7,102 research outputs found

    The dynamical equation of the spinning electron

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    We obtain by invariance arguments the relativistic and non-relativistic invariant dynamical equations of a classical model of a spinning electron. We apply the formalism to a particular classical model which satisfies Dirac's equation when quantised. It is shown that the dynamics can be described in terms of the evolution of the point charge which satisfies a fourth order differential equation or, alternatively, as a system of second order differential equations by describing the evolution of both the center of mass and center of charge of the particle. As an application of the found dynamical equations, the Coulomb interaction between two spinning electrons is considered. We find from the classical viewpoint that these spinning electrons can form bound states under suitable initial conditions. Since the classical Coulomb interaction of two spinless point electrons does not allow for the existence of bound states, it is the spin structure that gives rise to new physical phenomena not described in the spinless case. Perhaps the paper may be interesting from the mathematical point of view but not from the point of view of physics.Comment: Latex2e, 14 pages, 5 figure

    Interaction of solitons and the formation of bound states in the generalized Lugiato-Lefever equation

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    Bound states, also called soliton molecules, can form as a result of the interaction between individual solitons. This interaction is mediated through the tails of each soliton that overlap with one another. When such soliton tails have spatial oscillations, locking or pinning between two solitons can occur at fixed distances related with the wavelength of these oscillations, thus forming a bound state. In this work, we study the formation and stability of various types of bound states in the Lugiato-Lefever equation by computing their interaction potential and by analyzing the properties of the oscillatory tails. Moreover, we study the effect of higher order dispersion and noise in the pump intensity on the dynamics of bound states. In doing so, we reveal that perturbations to the Lugiato-Lefever equation that maintain reversibility, such as fourth order dispersion, lead to bound states that tend to separate from one another in time when noise is added. This separation force is determined by the shape of the envelope of the interaction potential, as well as an additional Brownian ratchet effect. In systems with broken reversibility, such as third order dispersion, this ratchet effect continues to push solitons within a bound state apart. However, the force generated by the envelope of the potential is now such that it pushes the solitons towards each other, leading to a null net drift of the solitons.Comment: 13 pages, 13 figure

    Stable dark and bright soliton Kerr combs can coexist in normal dispersion resonators

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    Using the Lugiato-Lefever model, we analyze the effects of third order chromatic dispersion on the existence and stability of dark and bright soliton Kerr frequency combs in the normal dispersion regime. While in the absence of third order dispersion only dark solitons exist over an extended parameter range, we find that third order dispersion allows for stable dark and bright solitons to coexist. Reversibility is broken and the shape of the switching waves connecting the top and bottom homogeneous solutions is modified. Bright solitons come into existence thanks to the generation of oscillations in the switching wave profiles. Finally, oscillatory instabilities of dark solitons are also suppressed in the presence of sufficiently strong third order dispersion

    La triple justificación de la desobediencia civil

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    Generalized Schrieffer-Wolff Formalism for Dissipative Systems

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    We present a formalized perturbation theory for Markovian open systems in the language of a generalized Schrieffer-Wolff (SW) transformation. A non-unitary rotation decouples the unper- turbed steady states from all fast degrees of freedom, in order to obtain an effective Liouvillian, that reproduces the exact low excitation spectrum of the system. The transformation is derived in a constructive way, yielding a perturbative expansion of the effective Liouville operator. The presented formalism realizes an adiabatic elimination of fast degrees of freedom to arbitrary orders in the perturbation. We exemplarily employ the SW formalism to two generic open systems and discuss general properties of the different orders of the perturbation.Comment: 11 pages, 1 figur

    Notas sobre las dificultades de la doctrina de la ponderación de bienes.

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    Derecho, poder y valores. Una visión critica del pensamiento de Norberto Bobbio.

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    Reseña de: Max SILVA ABBOTT, Derecho, poder y valores. Una visión critica del pensamiento de Norberto Bobbio, Comares, Granada, 2008, 456 pp