224 research outputs found

    Apical Hypertrophic Cardiomyopathy: The Variant Less Known

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    Hypertrophic cardiomyopathy (HCM) is an umbrella term for a heterogeneous heart muscle disease that was historically (and still is) defined by the detection of left ventricular (LV) hypertrophy (LVH) in the absence of abnormal cardiac loading conditions. Long after this morphological definition was established, the genetic basis of HCM was discovered, and we now know it is predominantly caused by autosomal dominant mutations in sarcomeric protein genes.1 Several patterns of LVH have been described in HCM: asymmetric septal (here referred to as “classic” HCM), concentric, reverse septal, neutral, and apical (ApHCM),2 as well as other, rarer LVH variants such as isolated lateral LVH and isolated inferoseptal LVH. Distinguishing between morphological HCM subtypes has conferred little in terms of personalized management strategies, with one distinctive exception: ApHCM. Compared with classic HCM, ApHCM is more sporadic, sarcomere mutations are detected less frequently, there is more atrial fibrillation (AF) and sudden cardiac death (SCD) risk factors differ. No authoritative ApHCM‐specific recommendations to guide diagnosis, family screening, and patient risk stratification currently exist. First described in Japan in 1976,2 ApHCM is exemplified by “giant” negative precordial T‐waves on electrocardiography and by “spadelike” configuration of its LV cavity in end diastole.3 This review summarizes the epidemiology, clinical expression, genetics, and prognosis of ApHCM, while also highlighting knowledge gap

    Quality of life in children with primary antibody deficiency.

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    Primary antibody deficiency disorders (PADs) can have an excellent outlook if diagnosed early and treated appropriately, but require lifelong treatment with immunoglobulin replacement. Some carry risks of inflammatory complications even with optimal treatment. Quality of life (QoL) and the psychological impact of PADs has been relatively little studied, particularly in children. The purpose of this study was to evaluate QoL and psychological impact in a large group of children affected by a range of PADs, as well as a group with transient hypogammaglobulinemia of infancy (THI). Both parental and, where appropriate, child ratings, were collected using standardised questionnaires (PedsQL and SDQ). Higher rates of psychological difficulties, particularly emotional and peer-relationship difficulties were found in children with PAD when compared with healthy controls. Quality of life was poorer than in healthy controls, and also worse than in children affected by diabetes mellitus. Variations in QoL and the degree of psychological difficulties were found between specific diagnostic groups, with children affected by THI being amongst those with the lowest scores for QoL. Further studies are needed to corroborate and extend these findings, but this study confirms previous findings that primary antibody deficiency has a significant impact on quality of life and psychological well-being, and additionally suggests that the impact varies according to severity of the underlying condition. For those with significant difficulties psychological intervention at an early stage may be beneficial

    Ineffective and prolonged apical contraction is associated with chest pain and ischaemia in apical hypertrophic cardiomyopathy.

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    OBJECTIVES: To investigate the hypothesis that persistence of apical contraction into diastole is linked to reduced myocardial perfusion and chest pain. BACKGROUND: Apical hypertrophic cardiomyopathy (HCM) is defined by left ventricular (LV) hypertrophy predominantly of the apex. Hyperdynamic contractility resulting in obliteration of the apical cavity is often present. Apical HCM can lead to drug-refractory chest pain. METHODS: We retrospectively studied 126 subjects; 76 with apical HCM and 50 controls (31 with asymmetrical septal hypertrophy (ASH) and 19 with non-cardiac chest pain and culprit free angiograms and structurally normal hearts). Perfusion cardiac magnetic resonance imaging (CMR) scans were assessed for myocardial perfusion reserve index (MPRi), late gadolinium enhancement (LGE), LV volumes (muscle and cavity) and regional contractile persistence (apex, mid and basal LV). RESULTS: In apical HCM, apical MPRi was lower than in normal and ASH controls (p<0.05). In apical HCM, duration of contractile persistence was associated with lower MPRi (p<0.01) and chest pain (p<0.05). In multivariate regression, contractile persistence was independently associated with chest pain (p<0.01) and reduced MPRi (p<0.001). CONCLUSION: In apical HCM, regional contractile persistence is associated with impaired myocardial perfusion and chest pain. As apical myocardium makes limited contributions to stroke volume, apical contractility is also largely ineffective. Interventions to reduce apical contraction and/or muscle mass are potential therapies for improving symptoms without reducing cardiac output.FP and SEP acknowledge the National Institute for Health Research (NIHR) Cardiovascular Biomedical Research Centre at Barts. FP has received grant support from Siemens Healthcare

    High resolution mapping of a novel late blight resistance gene Rpi-avll, from the wild Bolivian species Solanum avilesii

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    Both Mexico and South America are rich in Solanum species that might be valuable sources of resistance (R) genes to late blight (Phytophthora infestans). Here, we focus on an R gene present in the diploid Bolivian species S. avilesii. The genotype carrying the R gene was resistant to eight out of 10 Phytophthora isolates of various provenances. The identification of a resistant phenotype and the generation of a segregating population allowed the mapping of a single dominant R gene, Rpi-avl1, which is located in an R gene cluster on chromosome 11. This R gene cluster is considered as an R gene “hot spot”, containing R genes to at least five different pathogens. High resolution mapping of the Rpi-avl1 gene revealed a marker co-segregating in 3890 F1 individuals, which may be used for marker assisted selection in breeding programs and for further cloning of Rpi-avl

    Effect of genotypic, meteorological and agronomic factors on the gluten index of winter durum wheat

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    The determination of the gluten index is a widely used method for analysing the gluten strength of bread wheat and spring durum wheat genotypes. The present work was carried out to study the effect of the genotype, meteorological factors (temperature, precipitation and number of days with Tmax ≄ 30 °C) and agronomic treatments (N fertilisation and plant protection) on the gluten index of winter durum wheat varieties and breeding lines. The results indicated that the gluten index had little dependence on the environment, being determined to the greatest extent by the genotype. Compared with varieties having weak gluten, those with a strong gluten matrix responded less sensitively to changes in environmental conditions. Among the meteorological factors, high temperature at the end of the grain-filling period caused the greatest reduction in the mean gluten index of three varieties (R 2 = 0.462), while the fertiliser was found to be a significant factor affecting the gluten strength of winter durum wheat varieties. Using selection based on the gluten index, the gluten strength of winter durum wheat lines can be improved sufficiently to make them competitive with high quality spring varieties

    Wage insurance within German firms : do institutions matter?

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    Using a large linked employer-employee data set, this paper studies the extent to which employers insure workers against transitory and permanent firm-level shocks. Particular emphasis is given to the question of whether the amount of wage insurance depends on the nature of industrial relations. Adopting the identification strategy proposed by Guiso et al. (2005), it is shown that wage insurance is particularly apparent for individuals subject to collective wage agreements. While collective contracts alone are sufficient to fully insure workers against transitory shocks in small plants, they provide only partial insurance in medium-sized and large plants. At large employers, the joint existence of collective contracts and works councils helps to provide full insurance against transitory shocks, but provides only partial insurance against permanent shocks. This finding is consistent with the amount of insurance against permanent shocks being constrained by the possibility of considerable job losses and bankruptcy
