1,673 research outputs found

    Comparison of Dual Frequency Antenna in Ka-Band with and without Shorting pin

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    Volume 2 Issue 8 (August 2014

    Photoemission studies of the near Fermi level spectral weight shifts in FeSe1-xTex superconductor

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    Our valence band photoelectron spectroscopic studies show a temperature dependent spectral weight transfer near the Fermi level in the Fe-based superconductor FeSe1-xTex. Using theoretical band structure calculations we have shown that the weight transfer is due to the temperature induced changes in the Fe(Se,Te)4 tetrahedra. These structural changes lead to shifts in the electron occupancy from the xz/yz and x2-y2 orbitals to the 3z2-r2 orbitals indicating a temperature induced crossover from a metallic state to an Orbital Selective Mott (OSM) Phase. Our study presents the observation of a temperature induced crossover to a low temperature OSM phase in the family of Fe chalcogenides.Comment: 10 pages, 4 figure

    Resonant Raman of OH/OD vibrations and photoluminescence studies in LiTaO3 thin film

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    Resonant Raman spectra (RRS) of O-H and O-D vibration and libration modes, their combinations and higher harmonics have been observed in LiTaO3 polycrystalline thin films. RRS peaks are superimposed on photoluminescence (PL) spectrum. Monochromatic light from a xenon lamp is used as excitation source. PL spectrum shows two broad peaks, first near the band gap in UV (4.4-4.8eV) and another in the sub band gap region (< 4.0 eV). Band gap PL along with RRS peaks are reported for the first time. Photoluminescence excitation spectrum (PLE) shows a peak at 4.8 eV. Peak positions and full width at half maximum (FWHM) of RRS peaks depend upon the excitation energy. Dispersions of the fundamental and the third harmonic of the stretching mode of O-H with excitation energy are about 800 cm-1/eV and 2000 cm-1/eV respectively. This dispersion is much higher than reported in any other material.Comment: 20 page

    Characterizations of GEM detector prototype

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    At NISER-IoP detector laboratory an initiative is taken to build and test Gas Electron Multiplier (GEM) detectors for ALICE experiment. The optimisation of the gas flow rate and the long-term stability test of the GEM detector are performed. The method and test results are presented.Comment: 3 Pages, 4 figure

    Statistics of work performed on a forced quantum oscillator

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    Various aspects of the statistics of work performed by an external classical force on a quantum mechanical system are elucidated for a driven harmonic oscillator. In this special case two parameters are introduced that are sufficient to completely characterize the force protocol. Explicit results for the characteristic function of work and the respective probability distribution are provided and discussed for three different types of initial states of the oscillator: microcanonical, canonical and coherent states. Depending on the choice of the initial state the probability distributions of the performed work may grossly differ. This result in particular holds also true for identical force protocols. General fluctuation and work theorems holding for microcanonical and canonical initial states are confirmed

    Fermi surface and band structure of BiPd from ARPES studies

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    We present a detailed electronic structure study of the non-centrosymmetric superconductor BiPd based on our angle resolved photoemission spectroscopy (ARPES) measurements and Density Functional Theory (DFT) based calculations. We observe a high intensity distribution on the Fermi surface (FS) of this compound resulting from various electron and hole like bands which are present in the vicinity of the Fermi energy (Ef_f). The near Ef_f states are primarily composed of Bi-6p with a little admixture of Pd-4dx2y2/zy_{x^2-y^2/zy} orbitals. There are various spin-orbit split bands involved in the crossing of Ef_f making a complex FS. The FS mainly consists of multi sheets of three dimensions which disfavor the nesting between different sheets of the FS. Our comprehensive study elucidates that BiPd could be a s-wave multiband superconductor

    Valence band electronic structure of Nb2Pd1.2Se5 and Nb2Pd0.95S5 superconductors

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    We present a comparative study of our valence band photoemission results on Nb2Pd1.2Se5 and Nb2Pd0.95S5 superconductors which is supported by our DFT based electronic structure calculations. We observe that the VB spectra of both the compounds are qualitatively similar, except slight difference in the binding energy position of all features between the two compounds which could be the result of different electronegativity of Se and S atom. The calculated density of states reveal that the VB features are mainly composed of Pd Se S hybridized states. The nature of DOS originating from the distinctly coordinated Pd atoms is different. Further, the involvement of the various Pd 4d and Nb 4d states in crossing of Fermi level signifies the multiband character of these compounds. In addition, we find a temperature dependent pseudogap in Nb2Pd0.95S5 which is absent in Nb2Pd1.2Se5

    Valence band electronic structure of Pd based ternary chalcogenide superconductors

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    We present a comparative study of the valence band electronic structure of Pd based ternary chalcogenide superconductors Nb2Pd0.95S5, Ta2Pd0.97S6 and Ta2Pd0.97Te6 using experimental photoemission spectroscopy and density functional based theoretical calculations. We observe a qualitatively similarity between valence band (VB) spectra of Nb2Pd0.95S5 and Ta2Pd0.97S6. Further, we find a pseudogap feature in Nb2Pd0.95S5 at low temperature, unlike other two compounds. We have correlated the structural geometry with the differences in VB spectra of these compounds. The different atomic packing in these compounds could vary the strength of inter-orbital hybridization among various atoms which leads to difference in their electronic structure as clearly observed in our DOS calculations

    Electronic structure of Pr0.67_{0.67}Ca0.33_{0.33}MnO3_3 near the Fermi level studied by ultraviolet photoelectron and x-ray absorption spectroscopy

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    We have investigated the temperature-dependent changes in the near-EEF_F occupied and unoccupied states of Pr0.67_{0.67}Ca0.33_{0.33}MnO3_3 which shows the presence of ferromagnetic and antiferromagnetic phases. The temperature-dependent changes in the charge and orbital degrees of freedom and associated changes in the Mn 3dd - O 2pp hybridization result in varied O 2pp contributions to the valence band. A quantitative estimate of the charge transfer energy (EECT_{CT}) shows a larger value compared to the earlier reported estimates. The charge localization causing the large EECT_{CT} is discussed in terms of different models including the electronic phase separation.Comment: 19 pages, 7 figures, To be published in Phy. Rev.

    Synergistic Effect of Cypermethrin and Sodium Fluoride on Kidney Histo Pathology of Albino Mice

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    The aim of the resent study is to understand the renal toxicity, induced by cypermethrin and sodium fluoride (NaF) separately and combined in albino mice. Albino mice were treated with cypermethrin and sodium fluoride (NaF), separately and in combination, with 1/10th of the LD50 dosage of cypermethrin and NaF for individual administration by oral gavage (i.e., 8.5 mg/kg bw and 5.6 mg/kg bw, respectively) and 1/20th of the LD50dose of cypermethrin and NaF for combined administration (i.e., 4.25 mg/kg bw and 2.8 mg/kg bw, respectively). Separate or combined treatment resulted in histopathological changes in the kidney tissue such as degenerative changes in bowman’s capsule (DGBC), distal convoluted tubules (DGDCT),necrotic changes in glomerulus (NCG), atrophied glomerulus (ATG), necrotic change in distal convoluted tubules (NCDCT), necrotic change in bowman’s capsule (NCBC) and necrosis in proximal convoluted tubules (NCPCT), severe necrotic changes in proximal convoluted tubules (SNCPCT) and distal convoluted tubules ( SNCDCT) were observed. The changes were more in combination than individual treatment, this may be because of a synergistic effect of cypermethrin and NaF