6,807 research outputs found

    Irreversible Deposition of Line Segment Mixtures on a Square Lattice: Monte Carlo Study

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    We have studied kinetics of random sequential adsorption of mixtures on a square lattice using Monte Carlo method. Mixtures of linear short segments and long segments were deposited with the probability pp and 1−p1-p, respectively. For fixed lengths of each segment in the mixture, the jamming limits decrease when pp increases. The jamming limits of mixtures always are greater than those of the pure short- or long-segment deposition. For fixed pp and fixed length of the short segments, the jamming limits have a maximum when the length of the long segment increases. We conjectured a kinetic equation for the jamming coverage based on the data fitting.Comment: 7 pages, latex, 5 postscript figure

    The Impact of Parameterized Convection on Climatological Precipitation in Atmospheric Global Climate Models

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    This is the author accepted manuscript. The final version is available from Wiley via the DOI in this record.Convective parameterizations are widely believed to be essential for realistic simulations of the atmosphere. However, their deficiencies also result in model biases. The role of convection schemes in modern atmospheric models is examined using Selected Process On/Off Klima Intercomparison Experiment (SPOOKIE) simulations without parameterized convection and forced with observed sea surface temperatures. Convection schemes are not required for reasonable climatological precipitation. However, they are essential for reasonable daily precipitation and restraining extreme daily precipitation that otherwise develops. Systematic effects on lapse rate and humidity are likewise modest compared with the inter-model spread. Without parameterized convection Kelvin waves are more realistic. An unexpectedly large moist Southern Hemisphere storm track bias is identified. This storm track bias persists without convection schemes, as does the double intertropical convergence zone and excessive ocean precipitation biases. This suggests that model biases originate from processes other than convection or that convection schemes are missing key processes.PM, GKV and PGS are funded by the Natural Environment Research Council and Met Office as part of the EuroClim project (grant number NE/M006123/1), ParaCon project (grant number NE/N013123/1) and the Royal Society (Wolfson Foundation). MJW is supported by the Joint UK BEIS/Defra Met Office Hadley Centre Climate Programme number GA01101. SCS acknowledges the Australian Research Council (grant number FL150100035)

    Decay of the Z Boson into Scalar Particles

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    In extensions of the standard model, light scalar particles are often possible because of symmetry considerations. We study the decay of the Z boson into such particles. In particular, we consider for illustration the scalar sector of a recently proposed model of the 17-keV neutrino which satisfies all laboratory, astrophysical, and cosmological constraints.Comment: 11 pages (2 figures, not included) (Revised, Oct 1992). Some equations have been corrected and 1 figure has been eliminate

    Combining Real-Time fMRI Neurofeedback Training of the DLPFC with N-Back Practice Results in Neuroplastic Effects Confined to the Neurofeedback Target Region

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    In traditional fMRI, individuals respond to exogenous stimuli and are naïve to the effects of the stimuli on their neural activity patterns. Changes arising in the fMRI signal are analyzed post-hoc to elucidate the spatial and temporal activation of brain regions associated with the tasks performed. The advent of real-time fMRI has enabled a new method to systematically alter brain activity across space and time using neurofeedback training (NFT), providing a new tool to study internally-driven processes such as neuroplasticity. In this work, we combined n-back practice with fMRI-NFT of the left dorsolateral prefrontal cortex (DLPFC) to better understand the relationship between open- and closed-loop neuromodulation. FMRI data were acquired during both traditional n-back and NFT across five imaging sessions. Region-of-interest (ROI) and voxel-wise 2 × 2 within subjects ANOVAs were carried out to determine the effects of, and interaction between, training session and neuromodulation type. A main effect of training session was identified for only a single, highly focused cluster that shared spatial properties with the fMRI-NFT target region (left DLPFC). This finding indicates that combined open- and closed-loop neuroplastic enhancement techniques result in focal changes that are confined to the target area of NFT, and do not affect up- or down-stream network components that are normally engaged during working memory. Additionally, we identified a main effect of neuromodulation type for 15 clusters with significantly different activation between open- and closed-loop neuromodulation during training, 12 of which demonstrated higher activity during the open-loop neuromodulation. Our results, taken together with previous reports, indicate that fMRI-NFT combined with n-back practice leads to a highly focal volume exhibiting neuroplasticity without additional network effects

    Study of aircraft in intraurban transportation systems, volume 1

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    An analysis of an effective short range, high density computer transportation system for intraurban systems is presented. The seven county Detroit, Michigan, metropolitan area, was chosen as the scenario for the analysis. The study consisted of an analysis and forecast of the Detroit market through 1985, a parametric analysis of appropriate short haul aircraft concepts and associated ground systems, and a preliminary overall economic analysis of a simplified total system designed to evaluate the candidate vehicles and select the most promising VTOL and STOL aircraft. Data are also included on the impact of advanced technology on the system, the sensitivity of mission performance to changes in aircraft characteristics and system operations, and identification of key problem areas that may be improved by additional research. The approach, logic, and computer models used are adaptable to other intraurban or interurban areas

    HI Narrow Line Absorption in Dark Clouds

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    We have used the Arecibo telescope to carry out an survey of 31 dark clouds in the Taurus/Perseus region for narrow absorption features in HI (λ\lambda 21cm) and OH (1667 and 1665 MHz) emission. We detected HI narrow self--absorption (HINSA) in 77% of the clouds that we observed. HINSA and OH emission, observed simultaneously are remarkably well correlated. Spectrally, they have the same nonthermal line width and the same line centroid velocity. Spatially, they both peak at the optically--selected central position of each cloud, and both fall off toward the cloud edges. Sources with clear HINSA feature have also been observed in transitions of CO, \13co, \c18o, and CI. HINSA exhibits better correlation with molecular tracers than with CI. The line width of the absorption feature, together with analyses of the relevant radiative transfer provide upper limits to the kinetic temperature of the gas producing the HINSA. Some sources must have a temperature close to or lower than 10 K. The correlation of column densities and line widths of HINSA with those characteristics of molecular tracers suggest that a significant fraction of the atomic hydrogen is located in the cold, well--shielded portions of molecular clouds, and is mixed with the molecular gas. The average number density ratio [HI]/[\h2] is 1.5×10−31.5\times10^{-3}. The inferred HI density appears consistent with but is slightly higher than the value expected in steady state equilibrium between formation of HI via cosmic ray destruction of H2_2 and destruction via formation of H2_2 on grain surfaces. The distribution and abundance of atomic hydrogen in molecular clouds is a critical test of dark cloud chemistry and structure, including the issues of grain surface reaction rates, PDRs, circulation, and turbulent diffusion.Comment: 40 pages, 10 figures, accepted by Ap

    Effects of variation in posture and respiration on RSA and pre-ejection period

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    The extent to which variation in posture and respiration can confound pre-ejection period and respiratory sinus arrhythmia (RSA) as indices of cardiac sympatho-vagal activity was examined. Within-subjects changes in these measures were assessed in 36 subjects during different postures and (paced) respiratory frequencies. Changes from supine to sitting to standing led to reduced RSA values and longer pre-ejection periods, reflecting the known decrease in vagal but not the increase of sympathetic activity. Multilevel path analysis showed that within-subjects changes in sympatho-vagal balance were faithfully reflected by changes in interbeat interval, but imperfectly by changes in RSA and pre-ejection period. It was concluded that pre-ejection period should be stratified for posture and RSA for respiratory frequency to reliably index changes in sympatho-vagal balance when these factors are prone to change (e.g., during 24-h ambulatory recording). Copyright © 2005 Society for Psychophysiological Research

    Specific food intake, fat and fiber intake, and behavioral correlates of BMI among overweight and obese members of a managed care organization

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    BACKGROUND: The study examined correlates of body mass index (BMI) in overweight and obese members of a managed care organization seeking treatment for obesity. It assessed intake of specific foods, dietary fat or fiber, and behaviors attempted to control weight. METHODS: Participants were 508 men and 1293 women who were > 18 years and had a self-reported BMI > 27.0. This paper reports analyses of baseline and 24-month follow-up data from a randomized weight-loss trial. Cross-sectional and prospective relationships between BMI and behaviors were examined with regression analyses controlling for age and education. RESULTS: At baseline, hamburger and beef consumption were associated with higher BMI for men; for women, hamburger, fried chicken, hot dog, bacon or sausage, egg, French fry, and overall fat consumption were associated with higher BMI, while eating high fiber cereal, fruit, and overall fiber intake were associated with lower BMI. Virtually all forms of weight control behavior were reported more often in heavier people. Subscribing to exercise magazines, however, was associated with lower BMI. Decreased fat intake and increased fruit/vegetable/fiber intake over the course of the study were associated with reductions in BMI at 24 months. CONCLUSION: The same behaviors that differentiate individuals with different body weight in the general population also differentiate between individuals of different body weights at the high end of the weight distribution. Educational efforts aimed at preventing weight gain and reducing obesity might benefit from focusing on specific foods known to be associated empirically with body weight and weight change over time
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