon

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    In recent times there is a steep increase in the exploitation of prawn seed in order to cater to the needs of prawn fanners along the Andhra Pradesh coast. There is demand mostly for seed P. monodon by the prawn farmers of this state. There are no official or reliable estimates of the total extent of prawn farms in Andhra Pradesh