456 research outputs found

    Nutrient capture and sustainable yield maximized by a gear modification in artisanal fishing traps

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    Coral reef artisanal fisheries are an important source of nutrition and economic wellbeing for coastal communities, but their management is subject to conflicts and tradeoffs between short-term food security benefits and long-term ecological function. One potential tradeoff is between nutrient capture and fish yields, where targeting small, nutrient-dense species may be more valuable for food security than maximizing fish yields, which is more closely aligned with supporting biodiversity and ecological function. We explored these potential tradeoffs by comparing two similar gears: traditional African basket traps and traps modified with an escape gap. Traps without escape gaps captured a higher frequency of fish with body sizes below their estimated lengths at maximum sustainable yield than gated traps. Estimates of nutrient yields for six micronutrients among the 208 captured species indicated high hump-shaped relationships for gated traps and low and linear positive relationships for traditional traps. Maximum nutrients in gated traps frequently corresponded to body sizes at maximum sustainable yield. Daily capture rates of nutrients were above daily needs more often in gated than traditional traps, but calcium values were low in both trap designs. Gated traps were more likely to capture species with unique and potentially important functional traits, including browsing herbivores, which could have negative effects on ecological functions and reef recovery. However, gated traps also catch fewer immature fish and fewer predators. Our results indicate that nutrient yields can be maximized while using a gear that captures larger and more sustainable body sizes in coral reef artisanal fisheries. Preferential targeting of nutrient-dense fishes is only one of many metrics for evaluating a nutrition-centered management strategy and may only be a management target in specific contexts

    Absenteeism Problems And Costs: Causes, Effects And Cures

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    Employee absences are both costly and disruptive for business, and the trend has been increasing steadily over the years. Personal illness and family issues are cited as the primary reason for unplanned absences. Employers have been attempting to determine the validity of these illnesses and offer incentives and propose possible solutions to mitigate these absences, including those caused by family issues. Illness, family responsibilities, personal issues and stress all take a toll on the worker which in turn affects morale, absences and productivity in the workplace. Some sources including Statistics Canada cite that absenteeism approximates 15-20 percent of payroll (direct and indirect) costs. This is significant. Canada Newswire stated on May 23, 2008 that absenteeism translates into losses of over $16 billion in salary expenses. The purpose of this paper is to identify the leading factors of absenteeism, possible cures that exist for these factors, and present results of companies that have implemented programs to combat the problem of absenteeism. It is important that businesses determine if they in fact have an absenteeism problem and thus consider utilizing some of the proposed solutions offered in this paper

    Absenteeism Problems And Costs: Causes, Effects And Cures

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    Employee absences are both costly and disruptive for business, and the trend has been increasing steadily over the years.  Personal illness and family issues are cited as the primary reason for unplanned absences. Employers have been attempting to determine the validity of these illnesses and offer incentives and propose possible solutions to mitigate these absences, including those caused by family issues.  Illness, family responsibilities, personal issues and stress all take a toll on the worker which in turn affects morale, absences and productivity in the workplace.   Some sources including Statistics Canada cite that absenteeism approximates 15-20 percent of payroll (direct and indirect) costs.  This is significant.   Canada Newswire stated on May 23, 2008 that absenteeism translates into losses of over $16 billion in salary expenses.  The purpose of this paper is to identify the leading factors of absenteeism, possible “cures” that exist for these factors, and present results of companies that have implemented programs to combat the problem of absenteeism.  It is important that businesses determine if they in fact have an absenteeism problem and thus consider utilizing some of the proposed solutions offered in this paper

    Application of compositional models for glycan HILIC data

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    Glycoconjugates constitute a major class of biomolecules which include glycoproteins, glycosphingolipids and proteoglycans. The enzymatic process in which glycans (sugar chains) are linked to proteins or lipids is called glycosylation. Glycosylation is involved in many biological processes, both physiological and pathological, inlcuding host-pathogen interactions, tumour invasion, cell trafficking and signalling. Changes in glycan structure are thought be be at least partly responsible for the development of inflammation, infection, arteriosclerosis, immune defects and autoimmunity. Such changes have been observed in human diseases such as diabetes mellitus, rheumatoid arthritis and Alzheimer’s Disease. Aberrant patterns of glycosylation are also a universal feature of cancer cells. The field of glycobiology thus shows great potential for the discovery of glycan biomarkers for disease diagnosis and prognosis. Here we focus specifically on N-glycans, that is, glycans attached to protein molecules via a nitrogen atom. This class of glycans is the best characterized. High-throughput HILIC analysis is a well-established technique for the separation and quantification of N-linked glycans released from glycoproteins. HILIC analysis quantifies theN-glycan structures in serum via a chromatogram, which is subsequently standardized and integrated. The generated data for each sample is a set of relative HILIC peak areas and as a result, the data is compositional. To-date, most statistical analyses of these glycan data fail to account for their compositional nature. We compare and contrast three compositional data models for the glycan HILIC data: the Dirichlet, Nested Dirichlet and Logistic Normal models, with the intention of providing tools for the statistical analysis of compositional data analysis in the glycobiology field. We use these three models for classification of disease/control cases in ovarian and lung cancer diagnosis applications. We discuss and compare these models in terms of their classification performance and goodness-of-fit


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    This report provides the results of the seventh underwater television on the ‘Porcupine Bank Nephrops grounds’ ICES assessment area; Functional Unit 16. The survey was multi-disciplinary in nature collecting UWTV, CTD and other ecosystem data. In total 65 UWTV stations were successfully completed in a randomised 6 nautical mile isometric grid covering the full spatial extent of the stock. The mean burrow density observed in 2019, adjusted for edge effect, was 0.14 burrows/mÂČ. The final krigged abundance estimate was 1010 million burrows with a relative standard error of 5% and an estimated stock area of 7,130 km2. The 2019 abundance estimate was 9.5% lower than in 2018. Using the 2019 estimate of abundance and updated stock data implies catches between 2127 and 2637 tonnes in 2020 that correspond to the F ranges in the EU multi annual plan for Western Waters (assuming that all catch is landed). Four species of sea-pen; Virgularia mirabilis, Funiculina quadrangularis, Pennatula phosphorea and the deepwater sea-pen Kophobelemnon stelliferum were observed during the survey. Trawl marks were also observed on 31% of the stations surveyed

    Targeted gene delivery to the enteric nervous system using AAV: a comparison across serotypes and capsid mutants

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    Recombinant adeno-associated virus (AAV) vectors are one of the most widely used gene transfer systems in research and clinical trials. AAV can transduce a wide range of biological tissues, however to date, there has been no investigation on targeted AAV transduction of the enteric nervous system (ENS). Here, we examined the efficiency, tropism, spread, and immunogenicity of AAV transduction in the ENS. Rats received direct injections of various AAV serotypes expressing green fluorescent protein (GFP) into the descending colon. AAV serotypes tested included; AAV 1, 2, 5, 6, 8, or 9 and the AAV2 and AAV8 capsid mutants, AAV2-Y444F, AAV2-tripleY-F, AAV2-tripleY-F+T-V, AAV8-Y733F, and AAV8-doubeY-F+T-V. Transduction, as determined by GFP-positive cells, occurred in neurons and enteric glia within the myenteric and submucosal plexuses of the ENS. AAV6 and AAV9 showed the highest levels of transduction within the ENS. Transduction efficiency scaled with titer and time, was translated to the murine ENS, and produced no vector-related immune response. A single injection of AAV into the colon covered an area of ~47 mm(2). AAV9 primarily transduced neurons, while AAV6 transduced enteric glia and neurons. This is the first report on targeted AAV transduction of neurons and glia in the ENS

    Inhibition of native 5-HT3 receptor-evoked contractions in Guinea pig and mouse ileum by antimalarial drugs

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    Quinine, Chloroquine and mefloquine are commonly used to treat malaria; however with associated gastrointestinal (GI) side-effects. These drugs act as antagonists at recombinant 5-HT3 receptors and modulate gut peristalsis. These gastrointestinal side effects may be the result of antagonism at intestinal 5-HT3 receptors. Ileum from male C57BL/6 mice and guinea pigs was mounted longitudinally in organ baths. Concentration-response curves for 5-HT and the selective 5-HT3 agonist 2-Me-5-HT were obtained with 5-HT (pEC50=7.57±0.33, 12) more potent (P=0.004) than 2-Me-5-HT (pEC50=5.45±0.58, n=5) in mouse ileum. There was no difference in potency of 5-HT (pEC50=5.42±0.15, n=8) and 2-Me-5-HT (pIC50=5.01±0.55, n=11) in guinea pig ileum (P>0.05). Quinine, Chloroquine or mefloquine was applied for 10 min and inhibitions prior to submaximal agonist application. In mouse ileum, quinine, chloroquine and mefloquine antagonised 5-HT-induced contractions (pIC50=4.9±0.17, n=7; 4.76±0.14,n=5; 6.21±0.2, n=4, respectively) with mefloquine most potent (P<0.05). Quinine, chloroquine and mefloquine antagonised 2-me-5-HT-induced contractions (pIC50=6.35±0.11,n=8; 4.64±0.2, n=7; 5.11± 0.22, n=6, respectively) with quinine most potent (P<0.05). In guinea-pig ileum, quinine, chloroquine and mefloquine antagonised 5-HT-induced contractions (pIC50=5.02±0.15, n=6; 4.54±0.1, n=7; 5.32±0.13, n=5, respectively) and 2-me-5-HT-induced contractions (pIC50=4.62±0.25, n=5; 4.56±0.14, n=6; 5.67±0.12, n=4, respectively) with chloroquine least potent against 5-HT and mefloquine most potent against 2-me-5-HT (P<0.05). These results support previous studies identifying anti-malarial drugs as antagonists at recombinant 5-HT3 receptors and may also demonstrate the ability of these drugs to influence native 5-HT3 receptor-evoked contractile responses which may account for their associated GI side-effects
