2,690 research outputs found

    Heavy Hyperon--Antihyperon Production

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    Based on the experience from the production of anti-Lambda Lambda and anti-Sigma Sigma pairs at LEAR (experiment PS185) it is suggested to continue the investigations towards the heavier antihyperon--hyperon pairs anti-Xi Xi and anti-Omega Omega in view of: (1) the production dynamics of the heavier antihyperon--hyperon out of the anti-p p annihilation (2) a comparison of the (3s 3anti-s quark system) anti-Omega Omega to the (3 (anti-s s)) 3 phi meson production, where both systems have similar masses (3.345 and 3.057, respectively) and identical valence quark content. A systematic study of the antihyperon--hyperon production with increasing strangeness content is interesting for the following reasons: The anti-Omega Omega production is the creation of two spin 3/2 objects out of the two spin 1/2 anti-p p particles. Results of the PS185 experiments prove a clear dominance of the spin triplet anti-s s dissociation. In the Omega anti-Omega the three s-quarks (three anti-s quarks) are aligned to spin 3/2 each. If the three anti-s s pairs are now all in spin triplet configurations when created out of the gluonic interaction they should have spin parity quantum number as 3^- as long as Omega anti-Omega is created with relative L=0 angular momentum. The comparison of the Omega anti-Omega baryon pair to the phi phi phi three meson production (where the three anti-s s quark pairs might not but can be produced without relative correlation) would provide a unique determination of the intermediate matter state. Measurements of excitation functions and polarization transfers should be used to examine these gluon rich anti-p p --> anti-Omega Omega and anti-p p --> phi phi phi reaction channels. Such experiments should be performed at the PANDA detector at the FAIR facility of the GSI.Comment: 4 pages, 2 figures, Presented at LEAP05: International Conference on Low Energy Antiproton Physics, Bonn - Juelich, Germany, May 16-22, 200

    The accuracy of interpreting key psychiatric terms by ad hoc interpreters at a South African psychiatric hospital

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    Objective: This study examined the competence and accuracy of ad hoc interpreters in interpreting key psychiatric terms at a South African psychiatric hospital.Method: Nine individuals were asked to translate key psychiatric terms from English to Xhosa. These translations were then back-translated by independent translators, who do not have knowledge of psychiatric terminology. These back-translations were then compared with the original English. Results: It was clear that not all the participants were fully competent in English. None had formal training in interpreting or psychiatric terminology. Not all of the participants were familiar with the psychiatric concepts that clinicians use and they often made mistakes while interpreting. Conclusion: The competency levels of interpreters are unsatisfactory to ensure the optimal delivery of mental health care. It is clear that there is a need for trained interpreters in South Africa, as the continuous use of untrained interpreters compromises the effectiveness of mental health care and could lead to adverse health outcomes.Keywords: Translation; Cultural Diversity; South Africa; Health Care Quality; Access and EvaluationAfrican Journal of Psychiatry • November 2013, 16(6

    Stagnation and Infall of Dense Clumps in the Stellar Wind of tau Scorpii

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    Observations of the B0.2V star tau Scorpii have revealed unusual stellar wind characteristics: red-shifted absorption in the far-ultraviolet O VI resonance doublet up to +250 km/s, and extremely hard X-ray emission implying gas at temperatures in excess of 10^7 K. We describe a phenomenological model to explain these properties. We assume the wind of tau Sco consists of two components: ambient gas in which denser clumps are embedded. The clumps are optically thick in the UV resonance lines primarily responsible for accelerating the ambient wind. The reduced acceleration causes the clumps to slow and even infall, all the while being confined by the ram pressure of the outflowing ambient wind. We calculate detailed trajectories of the clumps in the ambient stellar wind, accounting for a line radiation driving force and the momentum deposited by the ambient wind in the form of drag. We show these clumps will fall back towards the star with velocities of several hundred km/sec for a broad range of initial conditions. The infalling clumps produce X-ray emitting plasmas with temperatures in excess of (1-6)x10^7 K in bow shocks at their leading edge. The infalling material explains the peculiar red-shifted absorption wings seen in the O VI doublet. The required mass loss in clumps is 3% - 30% ofthe total mass loss rate. The model developed here can be generally applied to line-driven outflows with clumps or density irregularities. (Abstract Abridged)Comment: To appear in the ApJ (1 May 2000). 24 pages, including 6 embedded figure

    Existence of orbital polarons in ferromagnetic insulating La1x_{1-x}Srx_xMnO3_{3} (0.11<x<<x<0.14) evidenced by giant phonon softening

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    We present an inelastic light scattering study of single crystalline (La1y_{1-y}Pry_y)1x_{1-x}Srx_{x}MnO3_3 (0x0.140\leq x\leq0.14,y=0y=0 and x=1/8x=1/8,0y0.50\leq y\leq0.5). A giant softening up to 20 - 30 cm1^{-1} of the Mn-O breathing mode has been observed only for the ferromagnetic insulating (FMI) samples (0.11x0.140.11\leq x \leq 0.14) upon cooling below the Curie temperature. With increasing Pr-doping the giant softening is gradually suppressed. This is attributed to a coupling of the breathing mode to orbital polarons which are present in the FMI phase.Comment: 4 pages, 5 figure

    Theory of anomalous magnon softening in ferromagnetic manganites

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    In metallic manganites with low Curie temperatures, a peculiar softening of the magnon spectrum close to the magnetic zone boundary has experimentally been observed. Here we present a theory of the renormalization of the magnetic excitation spectrum in colossal magnetoresistance compounds. The theory is based on the modulation of magnetic exchange bonds by the orbital degree of freedom of double-degenerate e_g electrons. The model considered is an orbitally degenerate double-exchange system coupled to Jahn-Teller active phonons which we treat in the limit of strong onsite repulsions. Charge and coupled orbital-lattice fluctuations are identified as the main origin of the unusual softening of the magnetic spectrum

    Strong and Electromagnetic Decays of Two New LambdacLambda_c^* Baryons

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    Two recently discovered excited charm baryons are studied within the framework of Heavy Hadron Chiral Perturbation Theory. We interpret these new baryons which lie 308 \MeV and 340 \MeV above the Λc\Lambda_c as I=0I=0 members of a P-wave spin doublet. Differential and total decay rates for their double pion transitions down to the Λc\Lambda_c ground state are calculated. Estimates for their radiative decay rates are also discussed. We find that the experimentally determined characteristics of the Λc\Lambda_c^* baryons may be simply understood in the effective theory.Comment: 16 pages with 4 figures not included but available upon request, CALT-68-191

    Experimental results on strangeness production in proton-proton collisions at COSY

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    The production of K+ and K- mesons in elementary proton-proton collision has been investigated at the Cooler Synchrotron COSY in Juelich. A high quality proton beam with low emittance and small momentum spread permitted to study the creation of these mesons very close to the kinematical threshold. The energy dependence of the total cross section is investigated using internal beam facilities providing a high accuracy particle momentum determination as well as an external non-magnetic detection setup with a large geometrical acceptance. The determination of the four-momentum vectors for all ejectiles of each registered event gives the complete kinematical information allowing to study the interaction of the outgoing particles. Results on the performed studies of the pp --> pp K+ K-, pp --> p Lambda K+ and pp --> p Sigma0 K+ reactions will be presented and their relevance to the interpretation of heavy ion collisions will be discussed.Comment: 8 pages, 6 figures, plenary talk at 6th International Conference On Strange Quarks in Matter: '2001 - A Flavorspace Odyssey' (SQM2001), Frankfurt, Germany, September 25-29, 2001, to be published in J. Phys. G: Nucl. Part. Phy

    Kaon Production and Interaction

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    Exclusive data on both the elementary kaon and antikaon production channels have been taken at the cooler synchrotron COSY in proton-proton scattering. In the kaon--hyperon production an enhancement by one order of magnitude of the Lambda/Sigma0 ratio has been observed at excess energies below Q=13 MeV compared to data at higher excess energies (Q>300 MeV). New results obtained at the COSY-11 facility explore the transition region between the regime of this low-energy Sigma0 suppression and excess energies of 60 MeV. A comparison of the energy dependence of the Lambda and Sigma0 total cross sections exhibits distinct qualitative differences between both hyperon production channels. Studies of kaon-antikaon production have been motivated especially by the ongoing discussion about the nature of the scalar resonances f0(980) and a0(980) coupling to the K anti-K channel. For the reaction pp->ppK+K- a first total cross section value is reported at an excess energy of Q=17 MeV, i.e. below the phi threshold. Calculations obtained within an OBE model indicate that the energy dependence of the available total cross section data close to threshold is rather difficult to reconcile with the assumption of a phase-space behaviour modified predominantly by the proton-proton final state interaction.Comment: 10 pages, 4 figures, Presented at Meson 2002: 7th International Workshop on Meson Production, Properties and Interaction, Cracow, Poland, 24-28 May 200

    Strong Decays of Strange Charmed P-Wave Mesons

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    Goldstone boson decays of P-wave DsD_s^{**} mesons are studied within the framework of Heavy Hadron Chiral Perturbation Theory. We first analyze the simplest single kaon decays of these strange charmed mesons. We derive a model independent prediction for the width of Ds2D_{s2} and use experimental information on Ds1D_{s1} to constrain the S-wave contribution to D10D_1^0 decay. Single and double pion decay modes are then discussed and shown to be significantly restricted by isospin conservation. We conclude that the pion channels may offer the best hope for detecting one strange member of an otherwise invisible P-wave flavor multiplet.Comment: 16 pages, 2 updated figures not included but available upon request, CALT-68-1902. (Revised estimates for error on Ds2D_{s2} width and for isospin violating neutral pion decay of Ds1D'_{s1}.

    Abundances and Physical Conditions in the Warm Neutral Medium Towards mu Columbae

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    We present ultraviolet interstellar absorption line measurements for the sightline towards the O9.5 V star mu Columbae obtained with the Goddard High Resolution Spectrograph (GHRS) on board the Hubble Space Telescope. These archival data represent the most complete GHRS interstellar absorption line measurements for any line of sight towards an early-type star. The 3.5 km/s resolution of the instrument allow us to accurately derive the gas-phase column densities of many important ionic species in the diffuse warm neutral medium using a combination of apparent column density and component fitting techniques, and we study in detail the contamination from ionized gas along this sightline. The low-velocity material shows gas-phase abundance patterns similar to the warm cloud (cloud A) towards the disk star zeta Oph, while the component at v = +20.1 km/s shows gas-phase abundances similar to those found in warm halo clouds. We find the velocity-integrated gas-phase abundances of Zn, P, and S relative to H along this sightline are indistinguishable from solar system abundances. We discuss the implications of our gas-phase abundance measurements for the composition of interstellar dust. The relative ionic column density ratios of the intermediate velocity components show the imprint both of elemental incorporation into grains and (photo)ionization. The components at v = -30 and -48 km/s along this sightline likely trace shocked gas with very low hydrogen column densities. Appendices include a new derivation of the GHRS instrumental line spread function, and a new very accurate determination of the total H I column along this sightline. (Abridged)Comment: Accepted for publication in the Astrophysical Journal. 80 pages including 19 embedded figures and 12 embedded tables. Version with higher resolution figures can be downloaded from http://fuse.pha.jhu.edu/~howk/Papers/papers.htm