1,159 research outputs found

    Consumo e abastecimento de água nas bacias hidrográficas dos rios Guapi-Macacu e Caceribu, RJ.

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    El avance del conocimiento en el área de servicios ambientales

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    La aplicación y el análisis de indicadores científicos relacionados con los estudios sobre servicios ambientales nos permite observar dónde se genera el conocimiento sobre el tema, la evolución del número de publicaciones, redes de colaboración, las revistas más relevantes publicadas y las principales temáticas involucradas. Este estudio tuvo como objetivo obtener una visión general de la evolución del conocimiento sobre los Servicios Ambientales, incluyendo los Servicios Ecosistémicos entre 2004-2014. Para esto, se optó por utilizar la base de datos multidisciplinaria integral Scopus (Elsevier), que hace la indexación de datos completos para cada registro bibliográfico. Como estrategia de búsqueda, a partir de los descriptores del área de Servicios Medioambientales se recuperaron registros de interés, que sufrieron tratamiento bibliométrico en VantagePoint. Los registros se presentaron en gráficos generados en Excel y red de colaboración en software Ucinet y NetDraw. Fueron recuperados 7.086 registros, mostrando un crecimiento significativo de las publicaciones en los Servicios Ambientales entre 2004-2014, al pasar de 100 a más de 1600 artículos / año. El principal productor de conocimiento sobre el tema es los EE.UU. Hay un fuerte vínculo entre la coautoría internacional, y los países más bien conectados son China, Nueva Zelanda, Alemania, Italia, Países Bajos y EE.UU

    Time-resolved thermal mirror technique with top-hat cw laser excitation.

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    A theoretical model was developed for time-resolved thermal mirror spectroscopy under top-hat cw laser excitation that induced a nanoscale surface displacement of a low absorption sample. An additional phase shift to the electrical field of a TEM(00) probe beam reflected from the surface displacement was derived, and Fresnel diffraction theory was used to calculate the propagation of the probe beam. With the theory, optical and thermal properties of three glasses were measured, and found to be consistent with literature values. With a top-hat excitation, an experimental apparatus was developed for either a single thermal mirror or a single thermal lens measurement. Furthermore, the apparatus was used for concurrent measurements of thermal mirror and thermal lens. More physical properties could be measured using the concurrent measurements

    Attractants for automated emission measurement (Greenfeed®) in pasture-based systems.

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    This study aimed to evaluate the frequency and intensity of GreenFeed (GF) use by Nellore steers using different attractants in pastures of integrated systems. The attractant protein supplement and Tifton bermudagrass pelleted hay flavored with vanilla were evaluated over a period of 15 days. The pelleted hay stimulated the animals to stay longer in the equipment (24.23 s), with 8% more visits in intervals longer than 30 s in contrast to protein supplement. This indicates that pelleted hay flavored with vanilla is a potential attractant to encourage Nellore steers to visit GF in grazing systems

    Agricultural practices and ecosystem services provision to ensure the food, water and energy security.

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    Considering the importance of the agricultural sector in Brazil and the existence of areas in different stages of degradation, it becomes strategic for interventions that can generate socio-economic and environmental benefits and positive impacts to the tripod F-W-E. Thus, the present study is based on the Ribeirão das Lajes dam (RJ), a core area for the water supply of the second largest city in Brazil - Rio de Janeiro. A methodological approach will be developed that will generate an integrated assessment tool to evaluate the impact of agriculture practices and its potentiality to ecosystem services provision in the Nexus F-W-E approach

    Síntese do cenário contemporâneo da oferta e consumo de água nas bacias hidrográficas dos rios Guapi-Macacu e Caceribu.

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    Demanda e oferta de água nas bacias hidrográficas Guapi-Macacu e Caceribu em área de Mata Atlântica - RJ.

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    As bacias hidrográficas dos rios Guapi-Macacu e Caceribu estão situadas a leste da bacia da Baía de Guanabara, no Estado do Rio de Janeiro e abastecem de água quase dois milhões de pessoas. A água proveniente delas é ainda de boa qualidade, porém, a remoção de parte da sua cobertura vegetal original, sobretudo das matas ciliares, associada ao uso inadequado das terras e à retificação dos cursos dos rios principais tem acentuado os seus processos de erosão e de assoreamento. Além disso, a expansão urbana desordenada, a falta de tratamento de esgotos sanitários e a instalação de indústrias, prejudicam a qualidade e a capacidade de armazenamento de água dessas bacias. Desta forma, este estudo objetivou identificar os fatores sociais, econômicos e ambientais que influenciam a oferta e o consumo de água em municípios abastecidos por ambas as bacias. A análise das dinâmicas social, econômica e do uso da terra, bem como dos sistemas de abastecimento de água desses municípios reforça a importância da proteção da sua vegetação natural e de se realizar um planejamento ambiental adequado para manter as suas reservas de água

    Climate change and ecosystem services: a participatory approach in a Brazilian mountainous region.

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    Climate change is present in all sectors of global societies, causing various damages, including to agriculture. In this process, understanding the perception of the most affected population and including them in decision-making is a matter of social justice and a more assertive path. Aiming to obtain subsidies for better adaptation to climate change in family farming, this study established a methodology for evaluating the risks of climate change impacts on ecosystem services, related to water and food security, under the perception of rural actors in the mountainous region of the Rio de Janeiro state, Brazil. The methodology consisted of five steps, including the application of the questionnaire to 29 rural actors and ending with validation of the results in a focus group. The main results obtained were that the interviewees perceive the risks of the impacts of climate change in ES, both related to water and food security. Additionally, 24.14% of interviewees mentioned that their family has a monthly income below the Brazilian minimum wage, which exposes their food insecurity. In relation to water security, the risks classified as Very High were mainly in relation to low per capita investments in adaptation policies and infrastructure for environmental protection, between others. The use of many chemical inputs in agriculture also highlighted as a risk to water and food security. Regarding the methodology, it concluded that it was effective in obtaining the perception of the rural actors interviewed regarding the impacts of climate change on ecosystem services at a local scale