1,154 research outputs found


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    “Non lo fa nessuno”. Questo si sentiva dire Matilde Casa, sindaco di Lauriano (TO), quando proponeva qualcosa di innovativo per il suo piccolo Comune. Poi un giorno arrivano la querela e il rinvio a giudizio. La sua colpa? Aver impedito la costruzione di “quaranta belle villette”, trasformando un terreno edificabile in agricolo. Una vicenda incredibile che avrà un “lieto fine” ma che suscita molte (e amare) riflessioni. Il libro - un lavoro a più mani - parte proprio da questa storia. Matilde Casa racconta la propria difficile esperienza nel suo aspetto giudiziario e umano e la “solitudine amministrativa” che ha vissuto. Paolo Pileri, urbanista e militante del suolo, affronta il tema della cronica “disgiunzione” italiana tra politica e saperi esperti, la cui vittima designata è proprio il suolo. Per tentare infine una sintesi. Come ricongiungere l’elaborazione accademica sul tema alle scelte delle pubbliche amministrazioni? Le proposte finali che ne scaturiscono sono tanto radicali quanto chiare: forgiare una cultura ambientale e civica nelle scuole, all’università, nella formazione politica; invitare i piccoli Comuni a cooperare; restituire allo Stato - perché centrale - la responsabilità sui temi legati al suolo; pungolare il legislatore perché adotti gli strumenti più efficaci a difendere i terreni dal cemento. Prefazione di Luca Mercalli, appassionato difensore del suolo

    Indolent lymphoma: the pathologist's viewpoint

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    Indolent lymphomas have recently been the object of numerous studies, which have focused on new aspects relevant both for the better comprehension of their histogenesis and the identification of new therapeutic strategies. As marginal-zone lymphoma (MZL) represents the category of indolent lymphomas that has obtained more benefit from such an approach, the authors focused on the most recent achievements and not yet solved controversies in this area. In spite of their postulated common derivation, the three categories of MZL of the WHO Classification appear dissimilar. In fact, they show significant molecular differences among them as well as a certain heterogeneity within each group. By no means, there is a cogent need of more refined tools to revise these neoplasms and to produce a more rational grouping. The recent identification of the IRTA gene family corresponding to IG-like receptors differentially expressed in B-cells might contribute to their better understandin

    Indolent lymphoma: the pathologist's viewpoint

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    Abstract Indolent lymphomas have recently been the object of numerous studies, which have focused on new aspects relevant both for the better comprehension of their histogenesis and the identification of new therapeutic strategies. As marginal-zone lymphoma (MZL) represents the category of indolent lymphomas that has obtained more benefit from such an approach, the authors focused on the most recent achievements and not yet solved controversies in this area. In spite of their postulated common derivation, the three categories of MZL of the WHO Classification appear dissimilar. In fact, they show significant molecular differences among them as well as a certain heterogeneity within each group. By no means, there is a cogent need of more refined tools to revise these neoplasms and to produce a more rational grouping. The recent identification of the IRTA gene family corresponding to IG-like receptors differentially expressed in B-cells might contribute to their better understanding

    1963-2013: Fifty years as hostage to ground rent and land consumption. Isn't it time to change course?

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    Fifty years ago a proposal of urban reform in Italy by Aldo Natoli focused very well paradoxes and risks of an urban planning held hostage to the ground rent. Now the very high rate of land consumptions in Italy, combined with a few structural problems in administrative asset and competences in land use, demonstrates 1963 Natoli's prophecy and suggests us some crucial lessons. Italian urban planning needs to be hugely reformed by some courageous and severe actions able to work towards different aspects, upset some routines and involve all the actors of urban decision-making processes

    Designing Urban Spaces to Enhance Active and Sustainable Mobility: An Analysis of Physical and Symbolic Affordances in School Squares in the Metropolitan Area of Milan, Italy

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    As thresholds to cities, public spaces adjacent to schools play an important role in children’s everyday mobilities, potentially shaping their future mobility habits and affective experiences. The purpose of this paper is to investigate the urban design conditions of such spaces, defined as “school squares”, and, with the aid of affordance theory, to analyze spatial features and characteristics that might encourage or hinder active and sustainable mobility practices. In the first part of the paper, we define sustainable mobility, conduct a literature review on affective responses to the urban environment, and discuss active school travel (AST) in relation to the design of school squares. By focusing on 416 primary and lower secondary schools in the metropolitan area of Milan, we present an assessment method that is composed of on-desk and on-site surveys. In particular, Phase 1 defines the type of school squares, Phase 2 investigates physical affordances (spatial features and characteristics that directly influence active mobility practices, such as bicycle racks, protective barriers, benches, and parked cars), and Phase 3 discusses symbolic affordances (elements and characteristics that might induce different affective responses to a school square with regard to active mobility, such as bicycle racks, parked cars, greenery, and dustbins). The results indicate that in most cases school squares are characterized by typological confusion that has nothing to do with the school environment: narrow sidewalks, disorder, and low levels of safety. In order to promote active and sustainable mobility choices and enhance children’s mobile experiences, it is necessary to address the aforementioned features. The ultimate goal of this paper is to provide insights for developing an urban regeneration framework that considers school squares a safe context and a starting point from which to perform sustainable mobility practices
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