5,125 research outputs found

    Huygens' Principle for the Klein-Gordon equation in the de Sitter spacetime

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    In this article we prove that the Klein-Gordon equation in the de Sitter spacetime obeys the Huygens' principle only if the physical mass mm of the scalar field and the dimension n2n\geq 2 of the spatial variable are tied by the equation m2=(n21)/4m^2=(n^2-1)/4 . Moreover, we define the incomplete Huygens' principle, which is the Huygens' principle restricted to the vanishing second initial datum, and then reveal that the massless scalar field in the de Sitter spacetime obeys the incomplete Huygens' principle and does not obey the Huygens' principle, for the dimensions n=1,3n=1,3, only. Thus, in the de Sitter spacetime the existence of two different scalar fields (in fact, with m=0 and m2=(n21)/4m^2=(n^2-1)/4 ), which obey incomplete Huygens' principle, is equivalent to the condition n=3n=3 (in fact, the spatial dimension of the physical world). For n=3n=3 these two values of the mass are the endpoints of the so-called in quantum field theory the Higuchi bound. The value m2=(n21)/4m^2=(n^2-1)/4 of the physical mass allows us also to obtain complete asymptotic expansion of the solution for the large time. Keywords: Huygens' Principle; Klein-Gordon Equation; de Sitter spacetime; Higuchi Boun

    Equation of State of Oscillating Brans-Dicke Scalar and Extra Dimensions

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    We consider a Brans-Dicke scalar field stabilized by a general power law potential with power index nn at a finite equilibrium value. Redshifting matter induces oscillations of the scalar field around its equilibrium due to the scalar field coupling to the trace of the energy momentum tensor. If the stabilizing potential is sufficiently steep these high frequency oscillations are consistent with observational and experimental constraints for arbitrary value of the Brans-Dicke parameter ω\omega. We study analytically and numerically the equation of state of these high frequency oscillations in terms of the parameters ω\omega and nn and find the corresponding evolution of the universe scale factor. We find that the equation of state parameter can be negative and less than -1 but it is not related to the evolution of the scale factor in the usual way. Nevertheless, accelerating expansion is found for a certain parameter range. Our analysis applies also to oscillations of the size of extra dimensions (the radion field) around an equilibrium value. This duality between self-coupled Brans-Dicke and radion dynamics is applicable for ω=1+1/D\omega= -1 + 1/D where D is the number of extra dimensions.Comment: 10 two-column pages, RevTex4, 8 figures. Added clarifying discussions, new references. Accepted in Phys. Rev. D (to appear

    Stabilization of internal spaces in multidimensional cosmology

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    Effective 4-dimensional theories are investigated which were obtained under dimensional reduction of multidimensional cosmological models with a minimal coupled scalar field as matter source. Conditions for the internal space stabilization are considered and the possibility for inflation in the external space is discussed. The electroweak as well as the Planck fundamental scale approaches are investigated and compared with each other. It is shown that there exists a rescaling for the effective cosmological constant as well as for gravitational exciton masses in the different approaches.Comment: 12 pages, LaTeX2e, to appear in Phys.Rev.D, note adde

    Dynamics of a Heisenberg spin chain in the quantum critical regime: NMR experiment versus effective field theory

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    A comprehensive comparison between the magnetic field- and temperature-dependent low frequency spin dynamics in the antiferromagnetic spin-1/2 Heisenberg chain (AFHC) system copper pyrazine dinitrate, probed via the 13C-nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) relaxation rate 1/T1, and the field theoretical approach in the Luttinger liquid (LL) regime has been performed. We have found a very good agreement between the experiment and theory in the investigated temperature and field range. Our results demonstrate how strongly the quantum critical point affects the spin dynamics of Heisenberg spin chain compounds.Comment: 5 pages, 3 figure

    Correlation effects in CaCu3Ru4O12

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    We have investigated the electronic structure of CaCu3Ru4O12 and LaCu3Ru4O12 using soft x-ray photoelectron and absorption spectroscopy together with band structure and cluster configuration interaction calculations. We found the Cu to be in a robust divalent ionic state while the Ru is more itinerant in character and stabilizes the metallic state. Substitution of Ca by La predominantly affects the Ru states. We observed strong correlation effects in the Cu 3d states affecting the valence band line shape considerably. Using resonant photoelectron spectroscopy at the Cu L3 edge we were able to unveil the position of the Zhang-Rice singlet states in the one-electron removal spectrum of the Cu with respect to the Ru-derived metallic bands in the vicinity of the chemical potential

    Covariant Hamiltonian Field Theory

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    A consistent, local coordinate formulation of covariant Hamiltonian field theory is presented. Whereas the covariant canonical field equations are equivalent to the Euler-Lagrange field equations, the covariant canonical transformation theory offers more general means for defining mappings that preserve the form of the field equations than the usual Lagrangian description. It is proved that Poisson brackets, Lagrange brackets, and canonical 2-forms exist that are invariant under canonical transformations of the fields. The technique to derive transformation rules for the fields from generating functions is demonstrated by means of various examples. In particular, it is shown that the infinitesimal canonical transformation furnishes the most general form of Noether's theorem. We furthermore specify the generating function of an infinitesimal space-time step that conforms to the field equations.Comment: 93 pages, no figure

    Magnetic ground state and 2D behavior in pseudo-Kagome layered system Cu3Bi(SeO3)2O2Br

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    Anisotropic magnetic properties of a layered kagome-like system Cu3Bi(SeO3)2O2Br have been studied by bulk magnetization and magnetic susceptibility measurements as well as powder and single-crystal neutron diffraction. At T_N = 27.4 K the system develops an alternating antiferromagnetic order of (ab) layers, which individually exhibit canted ferrimagnetic moment arrangement, resulting from the competing ferro- and antiferro-magnetic intralayer exchange interactions. A magnetic field B_C ~ 0.8 T applied along the c axis (perpendicular to the layers) triggers a metamagnetic transition, when every second layer flips, i.e., resulting in a ferrimagnetic structure. Significantly higher fields are required to rotate the ferromagnetic component towards the b axis (~7 T) or towards the a axis (~15 T). The estimates of the exchange coupling constants and features indicative of an XY character of this quasi-2D system are presented.Comment: 7 pages, 6 figures, final versio

    AdS and stabilized extra dimensions in multidimensional gravitational models with nonlinear scalar curvature terms 1/R and R^4

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    We study multidimensional gravitational models with scalar curvature nonlinearities of the type 1/R and R^4. It is assumed that the corresponding higher dimensional spacetime manifolds undergo a spontaneous compactification to manifolds with warped product structure. Special attention is paid to the stability of the extra-dimensional factor spaces. It is shown that for certain parameter regions the systems allow for a freezing stabilization of these spaces. In particular, we find for the 1/R model that configurations with stabilized extra dimensions do not provide a late-time acceleration (they are AdS), whereas the solution branch which allows for accelerated expansion (the dS branch) is incompatible with stabilized factor spaces. In the case of the R^4 model, we obtain that the stability region in parameter space depends on the total dimension D=dim(M) of the higher dimensional spacetime M. For D>8 the stability region consists of a single (absolutely stable) sector which is shielded from a conformal singularity (and an antigravity sector beyond it) by a potential barrier of infinite height and width. This sector is smoothly connected with the stability region of a curvature-linear model. For D<8 an additional (metastable) sector exists which is separated from the conformal singularity by a potential barrier of finite height and width so that systems in this sector are prone to collapse into the conformal singularity. This second sector is not smoothly connected with the first (absolutely stable) one. Several limiting cases and the possibility for inflation are discussed for the R^4 model.Comment: 28 pages, minor cosmetic improvements, Refs. added; to appear in Class. Quantum Gra

    Nonlinear multidimensional cosmological models with form fields: stabilization of extra dimensions and the cosmological constant problem

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    We consider multidimensional gravitational models with a nonlinear scalar curvature term and form fields in the action functional. In our scenario it is assumed that the higher dimensional spacetime undergoes a spontaneous compactification to a warped product manifold. Particular attention is paid to models with quadratic scalar curvature terms and a Freund-Rubin-like ansatz for solitonic form fields. It is shown that for certain parameter ranges the extra dimensions are stabilized. In particular, stabilization is possible for any sign of the internal space curvature, the bulk cosmological constant and of the effective four-dimensional cosmological constant. Moreover, the effective cosmological constant can satisfy the observable limit on the dark energy density. Finally, we discuss the restrictions on the parameters of the considered nonlinear models and how they follow from the connection between the D-dimensional and the four-dimensional fundamental mass scales.Comment: 21 pages, LaTeX2e, minor changes, improved references, fonts include

    Exploring the multi-humped fission barrier of 238U via sub-barrier photofission

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    The photofission cross-section of 238U was measured at sub-barrier energies as a function of the gamma-ray energy using, for the first time, a monochromatic, high-brilliance, Compton-backscattered gamma-ray beam. The experiment was performed at the High Intensity gamma-ray Source (HIgS) facility at beam energies between E=4.7 MeV and 6.0 MeV and with ~3% energy resolution. Indications of transmission resonances have been observed at gamma-ray beam energies of E=5.1 MeV and 5.6 MeV with moderate amplitudes. The triple-humped fission barrier parameters of 238U have been determined by fitting EMPIRE-3.1 nuclear reaction code calculations to the experimental photofission cross section.Comment: 5 pages, 3 figure