4,764 research outputs found

    On the Formation of Runaway Stars BN and x in the Orion Nebula Cluster

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    We explore scenarios for the dynamical ejection of stars BN and x from source I in the Kleinmann-Low nebula of the Orion Nebula Cluster (ONC), which is important for being the closest region of massive star formation. This ejection would cause source I to become a close binary or a merger product of two stars. We thus consider binary-binary encounters as the mechanism to produce this event. By running a large suite of NN-body simulations, we find that it is nearly impossible to match the observations when using the commonly adopted masses for the participants, especially a source I mass of 7 M⊙7\:{\rm{M}}_\odot. The only way to recreate the event is if source I is more massive, i.e., ∼20 M⊙\sim20\:{\rm{M}}_\odot. However, even in this case, the likelihood of reproducing the observed system is low. We discuss the implications of these results for understanding this important star-forming region.Comment: 7 pages, 4 figures, 1 table. Accepted by A&A Letter

    Star Cluster Formation from Turbulent Clumps. I. The Fast Formation Limit

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    We investigate the formation and early evolution of star clusters assuming that they form from a turbulent starless clump of given mass bounded inside a parent self-gravitating molecular cloud characterized by a particular mass surface density. As a first step we assume instantaneous star cluster formation and gas expulsion. We draw our initial conditions from observed properties of starless clumps. We follow the early evolution of the clusters up to 20 Myr, investigating effects of different star formation efficiencies, primordial binary fractions and eccentricities and primordial mass segregation levels. We investigate clumps with initial masses of Mcl=3000 M⊙M_{\rm cl}=3000\:{\rm M}_\odot embedded in ambient cloud environments with mass surface densities, Σcloud=0.1\Sigma_{\rm cloud}=0.1 and 1 g cm−21\:{\rm g\:cm^{-2}}. We show that these models of fast star cluster formation result, in the fiducial case, in clusters that expand rapidly, even considering only the bound members. Clusters formed from higher Σcloud\Sigma_{\rm cloud} environments tend to expand more quickly, so are soon larger than clusters born from lower Σcloud\Sigma_{\rm cloud} conditions. To form a young cluster of a given age, stellar mass and mass surface density, these models need to assume a parent molecular clump that is many times denser, which is unrealistic compared to observed systems. We also show that in these models the initial binary properties are only slightly modified by interactions, meaning that binary properties, e.g., at 20 Myr, are very similar to those at birth. With this study we set up the basis of future work where we will investigate more realistic models of star formation compared to this instantaneous, baseline case.Comment: 25 pages, 19 figures. Accepted by Ap

    Hunting for Runaways from the Orion Nebula Cluster

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    We use Gaia DR2 to hunt for runaway stars from the Orion Nebula Cluster (ONC). We search a region extending 45{\deg} around the ONC and out to 1 kpc to find sources that overlapped in angular position with the cluster in the last ~10 Myr. We find ~17,000 runaway/walkaway candidates satisfy this 2D traceback condition. Most of these are expected to be contaminants, e.g., caused by Galactic streaming motions of stars at different distances. We thus examine six further tests to help identify real runaways, namely: (1) possessing young stellar object (YSO) colors and magnitudes based on Gaia optical photometry; (2) having IR excess consistent with YSOs based on 2MASS and WISE photometry; (3) having a high degree of optical variability; (4) having closest approach distances well constrained to within the cluster half-mass radius; (5) having ejection directions that avoid the main Galactic streaming contamination zone; and (6) having a required radial velocity (RV) for 3D overlap of reasonable magnitude (or, for the 7% of candidates with measured RVs, satisfying 3D traceback). Thirteen sources, not previously noted as Orion members, pass all these tests, while another twelve are similarly promising, except they are in the main Galactic streaming contamination zone. Among these 25 ejection candidates, ten with measured RVs pass the most restrictive 3D traceback condition. We present full lists of runaway/walkaway candidates, estimate the high-velocity population ejected from the ONC and discuss its implications for cluster formation theories via comparison with numerical simulations.Comment: 22 pages, 10 figures, and 5 tables. Accepted for publication in Ap

    Hercynian structure of the eastern part of the Sinclinal de Verín Area. Verin and Pradocabalos thrust

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    [Resumen] En el sector oriental del Sinclinal de Verín (Galicia, NW de España) at10ran rocas pertenecientes a la Zona de Galicia-Tras-os-Montes y al Dominio del Antiforme del 0110 de Sapo, separados por un importante accidente tectónico conocido en esta región como «Cabalgamiento de Verín». Dentro del autóctono relativo de este cabalgamiento se reconoce otra estructura del mismo tipo denominada «Cabalgamiento de Pradocabalos». En este trabajo se muestran las evidencias que ponen de manifiesto ambos cabalgamientos y las relaciones geométricas y estructurales entre el autóctono y alóctono relativos de los mismos, así como las estructuras, microestructuras y rocas de fallas asociadas.[Abstract] Rocks belonging to the Galicia-Tras-os-Montes Zone and to the Olla de Sapo Domain crop out in the eastern part of the Sinclinal de Verín area (Galicia, NW Spain). They are separated by an important thrust known at this area as «Verin Thrust». A similar structure, the «Pradocabalos Thrust», has been recognised in the footwall of the Verin thrust-sheet. Geometric and structural relationships between footwall and hangingwall of these thrusts are shown, as well as thrust asociated minor-structures, microstructures and fault-rocks

    Gas expulsion in highly substructured embedded star clusters

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    We investigate the response of initially substructured, young, embedded star clusters to instantaneous gas expulsion of their natal gas. We introduce primordial substructure to the stars and the gas by simplistically modelling the star formation process so as to obtain a variety of substructure distributed within our modelled star forming regions. We show that, by measuring the virial ratio of the stars alone (disregarding the gas completely), we can estimate how much mass a star cluster will retain after gas expulsion to within 10% accuracy, no matter how complex the background structure of the gas is, and we present a simple analytical recipe describing this behaviour. We show that the evolution of the star cluster while still embedded in the natal gas, and the behavior of the gas before being expelled, are crucial processes that affect the timescale on which the cluster can evolve into a virialized spherical system. Embedded star clusters that have high levels of substructure are subvirial for longer times, enabling them to survive gas expulsion better than a virialized and spherical system. By using a more realistic treatment for the background gas than our previous studies, we find it very difficult to destroy the young clusters with instantaneous gas expulsion. We conclude that gas removal may not be the main culprit for the dissolution of young star clusters.Comment: 19 pages, 8 figures, 2 tables. Accepted for publication in MNRA
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