5,078 research outputs found

    Time Variation of Fine Structure Constant and Proton-Electron Mass Ratio with Quintessence

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    Recent astrophysical observations of quasar absorption systems indicate that the fine structure constant α\alpha and the proton-electron mass ratio ÎŒ\mu may have evolved through the history of the universe. Motivated by these observations, we consider the cosmological evolution of a quintessence-like scalar field ϕ\phi coupled to gauge fields and matter which leads to effective modifications of the coupling constants and particle masses over time. We show that a class of models where the scalar field potential V(ϕ)V(\phi) and the couplings to matter B(ϕ)B(\phi) admit common extremum in ϕ\phi naturally explains constraints on variations of both the fine structure constant and the proton-electron mass ratio.Comment: 9 pages, 4 figures, CosPA 2006 Proceeding. 9 pages, 4 figures, CosPA 2006 Proceeding will be published in the Mod. Phys. Lett.

    Al2O3/ZrO2/Y3Al5O12 composites. A high-temperature mechanical characterization

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    An Al2O3/5 vol%·ZrO2/5 vol%·Y3Al5O12 (YAG) tri-phase composite was manufactured by surface modification of an alumina powder with inorganic precursors of the second phases. The bulk materials were produced by die-pressing and pressureless sintering at 1500 °C, obtaining fully dense, homogenous samples, with ultra-fine ZrO2 and YAG grains dispersed in a sub-micronic alumina matrix. The high temperature mechanical properties were investigated by four-point bending tests up to 1500 °C, and the grain size stability was assessed by observing the microstructural evolution of the samples heat treated up to 1700 °C. Dynamic indentation measures were performed on as-sintered and heat-treated Al2O3/ZrO2/YAG samples in order to evaluate the micro-hardness and elastic modulus as a function of re-heating temperature. The high temperature bending tests highlighted a transition from brittle to plastic behavior comprised between 1350 and 1400 °C and a considerable flexural strength reduction at temperatures higher than 1400 °C; moreover, the microstructural investigations carried out on the re-heated samples showed a very limited grain growth up to 1650 °C

    Accurate Modeling of Weak Lensing with the sGL Method

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    We revise and extend the stochastic approach to cumulative weak lensing (hereafter the sGL method) first introduced in Ref. [1]. Here we include a realistic halo mass function and density profiles to model the distribution of mass between and within galaxies, galaxy groups and galaxy clusters. We also introduce a modeling of the filamentary large-scale structures and a method to embed halos into these structures. We show that the sGL method naturally reproduces the weak lensing results for the Millennium Simulation. The strength of the sGL method is that a numerical code based on it can compute the lensing probability distribution function for a given inhomogeneous model universe in a few seconds. This makes it a useful tool to study how lensing depends on cosmological parameters and its impact on observations. The method can also be used to simulate the effect of a wide array of systematic biases on the observable PDF. As an example we show how simple selection effects may reduce the variance of observed PDF, which could possibly mask opposite effects from very large scale structures. We also show how a JDEM-like survey could constrain the lensing PDF relative to a given cosmological model. The updated turboGL code is available at turboGL.org.Comment: PRD style: 20 pages, 10 figures; replaced to match the improved version accepted for publication in PRD. The updated turboGL code can be downloaded at http://www.turbogl.org

    Degeneracy lifting of Majorana bound states due to electron-phonon interactions

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    We study theoretically how electron-phonon interaction affects the energies and level broadening (inverse lifetime) of Majorana bound states (MBSs) in a clean topological nanowire at low temperatures. At zero temperature, the energy splitting between the right and left MBSs remains exponentially small with increasing nanowire length LL. At finite temperatures, however, the absorption of thermal phonons leads to the broadening of energy levels of the MBSs that does not decay with system length, and the coherent absorption/emission of phonons at opposite ends of the nanowire results in MBSs energy splitting that decays only as an inverse power-law in LL. Both effects remain exponential in temperature. In the case of quantized transverse motion of phonons, the presence of Van Hove singularities in the phonon density of states causes additional resonant enhancement of both the energy splitting and the level broadening of the MBSs. This is the most favorable case to observe the phonon-induced energy splitting of MBSs as it becomes much larger than the broadening even if the topological nanowire is much longer than the coherence length. We also calculate the charge and spin associated with the energy splitting of the MBSs induced by phonons. We consider both a spinless low-energy continuum model, which we evaluate analytically, as well as a spinful lattice model for a Rashba nanowire, which we evaluate numerically

    Transfer of ultra-low phase noise microwave references over the JANET Aurora fibre network using a femtosecond optical frequency comb

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    An ultra-low phase noise microwave frequency is transferred over 82 km of installed fibre by propagation of a 30 nm bandwidth optical frequency comb (104 modes). The phase noise induced along the fibre by vibrations and thermal effects is suppressed by implementing a noise cancellation scheme where a portion of the light is sent back to the transmitter through the same fibre. The 6th harmonic of the repetition rate detected before and after the pulse train has travelled a round trip are phase compared and used to generate an error signal that controls a fibre stretcher to compensate for the fibre-induced phase fluctuations. Optical amplifiers are used to compensate for the fibre attenuation and dispersion compensation modules are also employed

    Characterization of wavelength interleaving in radio-over-fiber systems employing WDM/SCM

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    A radio-over-fiber (RoF) distribution system incorporating both sub-carrier multiplexing and wavelength division multiplexing (WDM) technologies is presented. This signal is directly modulated onto three high-speed lasers. Bragg filters are employed at the receiver base station in order to both demultiplex the required optical channel, and ensure that the detected signal is single side band (in order to overcome dispersion limitations of the link). System spectral efficiency is optimised by wavelength interleaving. The channel spacing between the WDM channels is varied and the system performance for different values of channel spacing and spectral efficiencies is investigated. The results show that wavelength interleaving is a reliable technique that could be used to increase the spectral efficiency of RoF systems

    Penalized likelihood estimation of a trivariate additive probit model

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    This article proposes a penalized likelihood method to estimate a trivariate probit model, which accounts for several types of covariate effects (such as linear, nonlinear, random, and spatial effects), as well as error correlations. The proposed approach also addresses the difficulty in estimating accurately the correlation coefficients, which characterize the dependence of binary responses conditional on covariates. The parameters of the model are estimated within a penalized likelihood framework based on a carefully structured trust region algorithm with integrated automatic multiple smoothing parameter selection. The relevant numerical computation can be easily carried out using the SemiParTRIV() function in a freely available R package. The proposed method is illustrated through a case study whose aim is to model jointly adverse birth binary outcomes in North Carolina

    Consequences of Dominance-Mediated Habitat Segregation in American Redstarts During the Nonbreeding Season

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    Several species of migratory songbirds exhibit a distinct form of habitat segregation while on their Neotropical wintering grounds in which males and females occupy different habitat types. In the American Redstart (Setophaga ruticilla), that sexual habitat segregation is a result of behavioral dominance of older males. In that study, we examined whether such dominance behavior and the resulting differential habitat segregation has consequences for the condition or survival of excluded individuals. We quantified the physical condition and survival of redstarts (both males and females) occupying two habitat types that differed in the proportion of males and females present in Jamaica. Both sexes of redstarts occupying female-biased habitat lost significantly more mass over-winter and had lower annual survival and longevity compared to individuals in male-biased habitat. These results suggest that nonbreeding habitats differed in suitability, with the least suitable habitat being occupied predominately by females. Because most female redstarts are forced to over-winter in these kinds of habitats, they may often be in poor physiological condition prior to departing on spring migration for the breeding grounds. This in turn may influence dynamics of the breeding period by determining their condition and perhaps reproductive success. Furthermore, because winter habitat segregation appears to lower female survivorship, it may also limit the number and availability of breeding females. These results implicate events that occur during the nonbreeding period as playing a critical role in the annual dynamics of this migratory species

    Modeling seasonal branch carbon dynamics in pistachio as a function of crop load

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    A simplified model for the prediction of carbon balance was developed to elucidate the seasonal trend of sink-source relationships in bearing and non-bearing pistachio (Pistacia vera L.) branches. Seasonal changes in growth rate of vegetative (leaf and shoot) and reproductive (infructescence) organs were monitored in branches of mature rainfed pistachio trees during the entire growing season (April–September). Simulations from the model were used to gain understanding of the implications of crop load on branch carbon (C) depletion and alternate bearing. Results showed that the pistachio branch was energetically able to sustain up to two infructescences (∌28 fruits) having a slightly positive carbon budget (2.6 g of C) at the end of the season. A branch with 4 infructescences (∌56 fruits) ended the season with a very negative carbon budget (-14.1 g of C) suggesting the implication of resource mobilization during heavy crop load. The simulations with the model allowed the identification of two energetically critical periods for pistachio, both characterized by a decreasing trend of the carbon budget. The first is at the beginning of the season, from leaf out until 35/40 days after full bloom (DAFB), when leaves are still not source of carbon, and the branch energetic need is largely satisfied by the remobilization of carbon from the reserves accumulated the previous year and stored through the winter. The second critical period is at the end of the season for bearing branches, at ∌100 DAFB, when a strong reduction in leaf area due to early leaf senescence and drop coincides with high carbon request for kernel growth. Overall, results demonstrate that the branch carbon budget model is a valid tool to study bearing dynamics in tree species and can help to develop physiologically-based management strategies for achieving increased and more constant productions in pistachio orchard systems
