136 research outputs found

    A degree centrality in multi-layered social network

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    Multi-layered social networks reflect complex relationships existing in modern interconnected IT systems. In such a network each pair of nodes may be linked by many edges that correspond to different communication or collaboration user activities. Multi-layered degree centrality for multi-layered social networks is presented in the paper. Experimental studies were carried out on data collected from the real Web 2.0 site. The multi-layered social network extracted from this data consists of ten distinct layers and the network analysis was performed for different degree centralities measures

    Carrier trapping and luminescence polarization in quantum dashes

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    We study experimentally and theoretically polarization-dependent luminescence from an ensemble of quantum-dot-like nanostructures with a very large in-plane shape anisotropy (quantum dashes). We show that the measured degree of linear polarization of the emitted light increases with the excitation power and changes with temperature in a non-trivial way, depending on the excitation conditions. Using an approximate model based on the k.p theory, we are able to relate this degree of polarization to the amount of light hole admixture in the exciton states which, in turn, depends on the symmetry of the envelope wave function. Agreement between the measured properties and theory is reached under assumption that the ground exciton state in a quantum dash is trapped in a confinement fluctuation within the structure and thus localized in a much smaller volume of much lower asymmetry than the entire nanostructure.Comment: 13 pages, 9 figures; considerably extended, additional discussion and new figures include

    Ocena poziomu wiedzy osób dorosłych na temat resuscytacji krążeniowo : oddechowej (RKO) i użycia automatycznego defibrylatora zewnętrznego (AED) w miejscach publicznych

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    Wstęp. Wraz z rozwojem cywilizacji, wzrastającym tempem życia, rośnie liczba wypadków i chorób, zwłaszcza chorób układu krążenia. W Polsce średnia liczba zgonów około wypadkowych jest trzy razy wyższa niż średnia europejska. Wiedza na temat pierwszej pomocy jest bardzo ważna wśród społeczeństwa, które stanowi mocny filar niesienia pierwszej pomocy poszkodowanym w nagłych sytuacjach, które są stanami zagrożenia zdrowia i życia. Cel pracy. Celem pracy była ocena i porównanie wiedzy mieszkańców Kielc i Krakowa z zakresu pierwszej pomocy oraz obsługi i zastosowania Automatycznego Defibrylatora Zewnętrznego (AED). Materiał i metody. Grupę badawczą stanowiło 160 osób, z czego 80 osób było z Krakowa, w tym 45 kobiet i 35 mężczyzn i 80 osób z Kielc, w tym 45 kobiet i 35 mężczyzn. Wszyscy re-spondenci byli pełnoletni. W badaniach posłużono się metodą sondażu diagnostycznego bezpośredniego, losowego wykorzys-tując do tego celu narzędzie badawcze w postaci anonimowego kwestionariusza ankiety, opracowanego na bazie Wytycznych Resuscytacji Krążeniowo- Oddechowej 2005 (RKO). Wyniki. Mieszkańcy Krakowa wykazują lepszy poziom wiedzy, aczkolwiek znajomość i obsługa . Respondenci z Krakowa częściej i chętniej uczestniczą w szkoleniach z zakresu BLS-AED i pierwszej pomocy niż respondencki z Kielc. Wnioski. Poziom wiedzy z zakresu udzielania pierwszej pomocy, a przede wszystkim w zakresie resuscytacji krążeniowo - oddechowej i użycia AED przez społeczeństwo z Krakowa i Kielc jest niezadawalający. Istnieje pilna potrzeba wprowadzenia komplementarnego systemu nauczania zagadnień pierwszej pomocy opartego na międzynarodowych standardach, który zagwarantuje odpowiednią jakość edukacji oraz kształtowanie pozytywnych postaw niesienia pomocy, począwszy od wczesnego etapu edukacji szkolnej.Introduction: The number of accidents and diseases, especially cardio-vascular, is increasing along with the develop-ment of civilization and a growing pace of life. In Poland, the average number of accident fatalities is three times higher than the European average. The knowledge of first aid is very im-portant for society, which is a strong pillar of first aid to victims in emergency situations that are dangerous to health and life. The aim of the study: The aim of the study was to assess the knowledge of CPR and first aid in the event of sudden respiratory arrest and cardiac arrest (SCA) and the operation and use of the Automated External Defibrillator (AED). Material and methods: The study group consisted of 160 people, among whom 80 were from Kraków, including 45 women and 35 men and 80 people were from Kielce, including 45 women and 35 men. All the respondents were adults. The method of diagnostic survey was applied in the study. The research instrument was an anonymous survey questionnaire created on the basis of the Car-dio-Pulmonary Resuscitation Guidelines 2005 (CPR). Results: Residents of Kraków have better knowledge of first aid, however the knowledge and operation of the AED among both residents of Kraków and Kielce is inadequate. Respondents from Kraków more often and more willingly participate in BLS-AED and first aid training than respondents from Kielce. Conclusions: The level of knowledge of first aid and especially of Cardio-Pulmonary Resuscitation and the application of the AED is unsatisfactory among residents of Kraków and Kielce. There is an urgent need for a complementary system of first aid instruction which would be based on international standards, and which would ensure an appropriate quality of education and develop a proper attitude among people, starting with the earliest stage of school education

    Methods of preparing deposits containing iron oxides for recycling

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    The metallurgical industry is one of the largest sources of wastes. Some of them, however, owing to their content of metals such as zinc or iron, may become valuable secondary raw materials. In order to achieve that purpose, they require appropriate preparation. This article provides a discussion on the methods of preparation of scrap from steelworks, namely deposits containing iron oxides, enabling their recycling

    Mechanism of an acoustic wave impact on steel during solidification

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    Acoustic steel processing in an ingot mould may be the final stage in the process of quality improvement of a steel ingot. The impact of radiation and cavitation pressure as well as the phenomena related to the acoustic wave being emitted and delivered to liquid steel affect various aspects including the internal structure fragmentation, rigidity or density of steel. The article provides an analysis of the mechanism of impact of physical phenomena caused by an acoustic wave affecting the quality of a steel ingot

    Heat shock proteins in chronic kidney disease

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    Heat shock proteins (HSP) form a heterogenous, evolutionarily conserved group of molecules with high sequence homology. They mainly act as intracellular chaperones, protecting the protein structure and folding under stress conditions. The extracellular HSP, released in the course of damage or necrosis, play a pivotal role in the innate and adaptive immune responses. They also take part in many pathological processes. The aim of this review is to update the recent developments in the field of HSP in chronic kidney disease (CKD), in regard to three different aspects. The first is the assessment of the role of HSP, either positive or deleterious, in the pathogenesis of CKD and the possibilities to influence its progression. The second is the impact of dialysis, being a potentially modifiable stressor, on HSP and the attempt to assess the value of these proteins as the biocompatibility markers. The last area is that of kidney transplantation and the potential role of HSP in the induction of the immune tolerance in kidney recipients

    Synergids and filiform apparatus in the sexual and apomictic dandelions from section Palustria (Taraxacum, Asteraceae)

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    An evolutionary trend to reduce “unnecessary costs” associated with the sexual reproduction of their amphimictic ancestors, which may result in greater reproductive success, has been observed among the obligatory apomicts. However, in the case of the female gametophyte, knowledge about this trend in apomicts is not sufficient because most of the ultrastructural studies of the female gametophyte have dealt with amphimictic angiosperms. In this paper, we tested the hypothesis that, in contrast to amphimictic plants, synergids in apomictic embryo sacs do not form a filiform apparatus. We compared the synergid structure in two dandelions from sect. Palustria: the amphimictic diploid Taraxacum tenuifolium and the apomictic tetraploid, male-sterile Taraxacum brandenburgicum. Synergids in both species possessed a filiform apparatus. In T. brandenburgicum, both synergids persisted for a long time without any degeneration, in spite of the presence of an embryo and endosperm. We propose that the persistent synergids in apomicts may play a role in the transport of nutrients to the embryo