207 research outputs found

    Bulk high-Tc superconductors with drilled holes: how to arrange the holes to maximize the trapped magnetic flux ?

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    Drilling holes in a bulk high-Tc superconductor enhances the oxygen annealing and the heat exchange with the cooling liquid. However, drilling holes also reduces the amount of magnetic flux that can be trapped in the sample. In this paper, we use the Bean model to study the magnetization and the current line distribution in drilled samples, as a function of the hole positions. A single hole perturbs the critical current flow over an extended region that is bounded by a discontinuity line, where the direction of the current density changes abruptly. We demonstrate that the trapped magnetic flux is maximized if the center of each hole is positioned on one of the discontinuity lines produced by the neighbouring holes. For a cylindrical sample, we construct a polar triangular hole pattern that exploits this principle; in such a lattice, the trapped field is ~20% higher than in a squared lattice, for which the holes do not lie on discontinuity lines. This result indicates that one can simultaneously enhance the oxygen annealing, the heat transfer, and maximize the trapped field

    Damping rate of plasmons and photons in a degenerate nonrelativistic plasma

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    A calculation is presented of the plasmon and photon damping rates in a dense nonrelativistic plasma at zero temperature, following the resummation program of Braaten-Pisarski. At small soft momentum kk, the damping is dominated by 3→23 \to 2 scattering processes corresponding to double longitudinal Landau damping. The dampings are proportional to (α/vF)3/2k2/m(\alpha/v_{F})^{3/2} k^2/m, where vFv_{F} is the Fermi velocity.Comment: 9 pages, 2 figure

    Nonequilibrium Dynamics of Optical Lattice-Loaded BEC Atoms: Beyond HFB Approximation

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    In this work a two-particle irreducible (2PI) closed-time-path (CTP) effective action is used to describe the nonequilibrium dynamics of a Bose Einstein condensate (BEC) selectively loaded into every third site of a one-dimensional optical lattice. The motivation of this work is the recent experimental realization of this system at National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) where the placement of atoms in an optical lattice is controlled by using an intermediate superlattice. Under the 2PI CTP scheme with this initial configuration, three different approximations are considered: a) the Hartree-Fock-Bogoliubov (HFB) approximation, b) the next-to-leading order 1/N\mathcal{N} expansion of the 2PI effective action up to second order in the interaction strength and c) a second order perturbative expansion in the interaction strength. We present detailed comparisons between these approximations and determine their range of validity by contrasting them with the exact many body solution for a moderate number of atoms and wells. As a general feature we observe that because the second order 2PI approximations include multi-particle scattering in a systematic way, they are able to capture damping effects exhibited in the exact solution that a mean field collisionless approach fails to produce. While the second order approximations show a clear improvement over the HFB approximation our numerical result shows that they do not work so well at late times, when interaction effects are significant.Comment: 34 pages, 7 figure

    HTL Resummation of the Thermodynamic Potential

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    Starting from the Phi-derivable approximation scheme at leading-loop order, the thermodynamical potential in a hot scalar theory, as well as in QED and QCD, is expressed in terms of hard thermal loop propagators. This nonperturbative approach is consistent with the leading-order perturbative results, ultraviolet finite, and, for gauge theories, explicitly gauge-invariant. For hot QCD it is argued that the resummed approximation is applicable in the large-coupling regime, down to almost twice the transition temperature.Comment: minor changes, to appear in PRD, 27 pages, 15 eps figure

    The entropy of the QCD plasma

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    Self-consistent approximations in terms of fully dressed propagators provide a simple expression for the entropy of an ultrarelativistic plasma, which isolates the contribution of the elementary excitations as a leading contribution. Further approximations, whose validity is checked on a soluble model involving a scalar field, allow us to calculate the entropy of the QCD plasma. We obtain an accurate description of lattice data for purely gluonic QCD, down to temperatures of about twice the transition temperature.Comment: 12 pages, 3 figures, REVTEX (minor modifications

    Microscopic correlations of non-Hermitian Dirac operators in three-dimensional QCD

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    In the presence of a non-vanishing chemical potential the eigenvalues of the Dirac operator become complex. We calculate spectral correlation functions of complex eigenvalues using a random matrix model approach. Our results apply to non-Hermitian Dirac operators in three-dimensional QCD with broken flavor symmetry and in four-dimensional QCD in the bulk of the spectrum. The derivation follows earlier results of Fyodorov, Khoruzhenko and Sommers for complex spectra exploiting the existence of orthogonal polynomials in the complex plane. Explicit analytic expressions are given for all microscopic k-point correlation functions in the presence of an arbitrary even number of massive quarks, both in the limit of strong and weak non-Hermiticity. In the latter case the parameter governing the non-Hermiticity of the Dirac matrices is identified with the influence of the chemical potential

    Meson Exchange Effect on Color Superconductivity

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    We investigate the effects of pion and gluon exchanges on the formation of two-flavor color superconductivity at moderate density, ÎĽ<1GeV\mu <1 GeV. The chiral quark model proposed by Manohar and Georgi containing pions as well as gluons is employed to show that the pion exchange reduces substantially the value of the superconducting gap gotten with the gluon exchange only. It turns out that the pion exchanges produce a repulsion between quark-quark pair in a spin and isospin singlet state. We suggest that the phase consisiting of pions, gluons and quarks is one of the candidates of in-medium QCD phase at moderate density.Comment: 8 pages, 1 figure, minor correction

    A first order transition and parity violation in a color superconductor

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    In cold, dense quark matter, quarks of different flavor can form Cooper pairs which are anti-triplets under color and have total spin J=0. The transition to a phase where strange quarks condense with either up or down quarks is driven first order by the Coleman-Weinberg mechanism. At densities sufficiently high to (effectively) restore the axial U(1) symmetry, then relative to the ordinary vacuum, the condensation of up with down quarks (effectively) breaks parity spontaneously.Comment: 4 pages, ReVTeX, final versio

    Approximately self-consistent resummations for the thermodynamics of the quark-gluon plasma. I. Entropy and density

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    We propose a gauge-invariant and manifestly UV finite resummation of the physics of hard thermal/dense loops (HTL/HDL) in the thermodynamics of the quark-gluon plasma. The starting point is a simple, effectively one-loop expression for the entropy or the quark density which is derived from the fully self-consistent two-loop skeleton approximation to the free energy, but subject to further approximations, whose quality is tested in a scalar toy model. In contrast to the direct HTL/HDL-resummation of the one-loop free energy, in our approach both the leading-order (LO) and the next-to-leading order (NLO) effects of interactions are correctly reproduced and arise from kinematical regimes where the HTL/HDL are justifiable approximations. The LO effects are entirely due to the (asymptotic) thermal masses of the hard particles. The NLO ones receive contributions both from soft excitations, as described by the HTL/HDL propagators, and from corrections to the dispersion relation of the hard excitations, as given by HTL/HDL perturbation theory. The numerical evaluations of our final expressions show very good agreement with lattice data for zero-density QCD, for temperatures above twice the transition temperature.Comment: 62 pages REVTEX, 14 figures; v2: numerous clarifications, sect. 2C shortened, new material in sect. 3C; v3: more clarifications, one appendix removed, alternative implementation of the NLO effects, corrected eq. (5.16
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