1,196 research outputs found

    Avalanche of Bifurcations and Hysteresis in a Model of Cellular Differentiation

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    Cellular differentiation in a developping organism is studied via a discrete bistable reaction-diffusion model. A system of undifferentiated cells is allowed to receive an inductive signal emenating from its environment. Depending on the form of the nonlinear reaction kinetics, this signal can trigger a series of bifurcations in the system. Differentiation starts at the surface where the signal is received, and cells change type up to a given distance, or under other conditions, the differentiation process propagates through the whole domain. When the signal diminishes hysteresis is observed

    Photo-excited semiconductor superlattices as constrained excitable media: Motion of dipole domains and current self-oscillations

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    A model for charge transport in undoped, photo-excited semiconductor superlattices, which includes the dependence of the electron-hole recombination on the electric field and on the photo-excitation intensity through the field-dependent recombination coefficient, is proposed and analyzed. Under dc voltage bias and high photo-excitation intensities, there appear self-sustained oscillations of the current due to a repeated homogeneous nucleation of a number of charge dipole waves inside the superlattice. In contrast to the case of a constant recombination coefficient, nucleated dipole waves can split for a field-dependent recombination coefficient in two oppositely moving dipoles. The key for understanding these unusual properties is that these superlattices have a unique static electric-field domain. At the same time, their dynamical behavior is akin to the one of an extended excitable system: an appropriate finite disturbance of the unique stable fixed point may cause a large excursion in phase space before returning to the stable state and trigger pulses and wave trains. The voltage bias constraint causes new waves to be nucleated when old ones reach the contact.Comment: 19 pages, 8 figures, to appear in Phys. Rev.

    Universal behavior in populations composed of excitable and self-oscillatory elements

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    We study the robustness of self-sustained oscillatory activity in a globally coupled ensemble of excitable and oscillatory units. The critical balance to achieve collective self-sustained oscillations is analytically established. We also report a universal scaling function for the ensemble's mean frequency. Our results extend the framework of the `Aging Transition' [Phys. Rev. Lett. 93, 104101 (2004)] including a broad class of dynamical systems potentially relevant in biology.Comment: 4 pages; Changed titl

    Vortex Dynamics in Dissipative Systems

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    We derive the exact equation of motion for a vortex in two- and three- dimensional non-relativistic systems governed by the Ginzburg-Landau equation with complex coefficients. The velocity is given in terms of local gradients of the magnitude and phase of the complex field and is exact also for arbitrarily small inter-vortex distances. The results for vortices in a superfluid or a superconductor are recovered.Comment: revtex, 5 pages, 1 encapsulated postscript figure (included), uses aps.sty, epsf.te

    Self-organized transition to coherent activity in disordered media

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    Synchronized oscillations are of critical functional importance in many biological systems. We show that such oscillations can arise without centralized coordination in a disordered system of electrically coupled excitable and passive cells. Increasing the coupling strength results in waves that lead to coherent periodic activity, exhibiting cluster, local and global synchronization under different conditions. Our results may explain the self-organized transition in a pregnant uterus from transient, localized activity initially to system-wide coherent excitations just before delivery.Comment: 5 pages, 4 figure

    Loss of synchronization in complex neuronal networks with delay

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    We investigate the stability of synchronization in networks of delay-coupled excitable neural oscillators. On the basis of the master stability function formalism, we demonstrate that synchronization is always stable for excitatory coupling independently of the delay and coupling strength. Superimposing inhibitory links randomly on top of a regular ring of excitatory coupling, which yields a small-world-like network topology, we find a phase transition to desynchronization as the probability of inhibitory links exceeds a critical value. We explore the scaling of the critical value in dependence on network properties. Compared to random networks, we find that small-world topologies are more susceptible to desynchronization via inhibition.Comment: 6 pages, 4 figure

    Incorporating Inductances in Tissue-Scale Models of Cardiac Electrophysiology

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    In standard models of cardiac electrophysiology, including the bidomain and monodomain models, local perturbations can propagate at infinite speed. We address this unrealistic property by developing a hyperbolic bidomain model that is based on a generalization of Ohm's law with a Cattaneo-type model for the fluxes. Further, we obtain a hyperbolic monodomain model in the case that the intracellular and extracellular conductivity tensors have the same anisotropy ratio. In one spatial dimension, the hyperbolic monodomain model is equivalent to a cable model that includes axial inductances, and the relaxation times of the Cattaneo fluxes are strictly related to these inductances. A purely linear analysis shows that the inductances are negligible, but models of cardiac electrophysiology are highly nonlinear, and linear predictions may not capture the fully nonlinear dynamics. In fact, contrary to the linear analysis, we show that for simple nonlinear ionic models, an increase in conduction velocity is obtained for small and moderate values of the relaxation time. A similar behavior is also demonstrated with biophysically detailed ionic models. Using the Fenton-Karma model along with a low-order finite element spatial discretization, we numerically analyze differences between the standard monodomain model and the hyperbolic monodomain model. In a simple benchmark test, we show that the propagation of the action potential is strongly influenced by the alignment of the fibers with respect to the mesh in both the parabolic and hyperbolic models when using relatively coarse spatial discretizations. Accurate predictions of the conduction velocity require computational mesh spacings on the order of a single cardiac cell. We also compare the two formulations in the case of spiral break up and atrial fibrillation in an anatomically detailed model of the left atrium, and [...].Comment: 20 pages, 12 figure

    Doppler Effect of Nonlinear Waves and Superspirals in Oscillatory Media

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    Nonlinear waves emitted from a moving source are studied. A meandering spiral in a reaction-diffusion medium provides an example, where waves originate from a source exhibiting a back-and-forth movement in radial direction. The periodic motion of the source induces a Doppler effect that causes a modulation in wavelength and amplitude of the waves (``superspiral''). Using the complex Ginzburg-Landau equation, we show that waves subject to a convective Eckhaus instability can exhibit monotonous growth or decay as well as saturation of these modulations away from the source depending on the perturbation frequency. Our findings allow a consistent interpretation of recent experimental observations concerning superspirals and their decay to spatio-temporal chaos.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figure