638 research outputs found

    A possible new approach in the prediction of late gestational hypertension: The role of the fetal aortic intima-media thickness

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    The aim was to determine the predictive role of combined screening for late-onset gestational hypertension by fetal ultrasound measurements, third trimester uterine arteries (UtAs) Doppler imaging, and maternal history. This prospective study on singleton pregnancies was conducted at the tertiary center of Maternal and Fetal Medicine of the University of Padua during the period between January 2012 and December 2014. Ultrasound examination (fetal biometry, fetal wellbeing, maternal Doppler study, fetal abdominal aorta intima-media thickness [aIMT], and fetal kidney volumes), clinical data (mother age, prepregnancy body mass index [BMI], and parity), and pregnancy outcomes were collected. The P value <0.05 was defined significant considering a 2-sided alternative hypothesis. The distribution normality of variables were assessed using Kolmogorov–Smirnoff test. Data were presented by mean (±standard deviation), median and interquartile range, or percentage and absolute values. We considered data from 1381 ultrasound examinations at 29 to 32 weeks’ gestation, and in 73 cases late gestational hypertension developed after 34 weeks’ gestation. The final multivariate model found that fetal aIMT as well as fetal umbilical artery pulsatility index (PI), maternal age, maternal prepregnacy BMI, parity, and mean PI of maternal UtAs, assessed at ultrasound examination of 29 to 32 weeks’ gestation, were significant and independent predictors for the development of gestational hypertension after 34 weeks’ gestation. The area under the curve of the model was 81.07% (95% confidence interval, 75.83%–86.32%). A nomogram was developed starting from multivariate logistic regression coefficients. Late-gestational hypertension could be independently predicted by fetal aIMT assessment at 29 to 32 weeks’ gestation, ultrasound Doppler waveforms, and maternal clinical parameters

    Um panorama da pesquisa em ensino de FĂ­sica no Brasil

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    A quantidade de estudos desenvolvidos e publicados na forma de livros, dissertações, teses, artigos e atas de congressos permite afirmar a consolidação da pesquisa em Ensino de Física no Brasil. Vários trabalhos contribuíram para resgatar e preservar a memória do Ensino de Física em nosso país. No entanto, estes estudos limitaram-se a descrever os fatores que contribuíram para a constituição dessa área e, portanto, não apresentam o atual panorama da pesquisa em Ensino de Física no cenário nacional. Tendo em vista a importância que a pesquisa de interpretação de registros sobre o Ensino de Física seja intensificada e sistematizada, para que se tenha um panorama cada vez mais abrangente do desenvolvimento da área, realizamos uma investigação que identificou os grupos de pesquisa em Ensino de Física atuantes no Brasil, os atores, cenários e linhas de investigação

    Maternal age and the risk of adverse pregnancy outcomes: a retrospective cohort study

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    The increased potential for negative pregnancy outcomes in both extremes of reproductive age is a well-debated argument. The aim of this study was to analyze the prevalence and the outcome of pregnancies conceived at extreme maternal ages

    Assessoria tecnolĂłgica a professores da rede pĂşblica estadual na pandemia: relato de uma experiĂŞncia / Technological assistance to state public school teachers in pandemic: report of an experience

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    Este artigo apresenta um relato de experiência de assessoria tecnológica a professores de uma Escola Pública de Ensino Médio de Porto Alegre, a partir da necessidade de ampliação desse atendimento durante a Pandemia. Tem como objetivo analisar a importância da inclusão digital de professores da rede pública estadual. Para isso, propõe-se um estudo de caso, partindo do seguinte problema de pesquisa: De que forma iniciativas locais de inclusão digital podem contribuir para a realização do trabalho docente, especialmente no período da pandemia? Concluiu-se que iniciativas locais podem contribuir com a inclusão digital, não apenas considerando o domínio técnico, mas, o fazer pedagógico, que pressupõe a autoria dos profissionais

    Redesigning doctor-patient relationship in the private health care during COVID-19 pandemic: Retrospective cohort study

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    AbstractSevere acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus-2 (SARS-CoV-2) infection is experiencing pandemic diffusion. The experience of an Italian private health care structure was reviewed.We retrospectively collected data about services provided in a single medium complexity private health care structure. Furthermore, we classified specialties within 4 categories, based on the performance of urgent non-deferrable services and possible provision of services without a necessary contact with the patient.The structure canceled/postponed almost every deferrable service, providing only 3% of services that could be performed without direct contact with patients. Regarding non-deferrable services requiring the presence of the patient, about 42% of booked services have been autonomously canceled/postponed by patients for severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus-2 (SARS-CoV-2) fear. The administrative services have been remotely performed by smart working as far as possible.Private health care structures may safely continue to provide non-deferrable services while respecting the restrictive measures imposed by the government, encouraging telehealth and smart working modalities

    First trimester PAPP-A serum levels and long-term metabolic outcome of mothers and their offspring

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    Low maternal serum levels of pregnancy associated plasma protein A (PAPP-A) are known to be associated with the development of pregnancy-related complications like small for gestational age infants, intrauterine fetal demise, gestational diabetes and preeclampsia. The study aims to find possible long-term correlations with the development of metabolic and cardiovascular complications in the mothers and their progeny in later life. This is a retrospective cohort study conducted on consecutive unselected women screened for chromosomal anomalies in the first trimester of pregnancy between 2004 and 2010. PAPP-A values as well as clinical data collected at childbirth were considered. A maternal and neonatal follow-up was performed through a telephone interview with the mother during 2015. The body-mass-index and the presence of cardiovascular diseases, dyslipidaemia and diabetes mellitus were evaluated. The analysis included 988 patients. The median time of follow-up was 7 years (IQR 6\u20139). Lower first trimester maternal blood PAPP-A quartiles were associated with small stature of the offspring (z-score 1st-2nd quartile 0.37 IQR 120.42 and 1.17 vs 3rd-4th quartile 0.67 IQR 120.17 and 1.36, p < 0.05). Furthermore, low first trimester PAPP-A in pregnancy without other gestations following the index one, in Kaplan-Meier analysis was associated to a significant increase of hypoglycemic agents use at 7 and 10 years (respectively 1.12% CI.95 0\u20132.38% and 5.45% CI.95 0\u201310.82%) compared to the control group of high first trimester PAPP-A values (0% CI.95 0\u20130%) (p < 0.05). Low PAPP-A serum levels in the first trimester of pregnancy are associated with short stature in offspring and de-novo development of maternal diabetes mellitus in later life

    Biomarkers in Breast Cancer

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    Breast cancer is the most common cancer in women and its incidence experienced an important increase, thanks to the introduction of a systematic screening. The increased incidence of early breast cancer has led to debates on its over-treatment, which may cause unnecessary harm to patients with favorable prognosis. Therefore, modern research is in the quest of finding the perfect prognostic marker to avoid overtreatment in patients with a favorable prognosis. In this perspective, many molecular markers have been studied in the last decades in order to provide both a useful prognostic tool, able to determine whether the cancer is likely to be indolent or aggressive, and a possible therapeutic target. In this chapter, we review the current knowledge about the principal biomarkers, which are usually immunohistochemically tested on breast surgical specimens, including ER and PR, Mib1/Ki-67 and HER2/neu expression. Furthermore, we will analyze other possible prognostic markers which may have in the future a key role in breast cancer management, such as several multigene panels (OncotypeDX, Mammaprint, NanoString Prosigma). Finally, we will discuss the role of genetic tests for some know genetic mutations associated with higher breast cancer susceptibility (BRCA1 and 2 genes)
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