38 research outputs found

    Morphological Diversity of Tropical Common bean Germplasm

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    Common bean ( Phaseolus vulgaris L.) landraces and varieties grown by farmers in the tropics are a major source of genes and genetic diversity for bean improvement. These materials are, however, threatened by genetic erosion. In this study, we sought to understand the current state of genetic diversity of common bean in Uganda, using the available collection consisting of 284 bean accessions. A field experiment was conducted at the National Crops Resources Research Institute in Namulonge, Uganda. The level of morphological variation estimated with the Shannon Weaver diversity index (H), ranged from 0.47 to 0.58, with an overall mean of 0.56\ub10.19, an indicator of moderate genetic diversity. Principal component analysis (PCA) clustered the germplasm into three major groups (G1, G2 and G3). The genotypes differed mostly for growth habit, pod cross-section, pod curvature, hypocotyl colour, days to flowering, node number on the main stem, number of flower buds, and 100 seed weight.Les cultivars et vari\ue9t\ue9s de haricot commun ( Phaseolus vulgaris L.) cultiv\ue9s par les fermiers dans les tropiques son tune source majeur de \ue8nes et diversit\ue9 g\ue9n\ue9tique pour l\u2019am\ue9lioration du haricot. Ce materiel est, par ailleurs, handicap\ue9 par une \ue9rosion g\ue9n\ue9tique. Le but de cette \ue9tude est de comprendre la situation courante de la diversit\ue9 g\ue9n\ue9tique du haricot commun en Ouganda, en utilisant la collection disponible de 284 accessions de haricots. Un essai \ue9tait conduit au National Crops Resources Research Institute \ue0 Namulonge, Ouganda. Le niveau de variation morphologique estim\ue9 \ue0 l\u2019aide de l\u2019indice de diversit\ue9 de Shannon Weaver (H),variait de 0.47 \ue0 0.58, avec une moyenne g\ue9n\ue9rale de 0.56\ub10.19, un indicateur de diversit\ue9 g\ue9n\ue9tique mod\ue9r\ue9. L\u2019analyse de la composante principale (PCA) a group\ue9 le germplasme en trois groupes majeurs (G1, G2 et G3). Les g\ue9notypes differaient plus par l\u2019habitude de croissance, la section des gousses, la courbature des gousses, la couleur de l\u2019hypocotyle, les jours \ue0 la floraison, le nombre de nodes sur la tige principale, le nombre de bourgeon des fleurs et le poids de 100 graines

    Managing a transboundary pest: the fall armyworm on maize in Africa

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    Published online: 16 Mar 2021The fall armyworm (Spodoptera frugiperda J.E Smith) (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae) invaded Africa in 2016, and has since spread to all countries in sub-Saharan Africa, causing devastating effects on mainly maize and sorghum. The rapid spread of this pest is aided by its high reproductive rate, high migration ability, wide host range and adaptability to different environments, among others. Since its introduction, many governments purchased and distributed pesticides for emergency control, with minimal regard to their efficacy. In this chapter, we review efforts towards managing this pest, highlight key challenges, and provide our thoughts on considerations for sustainable management of the pest


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    Multiple co-infections by different pathogens on common bean ( Phaseolus vulgaris L.) affect its productivity and cause complete crop loss in susceptible varieties. Therefore, gene pyramiding using marker assisted selection (MAS) and backcrossing, provide alternative cost-effective control measures to bean diseases. However, in the process of developing pyramids, linkage drags were likely to affect the qualities of progeny lines, hence, special attention was paid to this situation. The objective of this study was thus to assess the agronomic qualities of advanced genetic pyramids developed from a four-way cross for multiple disease resistance. The disease resistance genes (R) pyramided from four parents were: Co42 and Co-5 from G2333; Phg-2 from MEX54; Pythium ultimum Dennis from MLB49-89A and I & bc3 from MCM5001. The progeny lines were planted in an incomplete block design, and replicated thrice for two seasons (2015A and 2015B) in fields at CIAT, Kawanda in Uganda. Agronomic traits were highly heritable (0.6), except number of pods per plant (< 0.3). Backcrossing generated high-yielding bean lines, with 270 - 290 seed per plant and early maturity (95-100 days). Nine superior lines with desirable qualities, such as earliness (95 days), high seed rate (290 seeds per plant), and climbing ability, were obtained. Pyramiding R genes did not affect yield traits, except time to flowering and number of flower buds per plant due to transgressive segregation.Les co-infections multiples par de diff\ue9rents pathog\ue8nes sur le haricot commun ( Phaseolus vulgaris L.) affectent sa productivit\ue9 et causent la perte totale des vari\ue9t\ue9s susceptibles de la culture. Par cons\ue9quent, la pyramide des g\ue8nes en utilisant la s\ue9lection assist\ue9e par des marqueurs (MAS) et le r\ue9trocroisement, fournissent des mesures alternatives de contr\uf4le moins ch\ue8res des maladies du haricot. N\ue9anmoins, dans le processus du d\ue9veloppement des pyramides, les poids des liaisons affectent probablement les qualit\ue9s des lign\ue9es de prog\ue9nitures, de ce fait, une attention particuli\ue8re \ue9tait port\ue9e \ue0 cette situation. L\u2019objectif de cette \ue9tude \ue9tait d\u2019\ue9valuer les qualit\ue9s agronomiques des pyramides g\ue9n\ue9tiques avanc\ue9es d\ue9velopp\ue9es d\u2019un croisement de quatre parents pour la r\ue9sistance aux maladies multiples. Les g\ue8nes pyramid\ue9s de r\ue9sistance (R) \ue0 la maladie de quatre parents \ue9taient\ua0: Co42 et Co-5 de G2333; Phg-2 de MEX54; Pythium ultimum Dennis de MLB49-89A et I & bc3 de MCM5001. Les lign\ue9es de prog\ue9nitures \ue9taient plant\ue9es en arrangement de block incomplet et r\ue9pliqu\ue9 trois fois pendant deux saisons (2015A et 2015B) dans les champs \ue0 CIAT, Kawanda en Ouganda. Les traits agronomiques \ue9taient hautement h\ue9ritables (0,6), \ue0 l\u2019exception du nombre de gousses par plant (<0.3). Le r\ue9trocroisement a g\ue9n\ue9r\ue9 des lign\ue9es d\u2019haricot \ue0 haut rendement, avec 270-290 graines par plant et \ue0 maturit\ue9 pr\ue9coce (95-100 jours). Neuf lign\ue9es sup\ue9rieures avec des qualit\ue9s d\ue9sirables, telles que la pr\ue9cocit\ue9 (95 jours), taux de graines \ue9lev\ue9s (290 graines par plant) et l\u2019habilit\ue9 grimpante, \ue9taient obtenues. La pyramide des g\ue8nes R n\u2019avait pas affect\ue9 les traits li\ue9s au rendement, \ue0 l\u2019exception de la p\ue9riode de floraison et le nombre de bougeons de fleurs par plant d\ufb \ue0 la s\ue9gr\ue9gation transgressive

    The genetic diversity and population structure of common bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L) germplasm in Uganda

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    The knowledge and understanding of the genetic variability of common bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) germplasm is important for the implementation of measures addressed to their utilizations and conservation. The objective of this study was to characterize common bean in Uganda using polymorphic molecular markers for use in hybridization and variety development. Genomic DNA was extracted from plants at the first trifoliate leaf stage growing in pots using the modified cetyl-trimethylammonium bromide (CTAB) method. The gene pool membership (Andean vs. Mesoamerican) for each accession was established with the phaseolin marker. Simple sequence repeat (SSR) alleles were separated by capillary electrophoresis that provided further information on the organization of genetic diversity. The Andean and Mesoamerican genotypes were present in similar frequencies (51 vs. 49%, respectively). All SSR markers tested were polymorphic with mean polymorphism information content (PIC) of 0.8. The model-based cluster analysis of SSR diversity in the STRUCTURE software found three sub populations (K3.1, K3.2 and K3.3) genetically differentiated with moderate Wrights fixation indices (FST) values 0.14, 0.12 and 0.09, respectively and many cases of admixture. The STRUCTURE result was confirmed by Principal Coordinate analysis (PCoA) which also clustered beans in three groups. Most Andean genotypes were included in K3.1 and Mesoamerican genotypes belonged to the K3.2 and K3.3 subgroups. This study sets the stage for further analyses for agronomic traits such as yield, resistance to biotic and abiotic stresses and the need for germplasm conservation.Keywords: Phaseolin, Simple sequence repeat (SSR), hybridization, wrights fixation index (FST), structure.African Journal of Biotechnology, Vol 13(29) 2935-294

    Dual inoculation of Fusarium oxysporum endophytes in banana: effect on plant colonization, growth and control of the root burrowing nematode and the banana weevil

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    The burrowing nematode (Radopholus similis (Cobb) Thorne) and the banana weevil (Cosmopolites sordidus Germar, Coleoptera: Curculionidae) are major pests of banana (Musa spp.) in the Lake Victoria basin region of Uganda. Among biological options to control the two pests is the use of non-pathogenic Fusarium oxysporum Schltdl.: Fries endophytes of banana. We investigated the ability of endophytic F. oxysporum isolates Emb2.4o and V5w2 to control the banana weevil and the burrowing nematode, alone and in combination. Plant colonization by the endophytes was determined by inoculating their chemical-resistant mutants separately and in combination, onto banana roots. Plant growth promotion was determined by measuring plant height, girth, number of live roots and fresh root weight at harvest, and control of the nematode and weevil was determined by challenging endophyte-inoculated plants with the pests 8 weeks after endophyte inoculation. Endophytic root colonization was highest in plants inoculated with both endophytes, compared with those inoculated with only one of the endophytes. Root colonization was better for isolate V5w2 than Emb2.4o. Dually inoculated plants showed a significant increase in height, girth, fresh root weight and number of functional roots following nematode challenge. Nematode numbers in roots were reduced 12 weeks after challenge of 8-week-old endophyte-inoculated plants. Significant reductions in weevil damage were observed in the rhizome periphery, inner and outer rhizomes, compared with endophyte non-inoculated controls. We conclude that dual inoculation of bananas with endophytic isolates Emb2.4o and V5w2 increases root colonization by the endophytes, reduces nematode numbers and weevil damage, and enhances plant growth in the presence of nematode infestation

    Differential gene expression in East African highland bananas (Musa spp.): interactions between nonpathogenic Fusarium V5w2 and Radopholus similis

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    Endophytic non-pathogenic Fusarium oxysporum isolates are known to control Radopholus similis through induced resistance. Using complementary (c)DNA-amplified fragment length polymorphism (cDNA-AFLP), we identified genes induced in nematode-susceptible and -tolerant bananas following colonization by non-pathogenic endophytic F. oxysporum isolate V5w2. Quantitative real-time polymerase chain reactions (qRT-PCR) were then used to analyze expression profiles of selected genes. Accumulated gene transcripts included those involved in signal transduction, cell wall strengthening, Jasmonic acid (JA) pathway and transport of defense molecules. Endophyte colonization primed the expression of b-1,3-glucan synthase and Coronatine insensitive 1 (COI1) in the susceptible cultivar, and that of COI1 and Lipoxygenase (LOX) in the tolerant.We isolate and identify for the first time genes involved in the interaction between endophytic non-pathogenic F. oxysporum and banana

    Defenserelated gene expression in susceptible and tolerant bananas (Musa spp.) following inoculation with nonpathogenic Fusarium oxysporum endophytes and challenge with Radopholus similis

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    Radopholus similisis a major pest of East African highland cooking bananas (Musaspp.) in Uganda. Non-pathogenic Fusariumoxysporumendophytes, isolated from bananas in farmers’ fields, have shown potential to reduceR. Similis numbers in tissue culture banana. The mechanism through which endophytes confer resistance to nematodes has previously been demonstrated to involve inducedresistance. In this study, the expression of eight defense-related genes in banana was investigated using quantitative real-time reverse transcription PCR. Plants of susceptible (cv. Nabusa, genomic group AAA-EA) and tolerant (cv. Kayinja, genomic group ABB) banana cultivars were inoculated with endophyticF. Oxysporum strain V5w2. Gene expression levels were analysed following endophyte inoculation and nematode challenge. Endophyte colonization of roots of the tolerant cultivar induced transient expression of POX and suppressed expression ofPR-3,lectin, PAE, PALandPIR7A. CatalaseandPR-1activities were up-regulated in the tolerant cultivar 33days after endophyte colonization of roots, but their expressions were further up-regulated following nematode challenge. Apart from POX andlectin, the other genes analysed were not responsive to endophyte colonization orR. Similis challenge in the susceptible cv.Nabusa. This is the first report of endophyte-induced defense-related gene expression in banana