1,239 research outputs found

    Long wavelength structural anomalies in jammed systems

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    The structural properties of static, jammed packings of monodisperse spheres in the vicinity of the jamming transition are investigated using large-scale computer simulations. At small wavenumber kk, we argue that the anomalous behavior in the static structure factor, S(k)kS(k) \sim k, is consequential of an excess of low-frequency, collective excitations seen in the vibrational spectrum. This anomalous feature becomes more pronounced closest to the jamming transition, such that S(0)0S(0) \to 0 at the transition point. We introduce an appropriate dispersion relation that accounts for these phenomena that leads us to relate these structural features to characteristic length scales associated with the low-frequency vibrational modes of these systems. When the particles are frictional, this anomalous behavior is suppressed providing yet more evidence that jamming transitions of frictional spheres lie at lower packing fractions that that for frictionless spheres. These results suggest that the mechanical properties of jammed and glassy media may therefore be inferred from measurements of both the static and dynamical structure factors.Comment: 8 pages, 6 figure captions. Completely revised version to appear in Phys. Rev.

    Rheology and Contact Lifetime Distribution in Dense Granular Flows

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    We study the rheology and distribution of interparticle contact lifetimes for gravity-driven, dense granular flows of non-cohesive particles down an inclined plane using large-scale, three dimensional, granular dynamics simulations. Rather than observing a large number of long-lived contacts as might be expected for dense flows, brief binary collisions predominate. In the hard particle limit, the rheology conforms to Bagnold scaling, where the shear stress is quadratic in the strain rate. As the particles are made softer, however, we find significant deviations from Bagnold rheology; the material flows more like a viscous fluid. We attribute this change in the collective rheology of the material to subtle changes in the contact lifetime distribution involving the increasing lifetime and number of the long-lived contacts in the softer particle systems.Comment: 4 page

    Confined granular packings: structure, stress, and forces

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    The structure and stresses of static granular packs in cylindrical containers are studied using large-scale discrete element molecular dynamics simulations in three dimensions. We generate packings by both pouring and sedimentation and examine how the final state depends on the method of construction. The vertical stress becomes depth-independent for deep piles and we compare these stress depth-profiles to the classical Janssen theory. The majority of the tangential forces for particle-wall contacts are found to be close to the Coulomb failure criterion, in agreement with the theory of Janssen, while particle-particle contacts in the bulk are far from the Coulomb criterion. In addition, we show that a linear hydrostatic-like region at the top of the packings unexplained by the Janssen theory arises because most of the particle-wall tangential forces in this region are far from the Coulomb yield criterion. The distributions of particle-particle and particle-wall contact forces P(f)P(f) exhibit exponential-like decay at large forces in agreement with previous studies.Comment: 11 pages, 11 figures, submitted to PRE (v2) added new references, fixed typo

    Granular flow down a rough inclined plane: transition between thin and thick piles

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    The rheology of granular particles in an inclined plane geometry is studied using molecular dynamics simulations. The flow--no-flow boundary is determined for piles of varying heights over a range of inclination angles θ\theta. Three angles determine the phase diagram: θr\theta_{r}, the angle of repose, is the angle at which a flowing system comes to rest; θm\theta_{m}, the maximum angle of stability, is the inclination required to induce flow in a static system; and θmax\theta_{max} is the maximum angle for which stable, steady state flow is observed. In the stable flow region θr<θ<θmax\theta_{r}<\theta<\theta_{max}, three flow regimes can be distinguished that depend on how close θ\theta is to θr\theta_{r}: i) θ>>θr\theta>>\theta_{r}: Bagnold rheology, characterized by a mean particle velocity vxv_{x} in the direction of flow that scales as vxh3/2v_{x}\propto h^{3/2}, for a pile of height hh, ii) θθr\theta\gtrsim\theta_{r}: the slow flow regime, characterized by a linear velocity profile with depth, and iii) θθr\theta\approx\theta_{r}: avalanche flow characterized by a slow underlying creep motion combined with occasional free surface events and large energy fluctuations. We also probe the physics of the initiation and cessation of flow. The results are compared to several recent experimental studies on chute flows and suggest that differences between measured velocity profiles in these experiments may simply be a consequence of how far the system is from jamming.Comment: 19 pages, 14 figs, submitted to Physics of Fluid

    Velocity correlations in dense granular flows

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    Velocity fluctuations of grains flowing down a rough inclined plane are experimentally studied. The grains at the free surface exhibit fluctuating motions, which are correlated over few grains diameters. The characteristic correlation length is shown to depend on the inclination of the plane and not on the thickness of the flowing layer. This result strongly supports the idea that dense granular flows are controlled by a characteristic length larger than the particle diameter

    Stationary shear flows of dense granular materials : a tentative continuum modelling

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    We propose a simple continuum model to interpret the shearing motion of dense, dry and cohesion-less granular media. Compressibility, dilatancy and Coulomb-like friction are the three basic ingredients. The granular stress is split into a rate-dependent part representing the rebound-less impacts between grains and a rate-independent part associated with long-lived contacts. Because we consider stationary flows only, the grain compaction and the grain velocity are the two main variables. The predicted velocity and compaction profiles are in apparent agreement with the experimental or numerical results concerning free-surface shear flows as well as confined shear flow

    Effects of compression on the vibrational modes of marginally jammed solids

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    Glasses have a large excess of low-frequency vibrational modes in comparison with most crystalline solids. We show that such a feature is a necessary consequence of the weak connectivity of the solid, and that the frequency of modes in excess is very sensitive to the pressure. We analyze in particular two systems whose density D(w) of vibrational modes of angular frequency w display scaling behaviors with the packing fraction: (i) simulations of jammed packings of particles interacting through finite-range, purely repulsive potentials, comprised of weakly compressed spheres at zero temperature and (ii) a system with the same network of contacts, but where the force between any particles in contact (and therefore the total pressure) is set to zero. We account in the two cases for the observed a) convergence of D(w) toward a non-zero constant as w goes to 0, b) appearance of a low-frequency cutoff w*, and c) power-law increase of w* with compression. Differences between these two systems occur at lower frequency. The density of states of the modified system displays an abrupt plateau that appears at w*, below which we expect the system to behave as a normal, continuous, elastic body. In the unmodified system, the pressure lowers the frequency of the modes in excess. The requirement of stability despite the destabilizing effect of pressure yields a lower bound on the number of extra contact per particle dz: dz > p^(1/2), which generalizes the Maxwell criterion for rigidity when pressure is present. This scaling behavior is observed in the simulations. We finally discuss how the cooling procedure can affect the microscopic structure and the density of normal modes.Comment: 13 pages, 8 figure

    Statistics of the contact network in frictional and frictionless granular packings

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    Simulated granular packings with different particle friction coefficient mu are examined. The distribution of the particle-particle and particle-wall normal and tangential contact forces P(f) are computed and compared with existing experimental data. Here f equivalent to F/F-bar is the contact force F normalized by the average value F-bar. P(f) exhibits exponential-like decay at large forces, a plateau/peak near f = 1, with additional features at forces smaller than the average that depend on mu. Computations of the force-force spatial distribution function and the contact point radial distribution function indicate that correlations between forces are only weakly dependent on friction and decay rapidly beyond approximately three particle diameters. Distributions of the particle-particle contact angles show that the contact network is not isotropic and only weakly dependent on friction. High force-bearing structures, or force chains, do not play a dominant role in these three dimensional, unloaded packings.Comment: 11 pages, 13 figures, submitted to PR

    Fragility and hysteretic creep in frictional granular jamming

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    The granular jamming transition is experimentally investigated in a two-dimensional system of frictional, bi-dispersed disks subject to quasi-static, uniaxial compression at zero granular temperature. Currently accepted results show the jamming transition occurs at a critical packing fraction ϕc\phi_c. In contrast, we observe the first compression cycle exhibits {\it fragility} - metastable configuration with simultaneous jammed and un-jammed clusters - over a small interval in packing fraction (ϕ1<ϕ<ϕ2\phi_1 < \phi < \phi_2). The fragile state separates the two conditions that define ϕc\phi_c with an exponential rise in pressure starting at ϕ1\phi_1 and an exponential fall in disk displacements ending at ϕ2\phi_2. The results are explained through a percolation mechanism of stressed contacts where cluster growth exhibits strong spatial correlation with disk displacements. Measurements with several disk materials of varying elastic moduli EE and friction coefficients μ\mu, show friction directly controls the start of the fragile state, but indirectly controls the exponential slope. Additionally, we experimentally confirm recent predictions relating the dependence of ϕc\phi_c on μ\mu. Under repetitive loading (compression), the system exhibits hysteresis in pressure, and the onset ϕc\phi_c increases slowly with repetition number. This friction induced hysteretic creep is interpreted as the granular pack's evolution from a metastable to an eventual structurally stable configuration. It is shown to depend upon the quasi-static step size Δϕ\Delta \phi which provides the only perturbative mechanism in the experimental protocol, and the friction coefficient μ\mu which acts to stabilize the pack.Comment: 12 pages, 10 figure

    Stability of Monomer-Dimer Piles

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    We measure how strong, localized contact adhesion between grains affects the maximum static critical angle, theta_c, of a dry sand pile. By mixing dimer grains, each consisting of two spheres that have been rigidly bonded together, with simple spherical monomer grains, we create sandpiles that contain strong localized adhesion between a given particle and at most one of its neighbors. We find that tan(theta_c) increases from 0.45 to 1.1 and the grain packing fraction, Phi, decreases from 0.58 to 0.52 as we increase the relative number fraction of dimer particles in the pile, nu_d, from 0 to 1. We attribute the increase in tan(theta_c(nu_d)) to the enhanced stability of dimers on the surface, which reduces the density of monomers that need to be accomodated in the most stable surface traps. A full characterization and geometrical stability analysis of surface traps provides a good quantitative agreement between experiment and theory over a wide range of nu_d, without any fitting parameters.Comment: 11 pages, 12 figures consisting of 21 eps files, submitted to PR