546 research outputs found

    The Determination of the Competent Court When Applying for Judicial Protection in an Administrative Offense Case

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    The problem of determining the competence of the court to consider a complaint (application) when applying for judicial protection of a person held liable in an administrative offense case, both by the person himself and by the judges, is considered. The study of existing rules of law, judicial acts of courts of first and higher instances, including the Supreme Court of the Russian Federation, the Constitutional Court of the Russian Federation, the analysis of scientific works devoted to the problem of determining the competent court both in cases of administrative offenses and in civil proceedings is a method, which allows one to study the problem of possible restriction or exclusion of access to judicial protection of persons held administratively liable, when appealing against the relevant regulatory act recognizing them as such. The Author compares the legislation on judicial proceeding in cases of administrative offenses of the Russian Federation and the Republic of Belarus. Investigates the procedure for appealing against a decision in a case on an administrative offense and a decision within the framework of the Code of the Russian Federation on Administrative Offenses and the Arbitration Procedure Code of the Russian Federation, their similarities and differences in the regulation of the appeal procedure. Court practice is brought to attention, which clearly demonstrates the essence of the problem of determining the competent court when applying for judicial protection in a case of an administrative offense. Judicial practice demonstrates a variety of approaches to the existing problem not only by the same court, but also by the same judge. The rights of persons brought to administrative responsibility, violated due to the existence of this problem, are identified. Through the study of scientific works of civil procedure scholars, the Author discusses the possibility of changing existing legislation in order to eliminate the possibility of depriving a person brought to administrative responsibility of the right to judicial protection. The Author proposes to exclude a number of norms from the current legislation, while the norms governing the issue of competence should be changed in terms of the procedure for handling an application received by the court, a complaint in a case of an administrative offense. The importance of resolving this problem for the Russian Federation as a legal state, which is the Russian Federation, is explained

    Specific features of the electron paramagnetic resonance spectrum in the vicinity of the convergence of the transitions of gadolinium centers in Pb5(Ge1 - xSix)3O11

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    An anomalous electron paramagnetic resonance spectrum of the transitions -1/2 ↔ +1/2 of four Gd3+-Si dimer clusters in the Pb5(Ge1 - xSix)3O11 crystals doped with gadolinium has been found in the vicinity of the orientation of the magnetic field along the optic axis of the crystal. It has been assumed that this spectrum is caused by rapid transitions between the spin packets of the initial resonances due to the crossrelaxation. A computer simulation of the spectrum has been carried out. The results obtained adequately describe the experiment. © 2013 Pleiades Publishing, Ltd

    Quantum Phase Shift in Chern-Simons Modified Gravity

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    Using a unified approach of optical-mechanical analogy in a semiclassical formula, we evaluate the effect of Chern-Simons modified gravity on the quantum phase shift of de Broglie waves in neutron interferometry. The phase shift calculated here reveals, in a single equation, a combination of effects coming from Newtonian gravity, inertial forces, Schwarzschild and Chern-Simons modified gravity. However the last two effects, though new, turn out to be too tiny to be observed, and hence only of academic interest at present. The approximations, wherever used, as well as the drawbacks of the non-dynamical approach are clearly indicated.Comment: 16 pages, minor errors corrected. Accepted for publication in Phys. Rev.

    Force Distribution in a Granular Medium

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    We report on systematic measurements of the distribution of normal forces exerted by granular material under uniaxial compression onto the interior surfaces of a confining vessel. Our experiments on three-dimensional, random packings of monodisperse glass beads show that this distribution is nearly uniform for forces below the mean force and decays exponentially for forces greater than the mean. The shape of the distribution and the value of the exponential decay constant are unaffected by changes in the system preparation history or in the boundary conditions. An empirical functional form for the distribution is proposed that provides an excellent fit over the whole force range measured and is also consistent with recent computer simulation data.Comment: 6 pages. For more information, see http://mrsec.uchicago.edu/granula

    Biodiversity of the Collembola Fauna of Wetland Kerkini (N. Greece), with description of the sexual dimorphism of Entomobrya atrocincta Schött 1896 (Collembola: Entomobryomorpha)

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    A report on the results of a research into some aspects of the collembolan fauna of the Greek Nature Reserve associated with Lake Kerkini, known as Wetland Kerkini, is presented. The nature reserve is large and includes a wide variety of habitats, many of which were not included in this preliminary survey. From the areas sampled we recorded 44 species, of which 39 were previously described, two (Folsomia potapovi Jordana & Baquero n. sp., Entomobrya naziridisi Jordana & Baquero n. sp.), are new to science, while three are identifi ed to generic level; a further 21 are new records for Greece, and an additional 11 species are new records to the Greek Mainland. Sampling with Berlese- Tullgren funnels and Malaise traps allowed us to capture species typical of soil and species present over vegetation. This summary is based on the records held in the online database of the Fauna Europaea Project

    Some features of the diagnosis and clinical manifestations of pathological fractures of the spine in Bekhterev's disease (а clinical case)

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    Background: A prolonged course of the autoimmune inflammatory process in Bekhterev's disease is accompanied by calcification of the vertebral column’s ligaments, damage to the costovertebral and true joints of the spine, and their ankylosis, that ultimately leads to a decrease in the support capacity of the spine, so that even a minor injury can lead to a fracture. Spinal fractures in ankylosing spondylitis often have an unstable character and a high risk of the spinal cord injury. The main methods for diagnosing the spinal instability in Bekhterev's disease are multispiral computed tomography and magnetic resonance imaging, since the informative significance of survey radiography is not high. An early surgical treatment is the method of choice for unstable fractures in ankylosing spondylitis, despite the comorbid pathology and age, which significantly burden the prognosis. Сlinical case description: Patient K., born in 1969, injured on October 07, 2021 as a result of falling on his back from a height of 2 meters. An MSCT study of the thoracolumbar spine revealed a fracture of the ThXII–LI vertebrae, rupture of the anterior longitudinal ligament, and instability of the ThXII–LI vertebral-motor segment. The following diagnosis was established: closed uncomplicated injury of the thoracolumbar spine; grade I unstable compression fracture of the ThXII, LI vertebrae with a damage to the posterior support complex against the background of ankylosing spondylitis; grade I kyphotic deformity of the thoracolumbar spine; bilateral vertebrogenic lumboishialgia syndrome; pronounced persistent pain and muscle-tonic syndromes. A surgical treatment was applied which included correction of the spinal deformity and stabilization of the thoracolumbar spine using a transpedicular fixation system. The pain vertebrogenic syndrome and clinical neurological disorders regressed. The MSCT control was carried out in 6 months with the detected completed fusion at the ThXII–LI level. Conclusion: A timely diagnosis using multispiral computed tomography and magnetic resonance imaging data allows us to assess the full picture of traumatic changes in the spinal column and choose the most effective type of surgical intervention, using, if necessary, stabilizing systems

    Revision surgery for failure of the dynamic stabilization system of the lumbar spine

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    The aim. To study the frequency and treatment options for dysfunction of the dynamic stabilization system of the lumbar spine. Materials and methods. We carried out a retrospective analysis of the treatment of 58  patients with degenerative pathology of the lumbar spine and instability of the spinal motion segments, who were treated at the neurosurgical unit of the Irkutsk Scientific Centre of Surgery and Traumatology in 2011–2020. The stability of spinal motion segment was assessed using X-ray imaging, magnetic resonance imaging and multi-layer spiral computed tomography of the lumbar spine. Revision surgery was performed in 7 out of 58 previously operated patients using the dynamic fixation system of spinal motion segments “Coflex” (Paradigm Spine LLC, Germany). Results. Revision surgery was performed in 7 out of 58 patients with dynamic fixation of the spinal motion segments with an interosseous implant due to an increase in pain syndrome. In 1 patient, the reason for repeated surgery was primary instability of the hardware caused by a fracture of the spinous process. In the delayed period, 4 patients had an X-ray picture with heterotopic ossification of the implant and instability of PDS. In two observations, a recurrence of intervertebral hernia was diagnosed at the level of the operated spinal motion segment. During revision surgery, a facetectomy was performed with stabilization by a peek cage, followed by pain management and clinical manifestation regression. Conclusion. The conducted study shows that a number of patients after discectomy and dynamic stabilization of the spine using “Coflex” system have inconsistency and  heterotypic ossification of  the implant and neoarthrosis. Implantation of a lumbar peek cage while maintaining the “Coflex” device makes it possible to form a rigid interbody fusion, which means it is sufficient and justified surgical technology for treating the failure of the dynamic stabilization system

    Diagnostic value of anti-GP2 antibodies determined in serum and coprofiltrates in children with inflammatory bowel disease

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    Inflammatory bowel diseases (IBD), such  as Crohn’s disease (CD) and  ulcerative colitis (UC), are characterized by chronically recurring inflammation of intestinal wall and are associated with a significant decrease in the  quality  of life. A spectrum of genetic  variants  associated with  Crohn’s disease  is described. Intestinal dysbiosis (DB)  may be the triggering factor of the disease. Glycoprotein 2 (GP2), the main protein of pancreatic zymogen  granules, is secreted  into the intestines with digestive enzymes.  Anti-GP2 antibodies were found in the serum of patients with CD.  The aim of the present  study was to investigate  the levels of anti-GP2 antibodies in serum  and feces of children with IBD  compared with the DB group.  Serums  and coprofiltrates from 110 children (64 boys and 46 girls) at the age of 12.3 (2.6-17.9) years were studied; 36 patients with CD, 30 patients with UC.  A comparison group consisted of 44 patients with DB. IgG and IgA antibodies against GP2 were tested with ELISA. Nonparametric statistics methods are applied, the results are presented as percentages and medians (Me (Q0.25-Q0.75)). The serum levels of anti-GP2 IgA antibodies were 9.97 (3.35-13.45) U/ml for the CD patients, 6.08 (2.71-14.26) U/ml for UC and 2. 94 (2.29-6.41) U/ml for DB. The levels of anti-GP2 IgG antibodies in serum were 6.16 (3.26-18.4) U/ml for CD, 5.26 (2.97-7.52) U/ml for UC, and for DB 5.23 (2.53-8.85) U/ml. The cut-off  threshold concentration for anti-GP2 IgG antibodies was 13.8 U/ml, with sensitivity of 63.2%, specificity 100%, and for IgA 5.63 U/ml, with sensitivity of 60.5% and specificity of 78.8%, thus being lower than the calculated cut-off  for adults (20 U/ml). The levels of anti-GP2 IgG in coprofiltrates in children of comparison group  were 1.99 (1.26-3.04) U/ml; in the  patients with CD, 23.5 (16.15-29.3) U/ml, and  in children with UC, 20.45 (13.63-25.5) units/ml (p < 0.001). The cut-off  value amounted 8.0 U/ml, with 100% sensitivity  and  100% specificity.  Concentrations of anti-GP2 IgA in coprofiltrates of patients with IBD  did not significantly  differ from DB patients. Moreover, the concentration of sIgA in the coprofiltrates of patients with IBD  was significantly  higher than  their level in DB group. The anti-GP2 IgA/sIgA  ratio was significantly lower in patients with CD (0.326 (0.23-0.512)), and UC (0.327 (0.205-0.435)), than in patients with DB (2.332 (1.575-3.523)) (p < 0.001);  the cut-off  level was 0.784, with a sensitivity of 97.7% and specificity  of 98.6%. It is discussed, whether fecal anti-GP2 IgA antibodies should  be considered as protective, supporting intestinal homeostasis, whereas anti-GP2 IgG antibodies are pathogenetically significant  for development of IBD.  Thus, using a non-invasive method for determining anti-GP2 antibodies in stool, when exceeding the cut-off for IgG, and reduction of IgA/sIgA ratio below the cut-off, one may differentiate IBD from DB with a similar symptoms at the onset of disease, with 100% sensitivity and 100% specificity

    Сравнительная оценка ранних сортов картофеля и среднеспелого сорта Златка и пути повышения эффективности их семеноводства в лесостепи Приобья

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    The paper provides data on the comparative assessment of early potato varieties on two main soil types in the forest-steppe of Priobye. The experiments were conducted from 2020 to 2022 in the Novosibirsk District of the Novosibirsk Region on leached chernozem soil at the "Praktik" Experimental Farm (a division of Novosibirsk SAU) and on grey forest heavy loamy soil at CJSC agricultural enterprise "Michurinets." The research aimed to study the efficiency of using the modern gene pool of early potato varieties and to explore ways to improve their virus-free seed production. The study achieved high potato variety yields in conditions of leached chernozem soil ("Praktik") and grey forest heavy loamy soil (CJSC agricultural enterprise "Michurinets") located in the northern forest-steppe of the Novosibirsk Priobye. Leached chernozem on experimental plots had a humus content of 6.76%, gross nitrogen of 0.24%, phosphorus of 0.21%, and potassium 1.25%. The concentration of quickly hydrolysable nitrogen was 12.3, mobile phosphorus was 25.2, and exchangeable potassium was 12 mg/100 g of soil, with a pH of 5.89. Grey forest soil contained 3.8% humus with a pH of 5.53; Nitrate nitrogen of about 10 mg/kg; mobile phosphorus of 12.8 mg/100 g; Exchangeable potassium of 9.2 mg/100 g of soil. The research showed that on grey forest soil in open ground conditions, the productivity of early potato varieties was as follows: Red Scarlett - about 32 t/ha, Rozara - 30 t/ha, and the mid-season variety Zlatka - 28 t/ha. It was demonstrated that the seed fraction in the yield dominated these varieties. The authors noted a coefficient of variation of the fractional composition at the level of V=12.6-28%, depending on the array. The highest yield of virus-free tubers was observed in the Terra and Santé varieties. On leached chernozem soil during the study of early types, the minimum productivity was 1024 g/plant for the Rozara variety, 987 g/plant for the Riviera variety, and 986 g/plant for the Kolomba variety, which is significantly higher than the standard (Lyubava variety). It was statistically determined that the yield of early potatoes depended on genotype by 37% and on the year's conditions by 27%.Приводятся данные по сравнительной оценке ранних сортов картофеля на двух основных типах почв лесостепи Приобья. Опыты были проведены в 2020–2022 гг. в Новосибирском районе Новосибирской области на выщелоченном черноземе УОХ «Практик» (подразделение Новосибирского ГАУ) и на серой лесной среднесуглинистой почве ЗАО СХП «Мичуринец». Целью исследования являлось изучение эффективности использования современного генофонда ранних сортов картофеля и изыскание путей совершенствования их семеноводства на безвирусной основе. В исследовании получены высокие показатели урожайности сортов картофеля в условиях выщелоченного чернозема (УОХ «Практик») и серой лесной тяжелосуглинистой почвы (ЗАО СХП «Мичуринец»), расположенных в северной лесостепи Новосибирского Приобья. Выщелоченный чернозем опытных участков имел содержание гумуса 6,76%, валового азота – 0,24, фосфора – 0,21 и калия – 1,25%. Концентрация легкогидролизуемого азота была 12,3, подвижного фосфора – 25,2 и обменного калия – 12 мг/100 г почвы, рН 5,89. Серая лесная почва содержала гумуса 3,8% при рН 5,53, нитратного азота – около 10 мг/кг, подвижного фосфора – 12,8 мг/100 г и обменного калия – 9,2 мг/100 г почвы. В исследованиях установлено, что на серой лесной почве в условиях открытого грунта продуктивность сортов раннего картофеля равна: Ред Скарлетт – около 32 т/га, Розара – 30 т/га, а среднеспелого сорта Златка – 28 т/га. Показано, что у этих сортов преобладала в урожае семенная фракция. Отмечен коэффициент вариации фракционного состава на уровне V=12,6–28% в зависимости от сорта. Наибольший выход безвирусных клубней был у сортов Терра и Сантэ. На выщелоченном черноземе при сортоизучении ранних сортов минимальная продуктивность составила 1024 г/куст у сорта Розара, 987 – у сорта Ривьера и 986 г/куст – у сорта Коломба, что значительно выше стандарта (сорт Любава). Статистически определено, что урожайность раннего картофеля зависела от генотипа на 37%, условий года – на 27%

    In Memoriam, Academician Prof. Dr. Osor Shagdarsuren (1929-2010)

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    Academician, Professor Osor Shagdarsuren passed away due to apoplexy on Tuesday, February 2, 2010, at the age of 81. He was one of the most respected Mongolian ornithologists, biologists, and educators. The Mongolian scientific community has lost one of its greatest members, the premier Mongolian ornithologist