43 research outputs found

    Leaders of Public Service Organizations: Improve Library Excellent Service

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    This study aims to determine the role of leaders in improving library excellent service. The object of research focuses on content the role of the leader in library excellent services. The scope of the study examines the embodiment of the leader's role performance in library excellent services. Research is a historical approach, has the main characteristics of critical research about developments in reality. Utilization of primary data is the main source of information and data search methods using library research. Using qualitative descriptive analysis and content analysis to analyze the importance of understanding the role of leaders, the performance of librarians and excellent service and its application in library organizations. The observation was carried out as supporting theoretical construction. The results showed that the role of leaders in improving library excellent service is; (1). Planning strategies and effective communication in the working mechanism of library organizations. (2). Improving the performance of librarians through enhancing professionalism and competence using an assessment of librarian performance measure

    Faktor-faktor yang Mempengaruhi Permintaan (Demand) Masyarakat terhadap Pemilihan Kelas Perawatan pada Rumah Sakit

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    Background: Individual need for hospital services is directlyinfluenced by psychologic variables: taste, sick-healthperception, expectation, assessment of provider and individualcharacteristic such as: age, sex, education and job.Objectives: The study covered people who had hospitalization.The goal of this research is to identify and analyze factors thatinfluence the public demand to select hospital class and examinebed composition which suitable with consumer needs andconsumer characteristics. The consumers characteristics are:sex, education, job and ability, availability, acceptability,accessibility and willingness.Method: The samples are inpatients from Dr.Soetomo Hospital,Dr.Ramelan Hospital and Darmo Hospital. Total sample is 296,which consist of 98 from Dr.Soetomo Hospital, 98 fromDr.Ramelan Hospital and 100 from Darmo Hospital. Samplesare collected by proportional stratified random sampling.The method in this study is cross sectional study and analysiswith logistic regression analysis (significants < 0.05).Result and conclusion: Result this experiment show that 3factors (ability, availability and willingness) have correlation inchoosing the hospital class. Suitable Bed composition withconsumer need are: VIP:1st Class:2nd Class:3rd Class =6%:15,6%:28,4%:50%.Keywords: demand, consumer characteristics, hospital classselection, bed compositio

    Computational modelling and experimental characterisation of heterogeneous materials

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    Heterogeneous materials can exhibit behaviour under load that cannot be described by classical continuum elasticity. Beams in bending can show a relative stiffening as the beam depth tends to zero, a size effect. Size effects are recognised in higher order continuum elastic theories such as micropolar elasticity. The drawback of higher order theories is the requirement of addition constitutive relations and associated properties that are often difficult to establish experimentally. Furthermore the finite element method, of great benefit in classical elasticity, has shown limitations when applied to micropolar elasticity. The determination of additional constitutive properties and the computational modelling of micropolar elasticity will be discussed in the context of a model heterogeneous material loaded in simple 3 point bending. The model material was created by drilling holes in aluminium bar in a regular pattern, with the hole axis normal to the plane of bending. The bending tests show that a size effect is present. These results are compared against modelling the detailed beam geometries in the finite element package ANSYS, which again shows the size effect. These two bending test are used to extract the additional micropolar elastic material properties. A comparison is then made against analytical solutions,numerical solutions using a micropolar beam finite element and a micropolar plane stress control volume method.It will be shown that the need for extensive experimental testing to determine the additional constitutive properties may not be necessary with the appropriate use of numerical methods

    Kinerja Teknologi dan Pendapatan Usahatani Padi di Lahan Sawah Pasang Surut

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    Hutapea Y, Raharjo B, Hutabarat P.Ā  2020.Ā  Technology performance and rice farming income in tidal swamp land. In: Herlinda S et al. (Eds.), Prosiding Seminar Nasional Lahan Suboptimal ke-8 Tahun 2020, Palembang 20 Oktober 2020. pp. xx. Palembang: Penerbit & Percetakan Universitas Sriwijaya (UNSRI).Rice technology innovation has not been optimally applied and adopted by farmers in its development areas.It is necessary to determine priority improvements in technology assistance.Therefore, this study aims to analyze the performance of the application of technology and income of rice farming in tidal swamp. Data/information collection activities were carried out in March-April 2020.The case study conducted in Pinang Banjar Village, Sungai Lilin Sub District, Musi Banyuasin Regency.Information was collected from two farmer groups, namely Banjar Sari and Banjar Harum II, with a total of 20 and 18 farmers, respectively, who are involved in Innovation-Based Agricultural Area activities.Data were analyzed descriptively both qualitatively and quantitatively, assisted by the use of Cartesian diagrams.Financial analysis was carried out to determine the feasibility level of farming in 2019 dry season and 2019/2020 rainy season.The results of the study show that based on the understanding and reality of the application of technology, the drying of grain and the use of new varietyĀ  needs improvement in its application. Farmers' understanding and its application need to be improved in irrigation, fertilization, land management, pest and disease management and the use of organic matter.The productivity of rice in Pinang Banjar Village still has the opportunity to be increased both in the rainy and dry seasons, because the results obtained have not reached half of the potential production of current superior varieties.This low productivity also results in low income for rice farming, which only reaches Rp. 5,150,600 / ha in the rainy season

    Fasilitas Objek Wisata Pasar Wisata Kota Pekanbaru

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    This reserch is about the attraction of tourist facilities Pekanbaru Travel Market. Thepurpose of this study are: (1) to assess the attraction facilities Pekanbaru Travel Market, (2) todetermine the expectations of visitors to the existing facilities at the attraction Travel MarketPekanbaru.The sample in this study is the tourists who visited attraction Travel Market PekanbaruCity in 2014, amounting to 94 560 people, who then uses a formula to determine besara slovinsample. So it can be determined the number of samples in this study is 100 people. This studyused a qualitative descriptive method in determining the outcome of the study.The results of this study is stated that the level of satisfaction of visitors to the attraction oftourist facilities in the city of Pekanbaru Travel Market is good enough. It can be seen from theresults of questionnaires, observations and interviews that researchers do in the field.The conclusions in research on tourist facilities attraction Pekanbaru Travel Market are: (1)Given that the existing tourist facilities in the tourism market, both major facilities, supportfacilities, and supporting facilities have been considered quite good. (2) Given that visitors whocome to the tourist market still has high expectations of improvement of tourist facilities in thelocation of the tourist market.Keywords: Tourism Facilities, Top Facilities, Facility Support, Supporting Facilities, Attractions,Travel Market, visitor satisfaction

    Aerobic Exercise Treatment Model as an Attempt to Improve Promotif and Preventive Functions of Pulmonary Capacity

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    Pulmonary function respiration system as important in the human body, the function provides oxygen (O2) from the outside of the body for the process of cell metabolism and removing carbon dioxide (CO2) and water (H2O) from the body. Function lung capacity is influenced by genetic, age, gender, height, pulmonary disease, smoking habit and custom of the sport. Aerobic exercises are done routinely run will cause the change form on the muscular system, circulatory system, cardiovascular system and ability of lung capacity function.Ā  Response to aerobic exercise against pulmonary function capacity depending on exercise intensity, duration and frequency of exercise. The purpose of this research is to know the influence of aerobic exercise against pulmonary function capacity. This research is Experimental Quasy Study, with design of Pretest-Posttest with control group design. The sample amounted to 35 people. The results of the statistical analysis show that there is a significant influence of aerobic exercise to increased lung capacity function. The mean FVC after sports increased 1, 10% with p value = 0,017 and average FEV1 after sports increased 0, 23% with p value = 0,005. Time duration of exercise indicates the absence of effect on the changes in pulmonary function capacity (FVC p value = 0,494 and FEV1 p value = 0,805). Frequency of exercise 3 times a week showed the existence of significant influence towards increasing lung capacity function (FVC p value = 0,001 andĀ  FEV1 p value = 0,000). Key words: aerobic Exercise, time duration, frequency, FVC (Forced Vital Capacity), FEV1 (Forced Expiratory Volume in One Second


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    Background: Individual need for hospital services is directlyinfluenced by psychologic variables: taste, sick-healthperception, expectation, assessment of provider and individualcharacteristic such as: age, sex, education and job.Objectives: The study covered people who had hospitalization.The goal of this research is to identify and analyze factors thatinfluence the public demand to select hospital class and examinebed composition which suitable with consumer needs andconsumer characteristics. The consumerā€™s characteristics are:sex, education, job and ability, availability, acceptability,accessibility and willingness.Method: The samples are inpatients from Dr.Soetomo Hospital,Dr.Ramelan Hospital and Darmo Hospital. Total sample is 296,which consist of 98 from Dr.Soetomo Hospital, 98 fromDr.Ramelan Hospital and 100 from Darmo Hospital. Samplesare collected by proportional stratified random sampling.The method in this study is cross sectional study and analysiswith logistic regression analysis (significants < 0.05).Result and conclusion: Result this experiment show that 3factors (ability, availability and willingness) have correlation inchoosing the hospital class. Suitable Bed composition withconsumer need are: VIP:1st Class:2nd Class:3rd Class =6%:15,6%:28,4%:50%.Keywords: demand, consumer characteristics, hospital classselection, bed compositio

    Peningkatan Nilai Tambah Agribisnis melalui Penerapan Inovasi Teknologi USAhatani Padi : Studi Kasus Kegiatan Prima Tani Kabupaten Musi Rawas, Sumatera Selatan

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    Increasing of Agribusiness Value Added through Aplication of Rice Farming System TechnolgyInnovation: A Case Study of Prima Tani Activity In Musi Rawas District, South Sumatera. The application oftechnology innovation was conducted to overcome productivity disparity, to increase farmer income and to improvefarmer prosperity. Technology innovation on rice farming has been applied at ā€œPrima Taniā€ activities on intensiveirrigation land since 2005 in South Sumatera Province. The aim of this study was to compare the application oftechnology innovation, cost production and rice farming income between participant and non participant farmers. Dataof rice farming activity during wet season in 2006/2007 was collected in Mei until September 2007 by interviewingparticipant farmer of Prima Tani in Kertosari Village and compared the result to the non participant in PurwakaryaVillage, Purwodadi Sub-district, Musi Rawas Regency. Samples was taken by Disproportionate Stratified RandomSampling. Result showed that the scores of technology application from participant and non participant farmerswere 6.38 and 4.37 respectively. However, there was no statistically difference between two farmers groups andincluded as medium category of technology application. The productivity of harvested dried rice of participantfarmers was 7. 8 kg/ha and 7.2 5 kg/ha for non participant farmers. Total cost of rice farming for participant andnon participant farmers were Rp.5,786,035/ha and Rp.6,663,875/ha respectively. Rice farming income of participantfarmer (Rp.8,228,9 5/ha) was significantly different from those in non-participant farmer (Rp.7,235,435/ha).Key words: Paddy, farming system, innovation, income. Penerapan teknologi inovasi dilakukan untuk mengatasi masalah senjang produktivitas, meningkatkanpendapatan USAhatani dan kesejahteraan petani. Inovasi teknologi pada USAhatani padi dilakukan melaluikegiatan Prima Tani lahan irigasi intensif Provinsi Sumatera Selatan sejak tahun 2005. Kegiatan ini bertujuanuntuk membandingkan penerapan teknologi USAhatani padi, biaya yang dikeluarkan dan pendapatan USAhatanipadi yang diperoleh oleh petani peserta dan bukan peserta Prima Tani. Pengumpulan data untuk meliput aktivitasusahatani dari musim hujan 2006/2007 dilakukan melalui wawancara pada bulan Mei-September 2007 padapetani peserta Prima Tani di Desa Kertosari dibandingkan dengan petani bukan peserta di Desa Purwakarya padakecamatan yang sama yaitu Kecamatan Purwodadi. Pengambilan sampel petani pemilik-penggarap secara AcakBerlapis Tak Berimbang. Hasil pengkajian menunjukkan bahwa skor penerapan teknologi pada petani pesertadan bukan peserta masing-masing 6,38 dan 4,37, tetapi secara statistik tidak berbeda nyata dan termasukdalam kategori penerapan teknologi pada tingkat sedang. Produksi gabah kering panen yang diperoleh petanipeserta dan bukan peserta sebanyak 7. 8 kg/ha dan 7.2 5 kg/ha. Biaya total yang dikeluarkan oleh petani pesertaPeningkatan Nilai Tambah Agribisnis melalui Penerapan Inovasi Teknologi Usahatani Padi :Studi Kasus Kegiatan Prima TaniKabupaten Musi Rawas, Sumatera Selatan (Yanter Hutapea, Pandu AP Hutabarat dan Tumarlan Thamrin)53sebesar Rp.5.786.035/ha, sedangkan petani bukan peserta sebesar Rp.6.663.875/ha. Pendapatan USAhatani padiyang diperoleh petani peserta (Rp.8.228.9 5/ha) secara nyata dibanding petani bukan peserta (Rp.7.235.435/ha)