576 research outputs found

    Non-invasive assessment of pulmonary vascular resistance in pulmonary hypertension: Current knowledge and future direction

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    Pulmonary Hypertension (PHT) is relatively common, dangerous and under-recognised. Pulmonary hypertension is not a diagnosis in itself; it is caused by a number of differing diseases each with different treatments and prognoses. Therefore, timely and accurate recognition of the underlying cause for PHT is essential for appropriate management. This is especially true for patients with Pulmonary Arterial Hypertension (PAH) in the current era of disease-specific drug therapy. Measurement of Pulmonary Vascular Resistance (PVR) helps separate pre-capillary from post-capillary PHT, and is measured with right heart catheterisation (RHC). Echocardiography has been used to derive a number of non-invasive surrogates for PVR, with varying accuracy. Ultimately, the goal of non-invasive assessment of PVR is to separate PHT due to left heart disease from PHT due to increased PVR, to help streamline investigation and subsequent treatment. In this review, we summarise the physiology and pathophysiology of pulmonary blood flow, the various causes of pulmonary hypertension, and non-invasive surrogates for PVR

    Ability of Essential Oil Vapours to Reduce Numbers of Culturable Aerosolised Coronavirus, Bacteria and Fungi

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    Transmission of pathogens present in the indoor air can occur through aerosols. This study evaluated the efficacy of an evaporated mix of essential oils to reduce the numbers of culturable aerosolized coronavirus, bacterium and fungus. The essential oil-containing gel was allowed to vaporize inside a glass chamber for 10 or 20 min. Aerosols of a surrogate of SARS-CoV-2, murine hepatitis coronavirus MHV-1, Escherichia coli or Aspergillus flavus spores were produced using a colli-sion nebuliser and passed through the essential oil vapours, then collected on a six-stage Andersen sampler. The six-stages of the impact sampler capture aerosols in sizes ranging from 7 to 0.65 Āµm. The number of culturable microbes present in the aerosols collected in the different stages were enumerated and compared to the number of culturable microbes in control microbial aerosols that were not exposed to the evaporated essential oils. After 10 and 20 min evaporation, the essential oils reduced the numbers of culturable aerosolized coronavirus by 48% (log10 reduction = 0.3; p = 0.002 vs. control) and 53% (log10 reduction = 0.3; p = 0.001 vs. control), respectively. The essential oils vaporised for 10 min, reduced the number of viable E. coli by 51% (log10 reduction = 0.3; p = 0.032 vs. control). The Aspergillus flavus spores were mostly observed in the larger aerosols (7.00 Āµm to 2.10 Āµm) and the essential oils vaporised for 10 min reduced the number of viable spores by 72% (log10 reduction = 0.6; p = 0.008 vs. control). The vapours produced by a gel containing naturally occurring essential oils were able to significantly reduce the viable numbers of aerosolized coronavirus, bacteria and fungal spores. The antimicrobial gel containing the essential oils may be able to reduce aerosol transmission of microbes when used in domestic and workplace settings

    Impaired DNA double-strand break repair contributes to chemoresistance in HIF-1Ī±-deficient mouse embryonic fibroblasts

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    A mismatch between metabolic demand and oxygen delivery leads to microenvironmental changes in solid tumors. The resulting tumor hypoxia is associated with malignant progression, therapy resistance and poor prognosis. However, the molecular mechanisms underlying therapy resistance in hypoxic tumors are not fully understood. The hypoxia-inducible factor (HIF) is a master transcriptional activator of oxygen-regulated gene expression. Transformed mouse embryonic fibroblasts (MEFs) derived from HIF-1Ī±-deficient mice are a popular model to study HIF function in tumor progression. We previously found increased chemotherapy and irradiation susceptibility in the absence of HIF-1Ī±. Here, we show by single-cell electrophoresis, histone 2AX phosphorylation and nuclear foci formation of Ī³H2AX and 53BP1, that the number of DNA double-strand breaks (DSB) is increased in untreated and etoposide-treated HIF-deficient MEFs. In etoposide-treated cells, cell cycle control and p53-dependent gene expression were not affected by the absence of HIF-1Ī±. Using a candidate gene approach to screen 17 genes involved in DNA repair, messenger RNA (mRNA) and protein of three members of the DNA-dependent protein kinase complex were found to be decreased in HIF-deficient MEFs. Of note, residual HIF-1Ī± protein in cancer cells with a partial HIF-1Ī± mRNA knockdown was sufficient to confer chemoresistance. In summary, these data establish a novel molecular link between HIF and DNA DSB repair. We suggest that selection of early, non-hypoxic tumor cells expressing low levels of HIF-1Ī± might contribute to HIF-dependent tumor therapy resistanc

    Benzyl Isothiocyanate potentiates p53 signaling and antitumor effects against breast cancer through activation of p53-LKB1 and p73-LKB1 axes.

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    Functional reactivation of p53 pathway, although arduous, can potentially provide a broad-based strategy for cancer therapy owing to frequent p53 inactivation in human cancer. Using a phosphoprotein-screening array, we found that Benzyl Isothiocynate, (BITC) increases p53 phosphorylation in breast cancer cells and reveal an important role of ERK and PRAS40/MDM2 in BITC-mediated p53 activation. We show that BITC rescues and activates p53-signaling network and inhibits growth of p53-mutant cells. Mechanistically, BITC induces p73 expression in p53-mutant cells, disrupts the interaction of p73 and mutant-p53, thereby releasing p73 from sequestration and allowing it to be transcriptionally active. Furthermore, BITC-induced p53 and p73 axes converge on tumor-suppressor LKB1 which is transcriptionally upregulated by p53 and p73 in p53-wild-type and p53-mutant cells respectively; and in a feed-forward mechanism, LKB1 tethers with p53 and p73 to get recruited to p53-responsive promoters. Analyses of BITC-treated xenografts using LKB1-null cells corroborate in vitro mechanistic findings and establish LKB1 as the key node whereby BITC potentiates as well as rescues p53-pathway in p53-wild-type as well as p53-mutant cells. These data provide first in vitro and in vivo evidence of the integral role of previously unrecognized crosstalk between BITC, p53/LKB1 and p73/LKB1 axes in breast tumor growth-inhibition

    Repair of giant paraesophageal hernias routinely produces improvement in respiratory function

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    ObjectiveAssessment of the clinical impact of giant paraesophageal hernias have historically focused on upperĀ gastrointestinal symptoms. This study assesses the effect of paraesophageal hernia repair on respiratory function.MethodsAll patients undergoing repair of giant paraesophageal hernia were prospectively entered into a database approved by the institutional review board. Patients had symptoms documented preoperatively, including dyspnea. Pulmonary function tests (PFTs) were done preoperatively and repeated a median of 106 days after repair (range, 16-660 days).ResultsPreoperative and postoperative PFTs were obtained in 120 unselected patients treated for paraesophageal hernia between 2000 and 2010. Patientsā€™ median age was 74 years (range, 45-91 years), 74 (62%) were female, and median body mass index was 28.0 (range, 16.8-46.6). Median length of stay was 4 days (range, 3-10 days), and perioperative mortality was zero. Hernias were classified as type II in 3 (3%) patients, III in 92 (77%), and IV in 25 (21%). Percent of intrathoracic stomach was assigned from preoperative contrast studies and grouped as less than 50% (nĀ =Ā 6; 5%), 50% to 74% (nĀ =Ā 35; 29%), 75% to 99% (nĀ =Ā 29; 24%), and 100% (nĀ =Ā 50; 42%). Preoperative symptoms included heartburn 71 (59%), early satiety 65 (54%), dyspnea 63 (52%), chest pain 48 (40%), dysphagia 56 (47%), regurgitation 47 (39%), and anemia 44 (37%). PFTs significantly improved after paraesophageal hernia repair (mean volume change, percent reference change): forced vital capacity +0.30 L,+10.3%pred; FEV1 +0.23 L,+10.4%pred (all PĀ <Ā .001); diffusion capacity of the lung for carbon monoxide +0.58 mL Ā· mm Hgāˆ’1 Ā· mināˆ’1 (PĀ =Ā .004), and +2.9%pred (PĀ =Ā .002). Greater improvements were documented in older patients with significant subjective respiratory symptoms and higher percent of intrathoracic stomach (PĀ <Ā .01).ConclusionsParaesophageal hernia has a significant effect on respiratory function, which is largely underappreciated. This study demonstrates that these repairs can be done safely and supports routine consideration for elective repair; older patients with borderline respiratory function may achieve substantial improvements in their respiratory status and quality of life

    Copper sensing function of Drosophila metal-responsive transcription factor-1 is mediated by a tetranuclear Cu(I) cluster

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    Drosophila melanogaster MTF-1 (dMTF-1) is a copper-responsive transcriptional activator that mediates resistance to Cu, as well as Zn and Cd. Here, we characterize a novel cysteine-rich domain which is crucial for sensing excess intracellular copper by dMTF-1. Transgenic flies expressing mutant dMTF-1 containing alanine substitutions of two, four or six cysteine residues within the sequence 547CNCTNCKCDQTKSCHGGDC565 are significantly or completely impaired in their ability to protect flies from copper toxicity and fail to up-regulate MtnA (metallothionein) expression in response to excess Cu. In contrast, these flies exhibit wild-type survival in response to copper deprivation thus revealing that the cysteine cluster domain is required only for sensing Cu load by dMTF-1. Parallel studies show that the isolated cysteine cluster domain is required to protect a copper-sensitive S. cerevisiae ace1Ī” strain from copper toxicity. Cu(I) ligation by a Cys-rich domain peptide fragment drives the cooperative assembly of a polydentate [Cu4-S6] cage structure, characterized by a core of trigonally S3 coordinated Cu(I) ions bound by bridging thiolate ligands. While reminiscent of Cu4-L6 (L = ligand) tetranuclear clusters in copper regulatory transcription factors of yeast, the absence of significant sequence homology is consistent with convergent evolution of a sensing strategy particularly well suited for Cu(I

    Copper sensing function of Drosophila metal-responsive transcription factor-1 is mediated by a tetranuclear Cu(I) cluster

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    Drosophila melanogaster MTF-1 (dMTF-1) is a copper-responsive transcriptional activator that mediates resistance to Cu, as well as Zn and Cd. Here, we characterize a novel cysteine-rich domain which is crucial for sensing excess intracellular copper by dMTF-1. Transgenic flies expressing mutant dMTF-1 containing alanine substitutions of two, four or six cysteine residues within the sequence 547CNCTNCKCDQTKSCHGGDC565 are significantly or completely impaired in their ability to protect flies from copper toxicity and fail to up-regulate MtnA (metallothionein) expression in response to excess Cu. In contrast, these flies exhibit wild-type survival in response to copper deprivation thus revealing that the cysteine cluster domain is required only for sensing Cu load by dMTF-1. Parallel studies show that the isolated cysteine cluster domain is required to protect a copper-sensitive S. cerevisiae ace1Ī” strain from copper toxicity. Cu(I) ligation by a Cys-rich domain peptide fragment drives the cooperative assembly of a polydentate [Cu4-S6] cage structure, characterized by a core of trigonally S3 coordinated Cu(I) ions bound by bridging thiolate ligands. While reminiscent of Cu4-L6 (L = ligand) tetranuclear clusters in copper regulatory transcription factors of yeast, the absence of significant sequence homology is consistent with convergent evolution of a sensing strategy particularly well suited for Cu(I)

    Tuning the Anthranilamide Peptidomimetic Design to Selectively Target Planktonic Bacteria and Biofilm

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    There is a pressing need to develop new antimicrobials to help combat the increase in antibiotic resistance that is occurring worldwide. In the current research, short amphiphilic antibacterial and antibiofilm agents were produced by tuning the hydrophobic and cationic groups of anthranilamide peptidomimetics. The attachment of a lysine cationic group at the tail position increased activity against E. coli by >16-fold (from >125 Ī¼M to 15.6 Ī¼M) and greatly reduced cytotoxicity against mammalian cells (from ā‰¤20 Ī¼M to ā‰„150 Ī¼M). These compounds showed significant disruption of preformed biofilms of S. aureus at micromolar concentrations

    Role of Melatonin in Directing Plant Physiology

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    Melatonin (MT), a naturally occurring compound, is found in various species worldwide. In 1958, it was first identified in the pineal gland of dairy cows. MT is an "old friend" but a "new compound" for plant biology. It brings experts and research minds from the broad field of plant sciences due to its considerable influence on plant systems. The MT production process in plants and animals is distinct, where it has been expressed explicitly in chloroplasts and mitochondria in plants. Tryptophan acts as the precursor for the formation of phyto-melatonin, along with intermediates including tryptamine, serotonin, N-acetyl serotonin, and 5-methoxy tryptamine. It plays a vital role in growth phases such as the seed germination and seedling growth of crop plants. MT significantly impacts the gas exchange, thereby improving physio-chemical functions in plant systems. During stress, the excessive generation and accumulation of reactive oxygen species (ROS) causes protein oxidation, lipid peroxidation, nucleic acid damage, and enzyme inhibition. Because it directly acts as an antioxidant compound, it awakens the plant antioxidant defense system during stress and reduces the production of ROS, which results in decreasing cellular oxidative damage. MT can enhance plant growth and development in response to various abiotic stresses such as drought, salinity, high temperature, flooding, and heavy metals by regulating the antioxidant mechanism of plants. However, these reactions differ significantly from crop to crop and are based on the level and kind of stress. The role of MT in the physiological functions of plants towards plant growth and development, tolerance towards various abiotic stresses, and approaches for enhancing the endogenous MT in plant systems are broadly reviewed and it is suggested that MT is a steering compound in directing major physiological functions of plants under the changing climate in future
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