3,091 research outputs found

    Morphology of galaxies with quiescent recent assembly history in a Lambda-CDM universe

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    The standard disc formation scenario postulates that disc forms as the gas cools and flows into the centre of the dark matter halo, conserving the specific angular momentum. Major mergers have been shown to be able to destroy or highly perturb the disc components. More recently, the alignment of the material that is accreted to form the galaxy has been pointed out as a key ingredient to determine galaxy morphology. However, in a hierarchical scenario galaxy formation is a complex process that combines these processes and others in a non-linear way so that the origin of galaxy morphology remains to be fully understood. We aim at exploring the differences in the formation histories of galaxies with a variety of morphology, but quite recent merger histories, to identify which mechanisms are playing a major role. We analyse when minor mergers can be considered relevant to determine galaxy morphology. We also study the specific angular momentum content of the disc and central spheroidal components separately. We used cosmological hydrodynamical simulations that include an effective, physically motivated supernova feedback that is able to regulate the star formation in haloes of different masses. We analysed the morphology and formation history of a sample of 15 galaxies of a cosmological simulation. We performed a spheroid-disc decomposition of the selected galaxies and their progenitor systems. The angular momentum orientation of the merging systems as well as their relative masses were estimated to analyse the role played by orientation and by minor mergers in the determination of the morphology. We found the discs to be formed by conserving the specific angular momentum in accordance with the classical disc formation model. The specific angular momentum of the stellar central spheroid correlates with the dark matter halo angular momentum and determines a power law. AbridgedComment: 10 pages, 9 figures, A&A in pres

    Lamotrigine treatment of aggression in female borderline patients, Part II: an 18-month follow-up

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    Borderline patients often display pathological aggression. We previously tested lamotrigine, an anti-convulsant, in therapy for aggression in women with borderline personality disorder (BPD) (J Psychopharmacol 2005; 19: 287–291), and found significant changes on most scales of the State-Trait Anger Expression Inventory (STAXI) after eight weeks. To assess the longerterm efficacy of lamotrigine in therapy for aggression in women with BPD, this 18-month follow-up observation was carried out, in which patients (treated with lamotrigine: n = 18; former placebo group: n = 9) were tested every six months. According to the intent-to-treat principle, significant changes on all scales of the STAXI were observed in the lamotrigine-treated subjects. All subjects tolerated lamotrigine relatively well. Lamotrigine appears to be an effective and relatively safe agent in the longer-term treatment of aggression in women with BPD

    Quantum chaotic resonances from short periodic orbits

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    We present an approach to calculating the quantum resonances and resonance wave functions of chaotic scattering systems, based on the construction of states localized on classical periodic orbits and adapted to the dynamics. Typically only a few of such states are necessary for constructing a resonance. Using only short orbits (with periods up to the Ehrenfest time), we obtain approximations to the longest living states, avoiding computation of the background of short living states. This makes our approach considerably more efficient than previous ones. The number of long lived states produced within our formulation is in agreement with the fractal Weyl law conjectured recently in this setting. We confirm the accuracy of the approximations using the open quantum baker map as an example.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figure

    The stellar metallicity gradients in galaxy discs in a cosmological scenario

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    Indexación: Web of ScienceContext. The stellar metallicity gradients of disc galaxies provide information on disc assembly, star formation processes, and chemical evolution. They also might store information on dynamical processes that could affect the distribution of chemical elements in the gas phase and the stellar components. Understanding their joint effects within a hierarchical clustering scenario is of paramount importance. Aims. We studied the stellar metallicity gradients of simulated discs in a cosmological simulation. We explored the dependence of the stellar metallicity gradients on stellar age and on the size and mass of the stellar discs. Methods. We used a catalogue of galaxies with disc components selected from a cosmological hydrodynamical simulation performed including a physically motivated supernova feedback and chemical evolution. Disc components were defined based on angular momentum and binding energy criteria. The metallicity profiles were estimated for stars with different ages. We confront our numerical findings with results from the Calar Alto Legacy Integral Field Area (CALIFA) Survey. Results. The simulated stellar discs are found to have metallicity profiles with slopes in global agreement with observations. Low stellar mass galaxies tend to have a larger variety of metallicity slopes. When normalized by the half-mass radius, the stellar metallicity gradients do not show any dependence and the dispersion increases significantly, regardless of the galaxy mass. Galaxies with stellar masses of around 10(10) M-circle dot show steeper negative metallicity gradients. The stellar metallicity gradients correlate with the half-mass radius. However, the correlation signal is not present when they are normalized by the half-mass radius. Stellar discs with positive age gradients are detected to have negative and positive metallicity gradients, depending on the relative importance of recent star formation activity in the central regions. Conclusions. Our results suggest that inside-out formation is the main process responsible for the metallicity and age profiles. The large dispersions in the metallicity gradients as a function of stellar mass could be ascribed to the effects of dynamical processes such as mergers, interactions and/or migration as well as those regulating the conversion of gas into stars. The fingerprints of the inside-out formation seem better preserved by the stellar metallicity gradients as a function of the half-mass radius.http://www.aanda.org/articles/aa/abs/2016/08/aa28188-16/aa28188-16.htm

    Total Intravenous Anesthesia for Neurosurgical Procedures in Narcoleptic Patients: Two Case Reports

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    INTRODUCTION: Narcoleptic patients may be at increased risk of prolonged emergence, postoperative hypersomnia, apneic episodes, and sleep paralysis after general anesthesia. Modafinil is the first-line treatment, however, the implication it has on general anesthesia is not clear. This report present 2 cases of narcoleptic patients medicated with modafinil that were submitted to total intravenous anesthesia for neurosurgical procedures. CASE PRESENTATION: Informed consent was obtained from both patients. Clinical information was obtained from patients' interviews and medical records. Intraoperative data was collected using Datex Ohmeda, Bispectral index, Entropy, and LiDCO rapid monitors, and exported to excel sheets to allow its analysis. Both patients maintained modafinil on the day of surgery and were not administered sedative premedication. Propofol was administered by bolus during induction of anesthesia. In one of the patients, the predicted cerebral concentration of propofol required for loss of consciousness was high. Anesthesia was maintained with remifentanil and propofol by target controlled infusion and titrated according to bispectral index (BIS), entropy, and analgesia nociception index (ANI). During the surgical procedure, the patients did not require vasopressors. Emergence from anesthesia was very fast and no narcoleptic event occurred postoperatively. CONCLUSIONS: Sedative premedication should be avoided and the use of short-acting anesthetic agents, such as propofol and remifentanil through target-controlled infusion most likely improves titration of anesthesia. The continuation of modafinil preoperatively might have contributed to the rapid emergence, yet, might also have been responsible for the high cerebral concentration of propofol that was required for loss of consciousness in one of the patients.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Why entrepreneurship education and training in Polytechnic of Porto graduated courses? Students’ perception

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    This paper analyses the perception of Polytechnic of Porto (P.PORTO) students about entrepreneurship education in the graduated and training courses. A survey was conducted, supported by a questionnaire followed by researchers’ guidance. The perception of entrepreneurship education and training in students’ curricula was studied. Statistical analysis was applied using SPSS tool. Due to de diversity of graduated courses in P.PORTO it was possible to analyse the perception of students from different educational areas: Engineering, Health and Social Sciences. The main conclusion was that students from all courses seem to see entrepreneurship education and training as an important issue for their future career. As future work this survey should be applied to other P.PORTO units to have an integrated perception. The results of this study will be presented to courses coordinators to promote future curricula improvements.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Zonal flows and long-distance correlations during the formation of the edge shear layer in the TJ-II stellarator

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    A theoretical interpretation is given for the observed long-distance correlations in potential fluctuations in TJ-II. The value of the correlation increases above the critical point of the transition for the emergence of the plasma edge shear flow layer. Mean (i.e. surface averaged, zero-frequency) sheared flows cannot account for the experimental results. A model consisting of four envelope equations for the fluctuation level, the mean flow shear, the zonal flow amplitude shear, and the averaged pressure gradient is proposed. It is shown that the presence of zonal flows is essential to reproduce the main features of the experimental observations.Comment: 19 pages, 7 figure
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