6,759 research outputs found

    The effect of hidden color channels on nucleon-nucleon interaction in quark model

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    In the framework of constituent quark model, the effect of hidden color channels on the nucleon-nucleon (NNNN) interaction is studied. By adjusting the color confinement strength between the hidden color channels and color singlet channels and/or between the hidden color channels and hidden color channels, the experimental data of SS to II partial-wave phase shifts of NNNN scattering can be fitted well. The results show that the hidden color channel coupling might be important in producing the intermediate-range attraction of NNNN interaction. The deuteron properties and dibaryon candidates have also been studied with this model.Comment: 11 pages, 9 figure

    Self-trapping of a Fermi super-fluid in a double-well potential in the BEC-unitarity crossover

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    We derive a generalized Gross-Pitaevskii density-functional equation appropriate to study the Bose-Einstein condensate (BEC) of dimers formed of singlet spin-half Fermi pairs in the BEC-unitarity crossover while the dimer-dimer scattering length aa changes from 0 to \infty. Using an effective one-dimensional form of this equation, we study the phenomenon of dynamical self-trapping of a cigar-shaped Fermi super-fluid in the entire BEC-unitarity crossover in a double-well potential. A simple two-mode model is constructed to provide analytical insights. We also discuss the consequence of our study on the self-trapping of an atomic BEC in a double-well potential.Comment: 10 pages, 9 figure

    Optical waveform sampling of a 320 Gbits/s serial data signal using a hydrogenated amorphous silicon waveguide

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    We propose using a hydrogenated amorphous silicon waveguide for ultra-high-speed serial data waveform sampling. 320 Gbit/s serial optical data sampling is experimentally demonstrated with +12 dB intrinsic four wave mixing conversion efficiency

    On the single mode approximation in spinor-1 atomic condensate

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    We investigate the validity conditions of the single mode approximation (SMA) in spinor-1 atomic condensate when effects due to residual magnetic fields are negligible. For atomic interactions of the ferromagnetic type, the SMA is shown to be exact, with a mode function different from what is commonly used. However, the quantitative deviation is small under current experimental conditions (for 87^{87}Rb atoms). For anti-ferromagnetic interactions, we find that the SMA becomes invalid in general. The differences among the mean field mode functions for the three spin components are shown to depend strongly on the system magnetization. Our results can be important for studies of beyond mean field quantum correlations, such as fragmentation, spin squeezing, and multi-partite entanglement.Comment: Revised, newly found analytic proof adde

    Fidelity susceptibility and long-range correlation in the Kitaev honeycomb model

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    We study exactly both the ground-state fidelity susceptibility and bond-bond correlation function in the Kitaev honeycomb model. Our results show that the fidelity susceptibility can be used to identify the topological phase transition from a gapped A phase with Abelian anyon excitations to a gapless B phase with non-Abelian anyon excitations. We also find that the bond-bond correlation function decays exponentially in the gapped phase, but algebraically in the gapless phase. For the former case, the correlation length is found to be 1/ξ=2sinh1[2Jz1/(1Jz)]1/\xi=2\sinh^{-1}[\sqrt{2J_z -1}/(1-J_z)], which diverges around the critical point Jz=(1/2)+J_z=(1/2)^+.Comment: 7 pages, 6 figure

    Modulational instability of spinor condensates

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    We demonstrate, analytically and numerically, that the ferromagnetic phase of the spinor Bose-Einstein condenstate may experience modulational instability of the ground state leading to a fragmentation of the spin domains. Together with other nonlinear effects in the atomic optics of ultra-cold gases (such as coherent photoassociation and four-wave mixing) this effect provides one more analogy between coherent matter waves and light waves in nonlinear optics.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figures. Accepted for Phys. Rev. A Rapid Communication

    High-Order Adiabatic Approximation for Non-Hermitian Quantum System and Complexization of Berry's Phase

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    In this paper the evolution of a quantum system drived by a non-Hermitian Hamiltonian depending on slowly-changing parameters is studied by building an universal high-order adiabatic approximation(HOAA) method with Berry's phase ,which is valid for either the Hermitian or the non-Hermitian cases. This method can be regarded as a non-trivial generalization of the HOAA method for closed quantum system presented by this author before. In a general situation, the probabilities of adiabatic decay and non-adiabatic transitions are explicitly obtained for the evolution of the non-Hermitian quantum system. It is also shown that the non-Hermitian analog of the Berry's phase factor for the non-Hermitian case just enjoys the holonomy structure of the dual linear bundle over the parameter manifold. The non-Hermitian evolution of the generalized forced harmonic oscillator is discussed as an illustrative examples.Comment: ITP.SB-93-22,17 page