3,383 research outputs found

    Validation of fluorescence transition probability calculations

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    A systematic and quantitative validation of the K and L shell X-ray transition probability calculations according to different theoretical methods has been performed against experimental data. This study is relevant to the optimization of data libraries used by software systems, namely Monte Carlo codes, dealing with X-ray fluorescence. The results support the adoption of transition probabilities calculated according to the Hartree-Fock approach, which manifest better agreement with experimental measurements than calculations based on the Hartree-Slater method.Comment: 8 pages, 21 figures and images, 3 tables, to appear in proceedings of the Nuclear Science Symposium and Medical Imaging Conference 2009, Orland

    Background Estimation in a Gravitational Wave Experiment

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    The problem to estimate the background due to accidental coincidences in the search for coincidences in gravitational wave experiments is discussed. The use of delayed coincidences obtained by orderly shifting the event times of one of the two detectors is shown to be the most correctComment: Latex file. 6 pages, 3 figures. Submitted to the proceeding of the 3 GWDAW workshop (Rome, dic 1999) (International journal of Modern physics D

    Das Just Community Konzept nach Lawrence Kohlberg – von der Theorie in die Praxis :die heutige Umsetzung an deutschsprachigen Schulen

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    Die vorliegende Arbeit beabsichtigt, sowohl die theoretische Grundlage des Moraltheorie Kohlbergs in einer kompakten Form darzulegen, als auch zwei exemplarische Schulkonzepte vorzustellen und zu untersuchen, wie Elemente des Just Community Konzepts darin umgesetzt werden. Nach der Online-Recherche erschien es mir als besonders ergiebig, eine Primarschule in der Schweiz und eine Gemeinschaftsschule in Berlin fĂŒr dieses Anliegen auszuwĂ€hlen, um das Konzept Kohlbergs in seinem vollen Potenzial abbilden zu können. Trotz der theoretischen Fundierung erachte ich es zudem als relevant, das Just Community Konzept und dessen konkrete Realisierungsformen auch unter kritischen Gesichtspunkten zu betrachten, um schließlich resĂŒmieren zu können, inwieweit das in den 1960er Jahren entwickelte Konzept Kohlbergs gegenwĂ€rtig gesellschaftliche Relevanz und UmsetzungsfĂ€higkeit besitzt

    Publication patterns in HEP computing

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    An overview of the evolution of computing-oriented publications in high energy physics following the start of operation of LHC. Quantitative analyses are illustrated, which document the production of scholarly papers on computing-related topics by high energy physics experiments and core tools projects, and the citations they receive. Several scientometric indicators are analyzed to characterize the role of computing in high energy physics literature. Distinctive features of software-oriented and hardware-oriented scholarly publications are highlighted. Current patterns and trends are compared to the situation in previous generations' experiments.Comment: To be published in the Proc. of CHEP (Computing in High Energy Physics) 201

    Cobb-Douglas Production Function For Measuring Efficiency in Indian Agriculture: A Region-wise Analysis

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    The paper examines the production efficiency of agricultural system in four regions of India categorized as eastern, western, northern and southern regions using state level data for the period 2005-06 to 2013-14. Stochastic production frontier model using panel data, as proposed by Battese and Coelli (1995), has been used for estimating the efficiency variations taking an integrated effect model into consideration. State level mean efficiency estimates of regions ranges from 0.8824 to 0.3759 for 2005-06 to 2013-14. The statistically significant variables explaining inefficiencies in the agricultural production are total state road length per unit of area and share of agricultural NSDP to state NSDP. The major inputs were institutional credit, net irrigated area and consumption of both fertilizers and pesticide

    Interpreting Spectral Energy Distributions from Young Stellar Objects. I. A grid of 200,000 YSO model SEDs

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    We present a grid of radiation transfer models of axisymmetric young stellar objects (YSOs), covering a wide range of stellar masses (from 0.1Msun to 50Msun) and evolutionary stages (from the early envelope infall stage to the late disk-only stage). The grid consists of 20,000 YSO models, with spectral energy distributions (SEDs) and polarization spectra computed at ten viewing angles for each model, resulting in a total of 200,000 SEDs. [...]. These models are publicly available on a dedicated WWW server: http://www.astro.wisc.edu/protostars/ . In this paper we summarize the main features of our models, as well as the range of parameters explored. [...]. We examine the dependence of the spectral indices of the model SEDs on envelope accretion rate and disk mass. In addition, we show variations of spectral indices with stellar temperature, disk inner radius, and disk flaring power for a subset of disk-only models. We also examine how changing the wavelength range of data used to calculate spectral indices affects their values. We show sample color-color plots of the entire grid as well as simulated clusters at various distances with typical {\it Spitzer Space Telescope} sensitivities. We find that young embedded sources generally occupy a large region of color-color space due to inclination and stellar temperature effects. Disk sources occupy a smaller region of color-color space, but overlap substantially with the region occupied by embedded sources, especially in the near- and mid-IR. We identify regions in color-color space where our models indicate that only sources at a given evolutionary stage should lie. [...].Comment: 69 pages, 28 figures, Accepted for publication in ApJS. Preprint with full resolution figures available at http://www.astro.wisc.edu/protostars

    Validating delta-filters for resonant bar detectors of improved bandwidth foreseeing the future coincidence with interferometers

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    The classical delta filters used in the current resonant bar experiments for detecting GW bursts are viable when the bandwidth of resonant bars is few Hz. In that case, the incoming GW burst is likely to be viewed as an impulsive signal in a very narrow frequency window. After making improvements in the read-out with new transducers and high sensitivity dc-SQUID, the Explorer-Nautilus have improved the bandwidth (∌20\sim 20 Hz) at the sensitivity level of 10−20/Hz10^{-20}/\sqrt{Hz}. Thus, it is necessary to reassess this assumption of delta-like signals while building filters in the resonant bars as the filtered output crucially depends on the shape of the waveform. This is presented with an example of GW signals -- stellar quasi-normal modes, by estimating the loss in SNR and the error in the timing, when the GW signal is filtered with the delta filter as compared to the optimal filter.Comment: 7 pages, presented in Amaldi6, accepted for publication in Journal of Physics: Conference Serie
