179 research outputs found

    Manufacturing of polycaprolactone - Graphene fibers for nerve tissue engineering

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    Nanofibrous structures have morphological similarities to extracellular matrix and have been considered as candidate scaffolds in tissue engineering. Scaffolds made from electrospun fibers have potential in cell adhesion, proliferation and cell function. In this study, different percentages of graphene have been dispersed in a polycaprolactone-cyclopentanone solution to produce electrospun fibers. The microstructure and morphology of the fibers and the mechanical behavior of the electrospun systems were evaluated to analyze the influence of graphene content on the performances of the fibers. A significant dimensional difference between the fibers diameters of was obtained due to the graphene percentage. Accordingly, the mechanical properties of the fibrous systems are found to be influenced by the presence of the graphene. Rat stem cells were cultured on the fibrous scaffolds to evaluate the effect of the arrangement of the fibers on the morphology of the cells and differentiation into neurons. In particular, a higher population of dopaminergic neurons has been identified on the fibers with a higher percentage of graphene

    Cell bioprinting: The 3D-bioplotter™ case

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    The classic cell culture involves the use of support in two dimensions, such as a well plate or a Petri dish, that allows the culture of different types of cells. However, this technique does not mimic the natural microenvironment where the cells are exposed to. To solve that, three-dimensional bioprinting techniques were implemented, which involves the use of biopolymers and/or synthetic materials and cells. Because of a lack of information between data sources, the objective of this review paper is, to sum up, all the available information on the topic of bioprinting and to help researchers with the problematics with 3D bioprinters, such as the 3D-Bioplotter™. The 3D-Bioplotter™ has been used in the pre-clinical field since 2000 and could allow the printing of more than one material at the same time, and therefore to increase the complexity of the 3D structure manufactured. It is also very precise with maximum flexibility and a user-friendly and stable software that allows the optimization of the bioprinting process on the technological point of view. Different applications have resulted from the research on this field, mainly focused on regenerative medicine, but the lack of information and/or the possible misunderstandings between papers makes the reproducibility of the tests dicult. Nowadays, the 3D Bioprinting is evolving into another technology called 4D Bioprinting, which promises to be the next step in the bioprinting field and might promote great applications in the future

    Stress-induced stabilization of pyrolyzed polyacrylonitrile and carbon nanotubes electrospun fibers

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    The unique properties of graphitic carbons have gained widespread attention towards their development and application. Carbon materials can be synthesized by thermal decomposition and, more specifically, carbon pyrolysis from polymer precursors. The paper shows the pyrolysis process of polyacrylonitrile (PAN) in the presence of multi-walled carbon nanotubes (MWCNTs) according to different manufacturing process conditions. The electrospinning process of the PAN-MWCNTs solution on multi-plates collectors was firstly analyzed. The morphology and the particles arrangement of the electrospun fibers was studied under scanning and transmission electron microscopes. Moreover, the composite fibrous mats were characterized by RAMAN spectroscopy to identify the effects of a mechanical tension application during the thermal stabilization phase performed before the pyrolysis treatment to obtain carbon fibers from the precursor polymer. The results show that the graphitization of the pyrolyzed fibers is enhanced by the combination of MWCNTs and a mechanical stress applied during the thermal treatment

    Hybrid multi-layered scaffolds produced via grain extrusion and electrospinning for 3D cell culture tests

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    Purpose: The purpose of this paper is to focus on the production of scaffolds with specific morphology and mechanical behavior to satisfy specific requirements regarding their stiffness, biological interactions and surface structure that can promote cell-cell and cell-matrix interactions though proper porosity, pore size and interconnectivity. Design/methodology/approach: This case study was focused on the production of multi-layered hybrid scaffolds made of polycaprolactone and consisting in supporting grids obtained by Material Extrusion (ME) alternated with electrospun layers. An open source 3D printer was utilized, with a grain extrusion head that allows the production and distribution of strands on the plate according to the designed geometry. Square grid samples were observed under optical microscope showing a good interconnectivity and spatial distribution of the pores, while scanning electron microscope analysis was used to study the electrospun mats morphology. Findings: A good adhesion between the ME and electrospinning layers was achieved by compression under specific thermomechanical conditions obtaining a hybrid three-dimensional scaffold. The mechanical performances of the scaffolds have been analyzed by compression tests, and the biological characterization was carried out by seeding two different cells phenotypes on each side of the substrates. Originality/value: The structure of the multi-layered scaffolds demonstrated to play an important role in promoting cell attachment and proliferation in a 3D culture formation. It is expected that this design will improve the performances of osteochondral scaffolds with a strong influence on the required formation of an interface tissue and structure that need to be rebuilt

    micro structuring of titanium collectors by laser ablation technique a promising approach to produce micro patterned scaffolds for tissue engineering applications

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    Abstract Multi-scale micro-structured scaffolds can sustain attachment and orientation of different cells phenotypes. An innovative use of laser ablation technique to build micro-structured titanium surfaces to be used as collectors in both electrophoretic deposition and electrospinning processes was investigated. To produce micro-patterned scaffolds, a negative replica patterning was exploited by designing specific patterns to be laser ablated on titanium plates. This method allows the deposition of the scaffolds on the mold, thus reproducing the micro-features on the scaffold surface. The titanium surface morphology depending on ablation parameters was studied and the capability of the process in replicating the micro-pattern was characterized

    Production of carbonized micro-patterns by photolithography and pyrolysis

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    The preparation of carbon micro-patterns is reported in this paper. Different carbon micro-patterns were created using photolithography of the epoxy-based negative photoresist SU-8. Photoresist patterns were optimized in terms of resolution and aspect ratio and subsequently subjected to pyrolysis to obtain carbonized and conductive 3D structures. The latter step requires the optimization of the resist cross-linking time as well as the temperature and time of the resist post-bake. This step is crucial in order to avoid any severe modification of the geometry of the patterns produced during the actual pyrolysis. By observing optical and scanning electron microscope images, the morphology of the structures before and after pyrolysis was studied and the same patterns were also characterized by a laser probe profilometer. Finally, the thus obtained carbon patterns on Si wafers were used to carry out cell culture tests with Neural Stem Cells (NSC). The adhesion and the arrangement of the stem cells were analyzed to verify the ability of the patterned substrates to guide the orientation and, therefore, the differentiation of the cells

    Number of loops of size h in growing scale-free networks

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    The hierarchical structure of scale-free networks has been investigated focusing on the scaling of the number Nh(t)N_h(t) of loops of size h as a function of the system size. In particular we have found the analytic expression for the scaling of Nh(t)N_h(t) in the Barab\'asi-Albert (BA) scale-free network. We have performed numerical simulations on the scaling law for Nh(t)N_h(t) in the BA network and in other growing scale free networks, such as the bosonic network (BN) and the aging nodes (AN) network. We show that in the bosonic network and in the aging node network the phase transitions in the topology of the network are accompained by a change in the scaling of the number of loops with the system size.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figure

    An experimental study on micro-milling of a medical grade Co-Cr-Mo alloy produced by selective laser melting

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    Cobalt-chromium-molybdenum (Co-Cr-Mo) alloys are very promising materials, in particular, in the biomedical field where their unique properties of biocompatibility and wear resistance can be exploited for surgery applications, prostheses, and many other medical devices. While Additive Manufacturing is a key technology in this field, micro-milling can be used for the creation of micro-scale details on the printed parts, not obtainable with Additive Manufacturing techniques. In particular, there is a lack of scientific research in the field of the fundamental material removal mechanisms involving micro-milling of Co-Cr-Mo alloys. Therefore, this paper presents a micro-milling characterization of Co-Cr-Mo samples produced by Additive Manufacturing with the Selective Laser Melting (SLM) technique. In particular, microchannels with different depths were made in order to evaluate the material behavior, including the chip formation mechanism, in micro-milling. In addition, the resulting surface roughness (Ra and Sa) and hardness were analyzed. Finally, the cutting forces were acquired and analyzed in order to ascertain the minimum uncut chip thickness for the material. The results of the characterization studies can be used as a basis for the identification of a machining window for micro-milling of biomedical grade cobalt-chromium-molybdenum (Co-Cr-Mo) alloys

    Triadic percolation induces dynamical topological patterns in higher-order networks

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    Triadic interactions are higher-order interactions that occur when a set of nodes affects the interaction between two other nodes. Examples of triadic interactions are present in the brain when glia modulate the synaptic signals among neuron pairs or when interneuron axon-axonic synapses enable presynaptic inhibition and facilitation, and in ecosystems when one or more species can affect the interaction among two other species. On random graphs, triadic percolation has been recently shown to turn percolation into a fully-fledged dynamical process in which the size of the giant component undergoes a route to chaos. However, in many real cases, triadic interactions are local and occur on spatially embedded networks. Here we show that triadic interactions in spatial networks induce a very complex spatio-temporal modulation of the giant component which gives rise to triadic percolation patterns with significantly different topology. We classify the observed patterns (stripes, octopus, and small clusters) with topological data analysis and we assess their information content (entropy and complexity). Moreover, we illustrate the multistability of the dynamics of the triadic percolation patterns and we provide a comprehensive phase diagram of the model. These results open new perspectives in percolation as they demonstrate that in presence of spatial triadic interactions, the giant component can acquire a time-varying topology. Hence, this work provides a theoretical framework that can be applied to model realistic scenarios in which the giant component is time-dependent as in neuroscience.Comment: 59 pages, 11 figure
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