350 research outputs found

    Wideband and on-chip excitation for dynamical spin injection into graphene

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    Graphene is an ideal material for spin transport as very long spin relaxation times and lengths can be achieved even at room temperature. However, electrical spin injection is challenging due to the conductivity mismatch problem. Spin pumping driven by ferromagnetic resonance is a neat way to circumvent this problem as it produces a pure spin current in the absence of a charge current. Here, we show spin pumping into single layer graphene in micron scale devices. A broadband on-chip RF current line is used to bring micron scale permalloy (Ni80_{80}Fe20_{20}) pads to ferromagnetic resonance with a magnetic field tunable resonance condition. At resonance, a spin current is emitted into graphene, which is detected by the inverse spin hall voltage in a close-by platinum electrode. Clear spin current signals are detected down to a power of a few milliwatts over a frequency range of 2 GHz to 8 GHz. This compact device scheme paves the way for more complex device structures and allows the investigation of novel materials.Comment: 7 pages, 4 figure

    A note on computing a maximal planar subgraph using PQ-trees

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    The problem of computing a maximal planar subgraph of a non planar graph has been deeply investigated over the last 20 years. Several attempts have been tried to solve the problem with the help of PQ-trees. The latest attempt has been reported by Jayakumar et al. [10]. In this paper we show that the algorithm presented by Jayakumar et al. is not correct. We show that it does not necessarily compute a maximal planar subgraph and we note that the same holds for a modified version of the algorithm presented by Kant [12]. Our conclusions most likely suggest not to use PQ-trees at all for this specific problem

    Ordered Level Planarity, Geodesic Planarity and Bi-Monotonicity

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    We introduce and study the problem Ordered Level Planarity which asks for a planar drawing of a graph such that vertices are placed at prescribed positions in the plane and such that every edge is realized as a y-monotone curve. This can be interpreted as a variant of Level Planarity in which the vertices on each level appear in a prescribed total order. We establish a complexity dichotomy with respect to both the maximum degree and the level-width, that is, the maximum number of vertices that share a level. Our study of Ordered Level Planarity is motivated by connections to several other graph drawing problems. Geodesic Planarity asks for a planar drawing of a graph such that vertices are placed at prescribed positions in the plane and such that every edge is realized as a polygonal path composed of line segments with two adjacent directions from a given set SS of directions symmetric with respect to the origin. Our results on Ordered Level Planarity imply NPNP-hardness for any SS with S4|S|\ge 4 even if the given graph is a matching. Katz, Krug, Rutter and Wolff claimed that for matchings Manhattan Geodesic Planarity, the case where SS contains precisely the horizontal and vertical directions, can be solved in polynomial time [GD'09]. Our results imply that this is incorrect unless P=NPP=NP. Our reduction extends to settle the complexity of the Bi-Monotonicity problem, which was proposed by Fulek, Pelsmajer, Schaefer and \v{S}tefankovi\v{c}. Ordered Level Planarity turns out to be a special case of T-Level Planarity, Clustered Level Planarity and Constrained Level Planarity. Thus, our results strengthen previous hardness results. In particular, our reduction to Clustered Level Planarity generates instances with only two non-trivial clusters. This answers a question posed by Angelini, Da Lozzo, Di Battista, Frati and Roselli.Comment: Appears in the Proceedings of the 25th International Symposium on Graph Drawing and Network Visualization (GD 2017

    Straight-line Drawability of a Planar Graph Plus an Edge

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    We investigate straight-line drawings of topological graphs that consist of a planar graph plus one edge, also called almost-planar graphs. We present a characterization of such graphs that admit a straight-line drawing. The characterization enables a linear-time testing algorithm to determine whether an almost-planar graph admits a straight-line drawing, and a linear-time drawing algorithm that constructs such a drawing, if it exists. We also show that some almost-planar graphs require exponential area for a straight-line drawing

    Optimization by thermal cycling

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    Thermal cycling is an heuristic optimization algorithm which consists of cyclically heating and quenching by Metropolis and local search procedures, respectively, where the amplitude slowly decreases. In recent years, it has been successfully applied to two combinatorial optimization tasks, the traveling salesman problem and the search for low-energy states of the Coulomb glass. In these cases, the algorithm is far more efficient than usual simulated annealing. In its original form the algorithm was designed only for the case of discrete variables. Its basic ideas are applicable also to a problem with continuous variables, the search for low-energy states of Lennard-Jones clusters.Comment: Submitted to Proceedings of the Workshop "Complexity, Metastability and Nonextensivity", held in Erice 20-26 July 2004. Latex, 7 pages, 3 figure

    Simultaneous Orthogonal Planarity

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    We introduce and study the OrthoSEFEk\textit{OrthoSEFE}-k problem: Given kk planar graphs each with maximum degree 4 and the same vertex set, do they admit an OrthoSEFE, that is, is there an assignment of the vertices to grid points and of the edges to paths on the grid such that the same edges in distinct graphs are assigned the same path and such that the assignment induces a planar orthogonal drawing of each of the kk graphs? We show that the problem is NP-complete for k3k \geq 3 even if the shared graph is a Hamiltonian cycle and has sunflower intersection and for k2k \geq 2 even if the shared graph consists of a cycle and of isolated vertices. Whereas the problem is polynomial-time solvable for k=2k=2 when the union graph has maximum degree five and the shared graph is biconnected. Further, when the shared graph is biconnected and has sunflower intersection, we show that every positive instance has an OrthoSEFE with at most three bends per edge.Comment: Appears in the Proceedings of the 24th International Symposium on Graph Drawing and Network Visualization (GD 2016

    Improved limits on nuebar emission from mu+ decay

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    We investigated mu+ decays at rest produced at the ISIS beam stop target. Lepton flavor (LF) conservation has been tested by searching for \nueb via the detection reaction p(\nueb,e+)n. No \nueb signal from LF violating mu+ decays was identified. We extract upper limits of the branching ratio for the LF violating decay mu+ -> e+ \nueb \nu compared to the Standard Model (SM) mu+ -> e+ nue numub decay: BR < 0.9(1.7)x10^{-3} (90%CL) depending on the spectral distribution of \nueb characterized by the Michel parameter rho=0.75 (0.0). These results improve earlier limits by one order of magnitude and restrict extensions of the SM in which \nueb emission from mu+ decay is allowed with considerable strength. The decay \mupdeb as source for the \nueb signal observed in the LSND experiment can be excluded.Comment: 10 pages, including 1 figure, 1 tabl

    Using Sifting for k-Layer Straightline Crossing Minimization

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    We present a new algorithm for k-layer straightline crossing minimization which is based on sifting that is a heuristic for dynamic reordering of decision diagrams used during logic synthesis and formal verification of logic circuits. The experiments prove sifting to be very efficient. In particular it outperforms the traditional layer by layer sweep based heuristics known from literature by far when applied to k-layered graphs with k \ge 3

    Galactic vs. Extragalactic Origin of the Peculiar Transient SCP 06F6

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    We study four scenarios for the SCP 06F6 transient event that was announced recently. Some of these were previously briefly discussed as plausible models for SCP 06F6, in particular with the claimed detection of a z=0.143 cosmological redshift of a Swan spectrum of a carbon rich envelope. We adopt this value of z for extragalactic scenarios. We cannot rule out any of these models, but can rank them from most to least preferred. Our favorite model is a tidal disruption of a CO white dwarf (WD) by an intermediate-mass black hole (IMBH). To account for the properties of the SCP 06F6 event, we have to assume the presence of a strong disk wind that was not included in previous numerical simulations. If the IMBH is the central BH of a galaxy, this explains the non detection of a bright galaxy in the direction of SCP 06F6. Our second favorite scenario is a type Ia-like SN that exploded inside the dense wind of a carbon star. The carbon star is the donor star of the exploded WD. Our third favorite model is a Galactic source of an asteroid that collided with a WD. Such a scenario was discussed in the past as the source of dusty disks around WDs, but no predictions exist regarding the appearance of such an event. Our least favorite model is of a core collapse SN. The only way we can account for the properties of SCP 06F6 with a core collapse SN is if we assume the occurrence of a rare type of binary interaction.Comment: Accepted by New Astronom

    Enhancing medical students' communication skills: development and evaluation of an undergraduate training program

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>There is a relative lack of current research on the effects of specific communication training offered at the beginning of the medical degree program. The newly developed communication training "Basics and Practice in Communication Skills" was pilot tested in 2008 and expanded in the following year at the University Medical Centre Hamburg-Eppendorf in Germany. The goal was to promote and improve the communicative skills of participants and show the usefulness of an early offered intervention on patient-physician communication within the medical curriculum.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>The students participating in the project and a comparison group of students from the standard degree program were surveyed at the beginning and end of the courses. The survey consisted of a self-assessment of their skills as well as a standardised expert rating and an evaluation of the modules by means of a questionnaire.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>Students who attended the communication skills course exhibited a considerable increase of communication skills in this newly developed training. It was also observed that students in the intervention group had a greater degree of self-assessed competence following training than the medical students in the comparison group. This finding is also reflected in the results from a standardised objective measure.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>The empirical results of the study showed that the training enabled students to acquire specialised competence in communication through the course of a newly developed training program. These findings will be used to establish new communication training at the University Medical Centre Hamburg-Eppendorf.</p