2,537 research outputs found

    Multifacet holographic optical elements

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    New types of holographic optical elements, combining the flexibility of computer generated holograms with the large space bandwidth product and high diffraction efficiency of interferometrically recorded volume phase holograms, are demonstrated. The optical elements are recorded by subdividing a volume hologram film surface into numerous small areas (facets), each of which is individually exposed under computer control. Each facet is used to produce a portion of the desired final wavefront. Three different optical elements are demonstrated

    Is nonhelical hydromagnetic turbulence peaked at small scales?

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    Nonhelical hydromagnetic turbulence without an imposed magnetic field is considered in the case where the magnetic Prandtl number is unity. The magnetic field is entirely due to dynamo action. The magnetic energy spectrum peaks at a wavenumber of about 5 times the minimum wavenumber in the domain, and not at the resistive scale, as has previously been argued. Throughout the inertial range the spectral magnetic energy exceeds the kinetic energy by a factor of about 2.5, and both spectra are approximately parallel. At first glance, the total energy spectrum seems to be close to k^{-3/2}, but there is a strong bottleneck effect and it is suggested that the asymptotic spectrum is k^{-5/3}. This is supported by the value of the second order structure function exponent that is found to be \zeta_2=0.70, suggesting a k^{-1.70} spectrum.Comment: 6 pages, 6 figure

    Vibrionaceae core, shell and cloud genes are non-randomly distributed on Chr 1: An hypothesis that links the genomic location of genes with their intracellular placement.

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    BackgroundThe genome of Vibrionaceae bacteria, which consists of two circular chromosomes, is replicated in a highly ordered fashion. In fast-growing bacteria, multifork replication results in higher gene copy numbers and increased expression of genes located close to the origin of replication of Chr 1 (ori1). This is believed to be a growth optimization strategy to satisfy the high demand of essential growth factors during fast growth. The relationship between ori1-proximate growth-related genes and gene expression during fast growth has been investigated by many researchers. However, it remains unclear which other gene categories that are present close to ori1 and if expression of all ori1-proximate genes is increased during fast growth, or if expression is selectively elevated for certain gene categories.ResultsWe calculated the pangenome of all complete genomes from the Vibrionaceae family and mapped the four pangene categories, core, softcore, shell and cloud, to their chromosomal positions. This revealed that core and softcore genes were found heavily biased towards ori1, while shell genes were overrepresented at the opposite part of Chr 1 (i.e., close to ter1). RNA-seq of Aliivibrio salmonicida and Vibrio natriegens showed global gene expression patterns that consistently correlated with chromosomal distance to ori1. Despite a biased gene distribution pattern, all pangene categories contributed to a skewed expression pattern at fast-growing conditions, whereas at slow-growing conditions, softcore, shell and cloud genes were responsible for elevated expression.ConclusionThe pangene categories were non-randomly organized on Chr 1, with an overrepresentation of core and softcore genes around ori1, and overrepresentation of shell and cloud genes around ter1. Furthermore, we mapped our gene distribution data on to the intracellular positioning of chromatin described for V. cholerae, and found that core/softcore and shell/cloud genes appear enriched at two spatially separated intracellular regions. Based on these observations, we hypothesize that there is a link between the genomic location of genes and their cellular placement

    Focused Crossed Andreev Reflection

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    We consider non-local transport in a system with one superconducting and two normal metal terminals. Electron focusing by weak perpendicular magnetic fields is shown to tune the ratio between crossed Andreev reflection (CAR) and electron transfer (ET) in the non-local current response. Additionally, electron focusing facilitates non-local signals between normal metal contacts where the separation is as large as the mean free path rather than being limited by the coherence length of the superconductor. CAR and ET can be selectively enhanced by modulating the magnetic field

    Hysteretic Transition Between States of a Filled Hexagonal Magnetic Dipole Cluster

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    By minimizing the magnetostatic potential energy and by finding zeros in the sum of the squares of the torques, we find the equilibrium states of six dipoles of identical strength at the vertices of a regular hexagon and a variable-strength dipole at the center. The seven dipoles spin freely about fixed axes that are perpendicular to the plane of the hexagon, with their dipole moments directed parallel to the plane. When the central dipole is weak compared with the perimeter dipoles, a ‘‘circular’’ state applies in which the perimeter dipole moments circle around the central dipole, which points toward a perimeter dipole. When the central dipole is strong, a more symmetric ‘‘dipolar’’ state applies in which the perimeter dipole moments align approximately with the field of the central dipole. Over an intermediate range of dipole strengths bounded by two critical values, both states are locally stable and the state of the system depends upon its history. Iron filings are used to observe both states in experiments on small spherical neodymium magnets. A ‘‘misaligned’’ state that is barely unstable theoretically is also observed experimentally; this state resembles the circular state except that the central dipole moment points toward a point of contact between two perimeter magnets

    The scaling properties of dissipation in incompressible isotropic three-dimensional magnetohydrodynamic turbulence

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    The statistical properties of the dissipation process constrain the analysis of large scale numerical simulations of three dimensional incompressible magnetohydrodynamic (MHD) turbulence, such as those of Biskamp and Muller [Phys. Plasmas 7, 4889 (2000)]. The structure functions of the turbulent flow are expected to display statistical self-similarity, but the relatively low Reynolds numbers attainable by direct numerical simulation, combined with the finite size of the system, make this difficult to measure directly. However, it is known that extended self-similarity, which constrains the ratio of scaling exponents of structure functions of different orders, is well satisfied. This implies the extension of physical scaling arguments beyond the inertial range into the dissipation range. The present work focuses on the scaling properties of the dissipation process itself. This provides an important consistency check in that we find that the ratio of dissipation structure function exponents is that predicted by the She and Leveque [Phys. Rev. Lett 72, 336 (1994)] theory proposed by Biskamp and Muller. This supplies further evidence that the cascade mechanism in three dimensional MHD turbulence is non-linear random eddy scrambling, with the level of intermittency determined by dissipation through the formation of current sheets.Comment: 9 pages, 6 figures. Figures embedded in text. Typos corrected in text and references. Published in Physics of Plasmas. Abstract can be found at:http://link.aip.org/link/?php/12/02230

    Combination PPARγ and RXR Agonist Treatment in Melanoma Cells: Functional Importance of S100A2

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    Nuclear hormone receptors, including RXR and PPARγ, represent novel therapeutic targets in melanoma. We have previously shown that the DRO subline of the amelanotic melanoma A375 responds to rexinoid and thiazolidinedione (TZD) treatment in vitro and in vivo. We performed microarray analysis of A375(DRO) after TZD and combination rexinoid/TZD treatment in which the calcium binding protein S100A2 had increased expression after rexinoid or TZD treatment and a synergistic increase to combination treatment. Increased S100A2 expression is dependent on an intact PPARγ receptor, but it is not sufficient to mediate the antiproliferative effects of rexinoid/TZD treatment. Over expression of S100A2 enhanced the effect of rexinoid and TZD treatment while inhibition of S100A2 expression attenuated the response to rexinoid/TZD treatment, suggesting that S100A2 is necessary for optimal response to RXR and PPARγ activation by respective ligands. In summary, we have identified potential downstream mediators of rexinoid and TZD treatment in a poorly differentiated melanoma and found that alterations in S100A2 expression affect RXR and PPARγ signaling in A375(DRO) cells. These studies provide insight into potential mechanisms of tumor response or resistance to these novel therapies

    Hysteretic Transition Between States of a Filled Hexagonal Magnetic Dipole Cluster

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    By minimizing the magnetostatic potential energy and by finding zeros in the sum of the squares of the torques, we find the equilibrium states of six dipoles of identical strength at the vertices of a regular hexagon and a variable-strength dipole at the center. The seven dipoles spin freely about fixed axes that are perpendicular to the plane of the hexagon, with their dipole moments directed parallel to the plane. When the central dipole is weak compared with the perimeter dipoles, a ‘‘circular’’ state applies in which the perimeter dipole moments circle around the central dipole, which points toward a perimeter dipole. When the central dipole is strong, a more symmetric ‘‘dipolar’’ state applies in which the perimeter dipole moments align approximately with the field of the central dipole. Over an intermediate range of dipole strengths bounded by two critical values, both states are locally stable and the state of the system depends upon its history. Iron filings are used to observe both states in experiments on small spherical neodymium magnets. A ‘‘misaligned’’ state that is barely unstable theoretically is also observed experimentally; this state resembles the circular state except that the central dipole moment points toward a point of contact between two perimeter magnets