470 research outputs found

    Confirmation of circumstellar phosphine

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    Phosphine (PH3) was tentatively identified a few years ago in the carbon star envelopes IRC+10216 and CRL2688 from observations of an emission line at 266.9 GHz attributable to the J=1-0 rotational transition. We report the detection of the J=2-1 rotational transition of PH3 in IRC+10216 using the HIFI instrument on board Herschel, which definitively confirms the identification of PH3. Radiative transfer calculations indicate that infrared pumping to excited vibrational states plays an important role in the excitation of PH3 in the envelope of IRC+10216, and that the observed lines are consistent with phosphine being formed anywhere between the star and 100 R* from the star, with an abundance of 1e-8 relative to H2. The detection of PH3 challenges chemical models, none of which offers a satisfactory formation scenario. Although PH3 locks just 2 % of the total available phosphorus in IRC+10216, it is together with HCP, one of the major gas phase carriers of phosphorus in the inner circumstellar layers, suggesting that it could be also an important phosphorus species in other astronomical environments. This is the first unambiguous detection of PH3 outside the solar system, and a further step towards a better understanding of the chemistry of phosphorus in space.Comment: Accepted for publication in ApJ Letter

    Environmental protection of titanium alloys in centrifugal compressors at 500°C in saline atmosphere

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    The use of the titanium alloy Ti-6246 (Ti–6Al–2Sn–4Zr–6Mo, wt-%) for gas turbine compressors allows an increase in working temperature and stress level. Under severe service conditions, the material experiences combined high temperature and high mechanical stress and, in saline atmospheres, stress corrosion cracking (SCC) can occur, leading to catastrophic mechanical failure. The present study was performed to evaluate the potential of several surface treatments to protect Ti-6246 alloy, after salt deposit, from hot salt SCC at temperatures ?500°C and 500 MPa static mechanical stress conditions. Shot peening, thermal oxidation and metal–ceramic coatings were investigated. Experimental results confirm the existence of brittle stress corrosion phenomena marked by a low residual elongation of test samples and the presence of oxides on the fracture surfaces. Both shot peening and metal–ceramic coatings increase the hot salt SCC resistance of the alloy. Times to rupture were improved by a factor of 3 for shot peening and by a factor of 10 for metal–ceramic coatings. Inversely, the time to rupture of preoxidised alloys has been halved compared with uncoated alloys. As well as these interesting quantitative results, structural studies of metal–ceramic coatings showed that they are mechanically and chemically compatible with the titanium alloy substructure and should work under severe thermomechanical stresses and aggressive atmospheres

    Resonant tunneling diodes as sources for millimeter and submillimeter wavelengths

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    High-quality Resonant Tunneling Diodes have been fabricated and tested as sources for millimeter and submillimeter wavelengths. The devices have shown excellent I-V characteristics with peak-to-valley current ratios as high as 6:1 and current densities in the range of 50-150 kA/cm(exp 2) at 300 K. Used as local oscillators, the diodes are capable of state of the art output power delivered by AlGaAs-based tunneling devices. As harmonic multipliers, a frequency of 320 GHz has been achieved by quintupling the fundamental oscillation of a klystron source

    A 380 GHz SIS receiver using Nb/AlO(x)/Nb junctions for a radioastronomical balloon-borne experiment: PRONAOS

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    The superheterodyne detection technique used for the spectrometer instrument of the PRONAOS project will provide a very high spectral resolution (delta nu/nu = 10(exp -6)). The most critical components are those located at the front-end of the receiver: their contribution dominates the total noise of the receiver. Therefore, it is important to perform accurate studies for specific components, such as mixers and multipliers working in the submillimeter wave range. Difficulties in generating enough local oscillator (LO) power at high frequencies make SIS mixers very desirable for operation above 300 GHz. The low LO power requirements and the low noise temperature of these mixers are the primary reason for building an SIS receiver. This paper reports the successful fabrication of small (less than or equal to 1 sq micron) Nb/Al-O(x)/Nb junctions and arrays with excellent I-V characteristics and very good reliability, resulting in a low noise receiver performance measured in the 368/380 GHz frequency range

    A Search for H2O in the Strongly Lensed QSO MG 0751+2716 at z=3.2

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    We present a search for 183 GHz H_2O(3_13-2_20) emission in the infrared-luminous quasar MG 0751+2716 with the NRAO Very Large Array (VLA). At z=3.200+/-0.001, this water emission feature is redshifted to 43.6 GHz. As opposed to the faint rotational transitions of HCN (the standard high-density tracer at high-z), H_2O(3_13-2_20) is observed with high maser amplification factors in Galactic star-forming regions. It therefore holds the potential to trace high-density star-forming regions in the distant universe. If indeed all star-forming regions in massively star-forming galaxies at z>3 have similar physical properties as e.g. the Orion or W49N molecular cloud cores, the flux ratio between the maser-amplified H_2O(3_13-2_20) and the thermally excited CO(1-0) transitions may be as high as factor of 20 (but has to be corrected by their relative filling factor). MG 0751+2716 is a strong CO(4-3) emitter, and therefore one of the most suitable targets to search for H_2O(3_13-2_20) at cosmological redshifts. Our search resulted in an upper limit in line luminosity of L'(H_2O) < 0.6 x 10^9 K km/s pc^2. Assuming a brightness temperature of T_b(H_2O) ~= 500 K for the maser emission and CO properties from the literature, this translates to a H_2O(3_13-2_20)/CO(4-3) area filling factor of less than 1%. However, this limit is not valid if the H_2O(3_13-2_20) maser emission is quenched, i.e. if the line is only thermally excited. We conclude that, if our results were to hold for other high-z sources, H_2O does not appear to be a more luminous alternative to HCN to detect high-density gas in star-forming environments at high redshift.Comment: 6 pages, 1 figure, to appear in ApJ (accepted May 19, 2006

    Atomic Carbon in APM 08279+5255 at z=3.91

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    We present a detection of [CI] line emission in the lensed quasar APM 08279+5255 at z=3.91 using the IRAM Plateau de Bure interferometer. The [CI] line velocity and width are similar to the values of previously detected high-J CO and HCN lines in this source, suggesting that the emission from all of these species arises from the same region. The apparent luminosity of the [CI] line is L'(CI) = (3.1 +/- 0.4)x10^10 K km/s pc^2, which implies a neutral carbon mass, M(CI) = (4.4+/-0.6)/m x10^7 M_sun, where m is the lensing magnification factor. The [CI] line luminosity is consistent with the large molecular gas mass inferred from the nuclear CO line luminosity ~10^11 /m M_sun. We also present an upper limit on the H2O line luminosity in APM 08279+5255 of, L'(H2O) < 1.8x10^10 K km/s pc^2 (3-sigma).Comment: Accepted for publication in the Astrophysical Journa

    Velocity-resolved [CII] emission and [CII]/FIR Mapping along Orion with Herschel

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    We present the first 7.5'x11.5' velocity-resolved map of the [CII]158um line toward the Orion molecular cloud-1 (OMC-1) taken with the Herschel/HIFI instrument. In combination with far-infrared (FIR) photometric images and velocity-resolved maps of the H41alpha hydrogen recombination and CO J=2-1 lines, this data set provides an unprecedented view of the intricate small-scale kinematics of the ionized/PDR/molecular gas interfaces and of the radiative feedback from massive stars. The main contribution to the [CII] luminosity (~85%) is from the extended, FUV-illuminated face of the cloud G_0>500, n_H>5x10^3 cm^-3) and from dense PDRs (G_0~10^4, n_H~10^5 cm^-3) at the interface between OMC-1 and the HII region surrounding the Trapezium cluster. Around 15% of the [CII] emission arises from a different gas component without CO counterpart. The [CII] excitation, PDR gas turbulence, line opacity (from [13CII]) and role of the geometry of the illuminating stars with respect to the cloud are investigated. We construct maps of the [CII]/FIR and FIR/M_Gas ratios and show that [CII]/FIR decreases from the extended cloud component (10^-2-10^-3) to the more opaque star-forming cores (10^-3-10^-4). The lowest values are reminiscent of the "[CII] deficit" seen in local ultra-luminous IR galaxies hosting vigorous star formation. Spatial correlation analysis shows that the decreasing [CII]/FIR ratio correlates better with the column density of dust through the molecular cloud than with FIR/M_Gas. We conclude that the [CII] emitting column relative to the total dust column along each line of sight is responsible for the observed [CII]/FIR variations through the cloud.Comment: 21 pages, 17 figures. Accepted for publication in the Astrophysical Journal (2015 August 12). Figures 2, 6 and 7 are bitmapped to lower resolution. This is version 2 after minor editorial changes. Notes added after proofs include

    Detection of water at z = 0.685 towards B0218+357

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    We report the detection of the H_2O molecule in absorption at a redshift z = 0.68466 in front of the gravitationally lensed quasar B0218+357. We detect the fundamental transition of ortho-water at 556.93 GHz (redshifted to 330.59 GHz). The line is highly optically thick and relatively wide (15 km/s FWHM), with a profile that is similar to that of the previously detected CO(2--1) and HCO^+(2--1) optically thick absorption lines toward this quasar. From the measured level of the continuum at 330.59 GHz, which corresponds to the level expected from the power-law spectrum S(ν)ν0.25S(\nu) \propto \nu^{-0.25} already observed at lower frequencies, we deduce that the filling factor of the H_2O absorption is large. It was already known from the high optical thickness of the CO, ^{13}CO and C^{18}O lines that the molecular clouds entirely cover one of the two lensed images of the quasar (all its continuum is absorbed); our present results indicate that the H_2O clouds are covering a comparable surface. The H_2O molecules are therefore not confined to small cores with a tiny filling factor, but are extended over parsec scales. The H_2O line has a very large optical depth, and only isotopic lines could give us the water abundance. We have also searched for the 183 GHz line in absorption, obtaining only an upper limit; this yields constraints on the excitation temperature.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figures, accepted in ApJ Letter

    First observation of CO at 345 GHz in the atmosphere of Saturn with the JCMT. New constaints on its origin

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    International audienceWe have performed the first observation of the CO(3-2) spectral line in the atmosphere of Saturn with the James Clerk Maxwell Telescope. We have used a transport model of the atmosphere of Saturn to constrain the origin of the observed CO. The CO line is best-fit when the CO is located at pressures less than (15± 2) mbar with a mixing ratio of (2.5±0.6)×10-8 implying an external origin. By modelling the transport in Saturn's atmosphere, we find that a cometary impact origin with an impact 200-350 years ago is more likely than continuous deposition by interplanetary dust particles (IDP) or local sources (rings/satellites). This result would confirm that comet impacts are relatively frequent and efficient providers of CO to the atmospheres of the outer planets. However, a diffuse and/or local source cannot be rejected, because we did not account for photochemistry of oxygen compounds. Finally, we have derived an upper limit of 1×10-9 on the tropospheric CO mixing ratio