1,394 research outputs found

    Novel String Banana Template Method of Track Reconstruction for high Multiplicity Events with Significant Multiple Scattering

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    Novel String Banana Template Method (SBTM) for track reconstruction in high multiplicity events in non-uniform magnetic field spectrometer with emphasis on the lowest momenta tracks with significant Multiple Scattering (MS) is described. Two steps model of track with additional parameter/s which takes into account MS for this particular track is introduced. SBTM is time efficient and demonstrates better resolutions than another method equivalent to the Least Squares method (LSM).Comment: 3 pages, 3 figures, DPF2004 Proceeding, International Journal of Modern Physics

    Non-linear power spectra of dark and luminous matter in halo model of structure formation

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    The late stages of large-scale structure evolution are treated semi-analytically within the framework of modified halo model. We suggest simple yet accurate approximation for relating the non-linear amplitude to linear one for spherical density perturbation. For halo concentration parameter, cc, a new computation technique is proposed, which eliminates the need of interim evaluation of the zcolz_{col}. Validity of the technique is proved for Λ\LambdaCDM and Λ\LambdaWDM cosmologies. Also, the parameters for Sheth-Tormen mass function are estimated. The modified and extended halo model is applied for determination of non-linear power spectrum of dark matter, as well as for galaxy power spectrum estimation. The semi-analytical techniques for dark matter power spectrum are verified by comparison with data from numerical simulations. Also, the predictions for the galaxy power spectra are confronted with 'observed' data from PSCz and SDSS galaxy catalogs, good accordance is found.Comment: 18 pages, 8 figures; major changes from the previous version; accepted for publivation in Phys. Rev.

    Purposes of Land Law of Ukraine

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    Purposes of land law as a separate branch of legal system of Ukraine are researched. Purpose is an obligatory part of any social mechanism. So legal regulation of land relations must be oriented on achievement of some legal purposes. It was stated in legal literature that purpose of law (legal purpose) is regarded as form of future in temporary times. It is a kind of proper status of social relations in current legislation. That is why purpose in law plays a role of legal instrument which serves to lawmakers as a mode of organization of all system of legal regulation of social relations. It was also stated in the legal literature that the most significant peculiarities of any purpose in law is its normativeness, because most of legal purposes are not only desired result but is obligatory way of activity. That is why legal purpose serves as a regulator of social relations in any society. Besides, legal purpose is regarded as some model of social order which is guaranteed by state. So legal purpose is an official orient for legal practice. It is proved in the article that modern land law of Ukraine has two legal purposes. The first purpose of land law of Ukraine is protection of land, but second its purpose consists in promotion of realization of rights and legal interests of participants of land legal relations. However, the purposes of land law of Ukraine are not equal by its legal force. The purpose of protection of land should be regarded as the main purpose of land law of Ukraine. It means that the second purpose of land law of Ukraine might be achieved only in case of achievement of the first its purpose. Bu other words, modern land law of Ukraine has to be based on principle provision “no land – no right to land”. The author of the article proves that if society are not able to protect land it also is unable to secure any rights to the land. Finally, to streamline activity of all participants of land legal relations at achievement of the main purpose of land law of Ukraine it is necessary to adopt legal normative (requirements) of quality status of all types of land in Ukraine

    Silicon DAQ based on FPDP and RACEway

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    Special protection of the Ukrainian lands as the main national wealth: theoretical and legal aspects

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    Abstract.  With a unique soil cover, Ukraine has been leading in the production and world export of grain crops and sunflower, providing grain needs for 400 million people in recent years. However, an unbalanced scarce farming system has caused increased soil degradation and a decrease in its fertility level. In connection with this, the relevance of the protection and rational use of land has increased significantly, as the tendency to worsen the quality of land has intensified, and sometimes it became a crisis. Russian aggression has led to the seizure and destruction of part of the land resource, soil cover pollution, mining of significant territories, direct physical damage to Ukrainian black soil. The article is aimed at studying the implementation in the country of the constitutional provision for the special protection of land as the main national wealth, as well as the main directions of ensuring the reproduction and increase of soil fertility. The relationship between land and civil law is analyzed, the peculiarities of the presentation of the provisions of Article 14 of the provisions of the Constitution of Ukraine, Civil Code, Law of Ukraine "On Land Protection"  are disclosed. The necessity of improving a number of provisions of the Law of Ukraine "On Land Protection", the legal regime of especially valuable lands is substantiated, preservation of independence of land law as a separate legal system. Keywords: special protection of land, constitutional status, land legislation, categories of land, national wealth, especially valuable land, land resource potentia

    Zinc regeneration in rechargeable zinc-air fuel cells:a review

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    Zinc-air fuel cells (ZAFCs) present a promising energy source with a competing potential with the lithium-ion battery and even with proton-exchange membrane fuel cells (PEMFCs) for applications in next generation electrified transport and energy storage. The regeneration of zinc is essential for developing the next-generation, i.e., electrochemically rechargeable ZAFCs. This review aims to provide a comprehensive view on both theoretical and industrial platforms already built hitherto, with focus on electrode materials, electrode and electrolyte additives, solution chemistry, zinc deposition reaction mechanisms and kinetics, and electrochemical zinc regeneration systems. The related technological challenges and their possible solutions are described and discussed. A summary of important R&D patents published within the recent 10 years is also presented

    Large-scale structure formation in cosmology with classical and tachyonic scalar fields

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    The evolution of scalar perturbations is studied for 2-component (non-relativistic matter and dark energy) cosmological models at the linear and non-linear stages. The dark energy is assumed to be the scalar field with either classical or tachyonic Lagrangian and constant equation-of-state parameter w. The fields and potentials were reconstructed for the set of cosmological parameters derived from observations. The comparison of the calculated within these models and experimental large-scale structure characteristics is made. It is shown that for w=const such analysis can't remove the existing degeneracy of the dark energy models.Comment: 15 pages, 5 figures, text corrected, references added, accepted by Kinematics and Physics of Celestial Bodie

    Electronic spin working mechanically

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    A single-electron tunneling (SET) device with a nanoscale central island that can move with respect to the bulk source- and drain electrodes allows for a nanoelectromechanical (NEM) coupling between the electrical current through the device and mechanical vibrations of the island. Although an electromechanical "shuttle" instability and the associated phenomenon of single-electron shuttling were predicted more than 15 years ago, both theoretical and experimental studies of NEM-SET structures are still carried out. New functionalities based on quantum coherence, Coulomb correlations and coherent electron-spin dynamics are of particular current interest. In this article we present a short review of recent activities in this area.Comment: 17 pages, 11 figures. arXiv admin note: substantial text overlap with arXiv:1303.074

    Pseudorapidity and centrality dependence of the collective flow of charged particles in Au+Au collisions at sqrt{s_NN} = 130 GeV

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    This paper describes the measurement of collective flow for charged particles in Au+Au collisions at sqrt{s_NN}} = 130 GeV using the PHOBOS detector at the Relativistic Heavy Ion Collider (RHIC). An azimuthal anisotropy is observed in the charged particle hit distribution in the PHOBOS multiplicity detector. This anisotropy is presented over a wide range of pseudorapidity (eta) for the first time at this energy. The size of the anisotropy (v_{2}) is thought to probe the degree of equilibration achieved in these collisions. The result here,averaged over momenta and particle species, is observed to reach 7% for peripheral collisions at mid-rapidity, falling off with centrality and increasing |eta|. Data are presented as a function of centrality for |eta|<1.0 and as a function of eta, averaged over centrality, in the angular region -5.0<eta<5.3. These results call into question the common assumption of longitudinal boost invariance over a large region of rapidity in RHIC collisions.Comment: 5 pages, 4 figures, submitted to Physical Review Letter