4,907 research outputs found

    Continuous-variable entanglement distillation over a pure loss channel with multiple quantum scissors

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    Entanglement distillation is a key primitive for distributing high-quality entanglement between remote locations. Probabilistic noiseless linear amplification based on the quantum scissors is a candidate for entanglement distillation from noisy continuous-variable (CV) entangled states. Being a non-Gaussian operation, quantum scissors is challenging to analyze. We present a derivation of the non-Gaussian state heralded by multiple quantum scissors in a pure loss channel with two-mode squeezed vacuum input. We choose the reverse coherent information (RCI)---a proven lower bound on the distillable entanglement of a quantum state under one-way local operations and classical communication (LOCC), as our figure of merit. We evaluate a Gaussian lower bound on the RCI of the heralded state. We show that it can exceed the unlimited two-way LOCCassisted direct transmission entanglement distillation capacity of the pure loss channel. The optimal heralded Gaussian RCI with two quantum scissors is found to be significantly more than that with a single quantum scissors, albeit at the cost of decreased success probability. Our results fortify the possibility of a quantum repeater scheme for CV quantum states using the quantum scissors.Comment: accepted for publication in Physical Review

    An Improved Outer Bound on the Storage-Repair-Bandwidth Tradeoff of Exact-Repair Regenerating Codes

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    In this paper we establish an improved outer bound on the storage-repair-bandwidth tradeoff of regenerating codes under exact repair. The result shows that in particular, it is not possible to construct exact-repair regenerating codes that asymptotically achieve the tradeoff that holds for functional repair. While this had been shown earlier by Tian for the special case of [n,k,d]=[4,3,3][n,k,d]=[4,3,3] the present result holds for general [n,k,d][n,k,d]. The new outer bound is obtained by building on the framework established earlier by Shah et al.Comment: 14 page

    Unconstrained Capacities of Quantum Key Distribution and Entanglement Distillation for Pure-Loss Bosonic Broadcast Channels

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    We consider quantum key distribution (QKD) and entanglement distribution using a single-sender multiple-receiver pure-loss bosonic broadcast channel. We determine the unconstrained capacity region for the distillation of bipartite entanglement and secret key between the sender and each receiver, whenever they are allowed arbitrary public classical communication. A practical implication of our result is that the capacity region demonstrated drastically improves upon rates achievable using a naive time-sharing strategy, which has been employed in previously demonstrated network QKD systems. We show a simple example of the broadcast QKD protocol overcoming the limit of the point-to-point strategy. Our result is thus an important step toward opening a new framework of network channel-based quantum communication technology.Comment: 9 pages, 5 figure

    R\'enyi generalizations of quantum information measures

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    Quantum information measures such as the entropy and the mutual information find applications in physics, e.g., as correlation measures. Generalizing such measures based on the R\'enyi entropies is expected to enhance their scope in applications. We prescribe R\'enyi generalizations for any quantum information measure which consists of a linear combination of von Neumann entropies with coefficients chosen from the set {-1,0,1}. As examples, we describe R\'enyi generalizations of the conditional quantum mutual information, some quantum multipartite information measures, and the topological entanglement entropy. Among these, we discuss the various properties of the R\'enyi conditional quantum mutual information and sketch some potential applications. We conjecture that the proposed R\'enyi conditional quantum mutual informations are monotone increasing in the R\'enyi parameter, and we have proofs of this conjecture for some special cases.Comment: 9 pages, related to and extends the results from arXiv:1403.610

    Unconstrained distillation capacities of a pure-loss bosonic broadcast channel

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    Bosonic channels are important in practice as they form a simple model for free-space or fiber-optic communication. Here we consider a single-sender two-receiver pure-loss bosonic broadcast channel and determine the unconstrained capacity region for the distillation of bipartite entanglement and secret key between the sender and each receiver, whenever they are allowed arbitrary public classical communication. We show how the state merging protocol leads to achievable rates in this setting, giving an inner bound on the capacity region. We also evaluate an outer bound on the region by using the relative entropy of entanglement and a `reduction by teleportation' technique. The outer bounds match the inner bounds in the infinite-energy limit, thereby establishing the unconstrained capacity region for such channels. Our result could provide a useful benchmark for implementing a broadcasting of entanglement and secret key through such channels. An important open question relevant to practice is to determine the capacity region in both this setting and the single-sender single-receiver case when there is an energy constraint on the transmitter.Comment: v2: 6 pages, 3 figures, introduction revised, appendix added where the result is extended to the 1-to-m pure-loss bosonic broadcast channel. v3: minor revision, typo error correcte

    Bounds on entanglement distillation and secret key agreement for quantum broadcast channels

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    The squashed entanglement of a quantum channel is an additive function of quantum channels, which finds application as an upper bound on the rate at which secret key and entanglement can be generated when using a quantum channel a large number of times in addition to unlimited classical communication. This quantity has led to an upper bound of log((1+η)/(1η))\log((1+\eta)/(1-\eta)) on the capacity of a pure-loss bosonic channel for such a task, where η\eta is the average fraction of photons that make it from the input to the output of the channel. The purpose of the present paper is to extend these results beyond the single-sender single-receiver setting to the more general case of a single sender and multiple receivers (a quantum broadcast channel). We employ multipartite generalizations of the squashed entanglement to constrain the rates at which secret key and entanglement can be generated between any subset of the users of such a channel, along the way developing several new properties of these measures. We apply our results to the case of a pure-loss broadcast channel with one sender and two receivers.Comment: 35 pages, 1 figure, accepted for publication in IEEE Transactions on Information Theor

    Fundamental precision limit of a Mach-Zehnder interferometric sensor when one of the inputs is the vacuum

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    In the lore of quantum metrology, one often hears (or reads) the following no-go theorem: If you put vacuum into one input port of a balanced Mach-Zehnder Interferometer, then no matter what you put into the other input port, and no matter what your detection scheme, the sensitivity can never be better than the shot noise limit (SNL). Often the proof of this theorem is cited to be in Ref. [C. Caves, Phys. Rev. D 23, 1693 (1981)], but upon further inspection, no such claim is made there. A quantum-Fisher-information-based argument suggestive of this no-go theorem appears in Ref. [M. Lang and C. Caves, Phys. Rev. Lett. 111, 173601 (2013)], but is not stated in its full generality. Here we thoroughly explore this no-go theorem and give the rigorous statement: the no-go theorem holds whenever the unknown phase shift is split between both arms of the interferometer, but remarkably does not hold when only one arm has the unknown phase shift. In the latter scenario, we provide an explicit measurement strategy that beats the SNL. We also point out that these two scenarios are physically different and correspond to different types of sensing applications.Comment: 9 pages, 2 figure

    Sampling arbitrary photon-added or photon-subtracted squeezed states is in the same complexity class as boson sampling

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    Boson sampling is a simple model for non-universal linear optics quantum computing using far fewer physical resources than universal schemes. An input state comprising vacuum and single photon states is fed through a Haar-random linear optics network and sampled at the output using coincidence photodetection. This problem is strongly believed to be classically hard to simulate. We show that an analogous procedure implements the same problem, using photon-added or -subtracted squeezed vacuum states (with arbitrary squeezing), where sampling at the output is performed via parity measurements. The equivalence is exact and independent of the squeezing parameter, and hence provides an entire class of new quantum states of light in the same complexity class as boson sampling.Comment: 5 pages, 2 figure