203 research outputs found


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    In order for the Greek magnesia industry to retain a high position in the world market, the basic refractories derived from Greek magnesite must remain at the forefront of the international developments. A mineralogical study of magnesia materials produced from Evian magnesite has been carried out with the aim a) to provide detailed characterization of products and microstructures derived from the firing processes of magnesia raw materials and b) to contribute to the development of new magnesia-spinel refractory materials from natural Greek magnesite. The magnesite of N. Evia, Greece, is micro- crystalline and has been used for the production of basic refractories because of the very low amounts of impurities such as CaO, S1O2, FeO(tot), B2O3 it contains . Magnesia materials studied here are: 1) Raw materials. The dead- burned magnesia grains examined are divided into two groups according to the mode of beneficiation of the raw magnesite: a) Dead burned magnesias produced from natural microcrystalline magnesite (Group A). b) Dead burned magnesias of high purity produced from natural microcrystalline magnesite (Group B). The chemical composition of these materials lies essentially in the MgO-CaO-SiC>2 system, since they contain only trace amounts of Fe2Û3 and AI2O3. Their microstructures vary widely in terms of proportions of direct MgO-MgO bonding, amounts and types of phases of the siliceous bonding and size of the periclase crystals. Dead burned magnesias of high purity are better sintered and contain lower amounts of secondary phases compared to magnesias of lower purity. 2) Commercial magnesia bricks derived from dead burned magnesia of high purity and magnesia chromite bricks derived from raw materials of dead burned magnesia of high purity and chromite from Africa. 3) New spinel-based composition and new magnesia-spinel refractory materials which have been synthesized for the needs of this study. The newly synthesized spinel-based composition (70wt% Al2O3-30wt% MgO) shows an increase in the bulk density as well as in the amount of spinel formed compared to available commercial qualities (50%wt AI2O3). 4) Using this new spinel-based composition and dead burned magnesia of high purity, two new magnesia-spinel refractory materials containing 10 and 20wt% AI2O3 were produced, with the aim to obtain more friendly to the environment magnesia refractories to substitute for the magnesia chromite bricks. The compositions of the magnesia spinel refractories thus produced were expected to show endurance in thermal shocks as well as in the corrosion from slags and friction, in order to have a wide application in steel, cement industry etc

    Characterization of a new laboratory ceramic product from industrial by-products as raw materials and caustic magnesia as additive

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    Στην εργασία αυτή παρουσιάζεται ένα νέο κεραμικό προϊόν που παράχθηκε από μίξη καυστικής μαγνησίας, που παρασκευάστηκε εργαστηριακά από υψηλής καθαρότητας μαγνησίτη, φυσικού πηλού καθώς και τέφρας πυθμένα και ερυθράς ιλύος, προϊόντα γνωστά για τις δυσμενείς περιβαλλοντικές επιπτώσεις τους. Έπειτα από δοκιμή ποικίλων συνταγών, συμπεράναμε ότι προσθήκη 5% καυστικής μαγνησίας στο κεραμικό προϊόν βελτιώνει τις μηχανικές επιδόσεις του. Αυτό αποδίδεται στο γεγονός ότι το περίκλαστο της καυστικής μαγνησίας σχηματίζει «λαιμούς», οι οποίοι ισχυροποιούν τους δεσμούς στη μικροδομή του κεραμικού, σε συνδυασμό με τον ταυτόχρονο σχηματισμό μικρών ποσοτήτων άμορφου υλικού και την ομοιογενή κατανομή των πόρων, που δημιουργούνται κατά την όπτηση. Με συνδυαστική μελέτη Περιθλασιμετρίας Ακτίνων Χ και Σαρωτικού Ηλεκτρονικού Μικροσκοπίου του κεραμικού υποδείχτηκε η παρουσία αναλλοίωτων φάσεων, προερχόμενων από τις πρώτες ύλες, καθώς και νεοσχηματισμένων κρυστάλλων αλβίτη και μαγνησιοφερρίτη. Τα αποτελέσματα της παρούσας μελέτης δείχνουν ότι η χρήση παραπροϊόντων μπορεί να είναι σημαντική και περιβαλλοντικά φιλική στην παραγωγή φτηνών δομικών κεραμικών.A new ceramic product is introduced by mixing caustic magnesia, produced in the laboratory from pure, high quality magnesite, and natural silt. Bottom ash and red mud, two well known environmentally hazardous industrial by-products, were also added in the mixture. After testing various recipes we concluded that addition of 5% caustic magnesia in the ceramic product greatly enhances its performance. Increase bonding of the ceramic microstructure is attributed to the formation of periclase necks, the concurrent formation of small quantities of amorphous material and the homogeneously distributed pores during the experimental firing of the mixture. Combined X-ray Diffractometry and Scanning Electron Microscopy of the ceramic product revealed the occurrence of unreactive phases, inherited by the raw materials, as well as newly-formed albite and magnesioferrite. Our results show that utilization of by-products may be important and environmental friendly materials in producing low cost ceramic building materials

    Impact of Fine Slag Aggregates on the Final Durability of Coal Bottom Ash to Produce Sustainable Concrete

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    In the current investigation is presented the prospective substitution of cement and fine aggregates with fine slag material (Alccofine 1203) and coal bottom ash, respectively. The investigation was carried out in two steps, viz. Phase I and Phase II. In Phase I, a control mix was designed with basic ingredients of concrete, and then fine aggregates were partially replaced with five percentages (10%, 20%, 30%, 40% and 50%) of coal bottom ash (CBA). To improve the characteristics of coal bottom ash concrete mixtures, ultra-fine slag material, i.e., Alccofine 1203 (an innovative ultra-fine slag material, low calcium silicate, which offers reduced water demand depending upon the concrete performance) was used as a partial replacement of cement. In Phase II, the inspected effect of replacing 5%, 10%, 15% and 20% cement with Alccofine, a concrete mix containing 40% coal bottom ash, on concrete properties such as workability, compressive strength, split tensile strength, flexural strength, pulse velocity, rapid chloride penetration along with a microstructural analysis using SEM was studied. It was concluded from cost analysis that the 15% replacement of cement with ultra-fine material Alccofine in 40% coal bottom ash concrete achieved the properties of high-strength concrete, with an 8.14% increase in cost compared to the control increase. The significance of this work lies in the fact that we achieved a high-strength concrete by using 40% industrial waste, i.e., coal bottom ash, as a partial replacement of fine aggregates in combination with the 15% Alccofine inclusion as a partial replacement of cement. About 58% improvement in compressive strength was recorded for 40% coal bottom ash and 15% Alccofine mix. © 2023 by the authors

    The incidence of myelodysplastic syndromes in Western Greece is increasing.

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    Descriptive epidemiology of the myelodysplastic syndromes (MDS) is always interesting and may reveal time-dependent and geographical variations, as well as occupational exposure. Epidemiological data in Greece are not available by now. We have collected and analyzed medical records of all patients with a documented diagnosis of MDS, performed by an expert hematologist and/or hematopathologist, in the geographical area of Western Greece, during the 20-year period, defined between 1990 and 2009. We have then calculated and described demographic and clinical features of the diagnosed MDS patient population, and assessed the incidence and prevalence rates of MDS in Western Greece, during the above-mentioned period. A total of 855 patients with newly diagnosed MDS have been identified. Refractory anemia was the most common subtype in both FAB and WHO classification systems and in both genders. Del-5q and RARS were more commonly encountered among females, and the dysplastic subtype of chronic myelomonocytic leukemia among males. Trisomy 8 was the most common single cytogenetic abnormality. The crude mean annual incidence rate of MDS was 6.0 per 100,000 inhabitants aged ≥15 years old (all subtypes according to FAB), and it was 4.8 per 100,000 when CMML and RAEB-T were excluded. Crude incidence rate was higher in rural than in urban areas, but this finding was not confirmed after age standardization. Age-standardized mean annual incidence rate in men was 7.9/100,000 and in women 3.4/100,000. A continuously increasing incidence rate of MDS has been observed throughout the study period