62 research outputs found

    Using lipidomics to reveal details of lipid accumulation in developing seeds from oilseed rape (Brassica napus L.)

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    With dwindling available agricultural land, concurrent with increased demand for oil, there is much current interest in raising oil crop productivity. We have been addressing this issue by studying the regulation of oil accumulation in oilseed rape (Brassica napus L). As part of this research we have carried out a detailed lipidomic analysis of developing seeds. The molecular species distribution in individual lipid classes revealed quite distinct patterns and showed where metabolic connections were important. As the seeds developed, the molecular species distributions changed, especially in the period of early (20 days after flowering, DAF) to mid phase (27DAF) of oil accumulation. The patterns of molecular species of diacylglycerol, phosphatidylcholine and acyl-CoAs were used to predict the possible relative contributions of diacylglycerol acyltransferase (DGAT) and phospholipid:diacylglycerol acyltransferase to triacylglycerol production. Our calculations suggest that DGAT may hold a more important role in influencing the molecular composition of TAG. Enzyme selectivity had an important influence on the final molecular species patterns. Our data contribute significantly to our understanding of lipid accumulation in the world’s third most important oil crop

    Deciphering lipid structures based on platform-independent decision rule sets

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    We developed decision rule sets for Lipid Data Analyzer (LDA; http://genome.tugraz.at/lda2), enabling automated and reliable annotation of lipid species and their molecular structures in high-throughput data from chromatography-coupled tandem mass spectrometry. Platform independence was proven in various mass spectrometric experiments, comprising low- and high-resolution instruments and several collision energies. We propose that this independence and the capability to identify novel lipid molecular species render current state-of-the-art lipid libraries now obsolete


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    The Beginning of High Mountain Occupations in the Pyrenees. Human Settlements and Mobility from 18,000 cal BC to 2000 cal BC

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    During the last two decades, the archaeological research carried out in the Pyrenees challenged the traditional images of the past in this mountain area. The archaeological sequence of the range goes back and sites like Balma Margineda, treated until recently as an exception, now are seen as part of more global process. Actual data suggest that main valleys of the Pyrenean frequented by humans at the end of the last glacial period, with sites slightly over 1000 o.s.l. After the Younger Dryas, the human presence ascended to alpine and subalpine areas, in accordance with current archaeological data. The Neolisitation process was early in some hillsides, with intense remains of farming and pastoralism in many sites from dated in the second half of the 6th millennia cal BC. Human settlements like Coro Tracito, Els Trocs and El Sardo confirm the full introduction of agrarian activity in the central part of the Pyrenees between 5300 and 4600 cal BC. After 3500/3300 cal BC the indices oh sheepherding rises to alpine areas, with an abrupt increase of known archaeological sites in alpine areas, above the current timberline. This phenomena, as well as the signs of anthropic disturbance of the alpine environment in sedimentary sequences, suggests a more stable and ubiquitous human presence, probably largely associated with the development of mobile herding practices.This paper has been carried out in the frame of the GAAM/AGREST research activity. More specifically, this study is part of the projects “Análisi ecológico de la culturización del paisaje de alta montaña desde el Neolítico: los Parques Nacionales de montaña como modelo (CUL-PA)” funded by the Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Environment (Spain) and directed by J. Catalán and “Modelización de los espacios prehistóricos de montaña. Un SIG del patrimonio arqueológico y los territorios pastoriles” (HAR2015-66780-P, MINECO/FEDER) funded by the Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness (Spain) and directed by E. Gassiot.Peer reviewe

    Derrame pleural: marcadores bioquímicos en el enfoque diagnóstico

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    Se describieron las principales características del líquido pleural normal y los diferentes mecanismos que conducen a la formación de un derrame pleural. Se presentó una estrategia diagnóstica a partir de la diferenciación de trasudados y exudados. Se definieron sus criterios diagnósticos. Se revisaron los marcadores bioquímicos de uso más frecuente en la práctica médica y se especificó la utilidad de cada uno para el diagnóstico de las diferentes entidades que causan derrame pleural. Se aclararon las limitaciones de estos marcadores y la importancia de su uso racional a partir de los datos clínicos de cada caso.The main characteristics of the normal pleural fluid, as well as the different mechanisms leading to the formation of a pleural effusion were described. A diagnostic strategy was presented starting from the separation of transudates and exudates. Their diagnostic criteria were also defined. Those biochemical markers that are most commonly used in the medical practice were reviewed, and the utility of each of them for the diagnosis of different diseases causing pleural effusion was specified. The limitations of these markers and the importance of their rational use according to the clinical data of every case were explained

    Influencia de la demora en el diagnóstico y el tratamiento en la supervivencia de pacientes con cáncer pulmonar Influence of diagnosis and treatment delay on the survival of patients with lung cancer

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    El carcinoma broncogénico es la causa más frecuente de fallecimiento por cáncer y con un incremento sorprendente en su incidencia. En Cuba, se ha convertido en la segunda causa de muerte para todas las edades por su pobre supervivencia la cual depende de la comorbilidad, la edad, el sexo, el tipo histológico, el estadio tumoral y de la demora en el diagnóstico y el tratamiento. En este trabajo se investigó la influencia de las demoras en el diagnóstico y en el tratamiento, así como algunos factores clínicos y sociodemográficos, de 149 pacientes con diagnóstico de cáncer broncogénico en este hospital desde enero del 2003 hasta abril del 2006. Se realizó una descripción de la información en tablas y figuras; se utilizó el método de Kaplan Meier y de regresión de Cox (divariado y multivariado) para analizar la sobrevida. En el análisis del estadiamiento predominaron los pacientes en el estadio IV (46 casos- 30,9 %), seguido de los estadios IIIB (36 casos - 24,2 %) y IB (26 - 17,4 %); sin embargo, en los estadios IA y IIA se encontraron cifras muy bajas: 3 casos (2 %) y 1 caso (0,7 %), respectivamente. La media en el tiempo de demora en el diagnóstico fue de 3,97 meses y de 13,89 días para el tiempo en la demora en el tratamiento. La probabilidad de que un paciente viva a los 3 ½ años con una neoplasia de pulmón, independientemente del tipo histológico y el estadio clínico, es de 7,47 %.The bronchogenic carcinoma is the most frequent cause of death from cancer, with a surprising increase in its incidence. In Cuba, it is the second cause of death at all ages due to its poor survival, which depends on comorbidity, age, sex, histological type, tumor stage and on the diagnosis and treatment delay. In this paper, it was investigated the influence of the diagnosis and treatment delay, as well as some clinical and sociodemographic factors of 149 patients with diagnosis of bronchogenic cancer in this hospital from January 2003 to April 2006. A description of the information was made in tables and figures. Kaplan Meier's method and Cox's regression method (divariate and multivariate) were used to analyze survival. In the staging analysis, it was observed a predominance of patients in stage IV (46 cases-30.9 %), followed by stages IIIB (36 cases-24.4 %) and IB (26-17.4 %). However, in stages IA and IIA, very low figures were found: 3 cases (2 %) and 1 case (0.7 %), respectively. The mean time of delay in the diagnosis was 3.97 months, whereas in the treatment it was 13.89 days. The probability for a patient to live 3 ½ years with lung neoplasia, independently of the histological type and of the clinical stage, was 7.47 %

    Using lipidomics to reveal details of lipid accumulation in developing seeds from oilseed rape (Brassica napus L.)

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    Targeting lipid esterases in Mycobacteria grown under different physiological conditions using activity-based profiling with tetrahydrolipstatin (THL)

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    Tetrahydrolipstatin (THL) is bactericidal but its precise target spectrum is poorly characterized. Here, we used a THL analog and activity-based protein profiling to identify target proteins after enrichment from whole cell lysates of Mycobacterium bovis Bacillus Calmette-Guérin cultured under replicating and non-replicating conditions. THL targets α/β-hydrolases, including many lipid esterases (LipD, G, H, I, M, N, O, V, W, and TesA). Target protein concentrations and total esterase activity correlated inversely with cellular triacylglycerol upon entry into and exit from non-replicating conditions. Cellular overexpression of lipH and tesA led to decreased THL susceptibility thus providing functional validation. Our results define the target spectrum of THL in a biological species with particularly diverse lipid metabolic pathways. We furthermore derive a conceptual approach that demonstrates the use of such THL probes for the characterization of substrate recognition by lipases and related enzymes