210 research outputs found

    Edge-on galaxies in the HST COSMOS field: the evolution of stellar discs up to z∼\sim0.5

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    We present a sample of 950 edge-on spiral galaxies found with the use of an artificial neural network in the Hubble Space Telescope COSMOS field. This is currently the largest sample of distant edge-on galaxies. For all galaxies we analyzed the 2D brightness distributions in the F814W filter and measured the radial and vertical exponential scales (hh and hzh_z correspondingly) of the brightness distribution. By comparing the characteristics of distant galaxies with those of nearby objects, we conclude that thin stellar discs with h/hz≥10h/h_z \geq 10 at z≈0.5z \approx 0.5 should be rarer than today. Both exponential scales of the stellar disc show evidence of luminosity-dependent evolution: in faint galaxies the hh and hzh_z values do not change with zz, in bright (and massive) spiral galaxies both scales, on average, grow towards our epoch.Comment: 5 pages, accepted for publication in MNRAS Letter

    The possible evolution of pitch angles of spiral galaxies

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    The origin and maintenance of spiral structure in galaxies, the correlation between different types of spiral structure and several proposed mechanisms for their generation, and the evolution of spiral arms of galaxies with time are questions that are still controversial. In this note we study the spiral structure in a sample of distant galaxies in order to infer the evolution of spiral arm characteristics with redshift. We considered a sample of 171 face-on spiral galaxies in the Hubble Space Telescope COSMOS (The Cosmic Evolution Survey) field. The galaxies are distributed up to z≈1z \approx 1 with a mean value of 0.44. For all galaxies, we determined the pitch angles of the spiral arms and analysed their dependence on redshift; a total of 359 arms were measured. Analyses of our measurements combined with the literature data suggest a possible evolution of the pitch angles of spiral galaxies: by the modern epoch the spiral pattern, on average, becomes more tightly wound. This may be a consequence of the general evolution of the structure of galaxies as galaxies become more massive over time and their bulges grow. In addition, the distribution of the cotangent of pitch angle of galaxies indicates the possibility that the dominant mechanism of spiral pattern generation changes over time.Comment: 5 pages, accepted for publication on Astronomy & Astrophysics Letter

    The C-type natriuretic peptide induces thermal hyperalgesia through a noncanonical Gβγ-dependent modulation of TRPV1 channel

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    Natriuretic peptides (NPs) control natriuresis and normalize changes in blood pressure. Recent studies suggest that NPs are also involved in the regulation of pain sensitivity, although the underlying mechanisms remain largely unknown. Many biological effects of NPs are mediated by guanylate cyclase (GC)-coupled NP receptors, NPR-A and NPR-B, whereas the third NP receptor, NPR-C, lacks the GC kinase domain and acts as the NP clearance receptor. In addition, NPR-C can couple to specific Gα(i)-βγ-mediated intracellular signaling cascades in numerous cell types. We found that NPR-C is co-expressed in TRPV1-expressing mouse DRG neurons. NPR-C can be co-immunoprecipitated with Gα(i), and CNP treatment induced translocation of PKCε to the plasma membrane of these neurons, which was inhibited by pertussis toxin pre-treatment. Application of CNP potentiated capsaicin- and proton-activated TRPV1 currents in cultured mouse DRG neurons, and increased neuronal firing frequency, an effect that was absent in DRG neurons from TRPV1(−/−) mice. CNP-induced sensitization of TRPV1 activity was attenuated by pre-treatment of DRG neurons with the specific inhibitors of Gβγ, PLCβ or PKC, but not of PKA, and was abolished by mutations at two PKC phosphorylation sites in TRPV1. Further, CNP injection into mouse hind paw led to the development of thermal hyperalgesia that was attenuated by administration of specific inhibitors of Gβγ or TRPV1, and was also absent in TRPV1(−/−) mice. Thus, our work identifies the Gβγ-PLCβ-PKC-dependent potentiation of TRPV1 as a novel signaling cascade recruited by CNP in mouse DRG neurons that can lead to enhanced nociceptor excitability and thermal hypersensitivity

    A pulsed source of continuous variable polarization entanglement

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    We have experimentally demonstrated polarization entanglement using continuous variables in an ultra-short pulsed laser system at telecommunication wavelengths. Exploiting the Kerr-nonlinearity of a glass fibre we generated a polarization squeezed pulse with S2 the only non-zero Stokes parameter thus S1 and S3 being the conjugate pair. Polarization entanglement was generated by interference of the polarization squeezed field with a vacuum on a 50:50 beam splitter. The two resultant beams exhibit strong quantum noise correlations in S1 and S3. The sum noise signal of S3 was at the respective shot noise level and the difference noise signal of S1 fell 2.9dB below this value

    Polarization quantum properties in type-II Optical Parametric Oscillator below threshold

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    We study the far field spatial distribution of the quantum fluctuations in the transverse profile of the output light beam generated by a type II Optical Parametric Oscillator below threshold, including the effects of transverse walk-off. We study how quadrature field correlations depend on the polarization. We find spatial EPR entanglement in quadrature-polarization components: For the far field points not affected by walk-off there is almost complete noise suppression in the proper quadratures difference of any orthogonal polarization components. We show the entanglement of the state of symmetric intense, or macroscopic, spatial light modes. We also investigate nonclassical polarization properties in terms of the Stokes operators. We find perfect correlations in all Stokes parameters measured in opposite far field points in the direction orthogonal to the walk-off, while locally the field is unpolarized and we find no polarization squeezing.Comment: 16 pages, 18 figure
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